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my first language is french

Discussion in 'New members introductions' started by Gwendaël, May 13, 2023.

  1. Gwendaël

    Gwendaël Member Forum Member




    May 13, 2023
    Wallonia, Belgium  Belgium
    I'm punk since 1990, went to england to avoid the army, squat the black boulle in
    london, lived in Bradford until 96. I win against police a trial and with the money they gave me, buy my own squat in Belgium in 2001. I know most of the band on this site i discover while searching for Antischism my favorite i did'nt have chance to see live. I stop alcool and weed since 2010. On youtube, i like Evrard and because of him, i believe human never went to space and atomic bomb doesn't exist (learning that was a great relieve). The problem is that when i speak about it, noone care. Hi everyone!

  2. Spike one of many

    Spike one of many Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member Forum Member




    Aug 14, 2012
    Banana Republic  South Africa
    You should talk to people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki about this and see what they have to say rather than believing some conspiracy theorist nutcase.
  3. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Experienced member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    Bienvenue !

    Si tu ne connais pas déjà, les forums Pirate-Punk.net et Libertaire.net pourraient t'intéresser !
  4. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Experienced member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    The atomic bomb doesn't exist? It's the first time I hear about this conspiracy theory. I missed this part when reading the presentation text. But as Spike said it's very easily debunkable as long as you can keep an open mind looking at evidence.
  5. Gwendaël

    Gwendaël Member Forum Member




    May 13, 2023
    Wallonia, Belgium  Belgium
    Hi! I suppose you understand french. I just see few YouTube vidéo on Evrard. He explain why atomic bomb does not exist. An other vidéo explain why ISS can't exist. I like the part when he speak about the girl washing her hair.
  6. Spike one of many

    Spike one of many Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member Forum Member




    Aug 14, 2012
    Banana Republic  South Africa
    I assume you're talking about something similar to this:
  7. Gwendaël

    Gwendaël Member Forum Member




    May 13, 2023
    Wallonia, Belgium  Belgium
    Not at all. This vidéo is fake. It's been cut every few seconds because the apesanteur is made inside a plane. Drop of water could also be very dangerous to the electric stuff. What i mean (if you watch Evrard vidéo, you should, it's interesting and funny but in french) is if you spend few weeks washing your hair like she does, you would simply end up with dreadlocks.
  8. Spike one of many

    Spike one of many Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member Forum Member




    Aug 14, 2012
    Banana Republic  South Africa
    Ok, take a look at these videos then and tell me they were all shot inside a plane.
    Watch them in full screen mode.

    On this one the sound only starts at 0:59 or so.

  9. Spike one of many

    Spike one of many Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member Forum Member




    Aug 14, 2012
    Banana Republic  South Africa
    Here's one with an uncut segment from 2:43 to 4:44. Parabolic flights typically only have a freefall time of about 25 - 30 seconds of which only about 15 - 20 seconds is near 0 G.
  10. Starfighter

    Starfighter d(^_^)b Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Experienced member




    Feb 16, 2011
    Male , 38 years old
    Malmö, Sweden  Sweden
    Hello and welcome! I haven't heard Antischism even though I've heard the name before, perhaps it's time for me to start listening! :)

    Believing in, as Spike one of many put it, "conspiracy theorist nutcases" is at best wasted time. This is all I have to say on this topic.
  11. Gwendaël

    Gwendaël Member Forum Member




    May 13, 2023
    Wallonia, Belgium  Belgium
    All right! Thanks for the vidéos. I see you have been working on it. In a plane, you can have apesanteur for let say 1 min. I didn't know you was expert on that? Nasa does not show uncut vidéo of more than 1 min. On the last vidéo you post, you gave me hard time between 2:43 to 4:44 until i thought, it is the only vidéo with a travelling back and forth. I'm sure the trick is there specially when you don't see his face anymore.
  12. Spike one of many

    Spike one of many Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member Forum Member




    Aug 14, 2012
    Banana Republic  South Africa
    Well, I just had to browse through some of the videos on my HD which I remember watching as I tend not to delete my videos so it was not a big deal. And no, I'm not an expert on that subject but you can find information on the web. The part where you don't see his face for a moment between 3:27 and 3:34 does not break the continuity of the scene in any way. Such a flawless transition would be impossible to achieve if it were cut between parabolas. I could show you other videos if you'd like, like the one where the guy gets spun around by his colleague to demonstrate the effects of dizziness and nausea in 0 G. In one of the videos above much of that scene is speeded up but I've seen the one that wasn't speeded up and that's at least 3 minutes of unbroken footage. I have another video where an experiment was conducted over a
    period of 49 days. Of course that video was cut but you can follow the timeline and date on the screen but like Ungov said, you need to have an open mind otherwise no amount of evidence is likely to convince you.
    Also, one would expect to see some effects of turbulance on a diving plane but the ISS remains perfectly still. And if all those videos are fake - why? What's the motive for faking them?
  13. Spike one of many

    Spike one of many Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member Forum Member




    Aug 14, 2012
    Banana Republic  South Africa
    Sorry, you need to keep an open mind when looking at evidence is what he said, and that's also what I meant :)
  14. Gwendaël

    Gwendaël Member Forum Member




    May 13, 2023
    Wallonia, Belgium  Belgium
    Stay cool guys, it's only talking. You speak of open mind but you don't want to see that all nasa is fake. Why? It is so simple: money! Those liars get so much money doing their shit, they are not gonna stop. And by the way, i am not going to speak to much about it coz it's dangerous. Those scums are able to kill for that. Why do you think Challenger explosed in 1986? MacAuliffe was civil and a witness that could not lie. Atomics is another way to scare us. Knowing is a lie has been a great relieve for me but there is so many other kind of deadly weapons they can use to shut us down... Fuck them!
  15. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Experienced member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    Here is the thing conspiracy theorists will NEVER be able to explain - and that is valid for ALL conspiracy theories ranging from 9/11 to covid and chemtrails.

    Just imagine for a moment HOW MANY people would be involved in a big conspiracy like this. Let's take 9/11 for example. We're talking about thousands of WTC employees, workers from the aviation industry, workers who supposedly placed bombs in the towers, military officials who kept silence, government officials who conspired, police who stayed silent, security agents, neighbors, business owners, and so on.

    So we're talking tens of thousands of people involved. How the fuck would it be possible that not a single person breaks the silence? Some of those workers are paid minimum wage they don't care if it's classified. Our governments can't keep any secrets, even the Ukraine counter-offensive plans were leaked. Even during the Irak war, there were many whistleblowers, it's unavoidable.

    Now let's think for a moment about the international cooperation required for such a big conspiracy. It's not just the USA, you have to convince other countries to join you in the conspiracy, then help you to silence whistleblowers, and then create fake information to cover up your bullshit with lies and rewrite history.

    The world can't agree together on ANYTHING. Just look at the United Nations, unanimity doesn't exist there are always countries disagreeing with others and wanting to do things differently. It's the same in the Senate and the government. Nobody can't agree on anything, no matter what is the subject, but you're telling me that the entire world secretly agreed to work together on the biggest conspiracy the world has ever known?

    The ISS was launched in 1998. That was 25 years ago. The people who would have created this conspiracy would be retired today. Do you really think the next generation of workers replacing them would just agree to become complicit with this big lie without any of them breaking the silence after discovering the truth?

    Ok now that we realize how much effort it is, how many people are involved, and how risky it is to have a whistleblower calling out your lies... Tell me... WHY? Why do this? What's worth the effort? Why the fuck would the entire world spend so much effort just to make us believe that the ISS is fake? Why spend so much money on this? What does the government have to gain that justifies the risk taken?

    Also worth noting is that the ISS is born from a collaboration between USA and Russia, two competing nations who never agreed on anything. Why would Russia collaborate with USA to cover up their lies when they could use it against them, if the ISS was false? I'm sure conspiracy theorist will come up with another conspiracy to explain the underlying conspiracy, like flat earth bullshit, but that still doesn't make sense.

    Another question: what makes you believe that ISS would not be possible scientifically? I mean we can send satellites in space and even the Soviets proved we can send a dog in space and humans.

    Do you realize that there are real-time live streams of the ISS?

    In a plane, the Zero-Gravity effect (apesanteur) lasts only 30 seconds. How do I know? You can book a flight here:
    FAQ - Zero-G
    Here's another one promising 22 seconds of "zero gravity"
    How zero-gravity parabolic flights work

    The video that you called "fake" lasts over 5 minutes. How do you explain that?

    Are you?

    This is completely false

    Here is a video of the ISS that lasts 50 minutes with uncut scenes lasting way over 1 minute

    Here is an uncut live stream Q&A in the ISS

    You need more than a Youtube video with zero credibility to demonstrate that.

    How do you make money with that? It doesn't make any sense. It would cost billions and billions of dollars to cover up your lies with a fake story, and where does the profits come from?

    However, I can tell you how scam artists make a lot of money with conspiracy theories. Just look at Alex Jones.

    Do you realize that a nuclear explosion is a concept that can be proven by science and that millions of scientists worldwide have reviewed the concept?

    Do you realize that the use of a nuclear weapon creates radiation which can easily be monitored by anyone by just buying a Geiger meter?

    Decades of nuclear testing have created radiations that could be measured for 50 years. How do you fake this?

    Atmospheric nuclear weapon tests almost doubled the concentration of radioactive 14C in the Northern Hemisphere, before levels slowly declined following the Partial Test Ban Treaty.

    You're French so you probably already know that France tested nukes in Polynesia for years. There are many documentaries about that, showing videos of the explosion and the damage to the local population and the fishes. How do you explain that? A single test in 1974 exposed the entire population of Tahiti to radiation - that's almost 100,000 people. They're all lying?

    Now what about the nuclear power reactors - is it also a lie? There are 500 nuclear power plants in the world in 30 countries. If they're fake, explain how is the energy generated? We're talking about 2600 terawatts per hour of electricity coming out of those power plants.

    Nuclear power plants and nuclear bombs are the same concepts - a nuclear power plant is controlled nuclear fusion, and a nuclear bomb is uncontrolled nuclear fusion. You can't say that one exists without admitting the other form of the same power (a bomb) doesn't exist.
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2023
  16. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Experienced member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    You want us to keep an open mind, so I did. I searched for your original source and I found the video you watched. I will not post it here because I will not encourage spreading lies.

    The name of the "expert" you are referring to is Evrard Lancrey. He has less than 16,000 followers on Youtube.

    Who is Evrard Lancrey? A random nobody. He has no scientific background, no expertise in anything, and it looks like he doesn't even have any education. His videos are terribly low-quality amateurish work, literally, anyone in the world could do the same as him, it has zero credibility.

    He never published any book, never published any scientific paper (because peer reviews would destroy him), and never published anything in a real journal.

    Here is his LinkedIn profile, you can clearly see he doesn't have any experience on anything.

    According to his official Youtube channel, here is all of the conspiracy theories that Evrard believes in:
    - Covid was fake, just a big lie
    - Planets are not really moving
    - Atomic bomb doesn't exist, the bomb was made with oil (LOL)
    - The earth is not moving in space and is not spinning (LOL explain day and night)
    - The moon craters are fake
    - Mars doesn't exist
    - Big Bang is fake (it's called a theory)

    Another question: You say that "they" could kill you for talking. Why didn't Youtube shut down his channel? Why didn't Evrard get killed? Why is his website still online almost 10 years later?

    On his Youtube channel, he even explains that he had to go to the french courts for his conspiracy videos on covid, and then he posted an update saying that "Justice was lenient" and he got out with nothing and the judge even removed the prison time he was supposed to have. After this, he posted an apology video on Youtube saying he did a bad job and he was wrong, and even sent an excuse letter to hospitals.

    In his last video, Evrard is announcing on his Youtube channel saying he will stop making videos until he finds a way to get paid because he "deserves money for so much work". Oh, so who's doing it for money now?

    Since 2019, your favorite "expert" has now become an expert on Bitcoin trading and he spends his life pumping crypto. His profession is web developer and the only website he has ever created is his shitty conspiracy theory website that no one gives any credibility to. Looks like he found out that he's making more money with crypto scams than conspiracy scams. Of course, the only thing a scam artist can do is... scamming.

    I'm done with this bullshit. You lost my open mind at the "earth is not spinning" BS.
    Charger Bullet likes this.
  17. Gwendaël

    Gwendaël Member Forum Member




    May 13, 2023
    Wallonia, Belgium  Belgium
    Bravo ungovernable! You really impressed me. I wasn't expecting that. Thank's a lot for your work. It is very interesting. I don't regret to be in contact with you. You give me so much information, i need time to digest and to reply. If you like of course coz i suppose you just want me to shut the fuck up. Are you living in Montréal ?
  18. Gwendaël

    Gwendaël Member Forum Member




    May 13, 2023
    Wallonia, Belgium  Belgium
    49 minutes and 38 minutes! It is the time it took you to answer my message. Really, i am very impressed! Up the punks! up, up, up, up the punks, up the punkssss!
  19. Gwendaël

    Gwendaël Member Forum Member




    May 13, 2023
    Wallonia, Belgium  Belgium
    hi! here is my answer. Sorry, i just write back what i note quickly on my small book:
    So, why are you so pissed off? On youtube there is a video: iss is a lie and atomic bomb does not exist. Interesting title, i watched and i liked! that's it, end of the story. You speak of conspiracy and somethingblower. I didn't use those words made by média mainstream to catégorise people who do not agree with the politicaly correct. Anyway, i am going now to demonstrate you are all wrong. First: don't say things i didn't say. For 9/11 the question is : What plane? not how many people are involved except the victims and why Obama killed Ladden? He could have just arrest him and give justice, not just assassinate him. I am not an expert, only one vidéo and all my point of vue changed. I am alone in my room and without checking anything, without any vidéo, i am trying to démonstrate all your arguments are wrong. Nasa is getting millions of dollars from the U.S governement, enought to do fake vidéo and to pay all the liars involved. I don't know Alex Jones and i don't care about him. I am not interested. Only one vidéo of atomic bomb doesn't exist and i believe it. I am french, so what? you seems to know more about France that i do. I never say nucléar power does not exist. The concept that atomic bomb doesn't exist is that a nucléar explosion does not make smoke. There should not be an atomic mushroom but only a blast. Thanks for speaking about Evrard. I like the way you talk about him. It give me hope. Anyone can démonstrate that iss and atomic bomb does not exist. I don't watch every Evrard vidéo coz i am not interested about the rest he is démonstrating. Thanks anyway for telling me he is alive. I can't wait his next vidéo about iss or atomics, the rest i don't care. And by the way, i nearly forgot. About the vidéos, it's very well done, like a movie exept we don't see what is outside. I would imagine a window we can see the Earth through, niet, nothing!
    Thanks for reading, sorry it's dirty but it take me ages to tape with one finger at a time. Bonne soirée à vous et à bientôt j'espère.

8 members have read this thread this month

  1. Gwendaël
  2. Charger Bullet
  3. Spike one of many
  4. ungovernable
  5. Frito
  6. Jo Nar
  7. Starfighter
  8. aint ashamed