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Anarquismo en Mexico

Discussion in 'Anarchism and radical activism' started by punkmar77, Dec 1, 2012.


    THEBLACKNOVA Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Aug 11, 2011
    Here is some amazing footage of what went down...

    Part 1: 1DMX San Lázaro

    On December 1 at 4:00 am began the mobilizing for one of the most important days in the history of Mexico. And not for the inauguration. But for the day when society had decided to move from resistance to the offensive. The day that we will not be silent in our repudiation to the imposition. The confrontation was imminent and the use of force (police and federal Presidential) showed no mercy, leaving more than 4 partners and 3 others seriously injured with gunshot wounds dozens gas and rubber. Besides more than 100 detainees.


    Part 2: 1dmx Historic Center

    After the "Battle of San Lazaro." The movement found its final destination outside the Palace of Fine Arts. The confrontation was imminent. It's confusing to identify the actors on one side and the other. As a collective we witnessed and victims of repression by the "forces of order". We demand freedom for political prisoners immediately. We witness an act more worthy of history ... civil society building its freedom.

  2. Harrison

    Harrison Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Nov 11, 2009
    That's intense! Are the rioters firing projectiles out of tubes at the police? It's kind of hard to tell but it almost sounds/looks like it. I'm sure if anyone's shooting anything it's probably the police though. Actually never mind, saw police launcher that's the noise. Brave folks.

    THEBLACKNOVA Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Aug 11, 2011
    Two Young Detainees Freed In PRI Office Fire


    Dec. 5, 2012

    San Luis Rio Colorado. - State Police Investigator (PEI) reported that two youths were released in connection with the fire at the offices of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) in this border town, which occurred last Sunday.

    In a report, the corporation said the prosecutor of the civil courts ordered the release, "the lack of evidence for the provision of case to criminal court."

    Outside of police facilities, family welcomed Luis Lopez Alvarez, 19 years old, and Cázarez Wendy Dominguez, 18, arrested near the PRI headquarters after the incident, but who did not give statements.

    In another report last Monday, the PEI said at 03:00 pm on Sunday, received notice that partisan office caught fire located at Kino Avenue and Fourth Street, where the perpetrators apparently dropped bombs "Molotov" homemade .

    He mentioned that the building was located in a blanket and posters with slogans "against the return of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) to power in Mexico."

    The writings were in the name of an alleged group calling itself "Revolutionary Anarchist Movement Sanluisino (MARS)", who posted messages and photos on social networking sites.

    This report taken from here: http://www.radioformula.com.mx/notas.asp?Idn=288878
    and translated by The Black Nova :ecouteurs:

    THEBLACKNOVA Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Aug 11, 2011
    Mexican Police Brutality Uncovered By Human Rights Investigators


    Dec 6, 2012

    Four case of torture among alleged offences during inauguration of President Enrique Peña Nieto

    A preliminary investigation by Mexico City's human rights commission has found evidence of police brutality and arbitrary detentions during the violent protests during last Saturday's inauguration of President Enrique Peña Nieto.

    The ongoing investigation has identified at least four cases of possible torture, three of them involving electric shocks, as well as 22 cases of unjustified arrests among the 70 people still in jail in relation to the protests. Many of these face a preliminary charge of "attacks against the public peace", which carries a long prison term...

    To read the rest go here: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2012/de ... CMP=twt_gu
  5. punkmar77

    punkmar77 Experienced Member Uploader Active Member




    Nov 13, 2009
     United States
    Pronunciamiento de Colectivos Anarquistas del Norte de México ante los Hechos del 1 de Diciembre.

    A la Alianza Anarquista Revolucionaria.:

    A los anarquistas revolucionarios de México y el mundo:

    A las organizaciones sociales:

    A los medios independientes de comunicación:

    Hacemos llegar nuestro total apoyo combativo, toda nuestra solidaridad y fraternidad a los compañeros reprimidos el 1 de diciembre durante las manifestaciones contra la toma de protesta de Enrique Peña Nieto, al cual rotundamente le negamos el derecho a gobernarnos.

    Nosotros somos un grupo de colectivos e individuos anarquistas de ciudades de Baja California, Baja California Sur y de Sonora, que hemos comenzado a trabajar en la construcción de una red de colectivos autónomos anarquistas en esta región fronteriza del mundo, nos reivindicamos anarquistas de ideología, práctica y como forma de organización social y partimos del ejemplo de la Alianza Anarquista de México del centro del país, pues hoy más que nunca los anarquistas tenemos que luchar como un solo puño.


    1. Que los acontecimientos del pasado 1-D no son sino resultado de la imposición de los poderes facticos que se han hecho de la presidencia en la persona de EPN, mismos que en complicidad con todos los partidos políticos PRI, PAN, PRD, PT, Nueva Alianza, y Movimiento Ciudadano y utilizando el garrote policiaco y militarizado se han ido enriqueciéndo y apoderando del país y empobreciendo cada vez mas al Pueblo trabajador.

    2. Que ante las injusticias y pisoteos de la autoridad, el empobrecimiento moral y económico al que nos sujeta este sistema, las políticas gubernamentales encaminadas a favorecer a los ricos y sus grandes empresas, la venta del país a corporaciones extranjeras y ante la conspiración del poder nacional y global para apoderarse de esta nuestra tierra: el Pueblo tiene el inalienable derecho de lanzarse a una Revolución que lo redima, y que por lo tanto los Anarquistas Revolucionarios como parte de los explotados tenemos el deber de caminar con el pueblo para conseguir el objetivo de bienestar para todos.

    3. Que el choque entre manifestantes y fuerzas publicas ya estaba planeado por las autoridades, prueba de ello son los videos que circulan en YOUTUBE de civiles dentro del cerco que protegía San Lázaro quienes los mismos, en otros videos son escoltados por los granaderos por calles del zócalo.

    4. Que los medios de comunicación masiva como Televisa y otros, alineados y en contubernio con el régimen autoritario, solo expusieron una y otra vez imágenes de manifestantes atacando a la policía y destruyendo propiedades de grandes corporaciones como BANAMEX, CFE entre otras, emitiendo juicios y condenas, señalando a los manifestantes, omitiendo imágenes:

    • donde quedaba al descubierto los grupos de choque dentro del cerco de San Lázaro protegidos por los cuerpos policíacos.
    • de manifestantes heridos varios de ellos de gravedad
    • sobre los arrestos, que en imágenes de video vimos se trataba de manifestantes pacíficos, incluso simples transeúntes

    5. Que el uso de fuerza publica no cumplió sus protocolos, que fue desmedida y desproporcionada, cuando en todo caso manifestantes arrojan piedras y palos a cuerpos cubiertos por armaduras, coches blindados y vallas metálicas sobre fuerzas armadas que disparan proyectiles a quema ropa contra civiles manifestantes.

    6. Que el Gobierno del Distrito Federal en manos del PRD, violó el derecho de libre transito de todos los ciudadanos capitalinos restringiendo el acceso a la plancha del zócalo y que violo los derechos constitucionales de miles de manifestantes pacíficos rociándolos con gases lacrimógenos, balas de goma (prohibidas por la constitución) y arrestando de manera arbitraria.

    El operativo montado por las Autoridades Federales y del Gobierno del Distrito Federal nos da una idea del futuro que nos depara bajo el gobierno de EPN, que al igual que sus antecesores colegas con guante ensangrentado como Díaz Ordaz, se dispone a utilizar a los aparatos represivos contra el pueblo.

    Las posteriores declaraciones del represor Marcelo Ebrard no son nada nuevo, forman parte de la campaña de criminalización y persecución en contra de grupos e individuos anarquistas y de las organizaciones sociales autónomas.

    El primero de diciembre del 2012 deja al descubierto la forma en la que se gobierna este país, en un búnker protegido por ejércitos, alejado y aislado del resto de la ciudad, donde el Pueblo no avala si no mas bien reprocha y rechaza a la clase política coludida con las grandes empresas y los mas ricos del país y el extranjero. Esta elite política y económica se encuartela en su nicho de poder para tomar decisiones y se engalana con ceremonias en el nombre de la nación.


    • La inmediata e incondicional liberación de todos los detenidos.
    • Alto a la criminalización mediática que se hace de la protesta social.
    • El fin de la campaña de hostigamiento y difamación de individuos y grupos anarquistas por parte del Gobierno del Distrito Federal
    • Indemnización a los compañeros Carlos Yair Valdivia y la familia de Francisco Kuy Kendal
    • Averiguación de la participación en las manifestaciones de los grupos de choque protegidos y escoltados por las fuerzas policíacas.


    • El derecho de todos los ciudadanos a manifestarse, oponerse o lanzarse a la Revolución contra el gobierno.
    • El articulo constitucional 39 que otorga en todo tiempo al pueblo el derecho de cambiar su forma de gobernarse.
    • La digna rabia y valentía en la que los compañeros Anarquistas Revolucionarios al lado de otros manifestantes actuaron y emplearon acciones de AUTODEFENSA.

    Por la Anarquía Fraternalmente

    Colectivo Tijuanarkia-FAM, Blog Tu lucha, Mi Lucha, Nuestra Lucha-FAM, Colectivo Pañuelos Rojos, Colectivo Ácrata Ricardo Flores Magón e individuos anarquistas y libertarios.

    A 7 de diciembre del 2012.


    Statement from the Anarchist Collectives of Northern Mexico concerning the Acts of December 1st.

    To the Revolutionary Anarchist Alliances:

    To the revolutionary anarchists of Mexico and the world:

    To social organizations:

    To the independent media:

    We extend our full combative support, and our solidarity and fraternity to our repressed sisters and brothers during the December 1st demonstrations against the inauguration of Enrique Peña Nieto, whom we flatly and emphatically deny the right to rule.

    We are a collective of anarchist groups and individuals from the cities of Baja California, Baja California Sur and Sonora, we have begun work on the construction of a network of autonomous anarchist groups in these border regions, we vindicate anarchist ideology, practice, and as a form of social organization; and are inspired by the example of the Anarchist Alliance of Mexico, because today more than ever we anarchists must struggle united as a single fist.


    1. That the events of the past D-1 are merely a result of the imposition of the powers that have been made of the president in the person of EPN, same as in complicity with all the political parties PRI, PAN, PRD, PT, New Alliance, and Citizens' Movement and using the truncheon and a militarized police have been enriching themselves and taking over the country at the peril of an increasingly impoverished working people.

    2. That in the face of the injustices and stompings by the authorities, the moral and economic impoverishment to which we are subjected by this system, the governmental policies aimed at favoring the rich and their conglomerates, the selling of the country to foreign corporations and to the national and global powers that seize this, our land: The people have the inalienable right to launch themselves into a revolution that redeems them, and therefore we revolutionary anarchists being part of the exploited feel it is our duty to walk arm in arm with the people to achieve the objective of well being for all.

    3. That the clash between protesters and police had already been planned by authorities, the proof is in the videos circulating on YouTube of civilian provacateurs inside the fence that protected San Lazaro and who thereof, in other videos are seen being escorted by grenadiers through the streets of the Zocalo.

    4. That the massive media networks such as Televisa and others aligned and in collusion with the authoritarian regime, only exposed again and again images of protesters attacking police and destroying property of large corporations such as Banamex and Starbucks, and the offices of the Federal Election Commission among others, passing judgments and convictions, pointing to the protesters, omitting the images of:

    • that exposed provocateur shock groups inside the fence of St. Lazarus protected by police forces.
    • of protesters wounded, several of them seriously, some fatally.
    • the arrests, which we saw video footage of peaceful protesters and even some curious bystanders.

    5. That the use of public force did not meet its protocols, which was excessive and disproportionate, in any case when demonstrators throwing stones and sticks at police covered in armor, in armored cars and behind military fences, that shoot projectiles point blank at civilians demonstrators.

    6. That the Government of the Federal District at the hands of the PRD, violated the right of free transit of all the capital's citizens by restricting access to the Zocalo and violated the constitutional rights of thousands of peaceful protesters by spraying them with tear gas, rubber bullets (prohibited by the constitution) and arbitrarily arresting them.

    The operation mounted by the federal authorities and the Federal District Government gives us an idea of ​​the future that lie under the rule of EPN, which like his predecessors, colleagues like the bloody gloved Diaz Ordaz, prepares to use repression against the people.

    The subsequent statements by the oppressor Marcelo Ebrard are nothing new, they are part of the campaign of criminalization and persecution of individuals and groups of anarchists and autonomous social organizations.

    The first of December 2012 reveals how this country is governed, from a bunker protected by armies, remote and isolated from the rest of the city, where the people do not endorse if not rather it criticizes and rejects the class political collusion with big business and the richest in the country and abroad. This political and economic elite in its niche greedily hordes power to make decisions and is decked with ceremonies in the name of the nation.


    • The immediate and unconditional release of all detainees.
    • Stop the criminalization of social protests by the media.
    • The end of the campaign of harassment and defamation of individuals and anarchist groups by the Government of the Federal District
    • Compensation to the comrades Carlos Yair Valdivia, Francisco Kuy Kendal and their families
    • Investigation of the participation in the demonstrations of the provocateur shock troops protected and escorted by police forces.


    • The right of all citizens to demonstrate, oppose or propel themselves into the revolution against the government.
    • The constitutional article 39 that gives the people right at any time to change the way they are governed.
    • The dignified rage and courage in which fellow revolutionary anarchists alongside other demonstrators' acted and employed actions of self-defense .

    For Anarchism, Fraternally

    Collective Tijuanarkia-FAM, Your fight, my fight, our fight Blog -FAM, Red Scarves Collective, Ricardo Flores Magon Anarchist Collective and individual anarchists and libertarians.

    On December 7, 2012.
  6. punkmar77

    punkmar77 Experienced Member Uploader Active Member




    Nov 13, 2009
     United States
    Conferencia de Prensa de Cruz Negra Anarquista Mexicana y Allianza Anarquista Revolucionaria sobre los hechos del 1ro de Diciembre

    Press conference on Ustream by Anarchist Black Cross Mexico and Revolutionary Anarchist Alliance...in Spanish only..sorry.

  7. punkmar77

    punkmar77 Experienced Member Uploader Active Member




    Nov 13, 2009
     United States
    56 of the 69 prisoners were released this morning.... \m/

    Salen del Reno 56 de los 69 detenidos por disturbios del 1 de diciembre http://lajor.mx/SXRi0X

    Lo anterior, al no encontrar pruebas suficientes que señalen su responsabilidad en esos hechos. Al resto de los jóvenes se les reclasificarán los delitos (en principio acusados de ataques a la paz pública) por el de daños en propiedad pública y robo, por lo que podrían alcanzar fianza.



    THEBLACKNOVA Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Aug 11, 2011

    March 27, 2013.

    Several groups, convened by the black bloc, marched on Wednesday March 27 at the offices of PAN Mexico, in protest against the reform initiative proposed Federal Criminal Code by Federal Deputy Jorge Francisco Sotomayor, by which intends to incorporate the type of ATTACK ON THE PUBLIC PEACE, adding as aggravating elements using all or part interfering in identifying the perpetrator (hoods, bandanas, scarves, sunglasses, etc).

    I think the penalty will be 10-15 years if you are cought in "black bloc" gear on the streets of mexico in a protest...

    This is a video of a rally on March 27, 2013.- the video gets stuck on an image for the first 26min, so start playing it around the 26min mark...


    THEBLACKNOVA Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Aug 11, 2011
    Europol And Mexico To Cooperate Against Anarchist Groups

    Note from WOS: It goes without saying that we do not share the analysis of the Europol or of the press that are reported below. What we do consider important is to be aware of international police cooperation. It is also worth mentioning that what follows is a decent summary of recent anarchist action especially in Mexico, and we have added links where they may be helpful.

    from the press, translated by waronsociety:

    Alarm in Europe due to Mexican Anarchists

    The European police seem to be more interested in fighting anarchism (which they automatically equate with terrorism) than narco-trafficking. They demonstrate this in a cooperation accord which will soon be negotiated between the European police and the Mexican government, and the report on “terrorist trends in the EU” which is about to be published. A recount of the attacks in Italy and Mexico would explain Europol’s alarm.

    BRUSSELS (Proceso) — The police force of the European Union (EU), Europol, intends for the cooperation accord it will negotiate with Enrique Peña Nieto’s government to include the exchange of information about anarchist groups operating in Mexico.

    Last October 4th, the EU Cabinet approved Europol’s beginning of accord negotiations with the Mexican government. Its primary–but not sole–component would be the fight against narco-trafficking.

    The eventual collaboration of the Mexican and European police against the anarchists (a tendency toward what they automatically qualify as terrorist) would fall within the framework of European politics of fighting terrorism, according to a Europol document dated April 4, 2012 of which Proceso has a copy.

    The document specifies, “At this time there has been no cooperation between Mexico and the EU in matters of the fight against terrorism. Nevertheless, Mexico is relevant for Europol because there have been reports of the presence of members of terrorist groups based in Europe (for example ETA). Mexico is also very relevant for Europol due to the numerous extremist anarchist attacks that have been committed there (…) Frequently (the authors) claim that they were perpetrated in solidarity with anarchists incarcerated in the EU.”

    According to the document, the information that the Mexican police would give about this would be incorporated into an operational database with which Europol works and which corresponds to “domestic terrorism.” Its official name is Analysis Work Files Dolphin.

    On April 25, 2012, Europol published their EU Terrorism and Situation and Trend Report, which is the most recent [actually the 2013 report is out now -TN] and corresponds to events that happened in 2011.

    Europe traditionally dedicates a part of this report to “leftist and anarchist terrorism.”

    The document says that in 2011 there were 37 terrorist attacks–attributed to anarchist and revolutionary groups–in Denmark, Germany, Greece, Italy and Spain. In 2010 there were 45 attacks of this kind. The majority being acts of arson.

    The Europol report counts 23 bombing attacks in 2010 and 11 the following year. These attacks caused 6 deaths in 2010 and 1 in 2011 in Greece when an activist was fabricating an explosive device in a building’s basement. In Italy, two persons were wounded in two different attacks in 2011.

    The FAI

    In their report, Europol puts emphasis the activity of the Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI) of Italy. They explain that this group claimed attacks in 2011 in their country and in Greece, Germany and Switzerland, and confirms that its modus operandi “for years” has been the coordinated sending of explosive devices by mail. Recently the FAI also started to operate in the UK.

    The FAI was created in 2003. That year and the following, they sent a series of explosive letters to representatives of the European Parliament in Brussels and to officials of other European institutions, such as the then-president of the European Commission, Romano Prodi, or that of the Central European Bank, Jean-Claude Trichet, as well as the headquarters of Eurojust (an organization for legal cooperation) and of Europol itself in The Hague, Holand.

    The FAI is one of the anarchist groups with the greatest strength and determination in Europe, as their recent activities demonstrate.

    On December 9, 2011, a bomb–inside of a yellow padded envelope–exploded in the tax office of Equitalia in Rome. The explosion destroyed a desk’s glass and caused injuries to a hand and the eyes of the agency’s director, Marco Cuccagna.

    Two days earlier the FAI had sent a letter-bomb to the executive director of Deutsche Bank, Josef Ackermann. The letter, which contained a combination of explosive and shrapnel, was discovered by the bank’s security services. The return address corresponded to the Central European Bank, located a few blocks from the Deutsche Bank headquarters in Frankfurt, Germany.

    On this occasion the police found a message from the FAI that warned of three bomb attacks “against banks and bankers, fleas and bloodsuckers.”

    On May 7, 2012, a man traveling by motorcycle shot at Roberto Adinolfi, an executive of the Ansaldo Nuclear group, the Aerospace Consortium, and the Finmeccanica defense group. The victim was wounded in one leg.

    Days later, on May 16, the FAI–through a letter published by regional papers of Southern Italy–threatened the Prime Minister Mario Monti, and declared that they were preparing more actions to avenge the incarceration of eight anarchists in Greece.

    In this three page letter, the group claimed the attack against Adinolfi and referred to the Equitalia tax agency, which had become a symbol of the crisis that swept the country. The strong pressure the tax authority exercises against its citizens has provoked numerous suicides.

    The FAI warned in this message that they would attack the Italian State, “likewise through Equitalia, until it changes its politics and starts to protect the people,” as a response to the statements from the Ministry of the Interior, Annamaria Cancellieri, to the tune that the attack against the tax agency was considered an aggression against the State.

    The underground organization added that every suicide provoked by the economic crisis would be considered an “assassination committed by the State.”

    At this time the Italian police decided to reinforce the security of various magistrates of Bologna, Italy, who had been threatened by Greek anarchists for being implicated in the investigation of a package bomb sent from Athens to then-Italian Prime Minister, Silvio Berlusconi, on November 1, 2010. The sending of this explosive material was attributed to members of the Greek group Conspiracy of Cells of Fire (CCF), tied to the FAI.

    Also receiving police protection were eight businesspeople, including the CEO and Chairman of Finmeccanica, Giuseppe Orsi, who was arrested last February 12th for having committed alleged acts of corruption in the sale of 12 helicopters to the Air Force of India when he was the general director of Augusta Westland.

    The Mexican Network

    Many anarchist groups in other countries have claimed–with the name of the Italian organization–their own actions: Mexico has a “faction” (the Informal FAI of Mexico) with presence in various states.

    The Informal FAI of Mexico and other anarchist groups have a close relation with their Greek peers. The activity of these groups has grown over some four years, according to the expert Jorge Lofredo of the Center for the Documentation of Armed Movements.

    The Italian anarchists think that the State’s most recent offensive against them began in 2001 with the creation of special police groups for their surveillance. Those in Mexico claim that the repression against them hardened in Mexico City during Marcelo Ebrad’s term (2006-2012).

    Anarchist attacks in Mexico are numerous, but very few are divulged by the media. This was the case of the explosive package deposited in a postal box that exploded on February 21st in the hands of a worker of the Postal Service who took it illegally.

    In a communique dated February 22nd, this attack was claimed by the anarchist group Individualists Tending toward the Wild, one of the most active in Mexico and whose attacks against the “techno-industrial system” are directed at academics and scientists from centers like the UNAM or Monterrey Tec. This group claimed the murder–committed in Cuernavaca on November 8, 2011–of Ernesto Méndez Salinas, a biotechnology expert of the UNAM.

    The Informal FAI of Mexico and other anarchist groups have carried out recent actions: On Friday the 5th, the Emile Henry Insurrectionalist Revolutionary Group Tending toward Anarchy – Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI) / International Revolutionary Front (IRF) claimed the January 18th arson of a passenger bus of the Tucdosa line in Oaxaca, the “sabotage” of four Telmex telephone booths and the sending of “a homemade incendiary bomb” on March 29th to a PAN office.

    This last action, the anarchists said, was done in solidarity with the community radios and communities that oppose the wind power megaprojects in Istmo de Tehuantepec. The explosive was deactivated by the police.

    Last March 6th a group of anarchist youth announced that a “solidarity activity” (a rally) would be celebrated in front of the embassy of Italy in Mexico. They protested the arrest of several of their companions in Europe, in particular eight of them in Italy, one in Switzerland and another in Germany, as a result of the police Operation Ardire on June 13, 2012. Some of those captured were bloggers from the internet site Culmine.

    They also expressed in this peaceful action their solidarity with two more anarchists arrested in Italy on August 27, 2012 and manifested their support of the Greek anarchists of the CCF group imprisoned in their country.

    Earlier, the Mexico City faction of the Informal FAI of Mexico and another of the CCF claimed the arson of two pharmeceutical product stores in San Juan Xalpa, Iztapalapa, last September 18th.

    The Mexican anarchists mentioned in a communique that the purpose of this action was to express their solidarity with their compañero Mario López, with Gabriel Pombo da Silva and Marco Camenisch, imprisoned in Germany and Switzerland respectively; with the prisoners of the CCF in Greece and with those arrested on June 13, 2012 in Italy.

    López was captured on June 29, 2012 after setting off an explosive in Coyoacán, imprisoned in the Southern Detention Center and released on bail last December 29th.

    On August 21, 2012, the Informal FAI of Mexico and the CCF claimed authorship of another intentional fire, this time at the Plásticos Viga business, in Apodaca, Nuevo León, another in the Museum of the Mexican Revolution in downtown Puebla.

    These actions, they said, were to express solidarity with the “eco-anarchist” Braulio Durán, imprisoned in León, Guanajuanto for allegedly having set fire to an HSBC ATM on September 17, 2009, as well as with Mario López and again with the anarchists imprisoned in Italy after Operation Ardire.

    But the attack most obviously close to the Italian anarchist movement was that of the early hours of December 12, 2011 against the Italian Institute of Culture in Coyoacán. It was claimed by the Revolutionary Anarchist Cell – Gabriella Segata Antolini and the Autonomous Cells for Immediate Revolution – Práxedis G. Guerrero (CARI-PGG) / Faction of the Informal FAI of Mexico.

    These same organizations set off an explosive device on September 18, 2012 in a BBVA-Bancomer branch in the Obrera neighborhood of Mexico City. In April and May of 2012 the CARI-PGG sent two explosive packages to the Greek embassy in Mexico, the first in the name of the capital’s then-prosecutor Miguel Mancera.

    In the communique claiming the attack on the Italian Institute of Culture in Mexico, the anarchists expressed again their suport for their imprisoned compañeros in Italy and in particular Federico Buono, an anarchist arrested on June 15, 2011 in Milan in possession of two homemade bombs.

    The Mexican anarchists said that this attack against the cultural institute–a branch of the Italian government–was also to affirm their “presence” in the FAI and the IRF.

    TAKENN FROM HERE: http://waronsociety.noblogs.org/?p=7844

    THEBLACKNOVA Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Aug 11, 2011
    Protests, Clashes And Arrests At Halconazo Commemoration

    JUNE 10, 2013.

    Note by MaterialAnarquista: This June 10th a protest was carried out in commemoration of the Corpus Christi Massacre or Halconazo, known as such for the paramilitary group that carried out this massacre in which they assassinated students and social fighters who participated in the Mexican student movement of 1971. Under the current Mexican context we cannot let pass a date of memory and combat with passivity, which is why different groups of anarchists and anti-authoritarians made themselves present in this demonstration, clashing with the police forces. We make a call to solidarity with the arrested in these demonstrations and who have declared themselves at war against every kind of authority.

    Greetings, compañerxs, we send these notes from the bourgeois press around the protests and clashes for the commemoration of June 10, date of the famous Halconazo (or Corpus Christi Massacre), when the state through its uniformed shits carried out a massacre of students and social fighters in the 70s. 22 compañerxs were reported arrested.

    Beyond what the press of capital can say–finger-pointing and criminalization–we leave these notes as a testimony in order to continue advancing in our reflections and struggles, our attacks and also our protocols of security and solidarity.

    May no combatant be alone!!
    Let us extend revolutionary solidarity!!

    Destroy the Prisons













    ^^^^it reads: THE PEOPLE DO NOT FORGIVE^^^^^



    taken from here: http://waronsociety.noblogs.org/?p=8293
  11. punkmar77

    punkmar77 Experienced Member Uploader Active Member




    Nov 13, 2009
     United States
    that is definitely a Los Crudos t shirt on that young persons head.... :beer:
  12. DownwithBigbrother666

    DownwithBigbrother666 Active Member Forum Member




    Jun 12, 2013
    Hey, Any update on the movement going on in Mexico????
    :antifa: :anarchism: :anarchism: :antifa:

    THEBLACKNOVA Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Aug 11, 2011
    Letter from anarchist Mario ‘Tripa’ Lopez (Mexico)


    It’s time I used my typewriter, considering the requests from many compas from different areas of the world, including Mexico, who repeatedly asked me to tell them what situation I was going through. I’d like to start by apologizing for not giving news for many months, more than 6 to be precise. Never mind, I haven’t done so for different, very personal reasons.

    For now I’m going to say only a few things, starting from the judicial ones. The trial against me is continuing but there have been some changes and there is no sentence so far. Well, a week ago my case became competence of the tribunal 20 dealing with non serious offences. This is due to the reform of the law according to which I was accused, with the result that my case is now regarded as a non serious one in the Mexican penal code: break of the public peace, with a sentence ranging from 6 to 30 years without possibility of bail, has been changed into non serious offence, with a sentence ranging from 4 to 7 years. This is the reasons why anarchist lawyers demanded my release.

    The tribunal 32 based in Recusorio Varolin Preventivo Sur, which took up my case at first, made a request for it to be transferred to another tribunal. Of course the prosecution appealed against this but a couple of months later the appeal was rejected and the transfer went on. This involved some problems for a couple of weeks but finally I had notification of the transfer.

    This may seems a good change but it is not completely good because a new trial will have to start, whereas the previous one had almost concluded.

    The change will give the prosecution a new opportunity for gathering more evidence against me and rebuild the case, which presented a number of faults. For example, during a hearing which I attended while being detained at the Reclusorio Sur the prosecutor called a witness, a woman of the antiriot police who had nothing to do with my imprisonment. She had been involved in a previous arrest following minor incidents against bullfighting in 2009. Moreover she no longer works with the institutions. Naturally my lawyers dismissed this alleged evidence, only due to the prosecutor’s intention to prove my tendency to breach the public peace. We demanded this phase of evidence to be acquired as it was, which implied 3-4 months of trial and the risk to get a maximum sentence of 7 years imprisonment.

    During these months I have been waiting (along with you all) for the decision concerning the appeal presented by the prosecution after my release – they call it freedom but I can’t define it as such only because I was released from prison, for me freedom must be absolute. The appeal was rejected and I am still free awaiting trial, while both the prosecution and the defence were granted more time to gather evidence, which we believe is useless and only serves to confirm the presence of the prosecutor in this case. We renounced this extra time. It was then that the tribunal 32 decided to transfer the case to the court dealing with non serious offences, and the prosecution made an appeal.
    Personally I want to publicly declare that I maintain my position. The considerations that can be drawn from my situation should be of strategic and tactic nature, especially as concerns ideas and not only the judicial consequences that they may produce. We may say, quite often this is the price of waging a war, an individual and collective conflict, and we can’t ignore its consequences in a cowardly way by not taking into account the sentences or the incertitude that the comrades hit by the repression of the state suffer or will suffer. We must take on these consequences individually or collectively when we decide to engage in a direct struggle against the State/Capital.

    Usually I don’t agree with those who picture the revolution as an easy one, a non violent change without repercussions or repression from the State apparatus. Not that I want this to happen but I’m aware of the fact that we need to reduce risks to a minimum. At the same time we also have to be aware of the fact that repression along with criminalization are the weapons the state use to stop what disturbs its dominion, if our activity is to be placed outside the legal parameters of the system and our forms of struggle are to overcome the limits imposed by ideologies in a straightforward conflict against the Authority.

    I’m not saying we have to worship violence or revolutionary violence; it is simply something that the anarchist movement has taken from the past and brought into the present in order to struggle against the State/Capital. Always bearing in mind that violence is not the climax of our individual/collective intervention we have to reject the false dichotomy imposed by both the system – especially the police state we have today with DF, just to make an example – and by its defenders and supporters – leftists, pacifists, reformers, etc – in order to undermine the insurrection process or obstruct it with false dilemmas, which end up in irreconcilable splits.

    For me attack is not only the armed one or the explosive one. It is any form of anarchist intervention that questions and criticizes reality, make propositions and heads towards the climax of individual and generalized insurrection.
    All attacks against power that have followed one another since 2007 are the results of some uprisings that we can see today in the streets. This is this force that today is animating the anarchist impulse, and is also going beyond it. It is the force that has allowed many comrades to gain full awareness and take important steps in discussion and action, without splitting theory and practice. What you think you do, regardless of the fact that some comrades agree or not with interventions such as sabotage or individual actions.

    I think these issues – explosive attacks, various acts of sabotage – are not the climax of our struggle. Perhaps they are such in the current moment but I think these actions are individual interventions, of claim, of attack, and at the same time they add to propaganda – books, publications, protests and various activities. They are part of the same commitment towards insurrection when there are certain conditions. But this too is part of the awareness of the intervention in favour of irrational uprisings so that the latter turn into conscious and generalized insurrection.
    We can’t believe that our actions, even including the minor ones, won’t have any repercussions. Anarchism is illegal in itself and thoughts of freedom are incompatible with the parameters imposed by the system. The challenge of the destruction of the society of capital is the only existing community.

    The absurd difference between legal and illegal is not only an excuse used by those who fill their mouths with fine words and nostalgia and see anarchism as something obsolete. I believe our struggle is there to grab total and absolute freedom; it is an incorruptible struggle that has always been ready to use all the means at its disposal in order to achieve its goal: individualist critique, destruction and construction.

    Now I’d like to comment on an article appeared in the magazine Proceso, issue 103, April 2013. The investigative article is entitled ‘Alarm for Mexican anarchists’. First of all I’d like to say that the article is not that bad, if confronted with what is being said about anarchists in this kind of magazines. To tell the truth, Proceso has always published very accurate articles. The article refers to a fact that many comrades have noted for a long tine: the birth of an international insurrectional network. The collaboration between European intelligence services represents a more serious problem than that of the CISEN – which based an investigation against anarchist groups on their facebook accounts, alleging that three of these groups had ‘some firearms’ at their disposal, a statement that I find absurd because we are in a country where anyone has weapons, weapons are everywhere, and to get them it is sufficient to intimidate some absent-minded cop walking where they shouldn’t do so… etc.

    The article of the CISEN seems to be made in order to create alarm and sensation, unlike that of the magazine Proceso, which I think deserve some attention. The question concerning Europol is that this obscure police body has the task of gathering information on the struggle of the groups of anarchist action operating in Europe. And the Italian DIGOS maintains its theorems in order to create illegal associations of anarchist that seems to be drawn from some gangsters novels: hierarchical armed associations, which in most cases are just the product of the imagination of the judges in charge of solving cases of attack or execution occurring in the country, and which are claimed by anarchists or are attributed to the latter. By the way the collaboration between intelligence services and the Europol itself only reproduce this kind of imaginary models.

    Finally, as I was asked to do so, I’d like to clarify that I have no reason to thank the student Movement 132 for having being released from prison. The doubt comes from the fact that the change in the law made by the GDF would be due to the ‘pressure’ exercised by this group. I believe that this decision is just a strategically political one, as it came along with the appointment of Mancera in the government of DF and in relation to the repression of December 1. What would it be my fault? Think of Ebrad, who after being acclaimed as the best mayor in the world has violated all human rights. This change in the law only served to neutralize the protests of these reformists who act according to the law and always respect the established rules, thus reproducing the strategy of social democracy, which is that of Demand – I’m not talking about the single exceptions that can be found in their ranks but about their general position. What happened is that the lawyers of the GASPA evaluated, demanded and obtained my release. A critique is not always contempt and those who see things that way can’t distinguish the one from the other. How can we progress if we always feel accused and offended?

    I say goodbye now, hoping I have not been too untimely, as I often am. I’d like to thank the anarchist comrades of affinity for their support and solidarity, which they showed me when I was in prison and also now that I’m out. Warm greetings to the comrades: Nikos Maziotis, Pola Roupa and little Victor Lambros, who at the age of three is on the run along with his parents.

    Mario Antonio López.
    México DF- 31 Julio 2013


    THIS PIECE WAS TAKEN FROM HERE: http://325.nostate.net/?p=8516

    THEBLACKNOVA Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Aug 11, 2011
    Mexico City: 4 anarchists arrested at Embassy demonstration for Hans Niemeyer (Mexico, Chile)

    Yesterday, Tuesday August 20th, there was a demonstration in solidarity with our comrade Hans Niemeyer, at the Chilean Embassy. After the protest, as our comrades were getting ready to leave, they were followed and arrested by the police; Jaime Alberto Aguilar Marroquin (member of the Anarchist Black Cross DF), Guarneros Tonatiuh Garcia, Jair Juarez Victorino and Mario Alberto Lopez Gutierrez.

    Our comrades were taken to the Public Prosecutor, charged with: undermining the authority and damages against private property. As far as we know up to this point the City Government, headed by Miguel Angel Mancera, has instructed the Attorney General to keep them as prisoners.

    This is a clear example of the policy of persecution and harassment against the anarchist movement that has been carried out by the Mexico City’s Governor Marcelo Ebrard, and continued now by Mancera. We hold the City Government as well as the Judicial Power as the ones responsible for this repression.

    We are calling to all of our comrades around the world to demand their freedom to these officials:

    Jefe de Gobierno del Df
    Miguel Ángel Mancera Espinosa
    53 45 80 62
    53 45 80 42
    @Mancera Miguel MX

    Procurador General Justicia del DF
    Rodolfo Fernando Rios Garza
    53 45 55 57

    Because solidarity between anarchists is not only written words.
    Down with the prison walls!

    DF Anarchist Black Cross

    This piece was taken from here: http://325.nostate.net/?p=8592
  15. punkmar77

    punkmar77 Experienced Member Uploader Active Member




    Nov 13, 2009
     United States
    Good news C ...the 4 compas were released under $11,500 pesos bond each before you even posted this...

    THEBLACKNOVA Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Aug 11, 2011
    Clashes during the protests against energy reform (photos, videos)

    SEP. 1st. 2013

    we receive and translate:

    During the protests against the energy reform, anarchist cells attacked the police in the nation’s capital.

    The clashes between the police and encapuchados started at the beginning of the demonstration. There were several sallies and collisions, but the most relevant was in the La Merced neighborhood.

    At the end of the demonstration, more than 15 people had been arrested and several were reported wounded. Not having more certain information, we think we have to reproduce a section of a journalist report, not without first saying that we are not interested in the reforms, we are not interested in popular struggles, what we want is to fill this society with fire along with its filthy owners!

    Down with victimization!

    War without quarter on everything that dominates us and takes our freedom!

    Fire everywhere!

    Some anti-social arsonists.


    from the press:

    They merely waited for the opportune moment to throw molotov cocktails at the riot police who guarded the outskirts of the Chamber of Deputies. The self-described anarchists did this and the march, which drew a serpentine human kilometer of dissident teachers and students, dispersed.

    The enormous contingent, formed primarily by thousands of teachers, didn’t achieve its aim of reaching the San Lázaro Legislative Palace.

    They only got to the intersection Fray Servando Teresa de Mier avenue and San Ciprián street in the La Merced neighborhood, where an impenetrable and reinforced line of riot police was formed, which prevented the contingent from advancing along Congreso de la Unión in order to flood into San Lázaro.

    On Fray Servando avenue, the teachers congregated to demonstrate against the structural reforms; they also expressed their repudiation of the government of Enrique Peña Nieto–who today delivered his First Address to Congress–and insisted to the political class that it include their demands in the changes of the education legislation.

    While the leaders of sections 9, 18 and 22 of the National Union of Educational Workers (CNTE) set their position, a dozen anarcho youth prepared molotov cocktails and launched long-range rockets trying to smash into the drones, small unmanned aircraft equipped with cameras, remotely controlled by the Federal Police to watch over the demonstration.

    The magisterial leaders called the thousands of teachers to return to the stage in the Zócalo and immediately the black-clad and anarchist-looking youths threw molotov cocktails and rockets at the riot police, who repelled the attack, launching themselves at striking them.

    The teachers who came from Guerrero, Oaxaca, Michoacán and Chiapas withdrew, they did not participate in the riots, but they did attack some anarchists for having set out from within their group. Meanwhile the police advanced several blocks in formation. All of them running, shielding themselves from the explosions, the youth with their faces covered came to blows with the riot police.






    http://latimesphoto.files.wordpress.com ... -pin08.jpg

    Tons of pics here...size to large to post...

    taken from here: http://waronsociety.noblogs.org/?p=8573

    THEBLACKNOVA Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Aug 11, 2011
    Mexico City: 2013 Days of Informal Anarchy


    2013 Days of Informal Anarchy
    International Symposium
    Circuit of Conferences and Debates Among Comrades
    December 27, 28 and 29th 2013
    Info Tables
    Publishing Projects
    Documentary Film Screenings

    taken from here: http://waronsociety.noblogs.org/?p=8550
  18. Bakica

    Bakica Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Feb 21, 2010
    Days of Informal Anarchy, ah what a lovely name ! :beer:

    THEBLACKNOVA Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Aug 11, 2011
    ZOCALO = The main plaza or square in the heart of mexico city.

    September 13th, 2013.


    September 13th 2013. - Since the 18th of August 2013, more than 20,000 teachers from Oaxaca, Chiapas and Guerrero for the most part, arrived at the Zocalo in order to protest against education reform, especially against the Law of Professional Service Teaching, which refers to the assessment tests to which teachers will have to undergo.

    From that day marches in the capital of the Republic continued, and, according to the National Chamber of Commerce, Services and Tourism of Mexico City (Canaco), the protests have left economic losses of 767 million pesos (around US $58,081,200. Dollars)

    Each year (September 15) in the zócalo of Mexico City, Independence Day is celebrated with parades and the presence of the president of the republic. The zócalo was taken by teachers, which originated an eviction when the most radical groups sought to resist leaving the camp.

    Small Federal Police Tanks were sent to "clean" the zócalo of protesters, the feds started early with the operation, but it was the acts by feds at 4pm that the unrest began. It is noteworthy to mention that many of the teachers decamped and retreated to the monument of the revolution (they had agreed with the government), although some began to radicalize themselves and erected barricades to stop the federal police from entering.

    Helicopters hovered and teachers began to mask up, while some brave neighbors came down down from their communities, and anarchist groups presented themselves armed with rockets, firecrackers, Molotov cocktails, stones, sticks and pipes.

    The tanks went into action and began the eviction, hooded groups (anarchist or not) resisted what they could but with very few of them, they were forced out of the zócalo.

    Clashes were registered at on Eje Central e Izazaga. Groups of hooded-ones, destroying everything in their path as they retreated, launching Molotov cocktails and stones, which caused several cops being wounded.

    At the end of the confrontation more than 30 people were arrested, together teachers, students and anarchist groups held themselves at the monument to the revolution.

    Clearly, Mexico, has a political and social crisis, which is growing thanks to government in power.

    Anarchists have broken with social peace and pushed the destabilization and the acceleration of this crisis.

    This info was taken from here: http://contrainformateblog.wordpress.co ... el-zocalo/
    & translated in to english by the black nova :D

    VIDEO: a water throwing cannon is seen in the clip, this is the first time ive seen the mexican state use one of these fuckers...


    http://www.eluniversal.com.mx/img/2013/ ... -movil.jpg



    http://mm.servidornoticias.com/photos/t ... 83183w.jpg


    http://noticaribe.files.wordpress.com/2 ... =546&h=364






  20. punkmar77

    punkmar77 Experienced Member Uploader Active Member




    Nov 13, 2009
     United States
    Black Nova et all, remember to downsize your pics, when you post 15 oversize pics in one post it puts a bug in the forum and makes it very difficult for folks with older computers to enjoy the posts without seizing the frames... :@