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RESIST AND EXIST - Live @ Black Panther HEadquarters, Los Angeles 1/25/98

Discussion in 'Anarcho-Punk music albums downloads' started by Anxiety69, Nov 3, 2009.

  1. Anxiety69

    Anxiety69 Experienced Member Uploader Active Member Forum Member




    Oct 18, 2009
    Male , 46 years old
    Long Beach CA  United States

    RESIST AND EXIST Biography

    Resist and Exist is a anarcho-punk band from the usa, Orange County area. They approach the classic anarchist peace punk themes of animal liberation, feminism, and ending war, though with a more thrash metal influence than one might expect. Since their start, they have been involved in a variety of campaigns to organize people to engage in political protests. They also are often involved with putting on benefits and raising money for political prisoners and causes. Formed in 1991, since then they have relocated to Los Angeles and are still active.
    Disclaimer: this biography was gathered automatically through an external music database and could be inaccurate. We don't control the information found here.
  2. oceanyoga

    oceanyoga Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Oct 15, 2009