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ARA call-out against Chicago White Pride World Wide rally

Discussion in 'Anarchism and radical activism' started by ungovernable, Mar 8, 2010.

  1. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Active Member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    On March 21st, 2010 the Illinois National Socialist Front is planning to march in Chicago for what they call “White Pride World Wide.” South Side Anti-Racist Action is making plans to confront the march to let them know that they are not welcome in our city. ....

    The INSF’s intention to march in Chicago shows that they are growing bolder and aren’t go away unless we take a stand.

    South Side Chicago Anti-Racist Action is calling out for other groups inside and outside of Chicago to stand with us against fascism. Join us to confront the National Socialist Front’s march on March 21st!

    Given some revious events and SSARA's targeting of several Chicago WP happenings, antifa momentum seems to be gaining power. The Chicago Branch of the Imaginary Party offers an analysis of these occurances and some possibilities for antifascism, however, they cryptically conclude that "anti-fascism may be doomed to run aground the same rocks as identity politics and single-issue struggles." Unfortunately, the CBIP doesn't follow this claim further.

    Other endorsers of the call include the Four Star Anarchist Organization, a platformist group; News & Letters, a weird Marxist group; and the Gay Liberation Network, the largest and most activist gay rights organization in Chicago. We fondly remember the legacy of Chicago ARA, arguably one of the fiercest antfia crews among the Midwest ARA sections, themselves arguably the fiercest region during the 90s and early 2000s.

    Whether this incarnation of Southside ARA can fulfill itself in the streets is yet to be seen; the company kept (within and without) is a strong symbol to others about what can be expected, whether they can be trusted, whether they can be strategic. Without the INSF having revealed its plans yet, a strategy of public head-to-head confrontation (with police in between) can only continue to seek supporters and then respond when the specific terrain is selected; the one location that can be assured is the political terrain.

    The CBIP essay argues the strength of the Phoenix action lay in its framing of the discourse: "Anarchist/Fascist" rather than "Democracy/Fascism." It also recognizes the limitation of this discourse: the waging of private hositilities. Their suggestion is that the tactics of antifascism can be applied elsewhere, and this can generalize the struggle. Yet, we see this as an inversion -- to us, this is the logic of single-issue applied outward. Instead, generalization would mean the application of communizing tactics to the single-issue, such that it dissolves as a single-issue and cannot be resolved as such.

    Can't stop chaos.

    read Callout to Confront the INSF


  2. Anxiety69

    Anxiety69 Experienced Member Uploader Active Member Forum Member




    Oct 18, 2009
    Male , 46 years old
    Long Beach CA  United States
    if i lived in or anywhere near chicago, i'd be there to protest their bullshit. fuck blatant racist shmos.
  3. dwtcos

    dwtcos Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Oct 22, 2009
    I believe there was already a topic about this....but nonetheless BASH THE FASH!
  4. punkmar77

    punkmar77 Experienced Member Uploader Active Member




    Nov 13, 2009
     United States
    I got jumped on Feb. 26 by 4 or 5 Skins at the Diatribe show, luckily they did no damage to me other than a few lumps to the back of my ginormous head and shoulders. They are on the rise once again as Obama's election seems to be a galvanizing lightning rod for inbred hicks across this country. I am redoubling my efforts and would urge every anarchist on this site to become fully active as well in your area. Anarchism isn't about sitting and typing it is about action. By the way the skins that jumped me were semi-closeted and run with a crew called 'World Wide Animal Control' or WWAC for short, anybody have more info on these guys?
  5. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Active Member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    yeah, seems like neo-nazis are on the rise everywhere.... This month we are having a big nazi festival in montreal, quebec.... The Anti racist action just called for a protest against them, but we don't even know where the show will be held... it's very private and secret

    A nazi gig hasn't happenned here since over 10 years, and look what happenned to the last morons who wanted to make a nazi gig in quebec:

    There was over 300 peoples to kick their ass and ruin their gig. I hope the same thing happens again.

  6. Anxiety69

    Anxiety69 Experienced Member Uploader Active Member Forum Member




    Oct 18, 2009
    Male , 46 years old
    Long Beach CA  United States
    if anyone in my area wants to start a ara chapter, i'm all in.
  7. SurgeryXdisaster

    SurgeryXdisaster Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Oct 8, 2009
  8. Anom

    Anom Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Dec 21, 2009
    There are getting more of them here too, and on the demo we had couple weeks back, a big demonstration according to the local media, no more than maybe 100 people showed up. More than half left during some speaches cos they were cold. The nazis didn't show up there, they said this town was infected and they headed for the smaller areas around instead. As few as we were we had no way of being everywhere.
    Worst thing is we were the ones portrayed as a problem, with our peaceful, standing still, flyer outhanding demo.
  9. Unreasonable Man

    Unreasonable Man Active Member Forum Member




    Feb 14, 2010
    No shit? I haven't seen a skinhead in San Diego for...fuck...6-8 years, much less anything bordering on a crew. Spare a couple trads and a sharp (if you know a sharp named Bhava, son of Hare Krishnas, cool dude). And never heard of WWAC (how did you?) all the ones I knew/ran into were Imperial Beach and Inland Empire transpanted twats who took their rage their methed out moms beat into them and directed it at minorites.

    *goes back to his Trojan records and pot, fucking boneheads mon*
  10. QueerPunk

    QueerPunk Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Dec 29, 2009
    Who is delegating themselves the job of mixing the Molotovs for this one?

  11. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Active Member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    It was a beautiful Sunday Spring afternoon where the Illinois National Socialist Front were supposed to march for "White Pride World Wide". But for the few Nazis that dared show their face in the city of Chicago, there was nothing but a barrage of blows raining on their parade.

    Southside ARA had been scouting in the downtown area early on, watching out for neo-Nazi skinheads and other white supremacists. Within minutes of their pathetic march of four boneheads waving white pride flags, clandestine anti-fascists took formation and confronted them, successfully delivering U-lock justice to the unsuspecting Nazi trash with trained precision. In broad daylight on Michigan Avenue, Nazis helplessly had flags ripped from their hands and were beaten down as pedestrians watched in awe. Later, a police car pulled up and arrested the bewildered and injured boneheads while the anti-fascists swiftly dissapeared into thin air. Showing up seconds later, the pro-diversity / anti-hate rally laid the final icing on the cake by surrounding the humiliated and obviously defeated boneheads and taunted them with chants, holding a rally directly in the path of their march.

    With only a handful of white supremacists willing to publicly show their faces, it was evident that local neo-Nazis were not willing to get behind the NSF. In fact, the NSF didn't even show up to their own march; intelligence gathering showed that they had dropped out of participation just before the march and had handed it over to other local neo-Nazis, unwilling to complete what they had started.

    Several months ago Chicagoland anti-fascists launched a campaign against the NSF utilizing a diversity of tactics including face to face confrontations, flyering the neighborhoods and schools of individual members, posting their home addresses and phone numbers, initiating phone campaigns focusing on key Nazi organizers, and multiple cases of successful infiltration of their ranks.

    These tactics have achieved successes in that the NSF has become ineffective: six months ago they were openly organizing barbeques, protesting "black on white hate crimes", and the opening of a Holocaust Museum in Skokie, etc. Their most recent attempt to march in Chicago was a complete failure, their recruitment gatherings have dwindled, their website went down for a month at a crucial time for promoting the White Pride March, and they have not responded to phone calls or emails from people asking about public information concerning their events.

    While it is easy for us to see a neo-Nazi march as an intrusion of racism into our community, we must also address the way that racism affects our city on a daily basis. Two weeks ago, a homeowner in Mt. Greenwood posted a sign in his front yard stating "No to the Ghetto ... White Power", and if you read recent newspaper headlines you can see the aftermath of Jon Burge and the inherent racism of the Chicago Police Department. Confronting neo-Nazis and other white nationalists is only the beginning of eliminating racism, and we intend to align with other organizations to further combat forms of racism that exist in extremist groups as well as in sectors of society that are less blatant yet no less important.

    We effectively came together as a city to successfully kick the Nazis out of town. Fierce resistance was delivered and everyone got away without arrest or injury. To the deafeated Nazi scum reading this, give it up! ARA is everywhere.

    South Side Chicago Anti-Racist Action
  12. QueerPunk

    QueerPunk Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Dec 29, 2009
    Nice work...
  13. SurgeryXdisaster

    SurgeryXdisaster Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Oct 8, 2009
    Rumor has it they are planning a celebration in Chicago on Hitlers birthday April 20th
  14. punkmar77

    punkmar77 Experienced Member Uploader Active Member




    Nov 13, 2009
     United States
    the promoter was an old friend of mine and promoted it under WWAC, I had no idea that he had anything to do with skinheads 'till the night of the show when I saw a bunch of people walking around with 'WWAC SKINHEAD' embroidered on their jackets and got fuckin jumped in the pit...then it dawned on me that the rockabilly looking fuckheads were closet skins and WWAC was a closeted racist term. My friend and Diatribe bass player Juan got suckerpunched in the mouth when he reached in to help me up and I was lucky to be surrounded by many old friends that all imediately jumped in and stopped it. Second time in a few weeks that I had a problem w/skins at that venue 'The Radio Room'
  15. punkmar77

    punkmar77 Experienced Member Uploader Active Member




    Nov 13, 2009
     United States
    From a Southern Poverty Law Center alert:

    "Earlier this month, my SPLC colleagues and I were privileged to stand with U.S. Rep. John Lewis at the Civil Rights Memorial as he led a bipartisan congressional delegation in laying a wreath in honor of those who lost their lives in our country's epic battle for equality.

    The ceremony was held on the eve of the 45th anniversary of "Bloody Sunday," that Sunday back in March of 1965 when Lewis and other civil rights advocates were beaten and tear-gassed by baton-wielding state troopers as they crossed the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Ala., on a march in support of voting rights.

    The pictures of the bloodied marchers pricked the conscience of the nation. Thousands of people of all races and faiths flocked to Selma and joined Lewis, Dr. King, and the people of the Black Belt of Alabama as they resumed the march for justice. As Dr. King explained, "If the worst in American life lurked in [Selma's] dark street, the best of American instincts arose passionately from across the nation to overcome it."

    On March 25 — 45 years ago today — the marchers reached the state capitol in Montgomery. Their courage, their example, inspired the introduction and passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, legislation that transformed our nation.

    This past Sunday, Lewis was involved in another march. Along with other members of Congress, he walked up to Capitol Hill to cast a vote for health-care reform, another important piece of legislation with the potential to transform our nation.

    But once again, Lewis was confronted with the ugly stain of racism. Angry "tea party" protesters shouted racial slurs at him and Rep. Andre Carson of Indiana. Another black congressman, Rep. Emanuel Cleaver of Missouri, was spit on. Rep. Barney Frank, an openly gay congressman, was the target of anti-gay epithets.

    Lewis said that the protesters at the Capitol reminded him of the angry mobs that confronted him during the ugly days of civil rights movement in the 1960s.

    The question now is whether America will respond as it did 45 years ago when it saw the pictures of the racism at the Edmund Pettus Bridge.

    Will people of good faith — of all races and faiths — stand with Rep. Lewis and reject the politics of hate? Or will the angry mob, fueled by racism and demagoguery, continue to swell?

    Will "the best of American instincts," to use Dr. King's words from 45 years ago, once again arise "passionately from across the nation to overcome" the hate and fear that threatens to engulf us?"

    It's not just my imagination, the hate is coming to a boil in this country.
  16. death69

    death69 New Member New Member




    May 27, 2010
    ive been trying to start an ara chapter in the springfield/dayton region of ohio. there is so much racism here in ohio and its about time we golden shower white power! we need to smash the fash, and violence is the only way we can get our point across, i will in fact bash the head of any neo-nazi justto get the point that they are not welcome!
  17. punkmar77

    punkmar77 Experienced Member Uploader Active Member




    Nov 13, 2009
     United States
    Recently my friend 'J' wrote me a note that led to this thread, and basically said "thanks a lot", meaning, in my opinion that he was disappointed with what I had written here. Also he was upset that I assumed that his crew were closet Nazi's or racists and that they were Mexican-Americans and Puerto Rican 'Trad Skins', I had forgotten the incident and also found out after these posts above that the two ladies that started the whole mess were under-aged, very drunk, and were not a part of that crew that eventually jumped me for no reason. I still strongly disagree with their reaction's and the scuffle that ensued, but this is what I wrote 'J' back:

    'J' wrote back:
    And to this I reply: again I apologize if my comments were made in anger and have no merit, 'J' is an old friend and if I didn't give a fuck about him I wouldn't sweat it, but I do, so I will retract what I've said in the previous posts associating these particular men to any racist organizations. In the 5 months since, I've been to countless shows and have neither seen or heard of any other incidents involving these guys and 'J' has apologized on a couple of occasions about the whole incident. I am definitely not a fascist, what I do care about is a thriving, healthy community of Anarchists, Punks, Skins, and everyone else in between that doesn't have to worry about the senseless violence and drunk machismo that has managed to kill our scene in San Diego on a couple of different up-swings.
  18. anarchoskin69

    anarchoskin69 Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Nov 14, 2010
    i always get contacted by you guys but i never have a ride out to chicago, its only 2 hours but still all i have is like eight bicycles but no car.