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How did you guys become anarchists?

Discussion in 'General political debates' started by JSkywalker, Jul 20, 2014.

  1. Mashup

    Mashup New Member New Member




    Oct 12, 2017
    Maryland, United States  United States
    Authority is just a tool for those in power to control. Punk rock helped me see this.
    psykoze likes this.
  2. Lurker_Rob_

    Lurker_Rob_ Active Member Forum Member




    Apr 30, 2018
    Florida, United States  United States
    First realization was there's no authority but yourself and you're the god of your own world. Also knowing no gods no masters.
    lizardrockband likes this.
  3. lizardrockband

    lizardrockband Member Forum Member




    May 1, 2018
    Texas, United States  United States
    You see, i don't know when i BECAME an anarchist but i know that i just am, mostly because i hate most people and most people are just copies of everyone else. its like s really shitty factory making the same goddamn people with the same beliefs, the same aspirations and the same sad families. Anarchy was something that i copuld actually relate with because i hated everything else that everyone else stood for. now that im thinking of it, i probably became an anarchist a few months ago when i actually fully understood what the hell i was talking about.
  4. Recard2018

    Recard2018 New Member New Member




    Sep 19, 2018
    Blekinge, Sweden  Sweden
    I think i was always a schoolyard anarchist, making fun of everything, sticking up for the bullied kids. Later in like 7'th grade and (high scool?) or middle school i was an angry nihlist just sitting and carving anarchy A's in the school bench and my favourite punkbands just wanting out of school to play football (soccer). Then in high school (gymnasium) i discovered well respected people through the internet who idetified as anarchists like Chomsky and Howard Zinn and i just started reading everything on the internet by them and found sites like znet.

    Then eventually as i got older i decided to try to make something out of anarchy and not just be a nihilist anymore.
  5. NihilVeritasEst

    NihilVeritasEst Member New Member




    Sep 20, 2018
    Pacific Northwest  United States
    growing up i never liked being told what to do, i made trouble in class and with my parents and always resented them for trying to manipulate me into something i wasn't. i went to a church school when i was very young and remember having an argument with the teacher back then about god not existing. at 13 i learned about communism and openly proclaimed myself a communist for a few years, much to the dismay of my friends and teachers.
    as a teenager i became an anti-feminist classical liberal, something unrelated to me becoming an anarchist but i figure is worth mentioning here anyways.
    then the summer after highschool i got into punk rock, became an anarchist, and dropped out of college.
  6. deadwords

    deadwords Member New Member




    Jul 17, 2018
    CA, United States  United States
    I've always been left leaning, but it wasn't until a few years ago that I realized how far left I was. A friend and I read about anarchism one day while we were goofing off at work and I saw just how much my views lined up with anarchism.

    Anyway, I'm still really new to it and learning, but I guess I finally bit the bullet and labeled myself an anarchist because it fit my personal beliefs and I felt I needed to commit myself to action and doing what I felt was right and that seemed like the first step.
    punkmar77 and NihilVeritasEst like this.
  7. psykoze

    psykoze New Member New Member




    Mar 1, 2013
    Brazil  Brazil
    when I was a kid and playing in the street, I listened to the hardcore songs of protest from my friends' brothers. while having fun playing in the barracks, not knowing that this was a political stance.
    living in Brazil, I soon found myself questioning the reason for poverty, hunger, misery, my people all living with little while so few had so much, the reason why we should bow our heads to the authorities, the reason why 'god' put the situations as presented. And I think everyone here did it.
    I was always influenced to read a lot, I asked the librarian something to speak the reasons for these questions and she gave me "the conquest of bread" and "the property is a steal" to read. From then on I started to get involved and at age 11 I had read George Woodcock's books on the history of anarchist movements and ideas.
    At 12 I started playing guitar with the older brothers of my friends and there I learned to like hardcore. from the age of 13 I started to listen-play-live hardcore, compose, make zines, participate in collectives, exchange ideas with older people, had contact with the anarcho-punks, and from there I was growing and creating my own vision of the world, and 10 years have passed in this rush.
    Today I still think it's weird to say 'I'm punk' because I still think the question is not to be but to do it, but I say that I am an anarchist, and I try to do every day actions so that we steal our freedom back to us.
    I was lucky, to be in the right context at the right time, with the right people.
    Just like everyone here I am just me, not the label I carry
    punkmar77 and NihilVeritasEst like this.
  8. Spasmolytic

    Spasmolytic Member Forum Member




    Jun 18, 2018
    Uppsala, Sweden  Sweden
    I always kind of despised authority. When I started to learn about different political ideologies in my early teenage years and when I found out about anarchism it was a done deal, for life guess hehe.
  9. BurningTheDailylightOil

    BurningTheDailylightOil New Member New Member

    Kinda more of a Socialist than a straight up anarchist, kinda always believed we should look out for our fellow man, believe that censorship is one of the worst things possibly imaginable, and since i'm into tech and reading i'm BEYOND PARANOID of authoritarianism and surveillance states. Oh and i'm a bit of a hedonist and a bit of a cynic, the old Greek philosophy kind not the whining on the internet, drink a bottle of scotch for breakfast, "Oh i'm so clever and smart because I know the worlds shit but refuse to do anything about it" type.
  10. Pistol Pete

    Pistol Pete Member New Member




    Dec 15, 2020
    Male , 37 years old
    Salt Lake City, Utah  United States
    there were AK Press inserts in some of the punk CDs I bought, plus I was a teenager in the 2000s and after getting clued into real, practical anarchy I navigated a lot of anarchist websites and forums online. Even made my own website that I shared with people at school. Subhumans had a huge impact on me since I got into punk rock. Only in the '10s would I focus more on anarcho punk exclusively.
  11. sAtanisedPunk

    sAtanisedPunk New Member New Member




    Jan 30, 2021
    Male , 58 years old
    Michigan, United States  United States
    We don't become anarchist because of the music, and on certain date. We are made into the anarchist by the society the day when we get aware of the problems that society is suffering from. It's on us are we going to surrender to the society and live in-group, or to rebel and try to change the cancerous system and be part of the out-group.
  12. kashara

    kashara New Member New Member




    Jan 15, 2019
    North Carolina, United States  United States
    I think it started when I was 3 and told my older brother “you’re not the boss of me!”

    As I grew up I learned/realized that don’t want to be the oppressed or the oppressor, and thus I am an anarchist.
    aint ashamed, celadrel and punkmar77 like this.
  13. Starfighter

    Starfighter d(^_^)b Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Active Member




    Feb 16, 2011
    Male , 38 years old
    Malmö, Sweden  Sweden
    Leading up to it:
    When I was born my parents didn't have much. We had a small apartment and my unemployed father was heavily into various drugs and subsequently a criminal going in and out of prison. I inherited ADHD from him and since I was born in 85 the swedish school system didn't have much knowledge of this. It was decided I had anger issues because of my father (yeah, back in the "good old days" when we apparently needed a fAtHeRfiGuRe or we'd turn out shit). Right from the start I had problems fitting in, both socially and in the system. Permanently internalizing I had a shit personality (I didn't get my ADHD diagnose until I was 30 and heavily depressed) and obviously got bullied between the age of 6 and 14. The sense of being an outsider and also feeling absolute sick of it was my natural mindset as a child.

    Finding anarchism:
    When I was 13 I read about communism in school and I immediately got interested. I didn't, however, like the authoritarian aspects of the communist examples brought up by our educational system so I ended up looking for something else. I found anarchism on my spare time in the school library and I was hooked right away. The reasons I loved it at first sight was twofold. 1) It questioned everything I had ever questioned up to that point, it was like my thoughts on rejection (both from the system towards me and from me to authority) suddenly was legitimate - it wasn't just a childish phase. 2) The abstract nature of anarchism spoke to me on an intellectual level, since I felt finished products were quite boring (I didn't know it at the time but apparently I was "extraordinarily intelligent").

    I still haven't found a political package to stick with. In sweden we have this party called "Vänsterpartiet" which used to be a communist party (nowaways it's a bit more conformed, but still the leftmost party) and while I do agree with them on many points, they do not entertain my anarchist side of things. I read a lot of anarchist literature and it feels like I'm still learning new aspects. In a way I guess I'm still becoming an anarchist.
  14. waste of shit

    waste of shit Member Forum Member




    Jul 13, 2022
    Male , 49 years old
    SACRAMENTO.CA.95823.USA  United States
    the slogan NO GODS NO MASTERS....was inspired too by ... Melodic Death Metal...
    Khaos Legions Studio album by Arch Enemy released on May 30, 2011, by Century Media...
    ...for me it (anarchy) seemed to be a taboo. i would NOT want to come out as ONE. in elementary school i was an atheist....that used to be a huge taboo (and still is in some countries). you DON'T want to come out as ONE of those either. i was a wannabe anarchist ever since seeing the Nirvana Nevermind Smells Like Teen Spirit music video where the band had anarchist cheerleads. but then later I got registered as a -
    Libertarian Party (United States)....but that party it's NEVER going to be successful plus it's based on capitalism which I hate.........blah blah blah... i hate this failed paved civilization based on concrete, asphalt & jail...for decades i tried to just do what you are supposed to do but that requires rotting your brain out....standard american diet (western pattern. diet) is a failure....exercising in bike lanes by traffic exhaust is retarded. pedestrian parks & paths along the freeways are retarded....YOU'VE HEARD OF: BLACK LUNG LOFTS??? the list goes on & on .... irrational brainless scumbags outnumber rational ONES. supposedly only 5% to 10 of the general population are actually rational by default......talking to the police is stupid... & everything is about shrinking your brain .... which is what has been happening for thousands and maybe thousands of years .... if you study the skulls ...
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2022
  15. TheTrashKing541

    TheTrashKing541 New Member New Member




    Feb 16, 2022
    Oregon, United States  United States
    When I got out of high-school I just was hopping between political affiliations until I realized they're all the same self serving entities, and it remains that way until our system stops promoting these bastards
  16. Danarchy

    Danarchy Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Jan 16, 2012
    I was indoctrinated by this guy Gord Hill | Arsenal Pulp Press in the late 80's he published a 'zine called Endless Struggle in East Vancouver at the time.

    I moved in to his spare room as I was friends with his girlfriend and need a place to crash while working at a Salmon cannery for the season. He gave me a mixed tape with Conflict and a pile of UK anarcho-punk bands as well as a copy of ABC of Anarchist Communism by Berkman. It was the red or blue pill of my life.
  17. Kara

    Kara Experienced Member Active Member




    May 17, 2024
    Izmir, Turkey  Turkey
    I got radicalized throughout the political tension of Turkey. However my meeting with anarchism happened in a book fair when i was 11-12. They gave me manifesto of Theodore john kaczynski and an anticiv comic book about animals revolting to kill politicians. I would say i got heavily influenced by bonanno and such. I started listening punk because of the aggression and the themes of anarchism and the individual freedom(not in a capitalist way). I have been an anti-auth since 2013 or so.
    Rune and Spike one of many like this.
  18. Rune

    Rune Experienced Member Active Member




    Jul 7, 2023
    Western Australia, Australia  Australia
    For me, it was a recent comment someone made in an autism subreddit. I ended up looking into anarchy and the rest is history. :)
    Spike one of many likes this.
  19. Kara

    Kara Experienced Member Active Member




    May 17, 2024
    Izmir, Turkey  Turkey
    A in autism is for anarchy
  20. Rune

    Rune Experienced Member Active Member




    Jul 7, 2023
    Western Australia, Australia  Australia
    I knew it lol :D
    Kara likes this.

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  1. Peter Punk
  2. Red Menace
  3. DisgorNoise
  4. sAtanisedPunk
  5. punkmar77
  6. celadrel
  7. Pistol Pete
  8. Shplarf
  9. praxedis
  10. kashara
  11. W-REBEL
  12. aint ashamed
  13. shuk
  14. TheTrashKing541
  15. Max Genius
  16. Dee Vious
  17. yan spaceman
  18. Danarchy
  19. JOFRE
  20. Kara
  21. Starfighter
  22. Spike one of many
  23. Charger Bullet
  24. Rune
  25. bananabeeans
  26. waste of shit
  27. ungovernable