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PE discusses AP.net

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Vegetarian Barbarian, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. ASA

    ASA Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Nov 2, 2009
    i guess but then that takes the fun outta punk too haha but most would agree, theres also a thing called minimalism, consumer culture could learn from that huha

    who mentioned dog in this thread, get out haha
  2. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Active Member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    anarcho punk.net works the same way hundreds of millions of other blogs works, i dont see why we should change that just because some peoples from a forum doesnt like it.

    If we're doing so much harm to the bands then they will realize their albums is being shared here, and will be able to make the decision. As simple as that.

    I don't give a fuck about the rest of the debate, you guys obviously will not change minds and i have expressed my point of views enough. There are peoples who believe in file sharing and there are peoples who are against it. And hopefully there are websites like anarcho-punk.net for the peoples who believe in it, and we're here to stay even if Profane Existence want to see us disseapear.

    We are a majority of peoples who are pro file sharing, but we still thought about the minority by proviting ways to remove the music.

    Moderating all albums posted by users is totally ridiculous. I never thought someone would even propose that. If we're going to do this we'd better close a-p.net and open a god damn blog while we're at it.

    I'm really sick of this debate, we are turning in circles and bringing the same arguments over and over again.

    We removed Profane Existence records. Now all we ask them is to mind their own business and leave us alone. Do we tell us how to manage your label ? Do we tell us you should stop ripping off the punk scene by stealing money from the forum users lying to them about the server cost ? Do we tell you what price to sell your albums ?
    Why don't you just do the same ?

    Everytime we critize PE label we are being told its not our business and they do what they want with their stuff. Well, it's the same for our community.

    You seems to have your own views about how we should make a website like this one. Alright. So why not make one ?
  3. Cocytus

    Cocytus Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Oct 14, 2009
    People are still missing what I say about MP3s.

    They are not a true representation of a bands sound.

    As someone who understands audio engineering and mastering, you need to realize a few things.

    When you rip something from an LP, which is to anyone who knows anything about music formats, the ultimate in sound quality(provided you have a decent stereo with 2 working speakers), You lose alot of the frequency ranges.

    You get muddy low end, and extremely "aluminum foil" sounding Highs.

    The only way to truly ALMOST capture the LP sound to a digital format is to rip the audio source as a .WAV file, even then it gets shaky.
    .FLAC is better than MP3 but only slightly.

    Deny and argue my point all you want, I look at downloading albums on MP3 as a "preview" to how amazing an album sounds.

    I have had many a discussion with many a band about this, and alot of people agree with my idea on how to slow downloading alot.

    Release a "rough demo" version of the album on MP3 for people to download for free, and ONLY release your album on vinyl, or hell, even cassette tape.

    That adds about 3+ hours of work for someone to rip the LP to make it sound decent.
    If someone wants your album on an MP3, theyre gonna have to work for it, just like the old school punk rock days ripping stuff to cassette tape to play in your car.

    Cds and MP3s, to me, are useless disposable trash.

    You never saw someone with a home LP burner have you?

    Better sound, Better artwork, more money for the bands to tour on/survive, and you severely slow down the bootlegging and MP3 bullshit.

    Edit, forgot to add the part about .WAV being the only valid and decent sounding digital format, aside from .FLAC occasionally
  4. instantlybent

    instantlybent Active Member Forum Member




    Dec 16, 2009
    so, first, you wont enter into a serious, civil conversation with me, will you? is that also "tedious" and "ridiculous"? for all of your hostility towards dan and everyone at pe (aparently also me) i came here and have been totally polite and friendly- and you have basically told me to leave and wont even have a conversation with me. arent you kinda doing the same thing to me you claim dan did to you? i think i have legitimate questions and imbeing totally reasonable with them. and again, I AM FOR FILESHARING. also, in the course of your argument here (ive read the whole thread) you kinda HAVE said how labels should be run, what is properly "anarchist", how bands should operate (i believe you said "get a job"), etc. i really doubt everyone here or in punk agrees with that statement. and is this forum soley your domain to express yourself, from which you can demand that i leave? thats not very "anarcho" of you, dont you know "property is theft"?
    as for this thing about what dan pays his server or whatever, dude, thats dans business. i dont think hes trying to "rip everyone off". why would he stake his reputation hes built over almost 2 decades for, what, 90$? thats ridiculous. if it werent for him "anarchopunk" might not even really exist now; at least in n america pe carried the torch for quite some time, and i dont think thats a huge exaggeration either. do you REALLY believe he would suddely change and "rip off" the punks, and for such a paltry sum of money to boot? i dont think you grasp how many thousands of dollars dan has invested in the records sitting in his basement, selling at a tenth of the rate that they used to. and if dan puts money he makes from the label back into his resourcses that he uses to run said label, well, theres just no other way to stay afloat financially- i mean you cant run a huge label and distro in an alleyway. and this isnt even me defending dan neccessarily; i just think both of you need to see both sides.
    anyway i dont see the other people in this thread as feeling the same way as you about certain (i feel) crucial aspects of this debate. and furthermore, having uploaders contact bands themselves would be totally practical; i think at this point you just dont want to do it because you dont want to compromise, because youre pissed off at dan and think im an envoy of pe trying to change you or something, which again if youll read what ive actually said here is obviously not my intention. and i never said "i want you to disappear"; if dan said that THATS DAN, my name is dave, not dan, and i live in montreal, not minneapolis. neither do i necessarily share all of the views with everyone else at pe (as i stated before); we're all different people actually. you can generalize all you want and run away but actually as i already said im closer to your way of viewing things. if you are sick of this debate perhaps you shouldnt create a forum that does this. of course people are going to call you on it. if you believe in it so strongly you should be able to defend yourself with somebody who is being rational and reasonable (that would be me). ive read other threads here and youre certainly willing to "debate" it there with people who already agree with you (ie, YOUR "yes men" as you put it) AND as a matter of fact i checked out the quebec underground site you mentioned and there are i think 5 seperate releases there by a band i was in, one of which we payed to have pressed ourselves and all of which we payed for recording, with the exception of the one on pe, which was partially financed by them (part of the reason,incidentally, that dan is protective of his releases: he invests thousands of dollars in them). that being the case would you REALLY claim that i have no right to express myself in a forum like this? you are distributing my album and you wont even bother to take the time to write a few posts back and forth with me? and now you say this "isnt my business" when as a person in a band, who is incidentally also undoubtly personally aquanted with some of the bands you index here AND the other sites you mentioned- and the labels that released them as well- , it clearly is. wow,your arguement is growing pretty thin and if you wont even discuss it with me then yes, i do want our stuff removed from all sites you do (my old band, again, was ballast, by the way). but its absolutely NOT because im against file sharing,its because i feel like you DO at least owe me a dialog if youre going to freely distribute our material (WHICH AGAIN, DOES NOT MEAN IM AGAINST FILE SHARING). on the other hand, im glad to give you the okay to distribute our stuff (with the exception of the pe ballast lp for obvious reasons) if youll discuss it with me like a normal person instead of a child. thats just mutual respect, like the respect i gave you, giving you the benefit of the doubt by coming here to explore this ("your") forum with an open mind and trying to be friendly..... but if thats impossible i hope that youll at least have the decency to show this thread to whomever you might try to villify me or my band to so they can judge for themselves what ive said here.

    OTHERWISE, i do appreciate other people from here going there and also trying to be civil- thats really cool,and others there also appreciate it im sure. as i said before i can see this forum takes a lot of work and there are things about it i think are really cool, particularly the other-than-english forums. i posted what i posted here with the intention of giving constructive criticism, as yes, we all obviously DO have more in common than not.
  5. instantlybent

    instantlybent Active Member Forum Member




    Dec 16, 2009
    actually a friend of mine did have an lp direct to mp3 "burner" but whatever, it still digitizes and compresses the shit out of it. i actually completely agree with what youre saying. as someone in a band i really dont like cd sound and like to do analog recordings as well. also i think a lot of punk music gets ruined in the mastering-to-cd/digital process... engineers compress too much just to make it "louder" and squelch out all of the life of the music. and mp3s, ESPECIALLY low-quality ones, sound twinkly and awful to me.
    and i also agree that your idea has merit.
  6. Cocytus

    Cocytus Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Oct 14, 2009
    I actually meant no one anyone knows has an LP to LP burner in thier home. AKA a pressing plant.

    I have an LP to .WAV system I biult that I run through my pre-amp into my computer.
    Those USB direct tables have too much gain to the sound.

    But I really do think My idea can save the punk scene from becoming killed by the technology thats killing the major labels.

    Progressive regression if you will.
  7. instantlybent

    instantlybent Active Member Forum Member




    Dec 16, 2009
    yeah, i misuderstood- my friend had the same setup.
  8. instantlybent

    instantlybent Active Member Forum Member




    Dec 16, 2009

    ....... no reply? im dissappointed.
  9. punkmar77

    punkmar77 Experienced Member Uploader Active Member




    Nov 13, 2009
     United States
    Your still defending you buddy, whom by the way you think much to highly of, sure he helped keep Anarcho Punk alive, but single handidly? Fuck No. Ever heard of Borderless Country Tapes? Before Profane Existance, Alternative Tentacles? Been putting out Amebix albums for years. Again thank you for coming here to enlighten us as apparently we are lost little sheep who can't find there own way. The thing about AP.net is we keep it real, we disagree about all types of issues and we get real heated sometimes, but in the end we have LOVE for one another, because we're about furthering the Anarchist cause more than anything. At least this is what I believe and I appreciate the hard work and dedication that Ungovernable and others put into this site. But when he's wrong I'll call him on it quick as fuck. This Isn't a cult of personality......sorry.
  10. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Active Member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    I wasted enough time.

    If i wanted to waste my time trying to make peoples believe we are not thieves and discuss about how bad file sharing is, i would have joined Profane Existence board.
  11. instantlybent

    instantlybent Active Member Forum Member




    Dec 16, 2009
    wha?? i never said pe singlehandedly kept it alive, i said in n america it played a huge role, and it did. and "little lost sheep"? ive been nothing but respectful, so save your bullshit. and am i not allowed to disagree or do i have to be a part of your little group first? ive also said i respect the effort here as well. if he cant or wont formulate a reasonable arguement, well, that brings me to....
  12. instantlybent

    instantlybent Active Member Forum Member




    Dec 16, 2009
    for like the 10th time, im not against file sharing. as i said my band INCLUDED download cards OF OUR FULL ALBUM in our lps. and i never called any of you thieves. read my posts.
    i believe you wont respond because you cant form a coherent response when someone talks to you like an adult; all you can do is fling insults, make generalizations or retreat (or at least thats all youve done with me so far). and thats too bad, because again, i do respect the work youve done here. why dont you approach this like an adult?
  13. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Active Member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    Dude, i debated like 20 pages with dan pe and all the other peoples, politly and calm.

    The result ? They deleted all my posts, they censored anarcho-punk.net, insulted us over and over, and called us thieves and fake anarchists and posers.

    This is being an adult maybe ?

    We also debated a couple of pages here about this issue.

    Now it's the time to understand there are different points of views. There is PE for a kind of point of views and there is Anarcho-punk.net for peoples who believe in what we do and how we do it.

    Let me explain you what is "being an adult". It's understanding neither anarcho-punk.net or profane existence should become a battleground for issues like this when we have so much more topics to talk about in the anarcho punk scene. It's also accepting that other peoples have different point on views, and on top of all it's NOT TELLING THEM WHAT THEY SHOULD DO AND HOW THEY SHOULD DO IT.

    Pretending i can't answer your arguments or that i try to avoid it is totally stupid when you see how i answered ALL criticism when anarcho-punk.net started.

    The fucking dictator censored all this debate @ PE board but if it was still here today you could see that i was replying to EACH AND EVERY SINGLE POST AND EVERY SINGLE ARGUMENT.

    Maybe we should invite all the members of this forum to join Profane Existence forum and start topic about how selling music is not anarchist, how much their high prices are bad, we should also start topics and tell them HOW to manage their label and their forum...
    And then let's see how they react. Let's see if they "are adults"

    Like i said, i wasted enough time.
  14. Donofthedead

    Donofthedead Member Forum Member




    Sep 4, 2009
    I'm just stating a fact. The thread in question had been dead since October. I'm assuming a regular poster here naming himself Rabbit over on the PE board is the one who rekindled the fire on Monday by posting on the thread and became another 5 page debate. If he had left it alone, this thread would not have happened.
  15. punkmar77

    punkmar77 Experienced Member Uploader Active Member




    Nov 13, 2009
     United States
    Instantlybent its not bullshit, that is genuinly how you came off at first, you still haven't addressed the fact that if this was Dan PE's sight you wouldn't even be here, but you are! You haven't addressed the fact that all of PE's downloads on this sight have been pulled, yet PE has yet to acknowledge this. You came off very condescending when you said "Dan PE started PE before probably most of you were born" or something to that effect. To which I say Ha! Now you obviously like this site because you are posting on various threads and as far as that: Welcome to AP.net.
  16. Anxiety69

    Anxiety69 Experienced Member Uploader Active Member Forum Member




    Oct 18, 2009
    Male , 46 years old
    Long Beach CA  United States
    I agree, there comes a time when u just need to let it go, agree to disagree and move on to other topics of discussion. Ungovernable has said his piece, you have said yours, unless Dan PE decided to come here to argue his point, I think it's time to let this whole debate die. Let's focus our efforts in other ways. PE has good points and bad points, APN has good points and bad points. At the core, we all are fans of punk, and hopefully feel like doing something constructive with it. That should be enough common ground to move on, no last words on the topic, no nothing. Let it be, let it die, let's move on to something else... like crassmas or the upcoming holidaze...

    I hate xmas, anyone else?
  17. ASA

    ASA Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Nov 2, 2009
    yea xmas sux, apn's cool
  18. Vegetarian Barbarian

    Vegetarian Barbarian Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Oct 19, 2009

    No, i started it, i didnt know it had already been discussed. I was browsing around the PE website and stumbled onto the thread that i posted here. I dont spend too much time on a computer, let alone a forum board, to know if something like this had already been discussed. I already stated this and said i wouldnt write about it again, but people kept talking. I wasnt trying to insinuate a fight.
  19. ahorriblemess

    ahorriblemess Member New Member




    Dec 18, 2009
    Well smooth move, asshole.
  20. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Active Member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    It's the one who started the thread on Profane Existence (Dan) that you should call an asshole....

    Vegetarian Barbarian didn't have bad intentions unlike the one who started the thread (and who chosen to let it go and not close it, making him even more responsible)