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Fort Hood....

Discussion in 'General political debates' started by Cocytus, Nov 9, 2009.

  1. Jack

    Jack Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Aug 30, 2009
    Well, I'm sure there's some material there with cured meats. Call him a ham or something (as in, someone who's loveable).
  2. Cocytus

    Cocytus Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Oct 14, 2009
  3. oneleggedpunk

    oneleggedpunk Experienced Member Experienced member




    Nov 4, 2009
    You trying to make a funny? surely not, it's not in your character is it?
  4. Jack

    Jack Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Aug 30, 2009
    Not unless it involves sarcasm and a gratuitous use of the word "fuck". (H)
  5. punkmar77

    punkmar77 Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member




    Nov 13, 2009
     United States
    Don't let Jack's prickly side fool ya, he is one intelligent SOB.
  6. oneleggedpunk

    oneleggedpunk Experienced Member Experienced member




    Nov 4, 2009
    So i have found out, he don't just want to win an arguement but also bore you to death with details aswell.
  7. DrunkSquid

    DrunkSquid Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Oct 11, 2009
    Cocytus, you are a fucking moron.
    If everyone else was like you in whatever country, then there would be a draft because no one would volunteer.
    Therefore, people who volunteer spare people like you and me who don't want to join the military.
    Did you ever stop to think about this? Of course not because you will simply state something that involves the military and country as a whole instead of actually being realistic and using some fucking common sense, which is sorely lacking on this board.

    Oh yeah and the thing about "We support the troops when they shoot their officers"... Uh the guy who did the shooting was a Major you fucking geniuses.
    And I don't quite understand why someone who says they care about human rights and are against all this violence would wish death upon more people, I don't understand how it makes a difference whether the person you wish death upon is either part of the military or the opposing force they fight against, or some random person you don't know for that matter.

    Do you think it would make a fucking difference to me whether or not I thought there was a point to there being a military presence in Iraq or Afghanistan, if someone close to me died or was mortally wounded there? No it wouldn't make a difference to me because I don't wrap myself up the in the flag and I wouldn't give a fuck whether or not I believed they died for a worthy cause, you politicize peoples deaths in the same perverted fashion as those who you most strongly disagree with.

    Die in a fire please.
  8. Rathryn

    Rathryn Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Oct 21, 2009
    Uhm... no offence, but I think this makes my point more than enough.
    Not saying I disagree with you, but you're contradicting yourself there... just a teensy bit.
  9. DrunkSquid

    DrunkSquid Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Oct 11, 2009
    Well no if I was serious I would be proving my point as well... you are no better than the soldiers you hate so indefinately if you wish death upon them *in general*.
    But I wasn't serioues because this is the internet and people say shit like "die in a fire", get over it.
  10. ASA

    ASA Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Nov 2, 2009
    don't chuck insults, there is also context, without it language means nothing.
  11. Ring Of Truth

    Ring Of Truth Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Dec 28, 2009
    So killing people who disagree with you is the answer? Then you are a nazi not an anarchist.

    I was happy to see 9-11 happen, about time someone decided to fight back against the murdering monster we call the USA, but at the same time I mourned the loss, it was sad it happened. I thought "about time" when the incidents at Fort Hood occured, but I was also very sad to see people die.

    As far as supporting the troops go. I have always supported the slogan "Support the Troops: Bring Them Home". Not all of the troops are bad people, there are some with good intentions, there are some forced into the military, there are others who used it to get college money or to better their future financially for them and their family. Hey not all of the people are as enlightened as some of us, some people don't as of now realize that the U.S. has lied to them. I know people who truely live in fear that Iraqi terrorists will come into their house and kill them, because that is what they are told. I don't hate the troops but, I do however hate the fuckers who use these troops as pawn in their fucked up financial game.

    As far as cops go, I feel no saddness when one loses a life, they chose to do what they do. Though some cops have great intentions, there are very few that escape with those intentions still in tact, that is like a politician who goes into politics to better things for the people, in the end they almost always end up being what they hated (which is why the system can NEVER be changed from within).

    All this said, most troops that I know are pieces of shit that look forward to killing their "enemy" . A lot of the troops are truely fucked up people who should be in mental hospitals not living in the world with the rest of us. Is it any wonder that many murderers are ex-military?

    Just be careful that in your hate for your enemy that you don't become your enemy. I still believe that violent revolutions are just another violent system, and that only an educated evolution will ever bring about true change in our world. But brothers and sisters if you try for a violent revolution I will stand beside you until the end...
  12. ASA

    ASA Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Nov 2, 2009
  13. Rathryn

    Rathryn Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Oct 21, 2009
    Thank you for recognising I'm the homicidal maniac here...
  14. killthedinosaurs

    killthedinosaurs Member Forum Member




    Jan 18, 2010

    sorry but this is just bullshit.......the groups behind 9.11 (al qaida and co...) are radicalislamic, antisemitic organisations....
    they are not remotely something like emancipated or something...they are fighting for an islamic theocracy......
    and the USA is not just the one big bad imperialistic State......alll the others are reallly fucked up too.
    so i cant see the point why killing of thousands of people by such people is good???

    ai sorry for the bad englisch...
  15. Ring Of Truth

    Ring Of Truth Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Dec 28, 2009
    No America is not the only bad imperialistic state... however it is a symbol of Western Society. Assuming 9-11 wasn't an inside job as many now believe; The World Trade Center is a symbol of capitalism, which makes it the perfect target for anti-Western Civilization.

    And Cocytus (or however your name is spelled), you scare me, you talk like someone who is planted here by the government to trap us into following you and your violent suggestions. I believe a this point from your words alone that you are a government informant, and that we should all now watch what we say or we will have the FBI kicking in our doors. I have seen your type before, you pose as one of us, but pose more radical ideals to see who takes the bait, and when you have enough people backing your call for violence, then the government steps in throws us in prison... but somehow you are not in the cells with us. To see examples of this I need to look no further than the RNC in Minneapolis, and how I have some very good friends who will be going to prison because of informants like you. Yes I am calling you our you are nothing more than one of big brother's spies.
  16. killthedinosaurs

    killthedinosaurs Member Forum Member




    Jan 18, 2010
    i see that the world trade Center is a "good" target for some religious freaks....if you are willing to kill thousands of people....
    but even then i cant see whats good on 9.11....
    the killing of thousands of people by some really fucked up idiots is not better when the Tours were "symbols" of capitalism....
  17. Ring Of Truth

    Ring Of Truth Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Dec 28, 2009
    oh sorry I guess I didn't address that good enough. I saw it as a positive thing because what the US does to everyone else was finally done back, it shows that the "strongest nation in the world" has weakness. I like seeing the USA taken down a notch or two. But the fact that people did die was horrible, and is NOT a good thing. But it was done at a time when very few people were there rather than at a time when the building would have been totally full, which is more than I can say the USA who in every war they are in tend to bomb schools and hospitals full of people. I hope you see what I am saying.

    The loss of human life is never a good thing, the loss of one of the biggest symbols of capitalism is always a good thing... so it was a bittersweet moment.
  18. killthedinosaurs

    killthedinosaurs Member Forum Member




    Jan 18, 2010
    i see what you want to say...
    the problem for me is....although a capitalist "symbol" was destroyed....behind the whole thing there was nothing good just the pursuit of power and the willing to kill a lot people....
    9.11 stands NOT a bit for real anti-capitalism (like anarchists are anti capitalists) ....it stands for the fight for power and meaningless killing.....
    and i m not sure if the bombers really are interested in the fact if there were few people or not in the buildings......

    nobody looks at the 9.11 and thinks ou yeah this was a goood day for us (people of the radical left) and a bad day for capitalism....
    it was a bad day for a lot people and a good day for some religolous idiots...
  19. Ring Of Truth

    Ring Of Truth Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Dec 28, 2009
    I don't disagree with you. It is just to see The United States see their actions in the Middle East come back to them, as totally a bad thing either. You must understand that the American Media wants you to believe that it is totally based on Religious fanatacizm, when in reality there is much more to it than that. The US has been meddling in affairs over in the middle east for years, and if you fuck with people for too long there will be radicals who will fuck back... are the means of doing so justified? not to me but look at the deaths that the US have caused in the middle east in both official an non-official wars for decades. Look at the group that "attacked" the US. Al Quida was an organization trained and funded by the CIA during the Cold War as a "defense" against Russia in the middle east. it all has a very long history, and most of the blood is on the hands of the US. We (the United States) kill millions, they (the "attackers" on 9-11) kill thousands. And the the US to go on about how it is such a great tragedy, almost like it is the worse thing to happen in the history of man is bullshit, in comparison it is mild compared to the actions of the US in both the Middle East and on a global scale. Removed from the history that led up to the event, and looking at it from just the US Media view, yes it is horrible... but pairing it with the actual history of the events leading up to the event and looking at it in perspective. I for one and happy to see the US take a kick in the balls for once, just too band the plane int he pentagon didn't do more damage.

    Okay I wanted to address this too: it is common knowledge that 9-11 had nothing to do with Iraq, and have we forgotten it was the US who put Sadam Hussein in power, so should America not take part in the blame for the attrocities committed by their chosen leader?

    So to tie this back into the original topic of Fort Hood... America has been fucking with people for way too long, and if you fuck people too hard there will be consequences to pay. Some of those consequences are soldiers turning on each other like at Fort Hood, and people fighting back like on 9-11. It is time we realize this is not a war about their religion, it is a war about American and Western domination in the Middle East.
  20. killthedinosaurs

    killthedinosaurs Member Forum Member




    Jan 18, 2010
    i see that 9-11 was an consequence of history and the things the US has done.....
    i only want to say that both sides are really fucked up......just because the facts why these organisations were founded are understandable makes them and there goals and the things they have done not better........
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