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Steve Ignorant

Discussion in 'Music, punk scene & subcultures' started by ungovernable, Oct 3, 2009.

  1. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Active Member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    Re: Crass playing in California and charging $23?

    Went to the show tonight... it's 8AM and we just came back.... It was awesome even if the sound could have been better... Steve ignorant played all of crass best songs.... $30 each fucking tickets is a rip off, and the venue charger $20 for the parking, maybe thats why he didnt play "the greatest working class rip off".....

    Anyway, the show was at a fucking bourgeois venue, here are some pictures :

    keeping in mind that crass used to play in squats this is the extreme opposite of the venues they used to play in

    Oh yeah, and there was hundreds of ppl buying merch at their table, the dude who was giving change had a pile of money he had AT LEAST 4000$ only in his hands....

    so it cost us 30$ each tickets, plus 45$ gas and 20$ parking.... 125$ total to see $teve ignorant for 2 persons...

    yes thats right, crass is dead, its just another cheap product for the customer's head...
  2. Mike Generic

    Mike Generic Experienced Member Uploader Active Member Forum Member




    Mar 29, 2010
    Re: Crass playing in California and charging $23?

    $125 for two people? That's ridiculous. A while back, I saw D.O.A. in London, Ontario and, including gas/parking, I don't think it came to more than $60 for 3 people.
    I love seeing older bands play, because from the most part, they've just kept getting better. UK and Canadian Subhumans were incredible, D.O.A. were great, NoMeansNo were one of the tightest bands I've ever seen, and SNFU is still insane. But, based on the videos I've seen of the Last Supper, and the venues they're being held in, as well as the fact that the rest of the musicians in Crass refused to take part in it just set me off it completely. The article I posted above made it seem to me that the entire message of Crass has been watered down by (what seems to me to be) Steve Ignorant's self-indulgent nostalgia trip.

    To quote a local punk band: "Punk is dead... and you killed it"
  3. Warfiend

    Warfiend Experienced Member Active Member




    Mar 11, 2011
    The Mob play Steve Ignorant's 'Last Supper'

    After reforming and playing a sell-out show at The Fleece, Bristol, The Mob have signed-up to support Steve Ignorant on the last ever (apparently) Last Supper gig. From the official The Mob Facebook page:

    All hope is not lost though, if The Mob are commited to doing a gig the night before so people do not have to buy into Steve Ignorant's circus of a performance. Let's just hope the ticket prices aren't as high!

  4. The Freakboi

    The Freakboi Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    May 8, 2011
    Re: The Mob play Steve Ignorant's 'Last Supper'

    The Cravats are still going? Wow, wouldn't have called that...
  5. Mykill Von Doom

    Mykill Von Doom Member Forum Member




    Apr 18, 2011
    Re: The Mob play Steve Ignorant's 'Last Supper'

    The Cravats reformed a couple of years ago - just the Shend & Svoor Naan so far. Few clips on you tube! (I'm a massive Cravats/DVL/The Very Things fan)
  6. The Freakboi

    The Freakboi Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    May 8, 2011
    Re: The Mob play Steve Ignorant's 'Last Supper'

    I was never a huge fan of The Cravats, tbh, but I love The Very Things. The Bushes Scream is still one of my all time favourite albums.

    As for this whole Steve Ignorant selling out shit... I really don't care. Yeah, its a little weird but I still really couldn't care less.
  7. jet

    jet New Member New Member




    Jun 3, 2011
    Re: Crass playing in California and charging $23?

    The tragedy of crass are that they are trapped with this stupid argument for ever.
    This resentment about musicians trying to make some money to eat.
    Steve was hardly ripping anyone off on the American tour. 20 dollars is cheap for a band.
    The arguments on here are so naive it's like everyone is aged ten.
    Does anyone realise what it costs to tour America?
    If you are a UK band this is the truth...
    visas 4000
    flights 4000
    travel round the USA 5/6000
    motels 2000
    food 2000

    I was at the San Francisco show- there was not 100's of people at the merch stall and the venue doesn't even hold 1000.

    I guess you would all be happy if Steve starved to death or was a real anarchist like most people on here and got a job in bank or tapped his parents up for money (although he is working class Brit- lot poorer than the 'anarchists' on here).

    It's time to grow up and realise that musicians have aright to eat and live as well.
  8. punkmar77

    punkmar77 Experienced Member Uploader Active Member




    Nov 13, 2009
     United States
    Re: Crass playing in California and charging $23?

    I love how motherfuckers without a clue come on here and automatically know who is on here and our entire background....you know what? Fuck You and your bourgeois analysis... 4000 for visas? What fucking planet did you come from? I just got my Visa for $120 US with money I saved from breaking concrete for a living so that I might go tour Japan next year also with money I saved from breaking concrete for a living...

    :lmao: What a fucking douchebag....go jack off to a picture of Steve asshole
  9. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Active Member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    Re: Crass playing in California and charging $23?

    ahahahah wtf ?? we are not in the same punk scene i think...

    steve ignorant shows: 30$ with taxes, a big tourney with many locations, and MANY peoples assisting gigs (over 2000 in montreal)
    oi polloi: small tour, very few locations, not even 200 people assisted, 12$ per tickets with taxes

    explain me why oi polloi can afford it, but steve ignorant can't ?

    2000 people assisting a gig in montreal at 30$ per ticket is 60,000$ calculate it however the fuck you want, he makes a lot of money

    not even calculating merch profits...

  10. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Active Member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    Re: Crass playing in California and charging $23?

    Steve Ignorant has been making a lot of advertisment for his last gig, look at this:

    Capacity of the venue is 2,000 and Steve Ignorant keeps saying it's going to be sold out

    Tickets are being sold for 21.15 pouds (thats nearly $35 USD) !!!! And according to comments on Steve Ignorant's facebook page, some people have receipt of the tickets being bought at £31.15
    https://www.southern.net/eu-shop/index. ... x&cPath=11

    That's $70,000 of profit for him... And of course i'm not counting the thousands of dollars of profit on merch (and we all know that steve ignorant is selling a LOT of merch)

    Now just calculate how many gigs he played this year and do the maths...

    Worst of all, this hypocritical asshole is bragging in an interview with ''The Quietus'' that each time he does a gig he give the money to some organisations... But WHERE THE HELL is all this money going ?? Besides the lifejackers he bought for some lifeboat crew, i never heard of anything... The last time he gave money he kept bragging about it everywhere, so if he really DONATED the profits from his gigs we would hear about it...


    I thought Steve Ignorant was the only sellout dumbass but i guess i was wrong:
    Penny made a big drama when Steve started his Crass karaoke, wrote a big text to talk shit against it and then said ''well do it, but i'll never be part of it''.... and now people are talking about a crass reformation:
    http://thequietus.com/articles/07367-cr ... -interview
  11. Stigma1984

    Stigma1984 Member Forum Member




    Dec 19, 2010
    Re: Crass playing in California and charging $23?

    Nee Naa, Nee Naa, punk police on the prowl again. Same old cancer in the scene spreading bullshit and lies mixed with a little truth to try and fool you. Your statement that Igonrant will get $70,000 is laughable. A little maths lesson for you, multiplying the ticket value by the venue capacity does not equal the amount of money the performer will get paid!!! There are all sorts of overheads including venue hire and costs, equipment hire, advertising, security, support bands and the other band members to pay. I'm sure you'll pick a random number out of your empty head once you've decided how much these things will cost but the truth is all bands are paid different amounts depending on their individual contract with the venue so whatever you say he will get paid is going to be a complete guess on your behalf anyway. As for calling him a hypocrite, YOU WENT TO SEE HIM ON THE TOUR YOU FUCKING MUG!!!!!! Saying you only went because your girlfriend wanted to is a complete cop out. Even if you had to drive her to the venue you could have waited outside or done something else until the gig was over.
    As far as Ignorant giving money to causes, you said 'Besides the lifejackers he bought for some lifeboat crew i never heard of anything'. Firstly, the fact you are so dismissive of him giving money to the Palling Lifeboat organisation shows what a meanspirited little prick you are. Those lifejackets are not the crappy ones you buy in the surf shop to use in a rowing boat, commercial lifejackets are not cheap:


    There is, of course, also the fact that he has never specified what equipment was purchased using the money he donated, so saying he bought lifejackets is another thing you made up. Secondly, calling them 'some lifeboat crew' shows an unbelievable lack of repsect for people who VOLUNTEER their time and RISK THEIR LIVES to help save other peoples lives. You callous prick.
    Before you give it the old 'Steve Ignorant fanboy' shite, this post isn't really about him, it's about people like you making shit up. If you feel so strongly about this, which you quite obviously do, then why not make a solid argument backed up by FACTS rather than filling the gaps in your argument with blantant lies.
  12. vAsSiLy77

    vAsSiLy77 Experienced Member Uploader Active Member Forum Member




    Jun 21, 2010
    Re: Crass playing in California and charging $23?

    come on, dragging around profit arithmetics this or that way doesn't say much, the same goes for the quality of some donated lifejackets that may be the same from the link you posted or not - fact is that the crass aftermath is something smelly and ignorants is flogging a dead horse - the same way yours is flogging
    who really seemed to be the only ones benefitting from ignorants generosity...
  13. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Active Member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    Re: Crass playing in California and charging $23?

    Oh look, it's the fucking fanboy who can't think by himself on the prowl again.

    Can you read or are you too retarded ? The venues fees and other shit is EASILY PAID by all the merch they will sell. Anyway stupid fanboys like you will always find a reason to excuse your heroes for selling out.

    Come on, if he's not making any profit then how the fuck can you explain that smaller bands can do similar shows for less ? Why it's so different for Crass ? And how were they able to do shows for 5% of the price 30 years ago ?

    Yes i went to the show, so fucking what ? I also went to Dropkick Murphys show and will go again next time they come, does that means i can't say i don't support the fact they are making a lot of money out of their music ?? Well actually to be honest i feel less guilty to see dropkick murphys live because at least they are not PRETENDING TO BE SOMETHING THEY'RE NOT.

    Oh wow awesome so i guess now he got carte blanche and can profit out of the scene as much as he wants now that he did a good action.

    This is strictly a business-men attitude like Microsoft that will invest in humanitarian aid so people will think they're cool and let them keep making millions of dollars of profits.... Or like when the sweatshop compagnies are blamed for exploitation they will just throw away a couple of thousands of dollars to build schools in africa and then everyone will be like "wow they're so cool, let them make money so they can keep helping us"... This is fucking demagogy.

    Hey dumbass, learn to read, he did say he bought lifejackets in an interview

    http://thequietus.com/articles/07394-st ... g-lifeboat

    Looks like a fucking public relations campaign to me, look at this ridiculous picture:

    5 life jackets. Big fucking deal.

    Once again you are a fucking retard, "lifeboat crew" is exactly the words that were used in the interview, and since i didn't know the name i called it "SOME lifeboat crew". Get down your high horse and stop worshipping your heroes, you are acting like a fucking ayatollah islamist angry because i insulted his Prophet.

    Facts are here, with proof of the ticket prices, venue capacity, etc.... You must be really blind to think he never made big profit out of this tourney.

    You are a fucking hypocrite, first accusating me of making assumptions on the venue cost and then you are the one who makes assumptions on the lifejackets price... Hilarious.

    On another note, Penny and Eve joined Steve for his last gig. Another two persons who betrayed their ideas. First Crass all said they would never get into this re-formation rockstar bullshit, Steve decided to betray his ideals, Penny strongly fought against it, but now he's turning back his vest and joining the big circus. Maybe he wanted some money too, because he couldn't sell enough autobiography books ? :lmao:

    Fucking fanboy posers like you who can't question themselves and question their heroes makes me want to burn all crass patches and tshirts i have.
  14. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Active Member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    Re: Crass playing in California and charging $23?

    Let's just compare with other artists playing at the SAME venue with some random artists found on google (i'm not even looking for cheap tickets, just taking the first shows i find at the same venue)

    LMFAO is probably one of the world's most popular band currently, and they are still charging LESS than Steve Ignorant for a show at the SAME venue, with obviously more expensive equippement
    http://www.ents24.com/web/event/Cherryt ... 94332.html
    ONLY 14.50 POUNDS !!!!!!

    On livenation's page you can also see a lot more tickets for sale at the same venue and they are almost ALL less expensive than Steve Ignorant's show

    Another show at Shepherd's Bush Empire : Reel big fish, a fucking big commercial ska-punk band:
    http://www.ticketweb.co.uk/user/?query= ... nyear=2011
    £16.00 per ticket - still less than crass

    Liars - £12.50 per ticket
    http://www.gigwise.com/news/54307/Liars ... mpire-Show

    St Vincent - £14.50 per ticket

    The drums - £15.00 per ticket
    http://www.ents24.com/web/event/The-Dru ... 06055.html

    Ben howard - £14.00 per ticket
    http://www.ents24.com/web/event/Ben-How ... 83836.html

    Rizzle Kicks - £12.50 per ticket
    http://www.ents24.com/web/event/Rizzle- ... 92781.html

    Even the tickets for Crass reunion in 2007, at THE SAME VENUE but with more (and better) bands, were sold for LESS:
    http://eventful.com/events/feeding-5000 ... 05152884-4

    So now how can you explain that those CAPITALIST ARTISTS can charge LESS for a show with probably more costy equipement AT THE SAME VENUE ??? Usually we would expect a capitalist artist to charge WAY MORE than an artist pretending to be anti-capitalist and who is supposed to make NO or very little profit out of his music ?

    YOU are the liar, trying to pretend it's normal that an anti-capitalist artist should charge ALMOST TWICE THE PRICE of a ticket of a show by one of the WORLD'S MOST COMMERCIAL BAND who are in only for the money

    The only thing they had to pay for is the venue cost, which is EASILY covered by all the merch they are selling (have you been to the show? have you seen how much money they make selling their crass t-shirts printed on made-in-haiti t-shirts that probably cost them $2 and they're selling it for $25 ???). Everything else is money in their pockets. Other bands probably accepted to play for free, who wouldn't play for free with a big band like that ? Equipement ? They're all in other bands, they already have their equippement !! Security ? It's supplied by the venue. Bullshit arguments.
  15. Bakica

    Bakica Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Feb 21, 2010
    Re: Crass playing in California and charging $23?

    I'm tired of these fanboys...geez..
  16. punkmar77

    punkmar77 Experienced Member Uploader Active Member




    Nov 13, 2009
     United States
    Re: Crass playing in California and charging $23?

    Just posted by Colin Jerwood on FB..... 11/20/'11 8:00 pm pacific time

    Even though I disagree with many things that have happened over the years, this still makes me happy :p
  17. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Active Member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    Re: Crass playing in California and charging $23?

    Yep, saw it on facebook 2 minutes after he posted it, i'm glad this has been resolved because it was becomming worse and worse, crass fans were now fighting conflict fans and vice versa...

    But oh well, in my head Steve Ignorant is still an idiot sellout and will always be. I'm definatly not a conflict fanboy, but i have more respect for Conflict than Steve Ignorant's karaoke circus.
  18. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Active Member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    Re: Crass playing in California and charging $23?

    We were discussing the high prices of Steve Ignorant's gigs and the betrayal of crass ideas on Conflict's Facebook. And even if Colin is in reconcilliation with Steve Ignorant, here is his answer in our discussion:
    Glad to see that conflict is still loyal to their ideas.

    Another thing, i just learnt that Steve Ignorant's donation to the lifeboat crew came from money he collected at the gig. There was someone asking for donations. So he didn't donate money from his own pockets, but instead he just collected donations from people present at the gig. Which is a good thing indeed. BUT he's still keeping his profits for himself.
  19. Inna Ruts

    Inna Ruts Experienced Member Active Member




    Nov 22, 2011
    Re: Crass playing in California and charging $23?

    The next act in the drama:

    http://thequietus.com/articles/07394-st ... g-lifeboat

    Things I Have Learned
    Steve Ignorant On Saving Lives With The Sea Palling Lifeboat
    Luke Turner , November 15th, 2011 06:10

    Steve Ignorant now lives in North Norfolk and volunteers as a crew member on the independent Sea Palling lifeboat. Here, he tells Luke Turner about his work on the choppy grey waters.

    I don't like doing benefits and not knowing where the money goes
    But every gig I do has to be a benefit. I'm in the pub in Sea Palling before the last Shepherd's Bush Empire gig, and the lifeboat crew used to come in every Thursday. I thought, 'There you go, I'll donate money to them, I'll know where it goes.' They bought tip-top life jackets, and last year they saved 19 lives. I gave this money and they said, 'Why don't you join?'
    I thought it was going to be like the fire brigade, all standing to attention
  20. vAsSiLy77

    vAsSiLy77 Experienced Member Uploader Active Member Forum Member




    Jun 21, 2010
    Re: Crass playing in California and charging $23?

    ... Will Pen Rimbaud accompany Ignorants travel into the eye of the storm...? With them firebrigade watching at attenschun...?