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Dirt - Never Mind Dirt, Here's The Bollocks (1982)

Discussion in 'Anarcho-Punk music albums downloads' started by Starfighter, May 13, 2024.

  1. Starfighter

    Starfighter d(^_^)b Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Active Member




    Feb 16, 2011
    Male , 38 years old
    Malmö, Sweden  Sweden
    Original link reported broken - this is a reupload

    MP3 | 128 kbps CBR | 20,8 MB | Total running time: 21:46

    01 - Deaf In Reality.mp3
    02 - Slaughterhouse Rock.mp3
    03 - Canvey Island.mp3
    04 - Bully.mp3
    05 - Unemployment.mp3
    06 - Another Filled Hole.mp3
    07 - Democracy.mp3
    08 - Public Execution.mp3
    09 - Labels.mp3
    10 - 6.35.mp3
    11 - Master Race.mp3
    12 - Land Of The Rising Sun.mp3


      Please login or register to download this album (it's free!)
      Online This file is hosted on our own dedicated server. Fast download, no ads, no bullshit!

    bunny ballistic likes this.

    Dirt Biography

    There are at least 6 artists named Dirt.

    1) DIRT (Death Is Reality Today) were an anarcho-punk band from the UK. Initially forming in 1980, the band frequently played with fellow anarchists Crass, before releasing their first EP, "Object, Refuse, Reject, Abuse" on the Crass Records label. Their second release, Never Mind DIRT, Here's the Bollocks, also on the Crass label, was a live LP released in 1982.

    Singer Gxist (Gary) later formed Stratford Mercenaries with Steve Ignorant of Crass.

    2) Dirt is a rapper from Syracuse. He is best known for his appearances in Grind Time battles from the NY Division, Upstate NY Division and more. He has one release, which is "The Devil's Music Mixtape".

    3) Dirt were an Atlanta post-hardcore/noise rock band from the early 90's. They released two records, one in 1990, 'Drill the Minx' and then their last one, 'Sahara of the Bozart' in 1992. Members split into bands like Mount Shasta and Rock *A* Teens.

    4) Dirt is a rap metal/nu metal band. They released their debut Welcome to the Pressure Cooker in 2004.

    5) DiRT is the former co-host of That New Toy Smell, Video Game Losers, and other shows on The Pop Culture Network. His name is stylized with capitalized letters based on the initials in his name, and the usage of "DiRT" as a nickname dates back to the early '90s and is how he signed artwork and became an early internet handle.

    6) DIRT is a Finnish rock band that was founded in Helsinki in 2017. The band was founded by Sebastian Frigren (guitar) and Alex Anttila (drums). Later, Kappe Koutonen (guitar), Aleksi Tiainen (vocals) and Benny Raivio (bass) joined the band.

    Disclaimer: this biography was gathered automatically through an external music database and could be inaccurate. We don't control the information found here.



    Flux of Pink Indians

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  2. bunny ballistic

    bunny ballistic New Member New Member




    May 12, 2024
    Louisiana, United States  United States
    ur tha best thank u >0<
  3. h0rr0rbl0b

    h0rr0rbl0b New Member New Member




    May 20, 2024
    California, United States  United States
    thanks for this
  4. Starfighter

    Starfighter d(^_^)b Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Active Member




    Feb 16, 2011
    Male , 38 years old
    Malmö, Sweden  Sweden
    No problem, if I have the music being asked for laying around I'll always upload it!

    Well, as long as the band fits this forum and it feels alright to do it. Sometimes a small band need some sales to cover their expenses and release the files for free after that, then I'll respect that and hold off on sharing for a while.
    h0rr0rbl0b likes this.
  5. subversive

    subversive Member New Member




    Nov 13, 2009
     United Kingdom
    This album is raw and makes you feel alive, just like punk should. Thanks for sharing this underrated gem, uploader.

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