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Militant Vegan Bands

Discussion in 'Music, punk scene & subcultures' started by Rev5, Jun 5, 2012.

  1. Rev5

    Rev5 Member New Member




    Sep 28, 2011
    Could anyone give me some help with bands that support militant veganism? As a PoC who feels extremely put off by people who support the idea that, if I can't go vegan, I should starve or am on par with a rapist, I'd like to know what bands to stay away from.

  2. anarchoskin69

    anarchoskin69 Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Nov 14, 2010
    I thought the only militant vegans were the ALF, and they didn't target meat eaters, but they did target those who exploit, hurt and kill animals? Anyways, vegetarian isn't expensive. It's the same if not cheaper. Also, this is a loaded statement.
  3. xhdrx

    xhdrx Active Member Uploader Forum Member




    Jun 8, 2012
    the only "militant vegan" bands I can think of are hardline straight edge bands like Vegan Reich, Chokehold, Raid, Earth Crisis and such.
  4. crustybeckham

    crustybeckham Experienced Member Uploader Active Member Forum Member




    Jan 22, 2012
    It depends I suppose. If you want your militant vegan band to be steroid-free, you might want to avoid tough-guy hardcore.

    Active Minds, Hello Bastards, Contravene, Banned from the Earth (from Bolivia), Room 101, Riot/Clone, Battle of Disarm, Active Slaughter all come to mind but there are many others worldwide.
  5. Cascadian

    Cascadian Active Member Forum Member




    Jan 10, 2012
    You should avoid bands that suck

    Also, wouldn't it be easier to ask which bands AREN'T militant vegan instead of which ones are? And what does PoC mean?
  6. Utopian

    Utopian Experienced Member Active Member




    Jun 9, 2012
    yea ALF are awesome http://www.animalliberationfront.com/

    or try whale wars :lmao: hah could not resist sorry.

    some bands: crass,conflict,minor threat,D.O.A any anarcho-punk or straight edge,or hardcore bands have animal rights ideas (many of them)
  7. Rev5

    Rev5 Member New Member




    Sep 28, 2011

    It isn't a statement I made lightly. Some very famous people, like Natalie Portman (http://www.eonline.com/news/natalie_por ... ing/150913), as well as vegans in the radical community, have equated meat-eating to rape. Now, my problem isn't with veganism itself, it's the people who hold the idea that meat based diets or things with meat by-products can be avoided by everyone. I have family who live outside of the U.S., whose means of survival is their small farm that exists to feed themselves, and I have many friends who are Native to America who still practice hunting as a means of survival; militant vegans ignore these people, if not out-right shame them, for not being able to conform to their ideas. If you do not believe me on this, I can provide links (or you can search yourself), but I am honestly tired of trying to explain to many of these people that their beliefs are imperialistic in nature; these are mostly white, middle-class kids (or somewhere close to it), telling PoC (people of color), like myself, that we should starve if our culture is sustained via meat-eating (someone actually said this to me).
    I have no problem with listening to bands who believe in animal rights, I only take issue with the extremist who've told people like my disabled friend that he should die if his life meant the suffering of animals, the same people who tell rape-survivors that what happened to them is on par with what happens to animals, amongst a host of other problematic/disgraceful ideas that put most PoC, disabled persons, and the poor in general UNDER animals.
    Most militant vegans take complete issue with me on this, denying the privileges they poses, such as access to resources that others simply do not have. Vegetables may be cheaper to buy than meats, but not always practical for everyone; people have gone into great details about this, and again, I can provide links, but for the most part I've seen, not a few amount, but a LARGE amount of militant vegans just ignore many of these issues with their beliefs. Being that, as I've already stated, I've been continuously harassed by these sorts of people, I'd rather not listen to any band that preaches their same bullshit views that anyone that isn't vegan is shit.
    Again, I do NOT make these statements lightly.
  8. crustybeckham

    crustybeckham Experienced Member Uploader Active Member Forum Member




    Jan 22, 2012
    Though I have never met anyone equating meat-eating with rape or claiming that starving to death is an option, I have read this kind of "theories" on animal rights board. To be honest, I don't think the punk scene and bands singing about veganism hold this sort of views. Some punks can still be pretty haughty and even arrogant towards the unwashed masses. It is also true that it is much easier to be vegan when you live in a big North American city than in other parts of the world (mind you, it was easier to be a vegetarian in Tucson than it is in Paris). But again I wouldn't worry too much about dodgy veganism as long as you stick to the good bands (Resist and Exist comes to mind) that keep social issues in mind when tackling the issue. There is also a trend called "vegans of colour" (I think) that challenges the white middle-class centered view of veganism.
  9. anarchoskin69

    anarchoskin69 Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Nov 14, 2010
    PoC=Person of Color
  10. anarchoskin69

    anarchoskin69 Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Nov 14, 2010
    Okay nevermind, looks like the PoC acronym was explained here.

    Regarding this, my honest opinion man is that it's not eating meat that is the problem. It's the factory farms that exist that take creatures out of their natural living habitat, chain them, isolate them, put them through much more horrible, unnatural pain then is necessary. While white, I'm a descendent of the Native American Algonquin tribe on my grandma Bohannon's family, my father's mother's family. So, I think if the human population wasn't exterminating all other life on this planet and we lived as we once did, with the land, instead of off of it, I would say meat eating is fine. The thing is, I never give meat eaters shit. The dead flesh is arriving at the stores regardless of what consumers do. Sure, they could boycott it and go vegan or vegetarian, but capitalist society has shitloads of laws and subsidies in place that make it quite fucking difficult. I think my veganism is strongly related to an environmental aspect, as well as a stance against unnatural treatment of animals, and it's been effected by my few years as an anarcho-primitivist. Though, now, I think anacho-primitivism is a little nuts nowadays, I do think we need to scale civilization back, on a major scale. Going vegan or vegetarian does help with that, though, I think. I could elaborate more, but I need to run into work.
  11. apples&onions

    apples&onions Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    May 16, 2012
    Yeah, vegans can be pretty racist, culturalist, speciesist, classist, and just absurd dicks. They can be pretty fucking funny. :lmao: I agree with you 100%, keep posting man, stick around!
  12. Ivanovich

    Ivanovich Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Jan 31, 2010
    I don't understand why you think you can't be vegan if you not white. I also don't understand why anyone with a farm would have a problem growing vegetables.
  13. Caps

    Caps Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Nov 3, 2010
    I understand what you mean but these militant vegan types I think largely come from the hardline scene and the like. Bands like Vegan Reich and their associates. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hardline_(subculture)

    A lot of vegan bands and vegan anarchists are sympathetic to cultural and geographical differences. Plenty of vegans do hold the sort of ridiculous views you mentioned and these are the sort that spend most their time visiting animal sanctuaries as a form of political activity. These are also the sort of clowns that think that I should have stuck to herbal remedies to treat my cancer rather than the animal-tested chemotherapy that saved my life. Most the vegans I associate with, however, are against Western meat eating, or at least over-eating. The meat consumption in the US and Europe causes problems with animal welfare, environmental damage and also, significantly, the food issues in poorer nations. It is silly and bizarre, however, to consider that everybody in the world, especially in its current state, should go vegan. I'm sorry you've had to deal with so many arseholes. However, you, as everyone, should consider the arguments and possibility of going vegan.
  14. Ammon

    Ammon Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Mar 6, 2012
    definitely propagahndi :thumbsup:
  15. apples&onions

    apples&onions Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    May 16, 2012
    Yeah, but I still love Propagahndi. There would be, I suppose, Cattle Decapitation.
  16. Hayduke

    Hayduke Experienced Member Active Member




    Dec 14, 2012
    Something unknown - an old czech punk band Choré Vrány (1993). Their lyrics can be labeled as militant straight edge, especially songs: Říkám ti to do očí, Nucený výsek

  17. Sick Boy 77

    Sick Boy 77 Experienced Member Uploader Active Member




    Mar 29, 2010
    I love Riot/Clone. They only had one album dedicated to animal rights that I know of. Plus, I wouldn't consider them "tough-guy hxc". They have more of a crust punk or something like that.
  18. NoGodsNoMasters38

    NoGodsNoMasters38 Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Oct 17, 2013
    Conflict and early Chumbawamba