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Oi Polloi - The Oi! Years

Discussion in 'Anarcho-Punk music albums downloads' started by Anarcho-Punk.net, Jul 10, 2013.

  1. Anarcho-Punk.net

    Anarcho-Punk.net Experienced Member Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Active Member




    Aug 7, 2009
    .  Canada

    Oi Polloi - The Oi! Years
    • 01 Punx'n'skins.mp3
    • 02 We Don't Need Them.mp3
    • 03 Kill The Bill.mp3
    • 04 Lowest Of The Low.mp3
    • 05 Nuclear Waste.mp3
    • 06 Commies And Nazis.mp3
    • 07 Pigs For Slaughter (Extended M.mp3
    • 08 Scum.mp3
    • 09 Thrown On The Scrapheap.mp3
    • 10 Punx Picnic In Princes Street.mp3
    • 11 Mindless Few.mp3
    • 12 Unite And Win.mp3
    • 13 Boot Down The Door.mp3
    • 14 Americans Out.mp3
    • 15 Thugs In Uniform.mp3
    • 16 Pigs For Slaughter.mp3
    • 17 Rich Scumbag.mp3
    • 18 Never Give In.mp3


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    Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2017
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    The Oi Years...
    Release Date : 2001

    Oi Polloi Biography

    Oi Polloi are a punk rock band from Scotland that formed around 1981. Starting as an Oi! band, they are now generally more associated with the anarcho-punk genre. The band has become notable for their contributions to the Scottish Gaelic punk subgenre. The name probably comes from the Greek expression "Οι πολλοί" and it is a pun on the phrase hoi polloi meaning "the masses" or "the common people".

    The band has gone through about 50 members since their formation, and their only permanent member has been vocalist Deek, who has also been involved in Gaelic-language television. The band has included punks and skinheads. The members have been supporters of Anti-Fascist Action and Earth First!, and they use the motto "No Compromise in Defence of Our Earth," which is an adaptation of Earth First!'s motto. They support direct action in defence of the environment, hunt sabotage and resistance against racism, sexism, homophobia, fascism and imperialism.

    Band members: Deek Allan, Finchy, Cameron Tongs, Aktifist, Davoi
    Band ex-members: , Matt Castille, Chris Low (2), David Connolly, Gavin Robertson, Gavin Baird, David Osborne (2), Calum MacKenzie, Morag Buzzmarks, Alfie (4), Alice (13), Rab (2), Dan (25), Spook (3), Julia (18), Chris (55), Mike (48), Ricky (12), Riley Briggs, Murray Briggs, Sned, Brian Tipa, R. Sole, Grant Munro, Olssen (2), Yaga (2), Bobby Shastoe, Chris Wheelchair, Arthur Dalrymple, Stevie Goldsack

    Oi Polloi's first studio recording was a demo entitled Destroi the System, which is believed to have been released in 1984 or 1985. After the now defunct music weekly Sounds gave their previous home-recorded demo a favourable review, demand increased for gigs further afield. A second studio demo, Green Anarchoi followed before the release of the first vinyl offering, Resist the Atomic Menace. The line-up of the group has starred an impressive fifty members since their formation, making up the countless incarnations of the band. The band is currently based in Scotland.

    Attacking world leaders and multi-national companies with humour and anger in different languages The band holds a political view which some call ultra-hardline ecologism, with the motto "No compromise in defence of our earth". They support direct action in defence of the environment, and endorse resistance against racialism, fascism and imperialism. They are considered by many to be one of the premier faces of anarcho-punk. They have recently started singing in Scottish Gaelic and use the language in day to day communications. They see the use of Gaelic and other endangered languages as important to maintaining the biocultural diversity of life. They recently toured Europe with Seattle-based punk band Mill a h-Uile Rud who sing entirely in Scots Gaelic. Singer Derek has recently become involved in Gaelic television and has appeared as Moses on a Gaelic comedy programme. Despite what some believe, the band did not start out as a "skinhead band" but was in fact formed by a bunch of teenage schoolkids (with a long haired lead singer who had a fear of skinheads!!) who played their first gig at Stewarts Melville College in Edinburgh in late 1981. After numerous other gigs in the Edinburgh area and the recording of the group's first cassette demo "Last of the Mohicans" on a home hi-fi, drummer Stu "Doccy" Dunn left to become a karate instructor and was replaced by Muz who later recorded with the Apostles. Apostles and Political Asylum original drummer Chris Low also did a stint on the kit for a time while various other one time Oi Polloi members went on to play in such varied bands as Disorder, Exploited, Gin Goblins, Newtown Grunts, Moniack and In Decades Decline. Drummer Murray Briggs who played on several of the band's 7" records as well as the "Fuaim Catha" LP now plays in Scottish Indie band Aberfeldy along with brother Riley who himself had a brief spell as Oi Polloi guitarist back in the '90s. David 'Rat' Connolly was the guitarist through much of the early years, playing his last gig and album in 1991. Rat wrote the music for classic songs such as Pigs for Slaughter and Boot down the Door, he went on to become an Archaeologist and Middle Eastern adventurer.

    The name Oi Polloi is a greeklish(Greek with Latin characters) spelled noun (Greek : Οι πολλοί). It's literal meaning is "the many", however it is extended to mean "the masses" or "the common people". Oi! also refers to a form of punk music. Their last LP - Ar Cànan, Ar Ceol, Ar-a-Mach - was recorded entirley in Scottish Gaelic.

    Disclaimer: this biography was gathered automatically through an external music database and could be inaccurate. We don't control the information found here.

    Label - Not On Label (Oi Polloi)

    This pseudo-label is a holding area for all unofficial releases and bootlegs containing music by Oi Polloi where no proper or other label/company is discernible.
  2. Dangerous Dave

    Dangerous Dave Member New Member




    Jan 28, 2020
    Victoria, Australia  Australia
    Nice one, cheers :)
  3. aint ashamed

    aint ashamed Experienced Member Active Member




    Aug 22, 2010
     United States
    Thanks much! Love these guys! In my opinion_BASH THE FASH_should
    have been included. If not familiar with that track, find it, and be rewarded!
    aint ashamed
  4. punkmar77

    punkmar77 Experienced Member Uploader Active Member




    Nov 13, 2009
     United States
    We've had the priviledge of sharing vinyl with them on the 'We Won't Be Your Fucking Poor' comp, Deek has been a lifelong friend.. did you hear about the antiDeutsche dumbfucks that accused them of being nationalists last year? There are some really stupid people in the world.
    delirio punk likes this.
  5. The Hat

    The Hat Experienced Member Active Member




    May 29, 2019
    Illinois, United States  United States
    delirio punk likes this.
  6. The Hat

    The Hat Experienced Member Active Member




    May 29, 2019
    Illinois, United States  United States
    For some reason I can't get the emoijis to work, but I was going to post a ROTFLAMFAO emoji.
    I mean, c'mon! Oi! Polloi NATIONALISTS? Seriously? WTF man?
  7. punkmar77

    punkmar77 Experienced Member Uploader Active Member




    Nov 13, 2009
     United States
    Seriously, they cancelled a show in Berlin, and permanently banned Oi Polloi. Anti-Deutsche man, they're fucking garbage pro-Zionist Germans.. their argument was that Deek and the band were promoting Indigenous Gaelic language and were Scottish separatists, both of which are true, but that in no way makes you fascist.
    delirio punk and aint ashamed like this.
  8. aint ashamed

    aint ashamed Experienced Member Active Member




    Aug 22, 2010
     United States
    The RIGHTEOUS are always persecuted! aint ashamed
  9. The Hat

    The Hat Experienced Member Active Member




    May 29, 2019
    Illinois, United States  United States
    And what's wrong with Scotland wanting to separate from England and be their own independent nation? And what's wrong with wanting to speak the language of your ancestors? Nothing wrong with being proud of one's ancestry and heritage, but I've been a fan of Oi Polloi long enough to know that they are not fascists in any way, shape, or form. I am in agreement with you.
    aint ashamed likes this.
  10. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Active Member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    Oi Polloi (Official)
    26 septembre 2017 ·
    ACHTUNG!! OI POLLOI BANNED AGAIN! Yes, more nonsense from Germany - we're sorry to say that the Campary Records 30th Anniversary Festival we were due to play in November is now cancelled after Anti-Deutsch clowns got us banned again & other bands pulled out in solidarity with us. This time along with the usual absurd charges that we are "rightwing nationalists" there were also claims that we call for a nazi-style "Judenboykott"!!! WTF??!!? If that were the case, given the background of various Oi Polloi members, we'd have to call for a boycott of our own fucking records!!! Anyway good to see these characters have their priorities right eh? It's not as if there was actually a massive danger from thousands of REAL nazis in Germany or REAL right-wing nationalists seeing unprecedented amounts of support and electoral success there is it? No. just stick to spending your time and energy fighting antifascist punk bands - pathetic.


    "Oi Polloi (Official) There was one place in Vienna that decided they wouldn't let us play - again because of our criticisms of the Israeli government but then when we pointed out to them that they were organising gigs for bands like RESTARTS and LOS FASTIDIOS who also support Palestinian rights they realised that they basically wouldn't be able to book any political punk bands from outside German-speaking areas as almost everyone is against the Israeli occupation and to be fair to them they then rescinded the ban. Not everywhere is like that though."

  11. aint ashamed

    aint ashamed Experienced Member Active Member




    Aug 22, 2010
     United States
    Our struggle goes beyond flesh and blood, to include
    powers and principalities in high places! PUNX UNITE!
    aint ashame
  12. delirio punk

    delirio punk Active Member Forum Member




    Jul 10, 2010
    One of the best yet! Oi poxoi!!!! buena
  13. workbuyconsumedie

    workbuyconsumedie Member New Member




    Jan 13, 2018
    England, United Kingdom  Australia
    Thanks for uploading this album, mate. Oi Polloi's songs are fucking rad. Anarcho-punk at its best. Cheers!

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