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Girls in bands?

Discussion in 'Music, punk scene & subcultures' started by cutiediedforyou, Apr 25, 2013.

  1. cutiediedforyou

    cutiediedforyou New Member New Member




    Apr 25, 2013
    What do you think of girls in bands?

  2. Bakica

    Bakica Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Feb 21, 2010
    What should we think ?

    This question is either sexist or unnecessary.

    There are lots of bands that have women as members, and they are great. Posion Girls, Thulsa Doom, Resist and Exist...
  3. Kobac

    Kobac Experienced Member Uploader Active Member Forum Member




    Nov 7, 2009
    Anti Product, Antischism and feel the fury of our sisters.Why not! \m/
  4. AlphaEagle

    AlphaEagle Member Forum Member




    Mar 18, 2013
    Girls is bands? What ever wil they think of next. It's a slippery slope, first girls, then negro's and the gays. Then animals and the dead.
  5. Rebellious twit

    Rebellious twit Experienced Member Active Member




    Jul 21, 2012
    i don't give an actual fuck about gender if they can play and have good lyrics and the band is honest i like people like that weather they are black, white purple or something completely different. \m/
  6. Bakica

    Bakica Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Feb 21, 2010
    If this is a joke, it's not a good one.
  7. AlphaEagle

    AlphaEagle Member Forum Member




    Mar 18, 2013
    This is obviously not a joke. It is a balanced response to a serious, and well thought-out question.

    [edit] Just ate. Less grumpy. What I meant to say was: It is a question that belongs in the Fifties, and so does my 'response.' It was meant to ridicule, not to be funny.

    I am surprised anyone who would be on an arnacho-anything forum would start a discussion with a question that only makes sense if you assume some kind of fundamental difference between the sexes. That, or it is a question trying to discuss current society, but fails to provide any context.[/edit]
  8. xXZenyattaXx

    xXZenyattaXx Experienced Member Active Member




    Jul 29, 2012
    Ooh can't have them wimmins be playin teh musik - it's bad luuuck!
    (no seriously, what kind of question is this?)

    ....but I mean, you can't go about life thinking everyone is a binary gender (I mean, I do that a lot but I'm trying to get out of it) Words like "girl" are kinda... I don't know, I don't think we should use them because it implies a binary and a normative (i.e boys are the normative so the question "what do you think of boys in bands" would never get asked....) and what IS a "girl" anyway??

    I mean, I'm not going to be offended if anyone refers to me as "she" but I NEVER want to be thought of as a "girl". I'm a person first and foremost - I am myself. Because "girl" is a collection of gender stereotypes (and so is boy) and we pick one or the other but that negates all the parts of us that don't fit the stereotype.

    I do have a female body though, and I'm really happy with it and the way I appear so... to call me "female-bodied" is pretty comfortable and accurate. I mean, some people look in the mirror and don't like what they see, they want a penis I guess, or boobs, or both! But then there's people (both born with female parts and both without) who are all like, I'm a WOMAN so I have to like, do WOMAN things and be concerned with WOMEN'S issues!!! and I'm like, I don't even know what "women" means really.

    But... anyways it makes me happy when people who are different from the typical male-bodied hyper indentified with "boy" front or play in bands... it's good for the scene man.

  9. Havran

    Havran Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Feb 22, 2012
     Czech Republic
    I think it doesn't matter if there is a male or female member of a band, with one exception, and that is the "singing" person. I don't know why, but I like female voice better. Not every time, but usually I do. And that is the only post in a band that you can actually hear the difference between genders.
  10. Geck0)))

    Geck0))) Active Member Forum Member




    Mar 18, 2013
    I care more about not being forced to listen to shit music and listening to worthwhile music than the gender of the folks playing said music.

    Putting more or less females in the band won't make bad music tolerable.
  11. Rebellious twit

    Rebellious twit Experienced Member Active Member




    Jul 21, 2012
  12. crustybeckham

    crustybeckham Experienced Member Uploader Active Member Forum Member




    Jan 22, 2012
    Certainly a silly question. And a couple of simplistic answers.
    Given the systemised sexism and gender oppression that individuals labelled as "women" have to live through, it is not as easy for them to play aggressive, political music than it is for individuals labelled as "men". It is not a matter of sex and biology but of gender. Women are not supposed to be angry since anger is associated with male behaviours. Basically, saying "I don't care about the gender as long as the music is good" tends to overlook this dimension (obviously, cheesy music about love doesn't really count because women are supposed to care only about love).
  13. sheep6665

    sheep6665 Active Member Forum Member




    Aug 15, 2012
    I actually find it funny. I mean - it's probably a troll thread, and that joke fits to the atmosphere.
    Girl - young homo sapiens(aka human) female
    Boy - young homo sapiens(aka human) male
    Where are the stereotypes?
  14. Rebellious twit

    Rebellious twit Experienced Member Active Member




    Jul 21, 2012
    i really just think this thread is bloody stupid so i'll leave now bye :ecouteurs:
  15. xXZenyattaXx

    xXZenyattaXx Experienced Member Active Member




    Jul 29, 2012
    There's "female" as in, "having female parts" and then there's "female" in the sense of "identifies with the female concept" and I'm like "I don't even know what the female concept is really, and what it would mean to identify as such, so I really want to just be treated like me and nothing more."
  16. sheep6665

    sheep6665 Active Member Forum Member




    Aug 15, 2012
    We can look at it from many angles:
    Female = have double X chromosomes in genotype
    Male = have XY pair of chromosomes in genotype
    Female: was exposed mostly to oestrogen when was around 2 years old(concentration of oestrogen/testosterone is higher than during puberty when we're little, this messes up in our brain)
    Male: was exposed mostly to testosterone when was around 2 y o.
    Female: basically - has vagina. Other things - breast, less muscles, wider hips, less body hair, "softer" facial features, slightly different feet, statistically shorter than men etc.
    Male: basically - penis. Men in general have bigger muscles, wider chest, more body hair, their face is "sharper", they're balding much faster, fat is concentrated around stomach etc.
    but the easiest way is simple common sense.

    I've never understand why do people even care about labels like "girl", "slut" or even "nigger", they're just oversimplified words used to describe people we don't know well enough(girl - young female, slut - either a prostitute, or dissolute women, nigger - black man who fits to negative stereotype about them), or don't want to repeat one name or whatever over and over again.
    They're offensive - sexist, bourgeois etc. are also offensive in some way, so there's no point in it. Back to the topic.
    Imagine this:
    You've burned some world-wide corporation building ;) , now you're in jail and read newspaper about your case(I'll use your nick but insert your name here if you want):
    Every sentence is used is treating you as certain individual - person(I know:
    but in extent it will look like we can only refer to other people personally). Let's assume that you're young(I don't know, but I'm probably right), and rewrite it in the other way:
    Looks little better right?

    You won't avoid that kind of generalisation in English if you don't want to sound stupid, in Polish default entity is more common so I could make it look quite good but I can't do the same in English(maybe it's my fault, it's not like I'm some kind of polyglot).

    THEBLACKNOVA Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Aug 11, 2011
    This sentence reads like it came from a bourgeois news paper, and it reads like xXZenyattaXx is member of the bourgeois, because there are no adjectives before xXZenyattaXx. Adjectives would be added to her name if xXZenyattaXx were not a member or looked liked a member of the bourgeois, for example a news paper in the USA would rarely say: “The White Christian Terrorist xXZenyattaXx.”

    We would be able to see different adjectives added to the xXZenyattaXx newspaper story today from different newspapers throughout the world representing different segments of the bourgeois, who are in competition with each other in their news paper propaganda wars... :ecouteurs:

    Oh and to the question...
    Girls in bands? Cool :D
  18. Harrison

    Harrison Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Nov 11, 2009
    why is this even a thread?

    THEBLACKNOVA Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Aug 11, 2011
    It is a test, those who fail will be purged and sent to an anarchist re-eduation camp...

    But seriously i was hopping someone would question the idea of "bands" and go on a rant or come up with some notes for a critique on moving beyond this concept of "bands", of performers and audience into something were all can be a part of the "noise" and maybe call for an attack on stages (something used to lift people above others)
  20. sheep6665

    sheep6665 Active Member Forum Member




    Aug 15, 2012
    It wasn't my point, I'm just saying that you can't talk to everyone on personal level, and the words like "girl"(I still can't get how could anyone be offended when called like that) are necessary to make the language more interesting.