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6 years old and already a terrorist ?

Discussion in 'General political debates' started by ungovernable, Jul 15, 2010.

  1. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Active Member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    A new front in the war on terror may have opened in the first grade.

    A family in Ohio learned that their six-year-old daughter is on Homeland Security’s terror watch list when they attempted to make a flight from Cleveland to Minneapolis.

    A ticket agent informed Santhosh Thomas that his daughter Alyssa was on the list.

    "She may have threatened her sister," Thomas told CNN. "But I don't think that constitutes Homeland Security triggers."

    Alyssa was still allowed to fly, but had to go through extra security.

    After the family contacted the Department of Homeland Security, Alyssa received a letter that would neither confirm nor deny any information they have about her or someone else with her name.

    Officials maintained the importance of the list.

    "The watch lists are an important layer of security to prevent individuals with known or suspected ties to terrorism from flying," a spokesman for the Transportation Security Administration told Fox News.


  2. butcher

    butcher Experienced Member Uploader Active Member Forum Member




    Sep 8, 2009
    :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
  3. Wooly

    Wooly Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    May 24, 2010
    Two of my friends are on the Australian terrorist watch list. One of them is 17, and was reported for "Distributing" the Anarchist's cookbook. Another who is fifteen was caught blowing up letterboxes with preasurised hydroclauric acid bombs (a fep police officers went over to inspect one of the bombs and ended up having to hospitalised because of the fumes they inhailed). My fifteen yearold mate is having to go through court, aparently the police are trying to prosecute him as a terrorist.
  4. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Active Member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    Well distributing the anarchist cookbook wasn't smart.

    As for the bomb in letterboxes, i hope it was good targets at least. Anyway, this is a tactic that was used by the Front of liberation of Quebec (FLQ) during the years of fights for independence... Lots of people were arrested and charged of terrorism for that.
  5. disfuck

    disfuck Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Sep 11, 2009
    P1ssant likes this.
  6. Wooly

    Wooly Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    May 24, 2010
    Well he wasnt really distributing it, he let a friend borrow his USB stick with just happened to have the Anarchist's Cookbook saved on it. When the friends mother foud out what was on there she called the terrorist hotline thing on my friend.
    No, i think they were just driving arround being dickheads because they were bored. Would have almost been worth it if it was some "God hates Fags" guy or something.

    He has like 17 charges aggainst him (Most are just criminal dammage), i think he will get off pretty lightly since its a first offence and he is only 15. The biggest charege they have him for is manufacturing explosives. Since two of the idiot cops had be hospitallised because they went over to sniff the fumes, they are trying to nail him with willfull harm to a police officer. I mean, they are trying to blame my friend because the cops were stupid enough to go and smell the explosives. What the fuck?
  7. Saering

    Saering Experienced Member Active Member




    Dec 18, 2009
    Something similar happened to me with the cookbook, i have no idea what the fuck happened for me to get off light but i ain't complaining. How strong was the acid? If it was a low concentration (anything below 33% HCL if i remember) then they might be exaggerating the cops health conditions, on top of that the fumes are choking, painful and in high concentration can be smelled obviously, in other words ITS PRETTY FUCKING OBVIOUS IF YOUR BREATHING IT.
  8. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Active Member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    Well then thats fucking stupid, dont complain, he gets what he deserve..
  9. Wooly

    Wooly Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    May 24, 2010
    He was just kinda following these older guys arround, either way it was pretty stupid. Still, he is one of my best mates and i hope he gets off ligtly.
  10. punkmar77

    punkmar77 Experienced Member Uploader Active Member




    Nov 13, 2009
     United States
    On the 6 yr old little girl, if these idiots could provide the simple age of the suspect along with the name then confusion could be largely avoided, this is the rubber stamp bureaucracy that fascist dreams are made of.
  11. aint ashamed

    aint ashamed Experienced Member Active Member




    Aug 22, 2010
     United States
    :a: aint ashamed :antifa:
  12. NihilismPrevailed

    NihilismPrevailed Member Forum Member




    May 19, 2024
    Illinois, United States  United States
    Well considering that the vast majority of it will just get the person trying to use the "information" it contained maimed or killed... The "shotgun grenade launcher" when you attach broom handles to Molotov cocktails then shove said handle down a rifled barrel of a shotgun and pull the trigger to "launch" the Molotov is just holding onto a lit pipe bomb with extra steps. There is even worse info in that book than that. Instruction on how to make nitroglycerine that is for sure going to be so volatile that anyone trying to produce it is going to at the very least explode their shed...

    As for the 6 year old girl on a terrorist watchlist, remember that "Government Organization" is a oxymoron. If it doesn't involve them getting a pay raise or one of their rich as fuck oligarch corposcum buddies getting a raise, tax break or subsidy of some kind they extorted from the rest of us it meant nothing to them, and is all smoke and mirrors to pander to the undereducated drones their inadequate education system created.
    Spike one of many and Rune like this.
  13. Spike one of many

    Spike one of many Experienced Member Uploader Active Member Forum Member




    Aug 14, 2012
    Western Cape, South Africa  South Africa
    Yep. And exponentially more dangerous (to the user).
    Rune and NihilismPrevailed like this.
  14. subversive

    subversive Member New Member




    Nov 13, 2009
     United Kingdom
    Six-year-old kids on terror watchlists? What a load of crap, man. This system is messed up, we gotta fight against this surveillance state every step of the way. Anti-capitalist, anti-authoritarian, punk as fuck.
    Rune likes this.

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