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Homophobia in the Punk Scene (Total Wreck)

Discussion in 'Music, punk scene & subcultures' started by Carcass, Apr 20, 2010.

  1. punkmar77

    punkmar77 Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member




    Nov 13, 2009
     United States
    Of course you wouldn't, nor would I, but I do play all over this country as well as have lifelong friends in punk scenes across the globe including Tennessee, so if I'm ever in your neck of the woods I'll be sure to look up the mighty crusty Axehandle with (A) and (E) plastered all over his clothes but doesn't give a fuck about humans or others.....whats the (E) stand for again? Oh yeah Entitlement...
  2. punkmar77

    punkmar77 Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member




    Nov 13, 2009
     United States
    Your right probably harmless, but stating you don't give a fuck who you offend because your so punk is a whole other matter.
  3. gilk

    gilk Active Member Forum Member




    Apr 23, 2010
    thats what punk is about though. the lyrics of reality asylum would put millions to tears, but does their opinion not matter? they're people, it offends them right? sometimes the hypocrisy of this whole scene fucking disgusts me. I hate how punks act like non bigots yet have no problem bashing the religion people have worshiped their whole life in their face. (im an atheist , just stating this because i see a lot of you have assumption problems)
  4. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Experienced member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    Wow congratulations Axedumbass Mountain you just proved the whole forum (once again) that you're a fucking idiot.

    You want to fight with someone just because you want to defend your HOMOPHOBIA well for someone who calls a fascist everyone disagreeing with him YOU ARE A BIG FUCKING FASCIST DUDE

    You are really a fucking moron, you have nothing of an anarchist, get the fuck away from here. Go back jacking off in the woods with your dumb religion.
  5. Carcass

    Carcass Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Oct 12, 2009

    Calmer than you are, Dude.

    digestion, if you're talking about the incident with Total Wreck in Philly, that's not what happened at all. The vocalist dropped homophobic slurs three times, twice on the mic. People let it slide the first two times; when he got called on it the third (calling the folks standing behind him "faggots" and suggesting they were "staring at his ass,") he chose to sarcastically mock the crowd rather than apologize or take it back. I believe you that he's not an avowed homophobe, but he was way out of line and should've fuckin' known better than to come into somebody else's city talking like that.

    gilk, when I tell you this is not about people getting offended, try to think about what I might mean by that. Do you really not see the difference between a harsh critique of a religion and homophobic slur? Do you honestly believe that there's no connection between the word "faggot" and homophobia? Don't you think the chorus of queer punks in this thread telling you otherwise probably knows what they're talking about with regard to that? Stop focusing on your intentions and focus on the results of your actions. I understand that you don't hate queers, but you clearly don't respect them either. Also, really? Nazi comparisons? Really?
  6. nodz

    nodz Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Apr 4, 2010
    Don't agree with homophobic slurs or any slur for that matter. Although I do believe PC has gone too far. If I am shorter than the average person (although it can be argued what is the definition of an average person) then I expect to be called short, not vertically challenged.

    Slightly off topic here and not that it really matters but where does the team faggot originate and what does it mean? Being born in the UK, a faggot to me was a kind of meatball or an archaic term for a bundle of sticks. And a fag was a cigarette or a term for being tired or can't be bothered (ie I can't be fagged - I can't be bothered)
  7. Protspecd

    Protspecd Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Mar 3, 2010
    Lmao, carrier pigeons with insults written on small notes.

    On topic or somewhat off, I don't know:

    The guys for PC, what do you guys think of the new South Park episode being censored? Comedy Central censored the picture of Muhammad in their episode while also bleeping out his name. Do you think it is fine because it offended Muslims or do you think it should be okay since it is a comedic show?

    (Mods, if you want me to put this on a new topic, just tell me and I will do so. I just see this relating to the whole PC debate we have going here, fag shouldn't be used as it offends others, I want to see if they think the same about religion (something they are against.))
  8. Ivanovich

    Ivanovich Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Jan 31, 2010
    Not that I really got anything against being offensive, I do that shit all time if I think someone asking for it. But what I aint gonna do it use words that will also offend millions of people that aint asking for it. That aint being pc, that's just not wanting to offend people that not done anything wrong. No, it's more than that, it's also reinforcing prejudice that already exists, it's saying such prejudice is acceptable, cos you buying into it.

    Again, why fucking defend it? Get a fucking brain. Think! For fuck's sake, It aint that fucking difficult.
  9. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Experienced member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    There was riots because someone made a carricature of mahommet some years ago because of stupid integrists... now everyone is scared and don't want it to happen again
  10. Anxiety69

    Anxiety69 Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member Forum Member




    Oct 18, 2009
    Male , 46 years old
    Long Beach CA  United States
    actually this happened before in the episode where they were making fun of family guy, they didn't bleep his name but had a censored box over him (which actually was pretty funny i though, and was surprised when i found out they were forced to censor an actual image of him) But there is a difference between censoring something in fear of your life and censoring something at risk of being offensive. Ungovernable said it well, those extremists are dangerous and would kill for less.
  11. Protspecd

    Protspecd Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Mar 3, 2010
    Look at season 5 =P

    Super best friends episode, they have already shown Muhammad without censorship. It's just now that they got a warning from a Muslim group that comedy central felt it was necessary to censor it. I think what I was trying to point out is, with us going don't use the term fag, it offends people but do you think it is alright to use Muhammad in a cartoon which offends people? This is where PC gets tricky in my opinion. It seems a lot of people here are willing to bag out religious people but are against the term fag. I know there is a difference, who can't help being homophobic whereas you choose to be religious but is it still wrong to bag them out? That isn't a rhetorical question. So who's to say you can be anti-PC with one group of people but be PC with another? Think I am just rambling on here but if you can see what I am trying to say you are free to answer =P
  12. Anxiety69

    Anxiety69 Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member Forum Member




    Oct 18, 2009
    Male , 46 years old
    Long Beach CA  United States
    did u ignore where both myself and ungovernable pointed out the sensorhip was probably more due to fear of threat of violence then offending people? Or do u just ignore arguements against your opinion that make sense and keep standing on your self righteous soap box?
  13. QueerPunk

    QueerPunk Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Dec 29, 2009
    I have said this countless of times already but I would seriously like to jump up on stage next time any performer spouts any Queerphobic bullshit and just stand next to the singer and start wanking on stage.

    And for all those out there who continue with their "oh I'm punk as fuck so screw your PC bullshit", fuck off and go jerk off to the Wattie Buchan poster you have in your bedroom with "Sex and Violence" turned up loud. Seriously if I ever catch people like this at shows they will cop it sweet from myself and several other dyke-punks who will most likely be around.
  14. blackrainbow

    blackrainbow New Member New Member




    Apr 26, 2010
    hello all,

    i'll preface this by saying yes i am a judgemental fuck!

    anywho the punk who expouses sexism, racism, homophobia, or any other of those untidy "isms" is not a punk. they're merely leaches, preening posing wallflowers trying desperately to fit in with a subversive asthetic while all the while feeling like a fraternity boy/sorority girl on the inside.
  15. Protspecd

    Protspecd Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Mar 3, 2010
    I didn't ignore what you said, I was building on it. Yes I know that it got censored because of fear of violent responses, I said that in my post. What I was saying is do you think it is okay to offend religious people by, let's say showing Muhammad on a cartoon but it isn't okay to use the term fag as it may offend people. I wasn't arguing why it got censored. My question wasn't directly asked at you and ungovernable, it was to the people who are for PC for homosexuals but against it for religious people. I was just asking would it be a hypocrisy or would it not be seeing as one is chosen and one isn't. I have noticed people having a go at religious people here but the opposite reaction with homosexuals. In my second post I was referring to South Park more as an example than arguing the episode by itself. It may have been bad wording, which is why I said what I said in the last few sentences of my post, I sometimes get the wrong message across. Hopefully this clears things up.
  16. chesticles

    chesticles Active Member Forum Member




    Oct 14, 2009
    uh you all have to realize that when you go out to these shows, paying money and your physical presence there means you are supporting these bands. if the band is promoting or show that they enjoy prejudice bashing, that means you support it too. if a band is an ignorant piece of shit, either speak your mind and take action or just leave and get your money back and let the ignorant minded fuckers enjoy their music. its a free country and if we try to police these kinds of bands, its fucken hypocrisy. we dont want the public to police our own punk shows so why should we do it to others? if you know a band is stupid, let them learn
  17. QueerPunk

    QueerPunk Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Dec 29, 2009
    Most of them don't.

    Bottle/boot/fist/headbutt + Head = Solution to homophobic shitheads.

    It's practical and it sends out the message: "Fuck off and don't fuck with me!" or "You just had your arse kicked by a Queer...how you like that?"
  18. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Experienced member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    Religion is something you choose.

    Not sexual orientation, just like your skin color...

    Not tolerating humor in religion is total extremism and integrism.

    Also in this topic we weren't talking about a comedy show we were talking about a serious punk band and punk is supposed to mean fighting against prejudices and intolerance not acting the opposite.

    The difference between south park and the given example is also that south park is a comedy show, nothing is serious everything is at the second degree... And also they never end the episodes with stupid homophobic insults, there is always a turn back on the story... Not sure how i can explain it but South Park humor is very different from a punk band who throw random homophobic insults without thinking it can hurt someone...
    i'll write more later, now i'm really tired.
  19. Protspecd

    Protspecd Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Mar 3, 2010
    Thank you for the response, that is what I was looking for. You have strong points and I do agree with you. It is kinda funny but if you look at some of the interviews of Trey Parker and Matt Stone, they consider their show a Punk Rock show. They have a comedic punk rock band called DVDA too =P

    Sorry again for bringing up South Park, seems a bit off topic but I thought it could relate and help bring out some arguments to the PC debate going on in this thread. It ended up helping me to a point =P
  20. maddi

    maddi New Member New Member




    Jan 21, 2010
    Everyone comes from a different place. I feel like most people here most likely actually know someone who is homosexual, trans, gender-neutral, etc. Not everyone in the world does. We grow up where fucked up things are the norm and alot of people dont think about how certain words (fag, bitch, or using gay in a way that equates a negative connotation) could offend other people. The guy in this band seemed fucked up and should be drop-kicked, IMO. But, there is a way to respectfully inform people about why what they're saying is oppressive, if they're willing to listen, which this guy clearly didn't seem to be.