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PE discusses AP.net

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Vegetarian Barbarian, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. ahorriblemess

    ahorriblemess Member New Member




    Dec 18, 2009
    I was kidding. I had a feeling it would be misinterpreted. I just can't stand "emoticons" but I guess this is a good example of why I should use them anyway.

  2. Ivanovich

    Ivanovich Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Jan 31, 2010
    Sorry to bring this up, but I found it so funny. I used to post on PE like 8 years ago, the site is total bullshit. I finally quit the board when they demanded members pay to post there. Surprised anyone still takes them seriously. I mean, wtf, the site is just a PR front for a label, and they ask you to pay to use it???
  3. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Active Member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA are you serious ???

    PE is a big joke, anarchist asking membership fees to post on their forum hahah... Obviously they didn't do it because everyone would leave..

    Since we had a fight with them i've heard so many stories about them, it's worst than what i could ever imagine...

    I can't believe they call other peoples thieves...
  4. ASA

    ASA Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Nov 2, 2009
    don't think that is the case anymore, yea anarchys a competition, *sigh, ungovernable your're being unreasonble, i laugh at the viral spam that has arrived on this site and the people who support it
  5. Bentheanarchist

    Bentheanarchist Experienced Member Uploader Active Member




    Dec 10, 2010
  6. ViciousCesar!

    ViciousCesar! Experienced Member Active Member




    Mar 27, 2011
    I'll start by pointing out that I have quite a few PE releases in my music collection. But, Dan's stance on free downloads really upsets me. First and foremost it's a purely capitalist mentality. He's putting importance on his earnings before that of using punk/crust as a way to spread and expand the anarchist/free thinking community. The next thing is the fact that free downloads are arguably 'good for business'. I've been into this shit for over 12 years and there is still some great music out there I have not had the pleasure of listening to. So if I come across a PE record I haven't heard yet, I'd like the ability to download it and sample it before spending what little money I have on a record, which I could regret purchasing later. If I enjoy the download (granted if it's still in print) I'll most likely purchase the actual record. I like having the lyrics and original artwork, because in reality that is usually as, if not more, important than the music itself. And lastly, let's face it, if somebody doesn't have enough money to buy music, they won't purchase it whether or not it's available for download.
  7. Bentheanarchist

    Bentheanarchist Experienced Member Uploader Active Member




    Dec 10, 2010
    Dan loves his money so much he would sell off the revolution for $3 to $20 to be use in his own selfish way.