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Discussion in 'New members introductions' started by Yladi Zeedt, Jul 27, 2013.

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  1. Yladi Zeedt

    Yladi Zeedt Member New Member




    Jul 26, 2013
    Does a list of true and esteemed bands make me more accepted?
    Will I get more credits for railing against "filthy" communists and for worshipping the holy church of Anarchy?
    Can I join your cool club when I have stylish dreads and if I wear crusty crust fashion?
    Well, I fear that I have to disappoint you. But is there something that I can tell you about me?
    Hmmm.. I don't like stagnant concepts. But I love when people stand up for their opinions.
    It doesn't matter to me if you consider yourself an anarchist, an anarcho-communist or a communist.
    We have many common goals as long as you fight against capitalists and fascists.
    Let's sort the rest out after we defeat them. And don't get tricked by divide and conquer methods anyway!

  2. punkmar77

    punkmar77 Experienced Member Uploader Active Member




    Nov 13, 2009
     United States
    We don't forget and we don't forgive, if you're here to troll with negativity don't bother and keep searching this isn't the place for you...
  3. Yladi Zeedt

    Yladi Zeedt Member New Member




    Jul 26, 2013
    What gave you the impression that I'm here to troll?
    I just pointed out that you can't define a person by it's style or taste in music.
    But I am aware that the forum gives of the vibe to be a punk forum. But what defines a punk? Is it his Mohawk or his opinions and actions?
    It was just important to me to give the statement that anyone can get a Mohawk or buy cool crust fashion with Mommy's credit card on ebay.
    You can see it as a heads-up to the scene police or people who are just in it for the style and the social games.
    Anyway, I don't think that you consider me a troll anymore if you actually bother to read my other posts.
    Or is it because of the commie thing? I just can speak from my own experience and in our groups anarchists and communists made many good
    projects together. And to be honest, I know many anarchists who fuck each other over quite a lot.
    But thank you for the warm welcome!
  4. punkmar77

    punkmar77 Experienced Member Uploader Active Member




    Nov 13, 2009
     United States
    I don't really care what your stance on punk is, that is completely unimportant and trivial to me, I do however care that you seem to think it's ok to come on to this forum and preach unity with authoritarians just because we have common enemies.. your introduction speaks for itself and like many before you that have come on here to scold or try to somehow to belittle the forum or its members for their stances, it reeks of bullshit. Not here to placate or sooth over egos so sorry for the "warm welcome"
  5. Yladi Zeedt

    Yladi Zeedt Member New Member




    Jul 26, 2013
    You are obviously the alpha male here, right? Do you think that you have any authority?
    Well, that reeks like bullshit to me, Mr. double standards. Isn't it very authoritarin when you decide who is free to join and who's not?
    Especially when I come here with the best intentions. It was never in my interest to convince someone, unlike you.
    Maybe a fascist forum might suit you more. By the way, did I ever say that I'm an authoritarian?
    You started this shit, man! It's like if I would say that you are an imperialist and colonialist because you are a US citizen?
    Hold your horses. You don't have any authority over me like I don't have and want over you.
    I came here for a philosophical discourse and not to convert someone or to piss on your turf.
    You are welcome to visit the German Antifa which has a long tradition to fight against fascists and capitalists, where commies and anarchists fought side by side. And they still do that every day. You have your struggle in America and we have ours. I would love to have a world wide network. Solidarity!
    But this fucking American mindset pisses me off. Where you want to tell the rest of the world what to do.
    Really, man, hold your horses! There is a reason why 90% of the world hates you.
    All I can say is that we fight together side by side. And no American can tell us what to do.
    You were hostile from the first fucking message. So what do you want?
  6. Bakica

    Bakica Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Feb 21, 2010

    No, it's not.

    No comment. You know nothing about this community.

    We have our Antifas here on Balkan, and they work with both anarchists and communists. The sad thing is that they support Tito and Yugoslavia. Do you get my point ? Not all antifas are good guys, and that's how we feel. You can call yourself antifascist and support Stalin ( if you're an idiot, of course ). We don't tolerate that kind of bullshit here.

    Stereotypes. No comment.
  7. nclpw

    nclpw Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    May 25, 2012
    Supporting Tito and Yugoslavia does not automatically make you a bad person. I often ask myself how much better anyone else would have dealt with fascists in a situation like that. What would you do to protect your community? Scold them with bad words? "Chase" them out of their own country? They would fight back. Sometimes I really wonder that so many people think a revolution would be peaceful, any revolution. It is civil war after all, just look at Turkey where it even is happening in a small scale, imagine if the protesters actually picked up weapons and fought back. They would call them mass-murderers later.
    The information about Yugoslavia is largely biased, just like it's almost impossible to find good information about world war two(or any war), everything is smudged somehow by western propaganda. Like the documentary you told me to watch made by that Serbian guy, he is a nationalist. Or any documentary I have seen lately about the war in Kosovo is extremely biased, either trying to depict Albanians as "filthy gypsies" or just shit about KFOR and NATO, still depicting Albanians as backwards hicks.
    And why is the antifa bad guys only for supporting Tito? It could be worse, really. It's not like he will rise from the dead anytime soon.

    Anyway, I know for a fact Yladi Zeedt didn't come here to piss anyone off or convert, as mentioned. I know you would consider anyone that uses the word Communist alone to describe themselves as your enemy, but for now there is no revolution going on, and even if there was it would be hard for Yladi Zeedt to stab your backs all the way from here. I don't mind actually having someone around that doesn't share my opinions, and before you "found out" about the commie thing you did agree with Yladi Zeedt. Nuff said. Maybe revleft would be a better forum then. You still listen to Tozibabe even if they openly said they were commies, don't you? Someone?
    I also know Yladi Zeedt has been politically active for a very long time and done a lot, more than I can say about myself.

    As for the whole punk thing, I would probably say exactly the same. There aint no scene police like the punk police, and having seen people actually being spat on for looking too normal has sort of ruined it a bit for me. Also a tiny bit sick of all the crust art depicting crusties doing crusty stuff and healing the world/being the spark of the revolution. Punks get way too much cred.
  8. punkmar77

    punkmar77 Experienced Member Uploader Active Member




    Nov 13, 2009
     United States
    This is fucking trolling, and it is talking shit unnecessarily from your first post...now I'm a fascist because I call you on it, and by the way oh German savior I'm Mexican, but you win the bozo button for playing.

    :lmao: do you honestly think that we're stupid enough to fall for this most ancient and cliched communist line and end up with a knife in our backs yet again? Well fuck you....

    This is an anarchist and punk forum, don't come here to talk shit about punks, it's really a no-brainer..
  9. nclpw

    nclpw Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    May 25, 2012
    Okay, now I had to log on through a proxy to be able to even see your reply, you banned his IP and me at the same time, not that it matters anymore.
    I can talk as much shit about punks as I want, seeing that I have taken a lot of shit from punks for not being punk enough. You guys have a real nice way of just picking out tiny bits of what people write to make them look stupid.

    I can completely get why you ban communist trolls and fascists, but you let a right wing hang around, and you let people talk shit about "fat people", you let people ridicule someone for becoming a stalinist(which is ridicule enough in itself), it`s completely backwards that people like you would post his personal information openly on the internet for everyone to laugh at as if he was killing for Stalin himself. I think a lot of european leftists hate americans in general because a lot of you have opinions on "us", without understanding our backgrounds and why many of us choose to cooperate. It was thanks to Stalin that the Nazis were defeated, I can honestly say that I fully understand that the generation of germans that lived in GDR still support him. Most of you come off as liberalist, privileged morons. Your rhetoric is extremely pretentious, especially if you can even compare yourself to the Zapata, the CNT or the Russian anarchists:) "we never forgive, we never forget" since when are you "we"?). They would probably consider you a traitor.
    I really don`t care if you ban me too right now, I was getting tired of always talking to people that basically hold the same opinions I do, seeing that this is a forum- a place where you exchange ideas, not repeat the same old ones over and over. Now I realize that is because you censor anyone that dares to come here and say they`re not anarcho-*insert whatever*. Even the anarcho-communist dude I can`t remember the name of right now, the canadian dude that likes leftover crack(haha, sorry, you have a weird username) has to take a lot of shit from you guys.

    Yladi Zeedt has seen the forum, and has been around many different types of people, that was simply poking fun at the scene, but apparently the scene police does not allow anyone that is not part of the scene to poke fun at it. Oh I miss the days where people could laugh at themselves. I know it is a punk forum, but I thought non-punks that listen to punk were accepted here as well. Apparently not.

    I just feel sorry for the more open minded people on this forum for getting isolated from real life because in reality anarchists and communists often have to fight together, like the antifas that had to fight off nationalists after the collapse of the soviet. Just give me ONE single proof that communists ended up stabbing their friends in their backs within those antifas(Bakica, perhaps? He seems to know a lot). The whole movement is still developing, commies and anarchists cooperate in direct action and create projects, that is the reality in most parts of the world right now. Deal with it. It`s extremely bad that you are doing the job of isolating the more open minded people from this reality,
    Recently there are like 4-5 frequently active members left on this forum, that is proof enough. I`d rather be on revleft, where they actually try to find real-life solutions, and take the internet for what it is, internet. Not real life. Not revolution. For many this forum is the only way they participate in activism, I`d suggest that you take part in real direct action to see how the left movement works in real life, and not based by the administrators opinions(lets face it, you do have authority here, I can personally say I have been scared of saying stuff in case I get banned, I`m sure I`m not the only one) or some rumors you hear online.

    Oh and I know americans have trouble understanding this, but if you lived most of your life in the US, you`re from the US. Especially if you have an extremely american mindset.

    Face it, commies and anarchists work together as we speak, in Brazil, Greece, Turkey, Germany, Egypt, you name it.

    So delete the topic if you`re scared that someone might see someone admitting they actually feel threatened by the admins on the forum, ban me, I don`t give two shits anymore, so thanks for all the laughs and music.
  10. nclpw

    nclpw Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    May 25, 2012
    Oh and it`s not trolling that`s the problem, it`s obvious that you just didn`t like the fact that there was a commie here. If an anarchist had said that shit about the scene you wouldn`t have banned them.
  11. nclpw

    nclpw Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    May 25, 2012
    Oh dear I keep getting pointed out stuff that kinda makes sense. This forum is mainly male-dominated. I am currently the only female member I am aware of that actually posts here frequently and over a long period of time. Even when you have had female members you have ended up banning them for various reasons or they have just never really participated in the discussions. Of course the forum gives off a bit of a dominant male vibe.
    And on the trolls ban report, man I even read his intro post before he posted it and said "yeah, yeah they can take a joke!".
    That`s all.
  12. Bakica

    Bakica Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Feb 21, 2010
    Firstly, I meant no disrespect. I've never said I'm against anarchists and communists working together ( and i'm not saying i'm for, I will keep my opinion to myself ). However, I think that Yladis intro was a bit wierd and unnecessary, but as you said, maybe i'm not the joke-type person ? Mentioning that this forum is 'male-dominated' is pointless unless you're trying to say that you feel disciminated ?

    Few things, i've never said such thing. Secondly, supporting Tito is wrong and is against all anarchist principles. Tito was a stalinist. And I won't EVER pick between 2 wrongs ( Titoism or NDH fascism ). Maybe you forgot about Dugi otok, UDBA, 'OZNA sve dozna' and so on........I'm sorry but that's the way i think, i think of myself as a very radical person which has it's own disadvantages but I've never meant to show disrespect because i don't know you or your friend.
  13. nclpw

    nclpw Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    May 25, 2012
    Male dominated was a comment to the alpha male bit. I don´t feel discriminated myself but there is an obvious lack of girls throughout the time I´ve been here and there must be a reason for that.

    Tito wasn`t a stalinist.. Did you ever read anything about Yugoslavia that wasn`t some biased spew made by nationalists? You should find better sources.

    The problem is that there was no real reason to kick my boyfriend out and it is obvious it happened because of the commie bit and not the trolling. Having read a lot of old posts you definitely have a higher tolerance for idiots that say they are anarchists. Nuff said, I think I was pretty clear in my earlier message.

    And you know just as well as me that punks take themselves way too seriously. That`s all he was trying to say, it`s not trolling, that was no personal attack. He got kicked for being a commie.
  14. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Active Member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    I'm not going to talk about the recent ban but i will just answer the bullshit you posted:

    Boo-hoo-hoo, oh the poor stalinist... Stalinism is red fascism, would you take defense of a fascist if i post infos about him turning from anarchist to fascist ? Btw i didn't post any infos about him, i just posted screenshots of the bullshit he posted.
    Stalinism is a form of fascism and we have to fight it - by all means necessary.

    Our charter is very clear and you knew what you were getting into before registering here. This is an anarcho-punk network, so yes it's means to talk to people who hold the same opinions as your's. If you're sad to be unable to debate with fascists and stalinists, then find another forum.


    We don't live in the same reality. You should read history and learn what happenned to the anarchists who allied with communists. Kronsdadt, 1936, commune of paris, 1st internationale, makhnovtchina, etc...

    APN always made it very clear that authoritarian communists are NOT tolerated here. If you disagree and want to debate with red-fascists, then this is not the forum for you.

    I just have you many examples. But here's another one, more recent:


    http://roarmag.org/2011/10/anarchists-c ... ce-greece/

    http://www.leftcom.org/en/articles/2011 ... -the-state

    http://imfoccupationgreece.blogspot.ca/ ... ament.html

    http://www.revleft.com/vb/kke-assisting ... index.html

    Anarchists works together with communists in greece ?? LOL !!!! Sorry to tell you but you are very ignorant and misinformed.

    So much bullshit. This forum runs an open moderation system and everyone can take part of the moderation process. Did you ? No. So don't complaint.

    Gender is not an argument about wether we should or shouldn't ban someone. This is clearly off-topic. You suggest that females should have privileges ?

    Please explain me the point of fighting together with the authoritarian communists. They fight for a state, a dictatorship, and ideas that will obviously repeat history like in USSR or anywhere else. They haven't achieved a SINGLE revolution that came anywhere near anarchists ideas. In ALL communist revolution, the communists betrayed the anarchists and ended up fighting against them. What's the point to make a revolution with them if we just end up fighting each others ? What's the point of allying with someone that will become our ennemy once they build a state communist dictatorship ? THIS is the "reality", now who wants to hide it from others ?

    I agree that communists and anarchists can work together in some circumstances, for example in the IWW. But anarchists needs to have their OWN organising tools and APN is one of them. This is Anarcho-Punk.net not Communist-Punk.net. An anarchist would have been kicked out of a communist party so it's the same for us.
  15. nclpw

    nclpw Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    May 25, 2012
    Well first off, "bullshit" is hardly a valid argument if you want to be taken seriously. And I obviously am getting in "trouble" for speaking my mind, aren`t I? I sure pissed you off :D
    You clearly didn`t even read what I was writing, might be a language barrier for all I know, I never asked you for those articles, but thanks I already was informed of those instances. Why on earth would you consider a Stalinist a communist when we agree that they are red fascists?
    And I am not standing up for Stalinists I just think it`s extremely childish to do what you did(about bentheanarchist). That`s my opinion on you, you sort of just have to face that you rub some people the wrong way.
    Some of my boyfriends family members were even killed and raped by stalinists, so boo/bullshit on you, you read up a lot on these things but what would you really know about us as people? He never claimed to be an authoritarian communist, that is an assumption you are making. He is most definitely anti-authoritarian, why else would he be interested in joining this forum?

    Secondly, try giving a better explanation as to why there are virtually no girls joining your discussions? I do not ask for privileges, but you obviously are extremely privileged yourself, and I find that unfair. Why would I ever want to be a moderator on this forum?

    Thirdly, oh yes I am completely misguided and misinformed about the circumstances in Europe. Truly..

    For all it matters, I think there will soon be a rise of anarcho-fascists the way this shit`s going, might be the start of Punk Against Communism? No one asked you to let red fascists in ;) that`s all in your head. A red fascist is a fascist, and not a communist.

    Edit: What`s even funnier about your way of picking out sentences and words of my posts whenever it pleases you, is that you completely cover up the fact that there has been a lot of iffy and unfair shit going on on the forum. And now all of a sudden I`m the bad guy, right? And you can still sit there and feel like you`re on top of social evolution just because you claim to be an anarchist. If I feel that I have to watch my mouth here you can`t deny that, and you can`t deny or ignore or legitimize that people are allowed to say lame shit about anything YOU don`t find important. Of course I feel like I can`t say whatever I want when I KNOW and I knew you would completely pick it apart and say "bullshit" all the time. And I KNEW punkmar would get pissed off over all this and ban one of us(possibly even censor the whole topic), because it`s happened a trillion times before. You got each other`s backs, that`s sweet and all but not very democratic.
  16. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Active Member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    Me expressing my right to have an opinion doesn't makes you in trouble, neither does it makes me pissed. But obviously you are pissed because your communist boyfriend got kicked out, aren't you ?

    You asked for a proof that communists can stab us in the back - i provided it.
    If you agree that authoritarian communists shouldn't be tolerated on this forum than what the hell is the problem ? Anarcho-communists and libertarian communists are welcome here, and we could even tolerate some marxists at some level as long as they're not here to post propaganda.

    The "off-topic" forum is meant for "childish" stuff.

    A lot more than what you may imagine.

    No, YOU should try to give a better explanation why this forum is "male-dominated". We are STRONGLY against sexism and a lot of people got banned for posting sexist comments. It's not our problem is there are not enough females who enjoy posting in a web forum. I run 3 other french forums and we can observe the same fact there. Maybe there are more men who prefer forums, i don't know. But this is really not a problem with our politics that turn-off women from joining the community.

    Obviously you are, if you think that anarchists are working hands in hands with communists in greece, spain or france... I don't know about the situation of other countries..

    Now you are just being fucking stupid. Are you going to say that Oi Polloi is RAC because they are against authoritarian communism ?


    Oh and by the way, i consider myself as an anarcho-communist. Fuck, i'm hellah of a Punk Against Communism, right ?

    Because, you know (or not?), anarchism and direct democracy is about involving yourself, DUH.

    Get involved instead of complaining. There is a popular assembly forum and an open moderation system. Everyone can start a vote and take a decision together.

    I didn't ban anyone or delete a single post since at least 1 year... I'm such a big authoritarian. More bullshit like this ?

    So punkmar was right when he said you are trolling. You clearly expected a ban because of your bad attitude. Maybe i should come into your house and insult you as soon as i put my feet in your door to see if you will allow me to stay...

    By the way, it's funny how you completly ignored my last paragraphs why i explain the exact problem of the "anarchist & authoritarian communist" unity. That explained exactly why authoritarians aren't welcome in anarchist organisations but you totally ignored this part, you prefer to jump on personnal attacks and off-topic arguments.
  17. nclpw

    nclpw Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    May 25, 2012
    You started ignoring my posts my friend, and you always react the same way anyone dares to say something you don`t like, that`s why I treat you the same way you treat everyone else. He is NOT an authoritarian communist, there is no real problem here other than YOUR shitty attitude. I repeat: HE NEVER CLAIMED TO BE AUTHORITARIAN. Is that clear enough for ya? He would even go so far as to consider himself an anarcho-communist too. You`re just throwing shit at me blindly when I keep telling you that you`re wrong, and you know it, and putting words in my mouth.

    He can only speak for himself and his own experience with commies and anarchists cooperating in the antifa, I clearly said I was talking about the 90`s after the fall of the Berlin wall, but you`re ego-tripping somewhere deep in your head where you`re always right and you only see what you want to see.

    You`re probably the brattiest person ever, all the time, and you expect me to expect a respectful answer from you and your little posse? Don`t tell me you know me or dictate what I know or not, or whether I am pissed off or not. You`re the one calling me stupid and saying what I write is bullshit. And you`re not the intellectual authority here, we are equals, so treat me like one or get the same treatment you give others.
    You don`t have to ban someone to be authoritarian, you simply have to act like an asshole, that is obviously enough.

    And it is pretty sexist to assume that girls don`t like forums. You`re blowing smoke out your ass man. You`re not the one that bans people no, punkmar bans people and deletes their posts, you just split up people`s posts and say "bullshit" without even bothering reading into it.
    And don`t try to belittle me because he`s my boyfriend, that won`t work either :) Neither of us hold any importance in an internet forum, this is the lowest, shittiest platform for political debates, and most people don`t actually use APN as a tool for anything other than music. You`re not enabling the revolution, sorry to say, The traffic on your site is shittier than the german punk dating site everyone stopped caring about in the 90`s. I honestly don`t care if I am allowed to be here or not, right now I just find it funny that you actually feel attacked.

    And I really feel sorry for bakica, you push him around like shit too.

    There was no back-stabbing in greece or anywhere else because a stalinist is not a communist. I answered your little rant briefly, if you`d care to notice. I do not consider those people communists. If you choose to put them all in the same category, that`s your opinion.
  18. nclpw

    nclpw Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    May 25, 2012
    of course I`m upset because my little commie boyfriend got kicked out ;( dude, how is he supposed to defend his statements any other way when you ban him. Haha, man you are gold. Really, I hope someone tells you what an asshole you are irl, you sound like you need to hear it.
  19. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Active Member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    LOL !! Are you paranoid or something ? How did i react so badly ? I didn't insult you or throw shit at you, you're lying now. You're the only one throwing shit here, pretending this forum has no democracy, accusating mods of being authoritarian, blah blah blah. Read again your first post, what reaction did you expect ? Stop pretending to be a victim.

    Omg... I SAID I DIDN'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT HIM SINCE THE FIRST POST. What part of that you don't understand ? I'm not talking about his ban by punkmar, i'm answering your post where you pretend all communists and all anarchists are friend in the real world and that we just want to hide the truth.

    lol so this is your reference about the situation in the real world ? :lmao:

    Says the person who talks about respect and throwing shit.

    You compared me to RAC neo-nazi bullshit, what the fuck did you expect in return ? How would you react if i said you're a nazi ?

    Yeah right, you're redefining terms now. Authoritarian literally means abuse of authority, how can i be one if i don't use my authority ? Make some sense or shut up.

    Bad faith here. I talked about a statistic, saying that on the 5 forums i manage we can clearly see that there are less girls than boys who participate (and that's sad). I suggested that maybe girls doesn't like internet forums as much as boys does (not because of their gender or whatever).

    If i say that there are less arabs than white people on this forum so maybe that's because anarcho-punk is less popular among arabs than in america or the UK, does that means i'm a racist ? Do you realise how little sense you make ?

    Then why are you throwing shit at me ?

    Then why are you staying here ? Just get the fuck out.

    I don't care about what you think, the facts speak by themselves : this is the most popular anarcho-punk forum on the web, the biggest database of anarchist music and the t-shirt shop allow us to send thousands of dollars of donation to anarchist comrades all over the world.
    But what have YOU done better ? Maybe the day that you do something as big as APN you will have some credibility

    The fact that you have posted 600 messages also proves that you give more importance to this forum than you pretend to.

    You're just mad because your boyfriend was banned after provoking it and expecting it himself and now you're doing everything you can to be banned so you can both play victims roles and pretend to be martyrs.

    :lmao: he can think by himself and i didn't ask him anything. now you're gonna pretend i'm manipulating people every time sometime agree with me ? You're fucking pathetic. I never thought you could get so low just because your troll boyfriend got banned. I wonder who's pushing who around ;)

    I'm closing this topic as this shitfight lasted enough and there is no point of pushing it farther. I don't have any more time to lose with you. Call me authoritarian or whatever, i don't give a single flying fuck.
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