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MAYDAY- 10th anniversary at Parliament SQ-OCCUPY!!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by robmarriott72, Mar 17, 2010.

  1. robmarriott72

    robmarriott72 Experienced Member Active Member




    Nov 27, 2009
    Type: Other - Carnival
    Start Time: Saturday, May 1, 2010 at 1:00pm
    End Time: Thursday, May 6, 2010 at 7:00pm
    Location: Westminster, London
    Street: Parliament Square
    City/Town: London, United Kingdom
    View Map

    DescriptionThe politicans at Westminster have plenty of plans for their own futures, but no plans for ours!

    We're going to Reclaim Power and take the future back into our own hands.
    On International Worker's Day, Saturday 01 May 2010, the Four Horsefolk of the Apocalypse will be galloping back at the head of four May Day Carnival Parades:

    • The Red Horse – will drag the carcass of Gordon Brown:
    — from Labour Party HQ, 39 Victoria Street, SW1H 0HA at 2:00pm
    — event page: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=338167061775

    • The Silver Horse – will drag the carcass of David Cameron:
    — from Conservative party HQ, Millbank Tower, SW1P 4DP at 2:00pm
    — event page: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=315494162167

    • The Green Horse – will drag the carcass of Nick Clegg:
    — from Liberal Democrat HQ, 4 Cowley Street, SW1P 3NB at 2:00pm
    — event page: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=363481372782

    • The Black Horse – will drag the last remains of Nick Griffin:
    — from Clerkenwell Green, EC1R 0DU at 1:00pm
    — event page: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=340247816939

    All four Carnival Parades will converge on Parliament Square at 2:30pm, and the carcasses of the four party leaders will be hanged, drawn and quartered, or guillotined in accordance with the wishes of the assembled multitudes in a huge May Day Carnival. Each Horse has it's own Event page, where we invite you to also register your attendance at this historic event.
    The Carnival will establish a Direct Democracy Village, occupying the Square at least until the General Election, now likely to be on Thurs May 6. All manner of folk with positive, popular, sustainable ideas for an abundant, green and ecologically harmonious future may grasp this opportunity to help make them a living reality, through 'System Change not Climate Change'.

    During this time, People's Assemblies will convene on the green, where people can meet as equals to decide what we really want.



  2. Lunadimae

    Lunadimae Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Mar 1, 2010
    Too many small worthless protests that actually allow the rich to obtain more money by us using more fuel, food, water, papers, cardboards, and pens just to incite a small riot that always backfires. Either let there be a big protest with some effect like storming the White House or just sit at home.

    So, the protesters will reclaim power and take the future back by beheading some dolls being dragged by colored ponies? Nice, why not burn some more barricades and then run away as the police charge and then get on TV and be called 'terrorists' and 'chaos-hungry rioters' while you're at it?
  3. robmarriott72

    robmarriott72 Experienced Member Active Member




    Nov 27, 2009
    I dont think anyones saying that this is going to bring down a government, that is your perception. Ive just come from a meeting yesterday in which protesters have just stopped the last ancient woodland in south East of England being destroyed by developers and have spent 3 years fighting it and remarks like yours just belittle the effort that people put in to small protests, just last year our "small protest" stopped seals being used as entertainment near a road for a sealife centre, just 2 examples that armchair anarchists could learn from instead of making up petty excuses ( fuel, pens etc) to try to justify their apathy.

    Yes this protest aint gonna change fuck all like the ones mentioned above but its a week before our election and a chance to show how sick we are of politicians/bankers etc and its also a carnival as a celebration of dissent, i couldnt care if some people think its not achieving anything, what are they themselves achieving by doing fuck all? should no one be out on the streets anymore (just what the government wants) or should we be out now more than ever, i know that a million marched against the war and didnt change nothing etc and i do agree with you in that sense, same as the odd riot doing nothing but actually getting out on the streets can be most effective sometimes, ie another example is thats the fascist BNP were trying to set up a group in my home town last year and what happened?? they were met on the streets and kicked out of town by protesters and now they dare not come back (i can give you more detials on any of these protests i you wish) so please dont say protest does fuck all
  4. Lunadimae

    Lunadimae Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Mar 1, 2010
    Protests are fuck all as long as they do fuck all. As I said, decapitating dolls with colored ponies won't change shit other than be a funny theatrical event for the viewers. I'm not talking about defending a certain event such as seals or trees at a certain location, I'm talking about a huge government being opposed by doll-beheaders in hopes of bringing it down. Helping some seals or hugging some trees can't be compared to a huge 'operation' such as bringing a whole government down along with its institutions.

    The million that marched against the war just marched, didn't try to change anything with that wasteful march, they could have stormed police stations, airports, or heck even the White House. But guess what? They just marched with some signs in their hands.

    Hell, the media even calls those protesters as rioters that want nothing other than destroying shit, and the people believe them because they have no other reference or some channel that says 'no'. What I do? What can I do other than spread the truth to the ignorant christians over here? There's no other Marxist/Anarchist/Vegan/Leftist/Liberal that I know of, unless you want me to behead a barbie doll labeled "Obama" on its forehead while riding a pink pony then I can do nothing other than spread the word.

    So I say again, enjoy your voodoo doll parade while the rich still dominate the world and laugh at that petty theatrical failure.
  5. robmarriott72

    robmarriott72 Experienced Member Active Member




    Nov 27, 2009
    Protests are fuck all as long as they do fuck all- what a shite statement, how did we know that protesting against the nazis would stop them until we tried??
    You keep going on about this protest about pink ponies or going on about tree hugging? well people are out there risking arrest/getting beaten up etc to defend animals/enviroment/freedom of assembly etc and it seems your just the kind of punk who is more interested in the way they look than supporting people who want to do something instead of mantaining your ego.

    You go on about storming the whitehouse etc, well go and organise to do it then! I really couldnt give a shit about what the public think of protesters, we get it here when we demonstrate against a local bomb factory and get abused (ie-get a job,take a shower) do you really think we care what these apathetic ignorant cunts think whilst this company just carries on sending weopens to drop on innocent people, we wanna cost them money and shut them down (weve already cost them almost 2 million and recently £350,000 damage after breaking in and destroying the place) SHOULD WE NOT DO THAT COS THE TV FREAKS WILL SAY WE ARE TROUBLEMAKERS?) do me a favour!

    People are out on the streets in Greece at the moment trying to oust thier government, should they be doing that? or do they just carry on living in shit with a corrupt government in power, fucks sake man its so easy just to sit back and slag off protest, no doubt you live a comftable life and dont feel the need to stand up against anything, students at my local university are outside today (sussex university) protesting against 56 million pounds of cuts, should they not be there? so come on when should we protest or not protest?
    Im sure that this mayday protest aint gonna change the world or oust the government but so fucking what, like you say you do your bit by talking, others do theres other ways, if you dont like that then well, see ya on the streets ;)
  6. robmarriott72

    robmarriott72 Experienced Member Active Member




    Nov 27, 2009
    By the way i just wanted you to know that my response is not a personal attack, your entitled to your opinion as i am my so i dont want this to become a slagging match, i would rather just take the post down and im sure we prob have more in common than not so although we disagree with this post i still respect your viewpoint, i just sometimes come across as "in your face" when im typing but dont mean to shout you down or shit like that so i hope we can remain adult, what made me angry was i posted this to get people to come along and not to have to try to defend it, cheers, Rob
  7. Lunadimae

    Lunadimae Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Mar 1, 2010
    Well, kickin their asses would end in the same result as protesting, but with more 'action' and may last longer. I'm making my point about this theatrical event, it's really funny to o around beheading dolls in order to abolish a government. The only time I had a mohawk was during summer, where I never even donned any 'punk clothes' I just walked around with my white T-shirt and jeans. Hell, I barely even touch my hair these days, not even mentioning that I sleep in the same clothes I have my looks as the last thing on my mind to worry about. I never said anything about protestors being arrested, but I did say that marching around with colored horses and pretend-carcasses is pathetic.

    I live in Lebanon, unless you want me to somehow come up with a ticket to fly over there and organize a rally, then sure I'd try something around the basis of charging the White House. Again, I have nothing against protests or protesters in general, but it's the way it's being implemented that's bothering me. What I meant by talking about the media's corruption and false claims of protestors as rioters/terrorists/chaos freaks is that they're spreadin bullshit while the public sadly believes them, I say this from my own experience before becoming an anarchist, I was a far right Christian.

    I'd bet you that Greece's government and public aren't HALF as corrupted as the Lebanese government and public. Hell, they even have clean water and electricity there! I'm on the verge of being kicked out of school because I can't pay those fucked up mental monks. I've seen my relatives die in front of me because the Red Cross fucks wouldn't come because the hospital didn't authorize them to go, while my relatives were dying, they could have at least performed CPR to try and save them. But the fuckers refused to come. The army have punched and pounded a friend of mine because his dog growled at one of them. The media is biased into opposing parties' ideologies, greedy old men that have enough 'contacts' can get away with anything, dare and open your mouth and you'll never see daylight again. Outrageous prices and low wages and still you get treated like a dog, the workers' associations are just bullshit government ass kissers that prefer to promote the government and its cruelty than protest against this shit. Even cases of murder are never investigated.

    Speaking of which, have you heard about the Ethiopian Airliner that crashed over here? Well, they retrieved the black box and said shit about it, and still the people are fucking silent while the victims' families are mourning. Witnesses have seen the airplane explode, the corpses were charred and decapitated, while the government denies the claims and states that it was the pilot's fault. There are a high possibility that it could have been automated Hizbollah missiles. But the thing is, the government is too afreaid of them that they don't even dare release the reason behind the incident fearing another infighting like last year when Hizbollah was accused of having underground spying networks all over Beirut. There are loads more shit that Greece has never seen that can be said here.

    Summary: I'm pro-protests but against that ridiculous theatrical event about horses and corpses.
  8. robmarriott72

    robmarriott72 Experienced Member Active Member




    Nov 27, 2009
    Fair enough, but this was still meant to just be a carnival as it says on top of post and was not intended to "bring down the government" , maybe your reading too much into it? Anyhow thanks for debate :)
  9. Lunadimae

    Lunadimae Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Mar 1, 2010
    Ah well, just giving my opinion, good luck with the protest. :)