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Lyrics of Mine

Discussion in 'D.I.Y. - Creative section' started by Lunadimae, May 15, 2010.

  1. Lunadimae

    Lunadimae Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Mar 1, 2010
    I'll be posting any lyrics that I work on in this topic, I'd like to hear your opinions on them. =P


    God, do you really exist?
    God, can you foresee the future?
    God, why did you create Satan?
    God, why do you let your children suffer?

    Controlled by lawmen, controlled by clergymen
    Religion is nothing but a means of manipulation
    Their utopia of heaven is nothing but a mere imagination
    Why follow preset laws by unknown men?
    Why do you take the shit and say amen?

    Religion is nothing but a cult
    A cult of a 2,000 year old zombie God
    A cult with the lives of millions on its hands
    A cult of false hopes and aspirations

    God, do you really exist?
    God, can you foresee the future?
    God, why did you create Satan?
    God, why do you let your children suffer?

    Your ambassadors are spoilt with riches
    While your loved ones die in ditches
    Fighting wars in your name
    Do you really feel any shame?
    You'll flood the world again like you did before
    Watching those poor living creatures drown in galore

    Void promises of eternal life in return for blind worship
    Its the same game, follow your leader, follow your bishop
    Seducing your followers with paradise
    "Your life on Earth is temporary, so follow my advice
    Kill in my name, sacrifice my son,
    bow to me and play me an organ
    For when the time comes, you will have your reward"

    God, do you really exist?
    God, can you foresee the future?
    God, why did you create Satan?
    God, why do you let your children suffer?

    Christ did not die for you
    The bastard doesn't know you
    Nor do you know him
    Yet you blindly worship him


    Vote now, think later

    A new governmental election has started
    All the lies and false promises have been spouted
    The sheep hurry up to the voting booths
    For soon the bastards will rid them of their ruth
    The government officials never gave a shit,
    As they sit in their chairs of the parliament,
    Their pictures hanging on every corner
    While the poor beggar who voted for them lives off a dumpster

    Elections define who gets to take your tax money at the end of the day
    Elections are nothing more than showing control behind a barbed fence
    Elections never change anything, they all result in deeper shit
    Obama? Bush? Aoun? Hizballah? Nasrallah? Fuck em all, they never changed shit

    They take pictures of themselves wearing thousand dollar suits
    While you, dear citizen, cant afford a boot
    Supporters fight each other in the name of their ever-so caring leader
    As he sits and watches them on his LCD TV while sitting on a crapper

    Elections define who gets to take your tax money at the end of the day
    Elections are nothing more than showing control behind a barbed fence
    Elections never change anything, they all result in deeper shit
    Obama? Bush? Aoun? Hizballah? Nasrallah? Fuck em all, they never changed shit

    We suffer for their pleasure, going on protests for our rights
    As we call for food and rights, the pigs shoot us down in delight
    We have no say in what they do or what they say
    For they have taken your vote as an okay

    Elections define who gets to take your tax money at the end of the day
    Elections are nothing more than showing control behind a barbed fence
    Elections never change anything, they all result in deeper shit
    Obama? Bush? Aoun? Hizballah? Nasrallah? Fuck em all, they never changed shit

    Until the last leader is gone, we will never be free and you will never be you
    You are voting for who in your opinion should enslave you
    Obama called for change, I see the same shit everyday
    War in Iraq, War in Afghanistan corpses out on display
    Yaounde called for change, I see Hizballah with a bigger array
    Fight Israel, fight the Jews for Allah will repay

    What do we get out of all of this?
    The media praises the leaders for their new found bliss
    When the shit hits the fan, the media scolds them for their mess
    While the bastards bail themselves out of the gutter of their doing
    We take all the blame, as if we had taken any decision at all
    Well, we did take a decision, that decision was to vote or not to

    Elections define who gets to take your tax money at the end of the day
    Elections are nothing more than showing control behind a barbed fence
    Elections never change anything, they all result in deeper shit
    Obama? Bush? Aoun? Hizballah? Nasrallah? Fuck em all, they never changed shit


    Ok sorry if I messed up in the second one, I'm really dizzy and feeling nausea at the moment, couldn't finish it.

    Aoun, Hizballah, and Nasrallah are Lebanese-related retards whom you don't have to worry about.

    Fuck, I think I need to sleep, all this thinking and rhyming got my head messed up.

  2. AnarchoFem

    AnarchoFem Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Apr 15, 2010
    I think they are great!

    The lyrics to "Vote now think later", have a few things that don't really work though imo. i.e. "As he sits and watches them on his LCD TV while sitting on a crapper"...I'm not so sure about that line!

    And personally I wouldn't end both the third and fourth line with "shit".

    "Elections never change anything, they all result in deeper shit
    Obama? Bush? Aoun? Hizballah? Nasrallah? Fuck em all, they never changed shit"

    Asides from that, they're excellent! Well done! :thumbsup:
  3. punkmar77

    punkmar77 Experienced Member Uploader Active Member




    Nov 13, 2009
     United States
    Great job Luna, some of the lyrics remind me of songs by Stark Raving Mad one of my all-time favorite early 80's Anarcho-Punk bands. Have you tried to set this to music yet?
  4. Lunadimae

    Lunadimae Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Mar 1, 2010
    Thanks for the creative criticism AnarchoFem, appreciate it. =)

    Going to give Stark Raving Mad a listen then, never really heard of them though. Well, no, didn't try setting it to music since I don't know how to do it digitally, and I'm not in a band in order to perform music.

    It's a bit late over here, so good night all.
  5. nodz

    nodz Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Apr 4, 2010
    Have a listen to Burnt Cross' Jacking Up on Jesus.
  6. AnarchoFem

    AnarchoFem Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Apr 15, 2010
    Not at all, I hope I was of some help! G'night!