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Finnish UHREJA KUTEN ME KAIKKI - Koska Vetta Ei Ole Juotavaksi Tyydymme Hiekkaan. Emme Siksi Ettei Ole Vaihtoehtoa Vaan Siksi Ettemme Ymmarra Eroa (CD) (2005)

Discussion in 'International anarcho-punk downloads' started by Spike one of many, Aug 30, 2023.

  1. Spike one of many

    Spike one of many Experienced Member Uploader Active Member Forum Member




    Aug 14, 2012
    Western Cape, South Africa  South Africa
    Uhreja Kuten Me Kaikki (Victims Like Us All)
    Finnish amebixian anarchorepunk with industrialish twist.


    01 01 -.mp3
    02 02 Ja Missä_.mp3
    03 03 -.mp3
    04 04 Olisiko Jo Aika.mp3
    05 05 -.mp3
    06 06 Edelleen.mp3
    07 07 -.mp3
    08 08 Seitsemäs Musta Päivä.mp3
    09 09 -.mp3
    10 10 Tivoli.mp3
    11 11 -.mp3
    12 12 Toisella Puolella.mp3
    13 13 -.mp3


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    aint ashamed likes this.


    Koska Vettä Ei Ole Juotavaksi Tyydymme Hiekkaan. Emme Siksi Ettei Ole Vaihtoehtoa Vaan Siksi Ettemme Ymmärrä Eroa.
    Release Date : 2005

    Mini-CD and first actual release of this Finnish Anargothic punk band.


    Band members: Kai Hanninen"Uhreja kuten me kaikki" (could be translated as "Victims as we all"), is a Crust punk / hardcore punk band from Finland. Originally formed sometime around 1993 or 4, as a sideproject for a punk-band called Olotila. At that time the line up was Teemu-Drums, Juan-Keyboards, Tommi-Guitar and Kaih-Guitar and Vocals. There wasn't anyone on the bass, thou there were a few candidates. Anyway the project eventually dried out and was nearly forgotten as other projects seemed to be more important. From that period in time, the band could also be remembered under the name of Mustaleski (The Black Widow).

    On the Verikyyneleet-demo, which was recorded during the summer of 2000, the only one left from the original line-up was Kaih and the demo can easily be labeled as a soloproject. Some added essence to the recording ware brought in the forms of Janne on guitar, Joni on bass and a machine on drums. Janne and Joni formed also a part of goth-pop band Dekadelika.

    During the autumn of 2000 the band was rehearsing and aiming at gigs. The core of the band being: Kaih-Guitar and Vocals, Janne Kärkkäinen-Guitar, Lari Grohn-Guitar and Joni Ala-aho-Bass. With the line-up, the group tried to find itself a drummer and another vocalist with eventually no considerable success as the future would point out.

    At the beginning of 2001 the destiny took its course and Kaih moved to Lahti, and the band iced one again. This time the quietness lasted antil the autumn of 2003, when Kaih was somehow asked to join a beginning punk-project then named UKK13. With slight manipulation and force the group was named after it's forefathers, and the style started to slowly mold to the darker tracks of punk.

    At that time the goup was formed by: Kaih-Guitar, Miro-Vocals, Juha-Bass and Lasse-Drums. With that line-up the band finally got to perform in the font of the live audience, the first official gig being at the Vuoritalo on saturday 12.6.2004.

    During the autumn of 2004 the band once again started to slip down the hill, mostly for the lack of rehearsal place and motivation. In the beginning of the year 2005, the band decided to switch back to a drum machine, and Lasse, the drummer was booted. Since that Uhreja kuten me kaikki has been rehearsing and gigging as a trio, using equipment like DVD-player, data-projector, background audio and such as important part of the show.

    Disclaimer: this biography was gathered automatically through an external music database and could be inaccurate. We don't control the information found here.

    Label - LDP Records And Accessories

  2. Spike one of many

    Spike one of many Experienced Member Uploader Active Member Forum Member




    Aug 14, 2012
    Western Cape, South Africa  South Africa
    Uh I didn't reallize this already existed in the downloads and the link surprisingly still works. Surprisingly cos it's on mediafire. Well at least now it's on the A-P.N server !!
  3. aint ashamed

    aint ashamed Experienced Member Active Member




    Aug 22, 2010
     United States
    Love These Finns! Thanks Mate! :a: aint ashamed :antifa:
    Spike one of many likes this.

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  1. Spike one of many
  2. Rune
  3. aint ashamed
  4. meier42
  5. porkbeef