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Do you like to have Loikaemie here for Download?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Solidaridad, Oct 23, 2009.

  1. Solidaridad

    Solidaridad Experienced Member Experienced member




    Oct 5, 2009
    I am sorry that my english is perhaps good enough to translate all Loikaemie lyirc very quick. But I try it, and know here is the last version, perhaps easier to understand than the first one. But is not very different from the version that the great Loikamie (Shakespeare of OI!) has created.

    Btu I am very intersted what do you think about. Is it funny, it is irony, sarkamsm, is it the stuff for dancing and having a party or is it bullshit we should not offer to download. What do people knowing the band and speaking german about it? I have posted the whole german lyric, too. An no, I am nerver against provocation and I know a lot of bands with lyrics a real dogmatic person would run away. But here in this case I don´t wand to tolerate - to be antifascist and to play with nice oi-bands like Brigada Flores Magon or Los Fastidios is not enough to be part of the scene I am part of.

    Here are the lyrics:


    One night I walk to the forest. I sea a corpse and I was getting cold,
    she was fragmented, forked and hacked
    I was standing there and loughed
    I have opened my trousers and plugged him into
    (...) I am necrophile, a necrophile pig, sex with animals and little children that makes me cool, no one can stop it

    However, and i know how it´s possible to broke hands and shatter knees. Than you cannot move. Now I I could kill you, too. You are only dirt.

    Another appearence, open me the doors, I see women and I will kidnap them. I take them home and will imprison them. In the dark, wet cellar I will torture them, and If i want one of the girls I will come in the cellar and will torture.

    Refrain: No, before I will come over you, you bastard, this time I will kill you (...)


    . "So sehen wir euch"

    There are people, wich becoming to women themselfes. Thay act like woman, you cannot believe it. Think about our earlier days, what we have thought, people accosting in a rude manner and many laughs look in my eyes and say it in my face, do you want be the same, or do you want to change?
    Now they are different from the past, as we know them as hard, strong guys all others running away. (..) ------ "And if we have a gig, we make music, oi and fun but no politic... "

    Veganer (VEGAN): (...)
    You have carrots in the hand, I see your stupid writings on the wall, freedom and rights for animals, I see your hearts being greedy for revenge. Refrain: I love beef roulades, i like pig steaks, I like rabbits What has this to do with cruelty? (..) Millions of corn stalks are dying barbarous on the world but one day I will revenge then I am a big hero. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Gewalttätig (Being violent) (...)
    Yes I kill woman, yes I am eating children, Ohoho, i am crazy, an opressor, I understand, that nobody likes me My purpose in live is beating up people (...) „ Never mind of leftist, faggots, hippies, nazis, queer or little sweet pipiies. What I do not like is that you making opinions,your narrow minding thinkig, I stopped it I hate the nazis, they overtake it all, (...) I hate the intolerant left, (...) (because she is lying)

    In the beginning of the 90 ies the band members were involved in the right wing skinhead scene. But I think this is an old chapter and from the beginning starting under the name Lokaemie this band was against the nazi-scum. You can discuss hours if Loikamie always played only with antifascist bands or if there is a greyzone under the banner "unpolitical".

    Yes, they are in their lyrics alway against fascism but they are also unpoltical (said this in interviews to) , offer sexism, are anti-vegetarian, homophob, act against that, what they think is the political left. Because of their lyrics this band was not allowed to play in the JUZ Mannheim. A lot of people could not understand why they shouldn´t play. Loikaemie has a lot of fans here.

    This band has played with Lost Fastidios, Brigads Flores Magon and now I have heard even supported (paid for?) Toronto / Sharp festival. And I am sure it was fun to have a drink with them and skanking to their music. The reason for this, is perhaps that a lot of people do not speak german and understand the lyrics. But we also have an unpolitical street- oi-punk hype in the anarcho music scene. We have so much real good anarchobands but we offer bands like Loikaemie a plattform. And do not forget, at the moment you can download this stuff on anarchopunknet.


    Eines Nachts, da ging ich durch den Wald
    Ich sah eine Leiche und mir wurde ganz kalt
    Sie war zerstückelt, gespalten und zerhackt
    Ich stand davor und ich habe nur gelacht
    Ich ließ die Hose runter, steckte ihn rein
    Ich bin nekrophil, ein Leichenschänderschwein
    Sex mit Tieren und kleinen Kindern
    Das macht mich ganz geil, keiner kann's verhindern

    Doch, und ich weiß auch schon wie
    Gebrochene Hände und zerschlagene Knie
    Dann liegst du da und kannst nicht mehr weg
    Jetzt könnt' ich dich auch töten, denn du bist nur Dreck

    Ein anderes Aussehen öffnet mir Türen
    Da sehe ich Frauen und die werd' ich entführen
    Ich nehm' sie mit nach Haus und sperr' sie erstmal ein
    In den dunklen, nassen Keller, da könn' sie dann laut schrei'n
    Und wenn ich mal Bock hab' auf eine von denen
    Dann geh' ich in den Keller und dann werd' ich sie quälen
    Und wenn ich mal Bock hab' auf eine von denen
    Dann geh' ich in den Keller und dann werd' ich sie quälen

    Nein, denn vorher komm' ich über dich
    Du elender Bastard, diesmal töte ich dich
    Nein, denn vorher komm' ich über dich
    Du elender Bastard, diesmal töte ich dich


    Es soll ja Leute geben,
    Die verweichlichen sich selbst
    Sie benehmen sich wie Weiber,
    Da Du's nicht fuer moeglich haeltst


    Erinnert euch an frueher, was haben wir da gedacht
    Leute angepoebelt und viel gelacht
    Schau mir in die Augen und sag's mir ins Gesicht
    Wollt ihr so bleiben oder wollt ihr es nicht

    Sie sind nicht mehr wie frueher,
    So wie wir sie kannten
    Harte, starke Jungs,
    Vor denen alle wegrannten

    Ein großer Teil von ihnen ist nicht mal mehr dabei
    Was aus ihnen wird, geht mir am Arsch vorbei
    Und den kleinen Rest, den sieht man nur ganz selten
    Und wenn, dann sind sie mit Hippies zelten

    Ich kann das nicht verstehen, was ist aus Euch geworden
    Gegen Naziglatzen - mit Fauesten und mit Worten
    Und wenn da einer kommt und das Hakenkreuz ihn ziert
    Dann wird er vielleicht von Euch noch toleriert

    Ihr tanzt nur noch zu Schlager, zu Reggae, Ska und Soul
    Vor allen Dingen Schlager, das ist doch vollkommen hohl
    Ska - o.k., das sind die Wurzeln, da komm' wir her
    Doch Oi!-Punk, das ist doch einfach mehr

    Ich sehe euch mit Moehren in der Hand
    Ich lese eure dummen Sprueche an der Wand
    Freiheit und Rechte den Tieren
    Ich sehe eure Herzen nach Rache gieren

    Ich liebe Rouladen vom Rind
    Ich liebe Schnitzel vom Schwein
    Ich liebe Keulchen vom Huhn
    Was hat denn das mit Quaelerei zu tun

    Ihr ernaehrt euch von Tofu, Getreide und Moehren
    Der bloße Gedanke daran bringt mich zum roehren
    Man, laßt uns in Ruh' mit eurer Kacke
    Ihr leidet doch nur an einer Wohlstandsmacke

    Millionen Halme von Getreide auf dem Feld
    Sterben taeglich grausam auf der Welt
    Doch eines Tages werd' ich sie rächen
    Ja, dann bin ich ein großer Held


    Ja, ja, ja - ich toee Frauen; ja, ja, ja - ich fresse Kinder
    Ohoho - ich bin verrueckt, ein Menschenschinder
    Wer mich nicht mag, dem kann ich's nicht veruebeln
    Mein Lebensinhalt - Leute verpruegeln

    Ich bin gewalttaetig und niemals fair
    Ich toete erst und frage hinterher
    Gegen jeden und alles meinen Haß
    Doch ich kann nichts dafuer, denn mir macht das Spaß

    Mir ist es ganz egal, ob linke schwule Hippies
    Ob Nazis, ob Tunten oder kleine sueße Pippies
    Was mich an euch stoet, ist eure Meinungsmacherei
    Euer kleinkariertes Denken, bei mir ist es vorbei

    Ich bin gewalttaeig und niemals fair
    Ich toete erst und frage hinterher
    Gegen jeden und alles meinen Haß
    Doch ich kann nichts dafue, denn mir macht das Spaß

    Ich hasse Christen - scheinheilige Moral
    Hinter dicken Mauern, alles and're als normal
    Ich haß die Presse, die die Welt verdreht
    Wenn die Wahrheit ans Licht kommt,
    sie keiner mehr versteht

    Ich haß die Bullen, als bezahlte Knechte
    Von Vater Staat, haben sie zuviele Rechte
    Eigentlich bin ich gar nicht so verruekt
    Ich seh' die Welt nur so, wie sie wirklich ist

    Ich bin gewalttaeig und niemals fair
    Ich toee erst und frage hinterher
    Gegen jeden und alles meinen Haß
    Doch ich kann nichts dafür, denn mir macht das Spaß

    Ich haß die Nazis, die alles nur benutzen
    Dinge, die ihnen nicht gehoeren, sie damit nur beschmutzen
    Ich hasse die intolerante Linke
    Wenn ich mich da reinhaeg, vor Lügen stinke

    Ich bin gewalttaetig und niemals fair
    Ich toete erst und frage hinterher
    Gegen jeden und alles meinen Haß
    Doch ich kann nichts dafeur, denn mir macht das Spaß

  2. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Experienced member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada

    End of the story.

    Don't you have better things to do??

    Since you registered here you only make critics and useless polemics, then threaten us to leave the forums if we don't agree with you...

    I'll not waste my time explaining again, just read my other posts.... Anyway, i think nobody cares, we have better things to do and more important problems to care about...
  3. Link K2B

    Link K2B Experienced Member Experienced member




    Oct 27, 2009
    I like Loikaemie but I can't speak German so I've not idea what they're on about nor what you're on about ;)

    Avin said that, I don't mind listenin to bands that are vaguely conservative in values as long as they're not pro facism or nazism. Most non-political Oi! bands are good examples of this.
  4. Sonsof77

    Sonsof77 Member New Member




    Jan 15, 2010
    where did you get your translations from?
  5. Drop

    Drop New Member New Member




    May 6, 2010
    they are definitly not facism or nazism!
    listen to the song "good night white pride"

    ...but they are clarify that they don´t like antifagroups.
    and their lyrics are about real maleness and don´t tolerate homosexuality.

    i live in germany and many self administrated houses or other groups don´t want accomplish a concert with loikämie cause of their lyrics and fans.
  6. dwtcos

    dwtcos Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Oct 22, 2009
    Those lyrics were horrid. Why is this on an anarchist website?
  7. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Experienced member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    Because they are one of the most famous anti-fascist band, widely supported by all antifas around the world. Dumb ignorant.

    But anyway you don't care about antifascism because you support freedom of speech for the fascists. At least loikaemie doesnt sit down and whine like you do, they move their ass and do some real activism.
  8. dwtcos

    dwtcos Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Oct 22, 2009
    Yes, because a band is antifascist it's okay to be sexist homophobic and anti-vegan in lyricism :ecouteurs: If I'm going to listen to an antifascist band I'll listen to Oi Polloi, because at least I have ideological overlap with them beyond just anti-fascism. I honestly couldn't care less what a majority of antifascist listen to especially if what they listen to includes mindless anti-veganism "BEEF TASTE GOOD!" and don't even get me started on apolitical people. You can't be neutral on a moving train.
  9. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Experienced member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    Wow you are a fucking idiot. Why the fuck would you support a band that sings "BASH THE FASH" when you think that the peoples (like me) who want to attack the fascists and dont let them express themselves are fascists and authoritarians? To you, Oi Polloi is also fascist and authoritarian since they fight against fascists and dont believe in their freedom of speech

    You have no common points with Oi Polloi. You are a hippy, and they are anti fascists ready to use violence to SILENCE the fascists. And you defend their freedom of speech.

    btw stop being a vegan fascist, peoples have the right to be non-vegetarian. I'm not a vegetarian, i have my own personnal reason, and i have the right to.

    Also, why the fuck would you want us to remove loikaemie from here ? Don't forget, you believe in freedom of speech for homophobic peoples, so stop asking us to remove this band since you think they have the right to express themselves
  10. dwtcos

    dwtcos Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Oct 22, 2009
    I'm not a vegan fascist. I'd be down with some anti-vegan lyrics if they offered an actual agruement. But as a vegan I hear the "you'll ruin my meal." defense every once I'm a while and I think it is totally lame.
    And I don't think you are a fascist or authoritarian, but that one point in your ideology is very much, by definition, authoritarian.
    And I don't think hippy is an insult when anarcho-punk was influenced largely by the hippy movement.
    I do believe in freedom of speech for homophobes, but a few weeks ago I was standing next to a woman holding a sign reading "God hates fags" looking her straight in the eyes and asking her questions about her ideology while simultaneously spreadig a message of love and equality to counter her hate. So just because you believe in freedom of speech does not mean you believe in doing nothing in the face of organized hatred.
  11. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Experienced member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    Then Oi Polloi's ideology is also authoritarian, don't listen to them.

    You are playing with words. Someone who have authoritarian ideology is an authoritarian. Refer to NGNM85's dictionnary definition of authoritarism


    are you kidding me ??? its pretty much the opposite

    Good luck. You will never change her ideas anyway.

    you are an hippy. and proud to be.
  12. dwtcos

    dwtcos Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Oct 22, 2009
    Don't tell me what to listen to. If I want to masturbate while listening to skrewdriver then that's my own damn business.
    And do you have any idea how a dictionary works? I was using authoritarian in it's adjective form, not it's noun form.
    If you think you can destroy an ideology by silencing it then good luck to you sir. It's definitely working in the middle east with radical Islam..
  13. dwtcos

    dwtcos Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Oct 22, 2009
    Oh, and I just tracked down the lyrics of these songs for myself and translated them using the same translating engine I use to do Spanish homework and they are in fact sexist, homophobic and anti-vegan. But since they are antifascist it's okay, right? :lmao: