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Ironic nazi-thematic in Music

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Shuei, Nov 21, 2010.

  1. vAsSiLy77

    vAsSiLy77 Experienced Member Uploader Active Member Forum Member




    Jun 21, 2010
    Do yourself the favor to try a little "provocative" art at the next nazi-march in your area - like we did on the weekend, and maybe you understand why I'm terribly annoyed by people who relate "freedom of ..." with nazi insignia just to justify their entertainment needs. :anti-nazi: Belsen wasn't a gas and even if some idiot artist doesn't really know what he's doing, each swastika is still a spit in the face of the millions who died, no matter how many jews someone sports as "friends".
    When will you lifestylers' finally learn something? :ecouteurs:
  2. Shuei

    Shuei Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Jan 19, 2010
    But should Swastikas then be totally banned? I mean, it's also a symbol of ignorance and how terrible wrong it has gone before because no one stopped the ignorance before it was too late
  3. Radio Schizo

    Radio Schizo New Member New Member




    Sep 6, 2009
    yeah death in june is racist. thats why i like them
  4. Bakica

    Bakica Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Feb 21, 2010
  5. punkmar77

    punkmar77 Experienced Member Uploader Active Member




    Nov 13, 2009
     United States
    Well 'SHE' just won the the title for troll getting banned the quickest with a total of 1 post.....idiot. And this is the lamest most fucked up topic to actually put on an anti-fascist anarchist site, FUCK NAZI SYMPATHY!! Even if it's a joke or "Art" or anything, fuck it, fuck them, and fuck anyone who supports it. And if you are someone who supports it I suggest you take yourself to another forum because you're definitely not welcome here. :@
  6. JackNegativity

    JackNegativity Experienced Member Uploader Active Member Forum Member




    Nov 9, 2010
    Damn. She joined the 17th. Do you think someone has a bunch of "sleeper trolls" on this forum? I didn't get to read that 9/11 post but I'm assuming that was the same deal.
  7. punkmar77

    punkmar77 Experienced Member Uploader Active Member




    Nov 13, 2009
     United States
    No Jack the 9/11 topic was actually a mistake done by our fellow moderator Ungovernable, he thought it was an English version of a 9/11 conspiracy theory debunking movie that originally came out in French and not the obviously right-wing backed book that he posted.....ooooops. :lmao:
  8. vAsSiLy77

    vAsSiLy77 Experienced Member Uploader Active Member Forum Member




    Jun 21, 2010
    And because there isn't much else to say, "she" deserves the title and the ban from the site - so it's just to add a little knowledge to this really weird topic:

    Right, nazi-insignia and symbols ARE symbols of criminal ignorance and murderous madness too - and should be put into the historical and political kontext they belong to - in the museums and memorial sites of nazi-crimes between 1919 and today and the mostly ignored history books at school - so noone can pretend not to know the real meaning of this shit.
    And personally I don't give a shit about free speech or freedom of art if swasticas and the like are displayed outside this limited space of anti-fascist education, regardless which disguise they use - not a single inch for nazi-scum!

    ... and he declared in public his devotion for ernst röhm, homosexual leader of the paramilitary nazi-sa, who was killed in the "röhm putsch/the night of the long knives" on JUNE 30, 1934, when ss-leader heinrich himmler "purged" the power-competeting sa out of business using gestapo and his own power base, the ss.
    Former trotzkyst punk doug p. also promotes the "national bolshevism" of gregor strasser, who too died in the röhm putsch, after he had led the "left" wing of the nsdap since early 1923, reorganizing the nsdap between 1930 and 1932 to become the centralistic organisation with it's very own intern control apparatus and a highly successful propaganda potential - helping to lure the german working class into voting for the nazis at elections, giving statements like this:
    "Thats why we are, to speak exactly, not only "nationalist socialists", but anti-semites too, or with one word: ‚Nationalsozialisten‘!

    Neo-folk isn't really neo, the sound was already played by bands like the church, chameleons, gang of four, echo and the bunnymen, house of love and the like in the early 80's, the only difference to the weird stuff pierce and his consorts were doing is the addition of a racial-nationalist habitus, a clearly anti-modernist and in some cases truly crypto-fascist gesture enriched and promoted with totalitarian symbolism.
    Their use of runes like "odal" (symbol of the 7th SS Volunteer Mountain Division Prinz Eugen, the organisation of the ethnic germans (volksdeutsche) and after the war the symbol of the neo-nazist "viking youth" is too elaborated to mean nothing - and I guess it's no great wonder that the bnp-youth in england and the us-nationalist coalition took up the rune around the early eighties too.
    On their website death in june uses the ss-totenkopf with crossed bones as a click-point while showing an israeli flag and the gay rainbow - just provocant or mocking? Bad taste?
    This is exactly the standard-excuse since 20 years: "it's provocant art" - but who is provoking whom for which reason?
    Just for profit, public attention and the odd retarded customer like "she"? :ecouteurs:
  9. KAAOS-82

    KAAOS-82 Experienced Member Uploader Active Member Forum Member




    Jul 13, 2010
    I was gonna say, Douglas.P was a member of the National Front after Crisis... hes since regretted it
  10. Shuei

    Shuei Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Jan 19, 2010
    Death In June has been around almost as long as the bands you mentioned - it's not like it's a new sound just because it's called "neo"

    Well, they provoke the whole idea of everything to be just "bad" or just "good" - trying to say that everybody has reason to believe what they do, no matter what they do.

    It's all interesting thoughts on this. I don't like fascist views, with no human understanding - i have no sympathy with nazism, but i do pity people actually mislead to nazism.
    But your thoughts on this is very interesting.
  11. vAsSiLy77

    vAsSiLy77 Experienced Member Uploader Active Member Forum Member




    Jun 21, 2010
    Any sources of his NF-membership or his later "regrets"?

    His german wikipedia article only states that pearce and wakefield were dissatisfied with the "leftish" culture buisness so they ended Crisis, both "stubled" over "national bolshevism" including röhm and strasser while studying history to find a "future political perspective" - pearce in an interview mai 1992 in "zillo"-magazine.
    according to his version of the events, wakefield left death in june at the end of 1983, after his NF-contacts became public and he was harrassed by a female concert-goer in bologna - because he wore a ss-uniform at the concert just days after a neo-fascist bomb attack in the city, I guess it wasn't the one at the central station in bologna, where 85 people were killed and 200 wounded (2nd August 1980) - but while researching I found no bomb attack 1983.
    However, wakefield stated in an interview he was ashamed of his clothing after this - but he continued to release unauthorisized dij-material on his label "kenaz".
    German wikipedia states further on pearce that he never hid his homosexuality or his uniform fetishism and that he has a strong interest in the person of ernst röhm, pearce used the name "d. röhm" on various mail order lists, a photo of röhm, amidst other sa-men was the cover of the reissue of the bootleg "night and fog", which was authorisized by pearce.
    Pearce visited the front during the war in kroatia, where he got in contact with the nationalistic HOS-militia.
    Many critics blame him for repeatedly offensive verbal remarks about his "sympathy for east german pogroms against immigrants and the rise of right wing groups there and also for his personal anti-immigrant statements on his yahoo-group.
    Pearce gave interviews in right-wing publications like "europakreuz", "junge Freiheit" and contributed his works to samplers of the extreme right VAWS-publishing company, he still denies that he is a nazi or a fascist, but always keeps silent if asked for his point of view about the "new right"-wing movement.
    The english wikipedia isn't that into his personal weirdness, but gives some information about the historical röhm, the symbols death in june uses and some examples of the bans and boycotts the band had to suffer in germany, swizerland and the u.s.
    http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_in_June - german version
    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_in_June - english version

    For those able to read german or blessed with the patience for excessive use of google translator there's a german goth-site :o where the topic of neo-folk was extensively discussed and cleared up: (no, I'm not into goth, but the information was too good to miss...)
    http://schwarzesbremen.de/phpbb/viewtop ... &sk=t&sd=a

    Agreed, it's the weird content thats "neo" - and smelling somehow strange? Especially after "Crisis" and the dissatisfaction with "leftish" culture buisness?
    So where is the "good" side - the israeli flag or the gay rainbow going down in the mass of runes, ss-symbols and röhm-romantix - somehow I wonder why pearce left out michael kühnen - just for his good looks or what he "did" in the FAP or the Wehrsportgruppe Werwolf... And the similiarities to pearce are... except that kühnen took of the sheep pelt for business...
  12. KAAOS-82

    KAAOS-82 Experienced Member Uploader Active Member Forum Member




    Jul 13, 2010
    Unfortunately this was told to me by someone who was there, saw Crisis and became friends of friends so to speak.
  13. vAsSiLy77

    vAsSiLy77 Experienced Member Uploader Active Member Forum Member




    Jun 21, 2010
    Nazi chic in Asia
    Young Japanese ladies in a stage show for visiting Hitlerjugend in 1938
    Uniforms and other imagery related to Nazi Germany have been on sale in East Asia, where some consider it fashionable. Hong Kong and Japan have each witnessed a growth in the casual wearing of SS uniforms, as well as increased interest in White power music. Sometimes in East Asia, Nazi uniforms are used as part of cosplay. In South Korea, an area generally isolated from Nazi cultural influences during the Nazi era, Time magazine observed in 2000 "an unthinking fascination with the icons and imagery of the Third Reich." Nazi-inspired imagery featured in various early releases from Japanese band The's (edit: shit, the same cute band was featured in "kill bill" :o )
    In some parts of the world, World War II is not taught in schools as a battle of political ideologies, but as a conventional war. This type of education treats Hitler and the Nazi Party as charismatic and powerful leaders of countries during wartime, instead of war criminals as elsewhere. George Burdi, the former head of the neo-Nazi record label Resistance Records, claimed to have sold many CDs to Japan, because some Japanese believe themselves to be the master race of the East. In Turkey, Hitler's book Mein Kampf is an annual bestseller.

    National Socialist Japanese Workers and Welfare Party
    The National Socialist Japanese Workers and Welfare Party is a Japanese political party that campaigns on a platform of National Socialism.
    Founded in 1982, the party is also known as 国家社会主義日本労働者党 Kokka Shakaishugi Nippon Rōdōsha-Tō (in Japanese) or Nationalsozialistische Japanische Arbeiterpartei (in German). It is possible that the Kokka Shakaishugi Gakumei (the National Socialist League), a National Socialist organization formed in the 1940s, is a direct political ancestor. Other ideological roots are found in Kita Ikki, Seigō Nakano, Sadao Araki and the Kodoha party; the most important Japanese Nazi ideologists in the World War II period. The party celebrates the empire of Japan[1] and its alliance with the Third Reich.[2] It is not a significant force in Japanese politics.
    http://www.worldlingo.com/ma/enwiki/en/ ... fare_Party
  14. vAsSiLy77

    vAsSiLy77 Experienced Member Uploader Active Member Forum Member




    Jun 21, 2010
    And this is really a big part of the whole problem...
  15. vAsSiLy77

    vAsSiLy77 Experienced Member Uploader Active Member Forum Member




    Jun 21, 2010
    This last post wasn't mine - so izzit Vassil or Lil' and the network thingie again? I'll log out!
  16. vAsSiLy77

    vAsSiLy77 Experienced Member Uploader Active Member Forum Member




    Jun 21, 2010
    So this one was actually my post - and we still have a fucking network problem...
  17. Shuei

    Shuei Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Jan 19, 2010
    It's all very interesting - i'm looking futher into as we speak

    Yet, another website (I believe it was an article found on Deathrock.com) claim that the only thing Douglas P. should have said that was racist was "i prefer to suck uncircumcised dick".
    But also, same site claim that he has said when asked about his political preferences "i've read more pages in Das Kapital in my days than in Mein Kampft"

    I'll try to find it.

    I'm very much into goth music though, so i read quite a lot of articles on all sorts of sites
  18. Bentheanarchist

    Bentheanarchist Experienced Member Uploader Active Member




    Dec 10, 2010
    I dont think death in june is fascist. imagery doesnt necessarily make something nazi. art doesnt necessarily have to be serious.
  19. punkmar77

    punkmar77 Experienced Member Uploader Active Member




    Nov 13, 2009
     United States
    If you adopt the symbols of fascism as art then fuck you, you insult every person who has ever been victimized by fascism...What the fuck Ben?
  20. Bentheanarchist

    Bentheanarchist Experienced Member Uploader Active Member




    Dec 10, 2010
    i am not for limiting artistic creativity. I am an anti-fascist. I just think we should combat people and bands that have fascist views and try to be careful of labelling them fascist and label them that when we have enough evidence to point out that they are.