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Hoi guys!

Discussion in 'New members introductions' started by (A) timmy (E), Oct 12, 2009.

  1. (A) timmy (E)

    (A) timmy (E) Active Member Forum Member




    Oct 12, 2009
    Hoi guys!
    My name is Ira i'm from Moscow, Russia. I was looking for a site with many activists from different countries and finally i did. I was looking for the communication without borders and one day i thought - why don't make a zine where everyone can write about his own view on what's goin on in his country and then every activist can find out about it ,look deeper than what says indymedia or another non authoritatian web sites, just zine to unite opinions of people on situation even in their country and how it depend on the world itself. Let me know if you are intrested.

    Well,how can i introduce myself. I'm a vegetarian ,that can't finally become a vegan. I had been making food not bombs for 2 years when i understood that it doesn't make a great change and this is not my way to point to the problem of wasting money to make people see it and understand. I take part in different actions like alf protests against fur, antifa demos, anarcho protests.
    I listen to all kinds of punk like anarcho punk,ska punk, punk rock and so on, sometimes hardcore but definately not russian youth crew because it sucks, i'm in love with Oi!, especially deutch and spanish , crust. Mm i think some of my favorite bands are Contra la contra and Antiglobalizator from (Grodno, Belarusia) , Blanks 77 , 10 botellas, the unseen., rancid, nofx, reaching hand, Golod&Tetka , omixlh (salloniki greece(i'm sure i wrote it in the wrong way but i dont remember) Nichego Horoshego..hm dont know whats more.

  2. Extinction

    Extinction Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Sep 1, 2009
    Welcome! How's Moscow this time of year?
  3. (A) timmy (E)

    (A) timmy (E) Active Member Forum Member




    Oct 12, 2009
    it's drizzling and cold and about 8-10 degrees.really sucks
  4. rebel

    rebel Experienced Member Active Member




    Oct 13, 2009
    but molotov is in your heart, so it is warm :rock:

    greetings from an anarchist