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An Norwegian anarcho-buddhist, that´s what I am

Discussion in 'New members introductions' started by Agenda, Feb 20, 2013.

  1. Agenda

    Agenda Member New Member




    Feb 20, 2013

    I´m a too old punk from the westcoast of Norway.

    I sing and play bass in Agenda, a new crust punk band.

    I grew up as a socialist/marxist, but in the beginning of my twentes I realized socialism and capitalism goes hand in hand and became an anarchist. I strongly believe the only way for the earth to survive is to stop trading with money, erase borders and decentralize decentralize decentralize!!!!

    I´m also a buddhist, believing the human mind needs exercise and that the human kind need to respect any kind of life-form. I belive the only way to grow is to question everything!! Even myself....

    Bands I love: From Ashes Rise, Tragedy, Dead Kennedys, The Unseen, Strike Anywhere, Sigur Ros, Tool +++++

    Bill Hicks is my one and only hero!

  2. Harrison

    Harrison Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Nov 11, 2009
    ...WELCOME :ecouteurs: