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Me, Myself, and I Say Hello

Discussion in 'New members introductions' started by Epidemic, Nov 19, 2012.

  1. Epidemic

    Epidemic Member Forum Member




    Nov 15, 2012

    I hope that, as you are reading this, you are having a good day, or, at least, a manageable one.
    At the moment, I am observing the European Youth Parliament, a mock UN model for my students, where they research, prepare, and present Resolutions to various economic, social, and environmental issues in Europe. It is ironic that I am writing this now, for sure.
    I can't remember how I stumbled upon this site, but I am quite happy that I did. I would like to start by saying that I am slightly intimated by the radical nature of this site. In no way am I condemning it, rather, I am just stating that I have never been part of any ideological forum or community. I had decided that, at the age of 24, I need to be more active, more communicative, more participant, and more informed in regards to what is happening outside my bubble. I have to admit, in the spirit of openness, that I am one of those hypocrites that can talk the talk, but can't fucking walk it. BUT...that will hopefully change. In order for my metamorphosis to truly happen, I need a community, I need your help.
    It has always been my belief that anarchism is the epitome of Absolute Individual Freedom. However, that may not even be a true commentary. I say this because the only experience I have had with this movement is from the mainstream media and one book on anarchism by Chomsky. In my opinion, that is not sufficient enough to claim that I have an Informed Opinion; an abstract concept that all people should strive for. As I tell my students, you can't really present your opinion without knowledge (through experiential or remote learning,) and you can't help change your community or all peoples for the better (whatever that is...) without being able to defend your point. I know things, but not enough...nor will I ever know enough, but that will not stop my drive. Please help me realize my dream of being an Informed Person, at least in terms of anarchism.
    The first time I ever felt an attraction to anarchism, it was because of a spray-painted wall. Left of the center, an expression was written, one that impacted me:
    Ni Dieu, Ni Maitre
    You are all familiar with this saying (Neither God, Nor Master), yet I wasn’t. It started a personal journey of change and reflection. Today, as I write to you, I am still learning.
    As far as personal aspects, I am a great fan of all punk, even the mainstream. I have no shame in confessing this, since I’d rather be honest to myself and to you about what I enjoy, what makes part of my identity. I do not like music that speaks, yet says nothing; same with films, literature, and other art.
    I am an English language teacher from Washington State, currently in France; it is the way that I believe I can have a positive impact on the world, and I love what I do.
    Finally, I wish to state something:
    I believe that all peoples are Good. I believe that each person has the capacity to help their community and family, and that it more natural to love thy neighbor than to hate them. At the same time, there are those who act in their own interest, often times bringing conflict and villainy. It is a question of self-survival and altruism.
    I must say that I do not believe that anarchism shall ever manifest, but that having it as an objective helps guide us. We will probably never attain it, but working towards it will bring about positive change. It’s not the end that’s it important but, rather, the journey.
    I thank you for your time and I hope to become more involved as time passes.

  2. Spike one of many

    Spike one of many Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member Forum Member




    Aug 14, 2012
    Banana Republic  South Africa
    Welcome Epidemic. I's funny cos I was thinking about the exact same thing today. Trying to decide whether humanity is inherently "good" or "evil" by nature. And I couldn't come to a straightforward conclusion and although I tend to lean towards the idea that most of us are predominantly good, we all have some "evil" within us. And I guess there must be others who have a 50/50 balance. And in some, I'm sure the "evil" side is dominant.
  3. Epidemic

    Epidemic Member Forum Member




    Nov 15, 2012
    I can understand that, and although there is "evil" in people, I believe there is more good. It's just the few that ruin it for the many. I like to subscribe to the notion that in the long run, "good" will prevail...maybe just not immediately.

    Also, it's rarely the stories of "good" that get broadcast-ed or paid attention to. People are more easily distracted by all the bad. Realist does not always mean cynic.
  4. punkmar77

    punkmar77 Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member




    Nov 13, 2009
     United States