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Another murder commited by neo-nazis in Moscow

Discussion in 'Anarchism and radical activism' started by ungovernable, May 28, 2010.

  1. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Experienced member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada

    On the 24th of May a group of young people were celebrating their friend’s birthday on the Moscow river embankment in the north-western part of the city. With the party coming to an end, the company started to dissolve while the rest, around 15 people and mostly girls remained to collect the rubbish. At this juncture they were attacked by a group of neo-Nazis (about 40 people) coming from the bridge, shooting their non-lethal guns and screaming «It’s them, get them!" According to the witness neo-Nazis sought to beat each and everyone. One of the girls got her back injured hit by a cobble. When the guys returned to the place most of them managed to get away from, they found their friend Dmitry Kashitsyn lying in blood. He got severely wounded. Dmitry died on the spot even before the police and the ambulance arrived. He was 27.

    Having spoken with the witnesses of the tragedy we can try and represent the incident. Young people were peacefully celebrating their friend’s birthday. Many of them were musicians or just heavy/ hardcore/punk music fans with typical for this subculture looks. It is very likely that it came to be this feature and, especially, the guys’ tattoos that caught attention of the neo-Nazis who decided to attack them because they thought them to be anti-fascist activists. The assault was well-planned and deliberate, which is evidenced by the following facts. The first point is that it happened at the end of the celebration, which means that some of the Nazis might have noticed a group of young people, spread the word about that and started preparing an attack. The second is that at the very moment of the attack the Nazis were shouting Nazi slogans and were having non-lethal guns and knives on them. The third point is that they were all wearing masks.

    Dmitry’s friends told us that all of the young people present at the birthday party had no relation to the anti-fascist movement and took no interest in politics. Dmitry Kashitsyn had no relation to antifascists either, he just loved heavy music and rarely visited his favorite bands’ concerts. None of the victims had self-defense weapon and they got baffled by such an impudent attack.

    As a result neo-Nazis attacked young people who were peacefully resting, beat them up and killed a young Russian guy just because they suspected him of having the opposite views.

    Once again this tragedy shows us that the threat of getting beaten up or killed by neo-Nazis is real and concerns each of us, regardless of age, sex and nationality.

    Antifascists from Moscow express their condolences to Dmitry’s family. We will do anything to ensure that those who did it will not get away unpunished. This tragedy has proven that there is an urgent need to confront the neo-Nazis and all those who sympathize with them. It is everyone’s duty to do their best to ensure that such tragic event never happens again.

    Dmitry’s friends started a fundraising campaign to support his family.


    Am Samstag, den 23.05.2010 ereignete sich in Moskau erneut ein Mord an einem Angehörigen einer Subḱultur. Eine Gruppe von Neonazis tötete den 27-jährigen Dmitrij Kashizyn einzig aus dem Grund, weil sie ihn für einen Antifa-Aktivisten hielten.
    Übersetzung des Berichts von antifa.ru:

    Gestern abend feierte eine Gruppe junger Leute den Geburtstag eines ihrer Musiker-Freunde bei einem Grill-Abend in der Nähe der Stroginskij-Brücke im Nord-Westen Moskaus. Nach dem Ende der Feier gingen die meisten Gäste, nur etwa 15 Leute, der größte Teil junge Frauen, blieben, um aufzuräumen. Alle von ihnen besaßen ein "slavisches" Äußeres. Plötzlich wurden sie von einer ca. 40-köpfigen Gruppe Neonazis angegriffen, die sich von der Brücke her näherte. Mit dem Ruf "Das sind sie, holt sie euch!" begannen die Neonazis, aus Gaspistolen zu feuern und sich auf die Gruppe zu stürzen. Einem Augenzeugen zufolge machten es sich die Angreifer zum Ziel, alle Anwesenden zu attackieren. Eine der Frauen trafen sie mit einem Pflasterstein, wobei ihre und Wirbelsäule verletzt wurde. Als diejenigen, die fliehen konnten, wieder an den Tatort zurückkehrten, fanden sie den 27jährigen Dmitrij Kashizyn in einer Blutlage liegend vor. Ihm waren an die 15 Messerstiche zugefügt worden, durch die er an Ort und Stelle verblutete.
    Die Miliz traf 10 Minuten nach den Geschehnissen ein, ein Krankenwagen erst 40 Minuten später.

    Anhand der Aussage eines Augenzeugen dieser Tragödie kann der Ablauf des Mordes rekonstruiert werden:
    Die Gruppe junger Leute feierte friedlich den Geburtstag ihres Freundes. Viele von ihnen waren selbst Musiker_innen oder Anhänger_innen der Hardcore-Szene, was ihnen äußerlich an ihrem Kleidungsstil auch anzusehen war. Es ist anzunehmen, dass es gerade das subkulturelle Äußere sowie die Tattoos der Anwesenden waren, welche die Aufmerksamkeit der Neonazis erregten. Mit der Annahme, es handle sich bei der Gruppe um Antifa-Aktivist_innen, beschlossen sie vermutlich, diese anzugreifen. Dass es sich hierbei um einen geplanten und zielgerichteten Angriff handelte, lässt sich anhand einiger Faktoren aufzeigen.
    1.) Der Angriff geschah zum Ende der Feier. Ein Neonazi muss die Feiernden zufällig entdeckt und seinen Kameraden von ihnen berichtet haben, woraufhin sie den Angriff vorbereiteten.
    2.) Bei ihrer Attacke schrien die Angreifer typische und eindeutig neonazistische Losungen und trugen sowohl nicht-letale Schusswaffen als auch Messer bei sich.
    3.) Alle Neonazis waren vermummt.

    Von den Freunden des Ermordeten haben wir erfahren, dass keine der anwesenden Personen der Antifa angehörte bzw. sich überhaupt für Politik interessierte. Auch Dmitrij Kashizyn selbst besaß keinerlei Verbindungen zur antifaschistischen Bewegung, er war lediglich ein Hardcore-Fan, der ab und zu Konzerte seiner Lieblingsbands besuchte. Keine_r der Angegriffenen trug Selbstverteidigungswaffen bei sich, der äußerst brutale Überfall kam für alle überraschend.

    Die Neonazis griffen also eine harmlose Gruppe feiernder junger Menschen an, schlugen sie zusammen und ermordeten einen jungen Mann einzig aus der Annahme heraus, er könne ein politischer Gegner sein.

    Dieses schreckliche Ereignis beweist zum wiederholten Male, dass die Gefahr, von Neonazis attackiert oder ermordet zu werden, jede_n von uns treffen kann, unabhängig von Alter, Geschlecht oder Nationalität.

    Die Antifaschist_innen Moskaus bekunden der Familie des Ermordeten ihr Beileid. Wir werden unser Möglichstes dafür tun, dass die Schuldigen nicht unbestraft bleiben. Das Geschehene bestärkt uns einmal mehr in dem Wissen, dass die neonazistische Bedrohung real ist und das es eine existentielle Notwendigkeit ist, gegen Neonazist_innen und ihre Symphathisant_innen Widerstand zu leisten. Es ist die Pflicht eines jeden vernünftigen Menschen, das Möglichste zu tun, damit sich so etwas nicht noch einmal wiederholt.

    Dmitrijs Freunde haben einen Spendenaufruf zur Unterstützung der Familie gestartet.

    Quelle: http://www.antifa.ru/4462.html

    weitere Artikel (russisch):

    * http://www.gazeta.ru/social/2010/05/24/3372165.shtml
    * http://www.izvestia.ru/obshestvo/article3142152/
    * http://www.ikd.ru/node/13542

  2. Probe

    Probe Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member Forum Member




    Jan 30, 2010
    fuck those nazi cunts

    R.I.P Dmitry Kashitsyn
  3. Anom

    Anom Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Dec 21, 2009
    This is so horrible, hopefully it can at least open people's eyes to how this isn't only a problem to imigrants and anti fascists but to everyone.
  4. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Experienced member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    There is hundreds of racist murders by neo-nazis each years in russia.... Not sure how many more we need to open people's eyes... But i hope it won't be a lot..
  5. Anom

    Anom Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Dec 21, 2009
    True, true. Was just hoping there might be something good coming out of all this horrors somehow. Not that it feels very possible.
  6. QueerPunk

    QueerPunk Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Dec 29, 2009
    When will we hear about Russian Antifa members finding the underground training gyms where the Russian National Front fuckwits practice combat technique and burn them out with molotovs?
  7. Bananaman

    Bananaman Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Aug 9, 2009
    I highly doubt there is such a thing as an underground gym where they practice... As a result of post WWII communist rule communism is seen as an evil ideology in most of eatern europe and being an ultra nationalist is something that is almost mainstream. The places they train at are normal well estublished clubs and trying to burn them down would get them into even more trouble (you aslo have to consider Putin's martial arts background)... The problem is nazi organisations are not only popular but well connected to the political parties and in some cases church.

    Serbia may not have Russia's reputation when it comes to ultra nationalist violence, but we have our share of violent attacks and deaths.But, what bothers me most is that the government more or less endorses these actions. There have been church officials preaching violence against gay parade on national TV, leader of Obraz (clero-fascist organisation) justifying why a french citizen was murdered by local football thugs (he was telling stuf like he was wearing a wrong t-shirt and simillar bullshit), and people wanted for murder and other violent crimes walking around... All well documented...

    What some of you might not realise is that it's hard to mount an effective antifa campagin when in reality it's a very small number of people involved and the other side is made of thousands upon thousands of violent thugs. Even that small number is reluctant to organise it self and really confront them when needed...
  8. QueerPunk

    QueerPunk Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Dec 29, 2009
    I need to go hunting online for the videos but I have seen a mini documentary on the rise of nationalism in Russia and there is footage of these fuckers in balaclavas because they wouldn't show their faces but they were in what looked like underground gyms practicing unarmed combat techniques and knife related shit as well.
  9. punkmar77

    punkmar77 Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member




    Nov 13, 2009
     United States
    Sabotage and guerilla warfare do not take great numbers and can be accomplished by a few well trained people. Head on cofrontation isn't always necessary............
  10. scarycarey

    scarycarey Member New Member




    May 21, 2010
    And just so you know, the black metal kids have the potential for being more than just goofy looking bad dressers:
  11. Bunny

    Bunny Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Mar 13, 2010
    I know it doesn't seem that way but i'd like to think that every time a tragedy like this happens that at least one person becomes (or becomes more) involved with fighting against neo-nazis and other fascist.
  12. nodz

    nodz Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Apr 4, 2010
    This disgusts me. A man is bashed to death for 'looking' like he might be an anti-fascist activist. My heart-felt condolences to friends and family. This is why these aresholes should not be given freedom of speech to spread their hate crime. Shit, if I was bashed for what I looked like I would take a kicking every other week.
  13. punkmar77

    punkmar77 Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member




    Nov 13, 2009
     United States
    500,000 Russian soldiers were killed by Nazi's at the battles for Stalingrad and the Russian people eventually fought them back and were the main reason for the total Nazi defeat. Russian Neo-Nazi's are an oxymoron that is a direct contradiction to their misguided Nationalism. Idiots plain and simple....
  14. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Experienced member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    Hmmm dude not only they have underground gym but they also have their own military training camps, they have their own militias, their own basements in the woods, etc... The neo-nazis in russia are very well organized and very well trained. I forgot the name, but a neo-nazi group in russia used to film their gyms and their military training camps, also documenting their aggression against punks, antifa and ethnic minorities... They have training unit, propaganda unit, informations unit, etc... It's fucking scary... Just look on youtube, i'm sure you still can find a couple of these videos
  15. nodz

    nodz Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Apr 4, 2010
    Man, that is scary, that almost smacks of Islamic fundamentalist training camps, Al-Qaeda and the like
  16. Bananaman

    Bananaman Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Aug 9, 2009
    I'm not saying that they don't train. I'm saying that it is not really underground as it is well documented and almost mainstream in Russia and unfortunatly to a lesser extent most of eastern Europe. You can't get that organized and still be ignored by the government... I know things like that are tolerated by the government (some even supported) also some of those organisations are registered and it wouldn't supprise me if some of those camps were also officially registered as something or other... Plus I'm sure there are mainstream clubs anybody can join that are pro nationalist, I know there are such in Serbia... And that only makes things scarier...

    And comparison to Islamic fundamentalism is a good one as fundamentalism is tolerated in many muslim countries...
  17. QueerPunk

    QueerPunk Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Dec 29, 2009
    There is a reason why I always wear steel toed boots as well as brushing up on my combat skills. I did Judo for 13 years but haven't trained since 2005 but I tend to work on other techniques usually at the gym where I can cut sick on the bags.

    I figured out how to use a baton sized object, bottles and knives a while ago so it is always in the back of my mind should a time come up when I need to use it.
  18. antitude420

    antitude420 Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    May 16, 2010

    Fucking assholes. I never heard of a neo-nazi organization where I live in and they're lucky because the Antifa movement here is much bigger than their movement, so they'd be beaten without fucking mercy!
  19. disfuck

    disfuck Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Sep 11, 2009
    nazi scum not even attacking people that are highly anit facist they just are down to attacking people that arent nazis now , wow what fuck tards , fuck racists