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Call for Black Bloc in D.C.

Discussion in 'Anarchism and radical activism' started by punkmar77, Feb 16, 2011.

  1. punkmar77

    punkmar77 Experienced Member Uploader Active Member




    Nov 13, 2009
     United States
    Call for Anti-Authoritarian/ Anti-Capitalist Bloc

    Late 2009 and 2010 saw many good street protests either by or strongly affiliated with anarchists. Between local issues and summit mobilizations, our movement has shown its strength all over North America. The anti-G20 mobilization in Pittsburgh was one of the most successful US anarchist mobilizations in some time. Both the anti-Olympic and anti-G20 mobilizations in Canada had strong presences from the United States. May Day 2010 saw many anarchist actions in a number of different states. Countless local issues have been confronted all over America. Our movement continues to gain momentum. Our confidence is building. We've shown that we can strike anywhere and everywhere. We've shown that it's easy to attack the state and capitalism. Anyone can do it.

    2011 is here, and we know everyone wants to keep this up. These demonstrations need to grow. The IMF and World Bank, two of the major perpetrators of economic and ecological devastation around the world, are meeting in DC this April. It is time for us to swarm another city to do what we do best! The United States alone has the ability
    to veto any decision made by the IMF. Our government is mainly responsible for the atrocities financed by the IMF and the World Bank.

    This is a call for a strong, fierce anti-capitalist/
    anti-authoritarian bloc against the IMF/World Bank meetings, April
    15-17 in Washington DC - mass direct action in the home of these
    institutions. Bring your flags, banners, shields, helmets, masks, and
    most importantly, bring your revolutionary spirit! See you in the

    re-posted from: http://www.anarchistnews.org/?q=node%2F13913

  2. JesusCrust

    JesusCrust Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Apr 17, 2010
    Man, that would be a journey for me. Anybody from So cal area on the off chance be thinking of going?
  3. Carlos

    Carlos Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Jan 1, 2010
    This has potential, but damn why does the USA have to be so damn big! Washington DC is a ways from me :ecouteurs:
  4. primal_kaaos

    primal_kaaos Member New Member




    Feb 19, 2011
    Hell yeah let's make this one big. I will most likely be driving down from PA and could possibly pick up an extra person who needs a ride if they're on the way. There's a possibility of driving down with between 1-3 other people so depending on that I'll have 1-3 seats open. We should outreach to a bunch of people for this event because they happen twice a year. I attached a picture of the flyer so people can print out copies and hand them out/throw them up where anarchists hangout in their city. <3

  5. punkmar77

    punkmar77 Experienced Member Uploader Active Member




    Nov 13, 2009
     United States
    Bad link for the flier Primal....right click the image and copy the image location then post it below and it should turn out....
  6. primal_kaaos

    primal_kaaos Member New Member




    Feb 19, 2011
  7. punkmar77

    punkmar77 Experienced Member Uploader Active Member




    Nov 13, 2009
     United States

    Call to Action for the Spring 2011 IMF/WB Meetings

    Summary: On April 16, 2000 20,000 protesters besieged the spring meetings of the IMF and World Bank. In 2011 the IMF and World Bank are again meeting on April 16. Their previous schemes ended in failure, but the Great Recession, bailouts, and austerity have brought them back from the brink. On A16 2011 we will again confront the spring meetings of the IMF and World Bank. Everyone’s invited…

    On April 16, 2000 upward of 20,000 anti-globalization protesters descended on Washington, DC to resist the destructive neoliberal policies of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank. On the heels of the stunning victory in Seattle on N30, hopes were high that the A16 demo would shut down the meetings and once again show the world the power of bottom-up, horizontal resistance.

    A16 didn’t turn out to be another Seattle, but the worldwide struggle against neoliberalism was largely successful nonetheless. The relentless pressure of mass demonstrations at every summit meeting, coupled with ever more militant resistance from the residents of the affected countries, left the so-called Washington consensus in ruins. IMF capitalization plummeted in the following years as more and more poor nations opted out of the financial straightjacket of exorbitant interest rates and austerity measures demanded of IMF loan recipients.

    Today, the tentacles of neoliberalism are encircling previously exempt populations in Europe and the US, as international bankers demand their speculative losses be made good by people already on the verge of
    destitution. In countries like Greece and Latvia, massive cuts in social services are forcing millions into poverty, in order to repay the IMF the billions that went to bailing out casino capitalists. In other countries,
    like the US, neoliberals wreak their havoc without middlemen, but the results are the same. Here in Washington, DC, home of the IMF and World Bank, school budgets are being slashed, homeless shelters closed, city employees laid off, and Metro fares raised, all to make up budget shortfalls caused by rescuing multi-billion dollar banks from their own greed and stupidity. DC is also the target of an invasion by Wal-Mart, who plans to open four stores here in 2012. This is the same Wal-Mart that received millions from the World Bank for energy projects in Haiti and Mexico.

    The rest of the world is not taking this lying down. In Greece, strikes and protests are near daily occurrences, to the point that the economic disruption may be costing the government more money than they save through austerity measures. Students in England have rioted in response to tuition hikes, destroying the lobby of the Conservative* party headquarters and attacking Prince Charles’ car – with him inside it. A spontaneous, leaderless revolt in Tunisia has driven one president into exile, and the transition government is already falling apart.

    Here in the US we live at the heart of the capitalist empire. More than any other people in the world, we have the opportunity, and the responsibility, to derail the imperial machine. This year the IMF and World Bank will once again begin their spring meetings on April 16. The IMF Resistance Network invites all enemies of neoliberal capitalism to join us in the streets of DC to fight for a just and free world.

    * The previous version of this call mistakenly stated that it was the Liberal Democratic party headquarters.
  8. primal_kaaos

    primal_kaaos Member New Member




    Feb 19, 2011
    that's an old flyer
  9. JesusCrust

    JesusCrust Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Apr 17, 2010

    Mar, you gonna try to make it out there somehow?
  10. punkmar77

    punkmar77 Experienced Member Uploader Active Member




    Nov 13, 2009
     United States
    I'm seriously considering it...
  11. JesusCrust

    JesusCrust Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Apr 17, 2010
    Me too, that's a fucking mission though...
  12. primal_kaaos

    primal_kaaos Member New Member




    Feb 19, 2011
    where are y'all headed from? I could ask some people if they'll have any extra room in their cars if you're in their range of getting picked up. If y'all are from the west coast maybe you could see about organizing a caravan down to the demo? You could try to contact some anarchist collectives around your area and see what they think about it. Someone may be interested who either has a car or a means of getting down there. Of course you could hitch but that's just fuckin ridiculous if you were just gonna come down and leave, unless you were just gonna hit up the east coast for a while.
  13. JesusCrust

    JesusCrust Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Apr 17, 2010
    Good idea, will try, that could work, but you always have to doubt the possibility. Expect the worst, hope for the best.

    Mar, if you decide on going, for whatever crazy devoted anarchist reason, would you mind riding about 60 miles north to OC first and taking me? If I were to be set on going, I'll have gas $$$ for you.
  14. praxedis guerrero

    praxedis guerrero New Member New Member




    Mar 21, 2011
    DO IT

    there will be a few of us radical/people of color/anarchists/anti-caps at the conference, and it's at the same time in DC
    there are caravans going there from across the country for powershift; this could be a good opportunity to:
    1.) get a free ride
    2.) connect some new people to the movement

    interested in environmental justice, going to powershift, and want to connect the environmental movement to the anarchist movement?

  15. LiveVeganStayVegan

    LiveVeganStayVegan Active Member Forum Member




    Mar 22, 2011
    Black Blocs tend to be ineffective in D.C. people end up usually getting corralled and either arrested or dispersed by the cops. MPD knows how these things go and can easily stop them and we tend not to be able to counter them. If you are coming to D.C. study maps and check out alleyways and things like that and make sure you don't get stuck or lost and better yet avoid downtown where most of the cops will be. Go out with you affinity groups and do something smaller and don't tell a soul outside of your AG and make sure you know the folks in your group very well lest you get into trouble. Use the bloc to tie up police while small AG's go have fun elsewhere.

    There are also probably at least 40 different police agencies within D.C. city limits and I am pretty sure that is off by a whole lot more. MPD, Metro Transit Police, Secret Service Police, Park Police, U.S. Capitol Police, F.B.I. Police, JTTF (Joint Terrorism Task Force) Federal Protective Services are typically the ones you would be dealing with. Don't let this scare you just be aware that D.C. is a police non-state and they deal with protests all the time. Be safe out there and know the laws and the streets. Also be prepared for the possibility of pepper spray (D.C. doesn't use tear gas) they for a while weren't using it but now they occasionally pull it out and it isn't fun to deal with.

    This is an interesting blog about the cops in D.C.

    Fuck the World Bank and the IMF
  16. Hex

    Hex Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Sep 22, 2009
    *Schedule of Events*

    7-10 pm: IMF Resistance Network: Welcome to DC
    @St. Stephen’s Church – 16th & Newton St, NW
    *Welcome Dinner
    *Film Screening
    *Health & Safety Training
    *Legal Training

    6am: March Against the IMF and World Bank!
    @Washington Circle – 23rd & Pennsylvania Ave, NW
    *Disrupt the Opening of the April 2011 Meetings!

    12pm: Rally in Resistance to the IMF and World Bank!
    @Murrow Park – 18th & Pennsylvania Ave, NW

    2pm: Break the Bank Bike Race/ Radical Scavenger Hunt
    @Starts at Murrow Park – 18th & Pennsylvania Ave, NW
    *Race around the IMF and World Bank Meetings!
    * Details TBA

    7-10pm: Music to Smash Capitalism (Free Outdoor Show!)
    @Freedom Plaza – 14th & Pennsylvania Ave NW
    *Mischief Brew
    *Appalachian Terror Unit
    * Praxis
    * Peregrine (rumors of them flaking out on the show are circulating)

    After the show - Nocturnal Anti-Capitalist Action
    * Details TBA

    9-10am: Debrief and Consulta for September Mobilization
    *Details TBA

    12-4pm: Festival of Resistance
    @Freedom Plaza, 14th & Pennsylvania Ave, NW
    *Cakalak Thunder Marching Band
    Bread and Puppet Theater
    Radical Puppet Groups
    Radical Poetry
    And More!
  17. JesusCrust

    JesusCrust Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Apr 17, 2010
    Any info, or updates on this? Any coverage at all? I can't find shit.
  18. JesusCrust

    JesusCrust Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Apr 17, 2010
    This is all I've found so far...

    http://www.stamfordadvocate.com/default ... 340218.php

    Protesters converge in DC for IMF/World Bank event

    Read more: http://www.stamfordadvocate.com/default ... z1JjvAQOwB

    WASHINGTON (AP) — Two protesters have been arrested during weekend demonstrations of the spring meetings of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank.
    Lacy MacAuley, an activist serving as a spokesperson for the protests, says she could not disclose the reasons for the arrests but that one person had already been released. A D.C. police spokesman says at least one person was arrested Saturday for alleged destruction of property.
    The protests have included a march in downtown Washington. There's also a concert on Saturday night.
    The activists are calling for debt relief to poor countries and other changes to the international economy.
    Police say streets around Pennsylvania Avenue surrounding the IMF and World Bank will be closed through Sunday afternoon. There will also be emergency parking restrictions in place.

    Read more: http://www.stamfordadvocate.com/default ... z1Jjv857jm
  19. LiveVeganStayVegan

    LiveVeganStayVegan Active Member Forum Member




    Mar 22, 2011
    I will let folks know if I find anything.

    Basically people marched around all day chanting Whose Streets and a few chants against the WB/IMF! Nothing ultra exciting or different from other marches. It was a good day no major issues aside from the one arrest. Note to all: don't bring fireworks or weapons or ammo or spent shells to a protest.

    We really need to stop this Whose Streets bullshit, and focus on the issues at hand. Chant something relevant. We need to look more like we know what the hell we are talking about instead of just a bunch of kids in black who hate cops. Be clear on the issues and be able to articulate them to a passersby or in this case a delegate. Always stay focused on your specific issue and yes you can make the connections to other issues but keep focus and don't just sound like you are going on about a whole lot of issues that are different.

    The streets really aren't ours because when push came to shove the cops would have the upper hand and could easily push us to the sidewalk because they have more power and resources and also weapons and training. I am not saying we wouldn't attempt to resist and possibly stay on the streets but saying that chants like that are empty and meaningless unless we can back it up and right now and probably all in the future we cannot unless we train and study all we can on this shit.
  20. primal_kaaos

    primal_kaaos Member New Member




    Feb 19, 2011
    It's good to be a critique of actions, stayvegan, but I see flaws in what you are saying, aside from the fact you may be disempowering to some.

    These types of actions hands down, no question, need to get bigger and better. For a lot of people though, while this may be about the IMF/ World Bank and the devastating effects they have, and it is good to be able to talk about these issues, we are not stopping the IMF and WB at these summits and we won't unless there is a crazy spark in popular resistance. These summits in question present an opportunity for anarchists from everywhere to get together and create situations of open revolt. You said the demos in DC are usually not good for this and I agree with you 100% on that, but, it is the american anarchist mentality that is holding us back in these situations. Most of the people who come out to these DC demos are very new to this sort of thing and may be intimidated easily. Also, american anarchists (looking at it as a perspective of the demos I've been to, which is probably a little less than 10 in the past couple years) don't have very good reactionary skills for those kind of situations and they usually get broken up very fast. They have trouble holding their space.