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Swedish Various Artists - Mot Sverige I Tiden (2023)

Discussion in 'International anarcho-punk downloads' started by Starfighter, May 20, 2024.

  1. Starfighter

    Starfighter d(^_^)b Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Active Member




    Feb 16, 2011
    Male , 38 years old
    Malmö, Sweden  Sweden
    MP3 | 320 kbps CBR | 107 MB | Total running time: 44:53

    01 - Warför - Bränder.mp3
    02 - Svaveldioxid - Det Som Inte Får Hända.mp3
    03 - Dispose - Future Or Grave.mp3
    04 - Asocial - Lågintensiv Terror.mp3
    05 - Utsatt - Jag Ser Dig.mp3
    06 - Contorture - Killer Look (Remaster).mp3
    07 - Parasit - Tysta Skrik.mp3
    08 - Usch! - Våldsmonopol.mp3
    09 - Verdict - Hell On Earth.mp3
    10 - Avskum - They Put Our Souls In The Kill Box.mp3
    11 - Warchild - Cold Game.mp3
    12 - Förgör - Ner På Knä.mp3
    13 - Skrot - Nedrusta, Avveckla.mp3
    14 - Usch! - 50 000 Bomber.mp3
    15 - Verdict - Lock Down Society.mp3
    16 - Förgör - Bödel.mp3
    17 - Avskum - Rasstatens Altare.mp3
    18 - Warchild - Everything To Fear.mp3
    19 - Parasit - Livets Slut.mp3
    20 - Skrot - Sick & Destroy.mp3
    21 - Svaveldioxid - Statliga Mord.mp3
    22 - Warför - Lex Pablo.mp3
    23 - Dispose - War Is The System.mp3
    24 - Asocial - Mentalt Slaveri.mp3
    25 - Contorture - Döden.mp3
    26 - Utsatt - Sluta Andas.mp3


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    Various Artists Biography

    Warning! Deleting this artist may remove other artists and scrobbles from your library - please handle this with caution! Note: You can view albums tagged as 'Various Artists' in your library here.

    The term Various Artists is used in the record industry when numerous singers and musicians collaborate on a song or collection of songs. Most often on Last.fm, compilation album tracks appear under the name of Various Artists erroneously because the individual artist is not listed in the album's ID3 information.
    Compilation albums, for example.

    Sometimes, single releases may be credited to Various Artists when their profits are going to charity and, usually in high-profile cases, are sometimes known by a group name. Examples include Band Aid with their releases of Do They Know It's Christmas? and USA for Africa with We Are The World.

    Various Artists is also an actual performance name for Torsten Pröfrock, who runs the German DIN label. Torsten performs also as Dynamo, Erosion, Resilent, Traktor besides some others. He's a good friend of Robert Henke and since the Fall of 2004, he is a member of Monolake.

    Various Artists was also a short-lived Bristol punk band formed by brothers Jonjo and Robin Key (originally from Birmingham). Other members were also simultaneously in Art Objects who went on to become The Blue Aeroplanes, the latter the Key brothers also co-wrote some songs and were involved in. When Various Artists imploded, the Key brothers went on to form Either / Or.

    Various Artists also appear on tracks from musical theater soundtracks, due to the nature of having many cast members on one song, as well as an ensemble in some cases.

    Disclaimer: this biography was gathered automatically through an external music database and could be inaccurate. We don't control the information found here.
  2. Starfighter

    Starfighter d(^_^)b Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Active Member




    Feb 16, 2011
    Male , 38 years old
    Malmö, Sweden  Sweden
    This is my first release, read more about it here. I've gotten my expenses covered so here's the free download! It's also available for free on Bandcamp if you want other file formats. There's a few copies left of the physical cassette as well.
    Spike one of many likes this.
  3. aint ashamed

    aint ashamed Experienced Member Active Member




    Aug 22, 2010
     United States
    Wow, Thanks Much Starfighter! This Comp Absolutely Slays!
    :a: aint ashamed :antifa:
  4. Starfighter

    Starfighter d(^_^)b Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Active Member




    Feb 16, 2011
    Male , 38 years old
    Malmö, Sweden  Sweden
    Thank you, and I agree! :) I hand picked all the bands for this compilation. :) I released a second tape today, "Live In Malmö", containing a live recording of Crutches, Disease and No Fucker from when they played in my town a few weeks ago! I'll upload it on here later, but for the time being it's available (free download or paid tape) on Bandcamp.
  5. aint ashamed

    aint ashamed Experienced Member Active Member




    Aug 22, 2010
     United States
    You Never Disappoint My Friend! Many Thanks! :a: aint ashamed :antifa:
    Starfighter likes this.
  6. Spike one of many

    Spike one of many Experienced Member Uploader Active Member Forum Member




    Aug 14, 2012
    Western Cape, South Africa  South Africa
    This stuff rips! As expected :D Well done, mate!
    Starfighter likes this.

11 members have read this thread this month

  1. Starfighter
  2. Spike one of many
  3. aint ashamed
  4. Zbyszek
  5. Rune
  6. keijo
  7. meier42
  8. Punkdistro.de
  9. porkbeef
  10. Anarkobruce
  11. Simon h