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Hello Everyone

Discussion in 'New members introductions' started by Rebellious twit, Mar 18, 2013.

  1. Rebellious twit

    Rebellious twit Experienced Member Active Member




    Jul 21, 2012
    Hello Everyone how are you? i recently found this website again and i thought i wanted to become, active on the forums so i would with interdoucing myself,

    I'm from denmark, which is a country in Northern Europe in a region called Scandinavia, i'm 14 years old turning 15 27th of august, I first started listening to punk when i was about 4-5 years old. but i have always enjoyed the fast phased sound in punk rock, i started out listening to Green Day when i was 12 years old and yeah stopped listening to the band the same year as i felt they forgot their message and sold out a long time ago, i only knew of Green Day at that time but not long after i started reading about the punk rock scene in denmark and in general around the world i loved the sound so as i grew older the lyrics started to make sense and i could relate to them,i discovered new bands and i found out how much i loved politics afterwards i began to study about Anarchism and Socialism and Communism (Which i still do) and i began reading news and i paid attention in class and stuff so really punk rock did a positive effect on me.

    So yeah my point of view on society mostly describes me as an anarchist with socialist beliefs, like i want everyone to be equal but not in the way that everyone should be dictated, i hate how people are intolerant to people looking different or have a different culture, my country isn't a conservative one, but i have alot of political enemies such as liberals who wants just money and doesn't think on others and exploits the worker, Fascists and Racists and Nazis who spread propaganda on the streets and

    we have a

    government who calls themselves socialists but generally all they do is liberal politics the social democratic party who is the party who runs the government have lost their beliefs and are going on the right wing and gives benefits to the rich people while our countrys poor are generally fucked. this pretty much sums everything up what is happening to denmark at the moment, i also forgot to mention they want to give the public schools more lessons so like we would be done with school 15.10 everyday and have homework afterwards which equals we will have no spare time or freedeom what so ever and also a danish kid at my age in denmark can't concentrate that much i have problems concentrating when we are having lessons when clock is around 14;45 or something like that

    enough with my political beliefs.

    I would like to share some of my favorite bands: The Casualties,The Sex Pistols,The Exploited,Crass,Subhumans,Dead kennedys,Anti Heros (their older stuff when jello was with them not this cheap greedy cover band who tours nowadays),The Clash and alot more i mostly like OI! and street punk and Anarcho punk and hardcore, i also listen to some danish punk rock bands:Guddommelig Galskab,Dårligt Selskab,Lost Kids,The Assasinators,

    So yeah this is me :ecouteurs: i hope to meet other Punks on these forums and have a nice long debate with people aswell and share musical intrests sorry for my bad english and grammar issues :ecouteurs:

  2. punkmar77

    punkmar77 Experienced Member Uploader Active Member




    Nov 13, 2009
     United States
    Welcome to APN Stegs
  3. goodnighthumanpride

    goodnighthumanpride New Member New Member




    Mar 18, 2013
    hej hej du!
    nu gad jeg sgu ikke læse alt, du skrev.
    men hvor du fra, i DK?
  4. Rebellious twit

    Rebellious twit Experienced Member Active Member




    Jul 21, 2012
    Sjælland du ;D