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Chile In Turmoil

Discussion in 'Anarchism and radical activism' started by butcher, Aug 25, 2011.

  1. Boomstick

    Boomstick Experienced Member Active Member




    Dec 10, 2009
    Ok so maybe that encapuxado waving the Cra$$ flag wasn't destroying stuff for the sake of destroying but I still don't like them.

    THEBLACKNOVA Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Aug 11, 2011
    Under Pinochet: Do you know how many general strikes and attacks on the state and capital occurred??? And even attacks on the life of Pinochet himself, where you against those too??? The attacks against the state and capital like the ones that are taking place now, also took place under Pinochet and affected international capitalist too think twice about investing capital in Chile, and to force Pinochet to leave office, even though many still say, like Camilla Vallejo that the dictatorship never left but was installed into the new constitution...

    Capitalist uses violence on the people of Chile everyday as it does in any state, to force people to participate in their grand scheme under the threat of physical violence and death forcing people to sell themselves as labor or die.

    In regards to the destruction of capital owned by capitalist, I say take it, attack it, and if needed destroy it... Ill leave that to the people in Chile who are in the struggle to make those calls... (read the notes i took on the video in spanish by chilean social movement historian and he says this is nothing new-the only new thing is they are covering their face now)

    You are there, are you engaging in the conversations in the assemblies or on the streets?????

    Give us a report on the different anarchist thoughts happening in Chile now, in regards to engaging in attacks against the state and capital on the streets of Chile. Are there anarchist who disagree with these tactics and what tactics are they promoting and engaging in…

    Are you going to the regional assemblies that are happening in Chile? What are you doing in Chile to affect change?

    The encapuchados (hooded ones) or people masked up in many parts of the world are not and should not be considered to be all anarchists...

    Below are 3 videos of a radio show with Gabriel Salzar a historian of social movements talking about the encapuchados, it is in Spanish but ill write some notes on it…

    my notes...

    Gabriel Salzar speaks about a bottom up socialism happening in Chile using assemblies and not a top down socialism that was tried before under Allende.

    Who are the Encapuchados (hooded ones): at the 3min mark in part 2 Gabriel Salzar speaks about who the Encapuchados (hooded-ones) are…

    The Encapuchados (hooded ones) are made up of 3 components:

    1. The young who come from a culture of resistance to Pinochet. The sons and daughters who are still engaging in struggle against a dictatorship that is still in place and was constitutionalized. The Encapuchados (hooded ones) they come from the time of Pinochet. A violent resistance against the system is still in place.

    2. Lumpen – anti system – 13% – 14% of young that don’t go to school or have jobs – a marginal town culture - I would say a percentage of people that the capitalist state has no use for and have to survive in any means possible, engaging in underground and illegal market, selling and buying, and attacking the state that has created this situation for them-Gabriel Salzar says they are living attacking the system and engaging in a war over resources with the system.

    3.Other by personal reasons – “a high percentage in the school I know because I see them” says Gabriel Salzar, probably a groups of people that are walking up to the reality of a class based capitalist society and how exploited they are and will be, and are probably getting radicalized on the streets of the city.

    Gabriel Salzar says this is nothing new in the history of Chile, the only thing new is that they are Encapuchados (hooded ones) in other times they did it with there faces uncovered or at night they painted there faces so not to be seen but it’s the same…

    He says this phenomenon exists and will continue to exist as long as society continues to create cast offs in society.

    Over the past 200 hundred years these groups have engage and attacked private property that symbolizes and represent the system. The owners made, and enacted political decisions they made that stopped people from attacking their private property. By doing so the people learned that by destroying the private property they got the attention of the owners and scared them into doing something, hopefully what they wanted...

    Encapuchados are the products of this society and they must be understood...

    end of notes...

    So what creates encapuchadoes? Capitalism and the state?

    Why don't you ask them and engage in conversation about your views on anarchism and theirs :ecouteurs:

    VIDEO 1- Gabriel Salzar en Radio Zero hablando sobre los 'encapuchados'

    VIDEO 2: Gabriel Salzar en Radio Zero hablando sobre los 'encapuchados'

    VIDEO 3- Gabriel Salzar en Radio Zero hablando sobre los 'encapuchados'

    THEBLACKNOVA Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Aug 11, 2011

    MMM this is an interesting statement you make, don't you have anarchist friends in chile? Where have those anarchist friends of yours been in the tons of marches that have turned into street confrontations with the police? Are your anarchist friends encapuchados?

    Where have you been during these confrontations? Fuck if i lived there i would be out on the fucken street...
  4. butcher

    butcher Experienced Member Uploader Active Member Forum Member




    Sep 8, 2009

    THEBLACKNOVA Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Aug 11, 2011

  6. butcher

    butcher Experienced Member Uploader Active Member Forum Member




    Sep 8, 2009

    THEBLACKNOVA Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Aug 11, 2011

  8. butcher

    butcher Experienced Member Uploader Active Member Forum Member




    Sep 8, 2009

    THEBLACKNOVA Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Aug 11, 2011
    Can't Touch Encapuchados


    THEBLACKNOVA Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Aug 11, 2011
    Lowtide this is for you:

    this come from:
    Thursday 9th, August 2012
    I translated the first part but there is more in spanish, so peeps get the idea and if they are interested, google translate it..

    Montages?? Keep Off The Little Stick Of The State To
    Not Auto-Neutralize Us.

    Montages Or Not, They Will Beat Us Just The Same. Hitting The Hooded-Ones Or Preparing To Hit The State? Some Thoughts On The Hysteria In Burning Buses.


    At first we cared little or nothing over the "little debate" the montage or not of the government regarding the burning of three buses. While no one can dismiss that there is actually a montage, we cannot deny that it is clear the passive act in some situations by the cops. ¿What do they want with this? Well, if we understand the role of government and the bills in parliament to sanction harder street protest, things start to clarify. But even more important is to prevent those who are not yet impregnated with some lovely ideology (thought or action petrified and unable to engage in the dynamics of capitalism to act on it) can fall into this confusion of infiltrators, montage and in consequence: the rejection of direct action. This should not be understand (and we have repeated a thousand times) as pure barricade, but different types of actions that when they manage to create the conditions for greater struggle, are questioned from the most obvious (and necessary) and thus extending to many who do not consider the action because there is no clear damage. And while we did not want to hang anything with regard to this, we find two interesting reflections, which we hope, will not contaminate the theory and practice of those enraged with capital and which are not yet blinded by any "ism".

    The idea is that we don’t fall into the little game, which, as stated below, it’s our action’s pure determination to do what the press decides what is "correct" or fear repressive laws that have their little trap when we reject direct action and it only splits the theme in two, but in that rejection is the key to the trap of the Hinzpeter law later... when disturbing the peace will not be setting busses on fire, but taking a school. In the end we will find people that what to remain good with the press and will reject everything that is 'bad'... and if recently they rejected a kid who was encapuchado (hooded-one) being beaten, what will they do latter… because one thing is clear: the student movement has left evidence of its subordination to the instituted. And it is for this reason that we believe the State has wide sleeves to articulate its confusion and will in the proletariat who studies.

    We ought to learn a lesson in that if we so something or nothing, if we want to change something; at some point blows will fall upon us. And if we do not take that into account, if we are unarmed, then we should not complain about it later. Those that get involved in this know that in any moment the repression can fall down on us and that's why we take securities. Before you blame those who would urge such repression (an unfortunate affirmation by others) we have to prepare ourselves.

    On the Internet we found a reflection that is quite interesting and in some way represents us. We copied it the same, with errors and all ... but we believe that it hardly constitute a point that can be developed more widely and from witch you can take themes... who knows, relevant to the struggle? Especially now that we face an enemy that will gradually use the mechanisms that it has at its disposal to disarm and confuse us, so that what we understand today as direct action, like the burning of busses, later it will be the taking of a school... and there ... there the confusion and lack of clarity to take a position can be disastrous for the rest (what would Boric say to the peaceful mass that an illegal act like the taking of something, must be performed because it is valid?)

    to read more on the burning of busses: http://www.hommodolars.org/web/spip.php?article4645

    THEBLACKNOVA Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Aug 11, 2011
    Evening Unrest After The Student March In Santiago

    This post was taken from here: http://liberaciontotal.lahaine.org/?p=4607
    and translated by the black nova haha im getting better at this... :D

    Oct. 10TH, 2012

    NUMBERS IN THE MARCH: The police estimate 5,000, CONFECH estimate 20,000.

    Around 6:30 pm on Thursday, Oct. 10th, began the march organized by the CONFECH (Confederation of Chilean Students) from the Plaza Baquedano, by Bustamante Park. Unlike other student marches, this was done in the evening; to let working sectors join the call.

    The march moved peaceful most of the way, where some took advantage of the moment to fill the walls with different ideas, from rejecting the logic of CONFECH, calls to attack the police or for the freedom of Political Prisoners...

    It was at the intersection of Bustamante and Irarrázaval were dozens of encapuchadxs (hooded-ones) took the initiative and began to pluck road signs, benches and fences to cut the street, while others were throwing stones, paint bombs and Molotovs against the Police Special Forces. In the same corner, some friends in struggle began attacking a BCI Bank; trying to bust it’s metal curtains and even trying to set the bank on fire.

    The police tried to disperse the encapuchadxs (hooded-ones) with vehicles equipped to throw water and gases, tear gas and paintball guns. By the side of the Park, barricades continued to grow in numbers, achieving at times, the stopping of the police. Then the confrontations began to generate, on Matta Ave. with Bustamante.

    Throughout the confrontations several cars were stoned, while barricades through out the Vicuña Mackenna Ave., and sector continued until after 8:00 pm. Later on students began to meet at Baquedano, where barricades were also installed. Also at the intersection of Coquimbo St. and Fray Camilo Henríquez a Public Safety Kiosk was burned.

    At the end of this new march 27 people were arrested. On Friday morning Oct. 12th only 3 were formalized in the Justice Center. The Metropolitan Municipality filed a complaint against the three.

    Two minors (S.R. of 17 years and F.O. of 16 years) were accused of burning the Public Safety Kiosk. The Court left them with nightly house arrest and they aren’t aloud to leave the nation, during the 60 days of investigation. The Metropolitan Municipality charged them with lighting the Public Safety Kiosk on fire. Upon leaving the formalization both denied involvement in the fire.

    The third detainee was formalized with the crime of "qualified damage" for the attempted to set on fire the BCI Bank and for damages to a taxi stand. The Court banned Matias Escobar (22 years old) with participating in marches and he must report to the 33° Ñuñoa police station every 15 days, during the 60 days of investigation.

    Throughout the confrontations 5 police bastards were left with various injuries.

















    More day time pics: http://noticias.terra.cl/nacional/polic ... aRCRD.html

    More night time pics: http://noticias.terra.cl/nacional/polic ... aRCRD.html

    THEBLACKNOVA Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Aug 11, 2011
    -Oct. 15, 2012-

    Solidarity March With The Mapuche People.
    At 520 Years Of Spanish Colonization,
    The Struggle Continues!

    This report was taken from here: http://liberaciontotal.lahaine.org/?p=4618
    and translated into english by the black nova :ecouteurs:

    On Monday 15th, Oct. 2012, was the big annual solidarity march with the Mapuche people after a new anniversary of the colonization of America. This year's event coincided with the 16th day of hunger strike of five Mapuche Political Prisoners in the Temuco jail, and 50th day of the hunger strike of four Mapuche Political Prisoners in the Hospital of Concepción. (I will translate the last communiqué of the communers at the mark of the 50-day strike).

    Thousands of people, from different positions and organizations, came to the call made by indigenous organizations under the slogan "Standing Against Capitalism and its Occupation Forces with Dignity We Will Build Our Liberation.” The long line of people walked down Alameda (the main street of the capital) by shouting slogans in support, playing music, representing them selves, scratching murals, pasting propaganda on the walls...

    On Alameda and Portugal a line of the Police Special Forces (FFEE) was attacked with stones and fire by a group of encapuchadxs (hooded-ones) (this a few feet from the “DIPLOCAR” - Police Intelligence Directorate barracks).

    The march followed the route of Alameda to Miraflores St. Unlike previous years; the protest wouldn’t end at the foot of Cerro Huelen (Small Hill), but instead at Forestal Park behind the museum with a cultural event. As you arrived on the last block of the march to Miraflores St., which corresponded to some anarchist individuals, the police began throwing water and cut the protest march in two. While the block of friends in struggle tried to follow the march pushing through the police, other encapuchadxs (hooded-ones) who were further up in the march began attacking the first symbols of power.

    With sticks and stones the windows of an Itaú bank were broken and inward flew two Molotov cocktails, causing a fire in the bank tellers area. What followed next were a Fonasa office (National Health Fund) it’s facade was destroyed, and a branch of AFP Capital (Pension Fund Administrators) with its large windows broken.

    After these initial attacks on capitalist institutions and the state, the police entered the marches route with water cannons, to disperse the march and put the fire out in the Itaú bank.

    With sticks and stones encapuchadxs (hooded-ones) faced off with the Police Special Forces (FFEE) who were on foot. Also too windows of banks in the sector were broken, leaving damage to a Scotia bank branch, two Santander banks, a Bank of Chile, a BCI bank and BBVA bank.

    Near the end of Miraflores St. water cannon trucks cornered protesters between corners and they began throwing water and gas, to then broadcast the first arrests. Arriving at the park the confrontations continued and some small barricades were lit. The Police fired a great amount of tear gas and paintball bullets against all people. Some journalists who were at the scene were taken away; receiving some sticks and blows.

    Parallel to the fighting, a few meters away, on the stage behind the museum, Mapuche organizations conducted various acts and called to support the strikers and the Mapuche struggle as a whole. The gases at times made it very difficult to continue the cultural event, but it took place anyway.

    After the march there were 16 detainees, between them 7 were minors, who were later released.

    The confrontations produced injuries to 6 agents of the Police Special Forces (FFEE).


    http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mc0a6 ... 1_1280.jpg

    http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8333/8095 ... 562f_h.jpg


    http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mbyy3 ... 1_1280.jpg



    A rad pic with someone waving a black flag, but too big to post...
    http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mc0ak ... 1_1280.jpg





    http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mbyy8 ... 1_1280.jpg




    http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mc0ac ... 1_1280.jpg








    THEBLACKNOVA Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Aug 11, 2011

    At more than 50 days on hunger strike: "If they want to force-feed us, we will sew our mouth shut if necessary"


    this communique was taken from here: http://paismapuche.org/?p=5444
    and translated into english by the black nova :ecouteurs:

    October 15, 2012

    Concepción, October 15, 2012 from the Hospital.

    We Mapuche political prisoners on hunger strike and mobilized for our rights, we continue strong toward our goal.

    Day by day we are more convinced that we will meet our end if necessary, we know that it is very risky because of health issue, but we will give our lives if necessary. If they want to force-feed us, we will sew our mouth shut if necessary.

    I also want to thank you for all the support you have given us and that we are only fight for our freedom, the most important thing is our territory just how the original people make it.

    A message to all people fighting for national freedom and our territory. We send you a lot of strength and may repressive states not win wars against you, just as we do every day may we continue to fight for our territory, rights and strength.

    For freedom and my family, my people and my community. 
We will fight to the end; if needed we are willing to give our lives and more.


    Paulino Levipan.
Daniel Levinao.
Erick Montoya. 

    Rodrigo Montoya.


    THEBLACKNOVA Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Aug 11, 2011

    the banner reads:


  15. punkmar77

    punkmar77 Experienced Member Uploader Active Member




    Nov 13, 2009
     United States
  16. Spike one of many

    Spike one of many Experienced Member Uploader Active Member Forum Member




    Aug 14, 2012
    Western Cape, South Africa  South Africa


    THEBLACKNOVA Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Aug 11, 2011
    I read this article and it's overview of what is happening now helps explain a lot of what is brewing under the surface and spills out onto the streets in confrontations...

    Today’s Social Struggles

    In the present period Chile is witnessing five fronts of struggle across the country: students, workers, neighborhoods, territorial battles, and indigenous struggle. All have roots in struggles from the era of the popular front government, and in some cases even earlier.

    Chile catapulted into the news and into the consciousness of activists in 2011 because of the student movement. Aimed at combatting debt-servitude, poor quality, and untenable prices, the student movement organized widespread actions, strikes, and social disruptions to achieve free quality public education for all, and in many cases a liberatory vision of education as well. Chile’s system of education resembles in some ways the US because of its reliance on debt, similar cost (but with Chilean wages), and a public/private divide that has deep class implications. Chile, like Quebec, has been going through regular cycles of student struggles around such issues. The most recent period was in 2006 under Bachelet in the ‘March of the Penguins’ (named for the students’ uniforms) around issues of fees, bus passes, and the system problems with funding and regulation of education in Chile. The struggles ended with concessions, but without resolving the larger issues. Many of the leaders of the 2011 university struggles were militants in the high school organizations (liceos) of 2006. At its peak, the movement of 2011 led to near urban shutdown with hundreds of thousands in the streets, the will of the public on their side, and solidarity strikes by workers in the strategic sectors of the economy.

    Anarchists built a base in the student movements with the work of the Federación Estudiantil Libertaria (FEL) more than a decade ago. Beginning as an intermediate tendency within the student movement, the FEL built a libertarian praxis both inside the official student movement and in the streets. Chile has a system of political representation which resembles elements of both governmental structures and unions. The organizations are built on a departmental basis with their own constitutions and structure, but largely they are all accountable to base assemblies. There are larger coordinating structures where different political tendencies compete and engage in negotiation with administration, and coordinating forces. FEL engages in both organizing the student struggle, and activities around political formation, popular education, and intervention in maintaining a libertarian revolutionary character of popular student struggles. Presently it’s a network across the Universities and high schools of Chile, and has won several key victories in establishing a presence for FEL and its networks. In 2012 the movement will face challenges due to the inability to win its significant system demands in 2011. University students are being attacked both by the state targeting any further protests through retributory action within the school system, and by the economic burden of their loans and loss of classes. Occupations of high schools continue however, and the movement is facing a crucial juncture at this time. Regional elections occur in 2012, and much of the left will mobilize to funnel the energy of the student movement into institutional politics. With the autonomous power of the student movement, the libertarian presence of the FEL, and the world crisis unfolding, 2012 may prove to be a pivotal year in either direction. Today, as we speak mobilizations are already returning to the streets and demonstrating a power that has not yet been defeated by either the crisis or the government.

    The repression of Pinochet led to a weakened official workers movement. In Chile, the official union rate hovers around 10% similar to the US. Chilean labor law combines the worst of Europe (strikes are illegal without certain specific parameters) and the worst of the US (widespread evasion of labor law through exclusions, independent contracting, and the ability to replace workers who strike). More than a decade of anarchist organization and agitation however has built a libertarian presence in key sectors of Chilean society. Construction workers for example are excluded from collective bargaining largely in Chilean labor law. A relatively new union, SINTEC, was built in construction with a strong libertarian current and on a combative libertarian model. The port workers likewise have a tradition and presence of libertarian unionism, while at the same time occupying a strategic position within the economy as the means of exporting all of Chile’s wealth. Depending on the region, anarchists have built maturing roots in various sectors of the economy strategic to their position (mining, health, education, transportation, forestry, and fisheries).

    Chile is a country that is overwhelmingly urban with generally compact cities and collective housing. The untenable costs of living (nearly US prices on a fraction of the wages) have led to situations in neighborhoods where many families are forced into tiny apartments, the quality and availability of basic utilities is limited, capitalist development destroys community’s health, and basic commodity prices assault people. In response a number of popular movements have emerged. Anarchists have been active in these struggles which tend to center around the availability of housing, living standards, and fighting runaway costs. This includes land occupations as well as direct action to leverage more working class housing from the state. Rather than focusing on single issues, libertarians pushed for a broader orientation of community-wide struggles and popular education in order to sustain the popular character and leadership of the struggles (rather than having people leave when their personal needs are met).

    Chile’s structure of its core and periphery have created situations where vast areas are ignored and repressed. Territorial Struggles around the conditions of living in whole regions have exploded in key places during the past few years. In 2011, the extreme south of Chile exploded in protests in Punta Arenas with blockades, barricades, and street battles between forces of the government and the whole community. This year in Aysen, another southern Chilean region, community members blockade their area for months in bitter battles with government forces. Their demands have focused on fighting increased cost of food, transportation, and the lack of infrastructure (educational, physical, and social) in their region. In the mining region of Northern Chile, residents waged similar battles around their health, water, and infrastructure. While creating all the wealth of Chile, they live in some of the worst conditions.

    Indigenous struggle in Chile is synonymous largely with the Mapuche. Though other struggles exist in Tierra del Fuego and the northern Aymara regions, the Mapuche of Chile’s south have a center place in the national attention because of the strength and duration of their struggles. The Mapuche have a history not only of struggle in present history but continuing to resist since colonization. The Mapuche continued to have an independent nation until Chile had it’s own indigenous wars and conquered the territory, but not the Mapuche people. Isolated by geography and a harsh climate, the Mapuche have resisted both integration and capitalist transgressions in their lands. As neoliberalism and imperialism drives deeper into the heart of the Mapuche’s lands, the community has continued to resist. Widespread abuse and ethnic driven killings by the State have been routine. Combined with solidarity movements across Chile, the Mapuche represent an undominated force of constant resistance in Chile who carry their own libertarian traditions and struggles.
    Anarchist Interventions

    Alongside presence in social struggle, the anarchist movement has a broad base of activities both within the left and the popular neighborhoods for the development of a libertarian praxis. Anarchists are active in community radio stations across Chile where residents engage in popular education in tandem with the struggles of their neighborhood on a liberatory model. The movement has a number of media projects both of organizations and of broader libertarian networks. For example "Politica y Sociedad" (originally "Hombre y Sociedad") is an anarchist communist journal founded in the 1980s that represents a collaboration between various organized anarchist groups and individuals. There are anarchist journals like Erosion. The Federación Comunista Libertaria has both print and web publications. In Santiago there’s a network of around 12 popular libraries in particular popular neighborhoods. Insurrectionists and lifestylist elements had active squats until largely closed down during el caso de bombas where the state targeted them for insurrectionist bombings. Subsequently the defendants were all cleared, however the squats have not since returned to pre-repression levels of functioning.

    A Panorama

    The position of the libertarian movement in Chile shows the direction a mature movement can have when it invests in becoming rooted in popular struggles and communities. Chile faced unique challenges due to the social disruption that the combined terrorism of the dictatorship and neoliberalism. Building often with very little, the anarchist movement has grown roots and stand in strategic positions today within Chilean social struggles. There is much to be learned from these experiences, when taken with our analysis of our time, our place, and our conjuncture. The future of both Chile and its anarchists lies today in their fight within Chilean society, and with the fight of the international working class against imperialism and new methods of submission in this era of crisis.

    HAHA i should visit libcom more often :D
  18. Boomstick

    Boomstick Experienced Member Active Member




    Dec 10, 2009
    Sorry for the late response.

    About Pinochet and the attacks targeted at him, I'm glad there were so many brave people who tried to take down that monster and also whom attacked the capital and state at the time, but those were valid targets because they were pretty much destroying our country and if you say that those attacks affected the investments done in Chile then even better, it means they had successful results, while burning buses only fuck up the people who are trying to get to work or the drivers who need their job.

    However if that article you posted is true and the burning of buses was indeed a montage... then I guess I was a fool for linking the encapuchados to it.

    I didn't watch the Gabriel Salazar videos but if encapuchados are composed by those three components then maybe they're more complex than I thought.

    I don't know maybe I have been too harsh on them as a whole, guess I'm gonna have to talk to some of them one day and see what their views on anarchism and violence-against-the-state are.

    For the time being I think I will tolerate their acts, after all what they do isn't bad compared to what the capitalist and state monsters do to us here every single fucking day.

    It's really good to see you Blacknova and the people here caring about the ones who keep fighting in Chile .

    THEBLACKNOVA Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Aug 11, 2011
    They Set Fire To The House Of A Policeman In Valparaiso

    Nov. 24, 2012.

    Although the press has not mentioned the fact, the people of Valparaiso already have gotten the news about the cop whose house was burned.

    The attack happened early Saturday November 24, where unknown people set fire to the house of policeman Marco Antonio Jorquera, leaving the place with heavy damage and the bastard uniformed police officer with serious burns.

    The name of this bastard was already known. It’s the same cop that on the April 30 shot in "error" a young anarchist in Vina del Mar when he tried to stop another youth.

    Considering how repression works, where it commonly strikes people blindly, it may be probable that the suspicions and investigations will lead against the anarchist Bengales, the young anarchist who was injured by the bullet, that's why we have to be aware before the revenge of power.

    Our friends from the Anarchist Solidarity Collective see the possibility of repression falling against Bengales, and have made it clear that neither the group nor its partner have something to do with the alleged attack and thy also add that they don’t care about the health of the cop.

    pic of the pigs house on fire!^^^

    this report was taken from here: http://liberaciontotal.lahaine.org/?p=4724
    this report was tranlated into english by the charming Black Nova ;)

    THEBLACKNOVA Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Aug 11, 2011
    For A Black Christmas! Fire Attack On Large Christmas Tree In Santiago Mall, Chile.

    Dec, 15th, 2012.

    This post was taken from here: http://liberaciontotal.lahaine.org/?p=4786
    and translated into english by that mofo theblacknova :ecouteurs:

    [Info gathered from multiple sites]

    On Friday night, December 14, after 10:00 pm, encapuchadxs (hooded-ones) threw Molotov cocktails against the big Christmas tree that annually is installed opposite the mall "Mall Walk Station" located in the heart of Alameda (the main street in the capital of the country).

    Along with the incendiary attack, the encapuchadxs (hooded-ones) shouted slogans against consumerism, that amid this year-end date causes people to get into a frenzy to get unnecessary (junk).

    Product of the flames, the Christmas tree quickly began to burn, but unfortunately guards ran to save the Christmas symbol of capitalism and Christianity, and it was not reduced to ashes, resulting in some damage and great detriment to the logic of market.

    That same night elsewhere in Santiago, encapuchadxs (hooded-ones) lit barricades and contronted the police with molotovs on Greece Ave, outside the JGM campus of the University of Chile in Ñuñoa.







    Note: there were like 3 pics that were to big to post of an encapuchadx (hooded one) running towards the three with a molotov in hand, so check em out here: http://liberaciontotal.lahaine.org/?p=4786