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Transphobia in Anarchism

Discussion in 'General political debates' started by Chris Meitanis, Jan 1, 2024.

  1. Chris Meitanis

    Chris Meitanis Member Forum Member




    Dec 13, 2022
    Male , 17 years old
    Athens,Greece  Greece
    I was recently talking with my cousin who is an anarchist and I was shocked at the amount of transphobia especially towards non binary people. She uses "pokemon" as a derogatory term for people that use pronouns and are involved with anarchism here in Greece. She says how they are "liberal" and "counter-revolutionary" because they are coming from a privileged background and don't care about "real issues". From what I have seen, non binary people that are anarchists have class consciousness and are advocates of class war, but she says that they don't do anything and they only want to fix the language (gender neutral pronouns).

    Personally I widely disagree that people that use pronouns are "bourgeois" and "counter revolutionary". My partner is trans masc for reference. Have you ever experienced something similar ? How can I tell her that what she is saying is erasing a whole community and that for anarchism to be achieved these people have to be respected?
    Xander| Alistair and atlastitan like this.

  2. Starfighter

    Starfighter d(^_^)b Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Active Member




    Feb 16, 2011
    Male , 38 years old
    Malmö, Sweden  Sweden
    Even if it were true that there exist people out there who's only goal is to implement pronouns (well, there already is a bunch of pronouns in every language, but we know what people really mean), how are they counter revolutionary? It sounds like something a, and forgive me for assuming, quite young person would say just getting in to this whole line of thinking.

    Zoe Baker has a playlist of videos on this topic, if you haven't seen them already I highly recommend them.
    Milo likes this.
  3. Chris Meitanis

    Chris Meitanis Member Forum Member




    Dec 13, 2022
    Male , 17 years old
    Athens,Greece  Greece

    Yeah she is quite young, older than me but still. The "counter revolutionary" bit really pissed me off because it was used so stupidly in my opinion. Thank you for the videos I'll check them out :)
  4. Kobac

    Kobac Experienced Member Uploader Active Member Forum Member




    Nov 7, 2009
    Your anarchist friend has strong marxist beliefs. Describing queer movement as counter-rev, liberal, bourgeoisie you could see in most constitutions (at these times aimed mostly LGBT population) of communist countries in 20th century.
  5. NihilismPrevailed

    NihilismPrevailed Member Forum Member




    May 19, 2024
    Illinois, United States  United States
    I have a Son that is AFAB, transitioned at 19 (Now 22) and I personally will chose to identify as a threat and my pronouns will be Try/Me if anyone spoke badly about his transition or refused to respect him. Transphobia, Homophobia, Racism, Sexism or any other negative "ism" has no fucking place in any culture, subculture or "civilized" society. It isn't "liberal" or "Counter-revolutionary" to simply respect another person's life and feelings. Respect and personal accountability are cornerstones of individualist Anarchism. It's the old adage of "your right to throw a punch ends at the tip of someone else's nose"... unless they are a biggot then the rules change.

    I a very militant about these principals. The only hate that is acceptable is the hate for those who think that respecting someone else's identity, race, sex, sexual preference or gender is somehow wrong.
    Last edited: May 19, 2024
    Rune likes this.

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