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Anarcho Capitalism

Discussion in 'General political debates' started by fafdus, Oct 31, 2023.

  1. fafdus

    fafdus New Member New Member




    Oct 31, 2023
    your moms house  United States
    So if most people think of anarchy or anarchism as chaos. a state of no authority how could you compare capitalism to anarchism from the normal person perspective not an anarchist perspective.

  2. Starfighter

    Starfighter d(^_^)b Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Active Member




    Feb 16, 2011
    Male , 38 years old
    Malmö, Sweden  Sweden
    Wait what? Anarchism isn't chaos, there wouldn't be a state with no authority and anarchocapitalism is just capitalism unleashed (extremely hierarchical). I don't understand the question. :o
    Rune and Dacifer like this.
  3. Chris Meitanis

    Chris Meitanis Member Forum Member




    Dec 13, 2022
    Male , 17 years old
    Athens,Greece  Greece
    I think with "state of no authority" he means a situation where authority doesn't exist. I didn't really understand what fafdus is asking either though.
  4. Starfighter

    Starfighter d(^_^)b Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Active Member




    Feb 16, 2011
    Male , 38 years old
    Malmö, Sweden  Sweden
    Oooh, you're right. I read that wrong. :)
  5. Spike one of many

    Spike one of many Experienced Member Uploader Active Member Forum Member




    Aug 14, 2012
    Western Cape, South Africa  South Africa
    Yeah I think that's what he meant. I think to answer that question in a nutshell the answer is: Anarchy is a fairer "system" than capitalism. Like much fairer. But maybe someone else will give you a more detailed answer.
    Dacifer likes this.
  6. Spike one of many

    Spike one of many Experienced Member Uploader Active Member Forum Member




    Aug 14, 2012
    Western Cape, South Africa  South Africa
    I said anarchy. I meant anarchism, or anarcho-communism to be even more precise in what I was thinking about, Anarchy in itself meaning simply a state of no authority or governance can of course mean a state of chaos.
  7. fafdus

    fafdus New Member New Member




    Oct 31, 2023
    your moms house  United States
    my ques
    SO the definition of anarchy is a state of no authority. an stands for no, archy is for authority, and y is a state of. To your average person that doesnt even know what anarcho punk rock even is would anarcho capatlism sound better sense alot of people like capitalism and dont see that it promotes hierarchies instead they say it makes it easier for people to actually rise above there shit whole rat infested shack. alot of people say that poor people are just lazy right capitalism enables you to succeed.
  8. Spike one of many

    Spike one of many Experienced Member Uploader Active Member Forum Member




    Aug 14, 2012
    Western Cape, South Africa  South Africa
    an- is for no and -archy stands for hierarchy. But the popular conception is that it means chaos i.e. no hierarchy = no authority = chaos. It doesn't necessarily mean that but it can also mean chaos. That's why I prefer to use the word 'anarchism' because with that there can be no confusion. Anarchism is a political theory advocating the abolition of hierarchical government and the organization of society on a voluntary, cooperative basis without recourse to force or compulsion.
    Are you a capitalist?
  9. Spike one of many

    Spike one of many Experienced Member Uploader Active Member Forum Member




    Aug 14, 2012
    Western Cape, South Africa  South Africa
    BTW mate, you should read what people have written on this thread. the concept of anarcho capitalism has already been explained.
  10. Spike one of many

    Spike one of many Experienced Member Uploader Active Member Forum Member




    Aug 14, 2012
    Western Cape, South Africa  South Africa
    Yeah, at the cost of other people being exploited and the entire world being raped. Deforestation, extinction of entire species. Those at the top making millions or billions couldn't care less about our planet or the life on it. All they care about is profit.

    EDIT: oh and of course it promotes hierarchies, it's built on hierarchies.
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2023
    Frank^(..)^ likes this.
  11. fafdus

    fafdus New Member New Member




    Oct 31, 2023
    your moms house  United States
    1. Prefix: "An-"
      • Meaning: The prefix "an-" in Greek means "without" or "lack of."
      • Function: It is used to negate or reverse the meaning of the word it is added to.
    2. Root: "Arch-"
      • Meaning: The root "arch-" comes from the Greek word "arkhē," which means "rule" or "authority."
      • Function: It forms the core of the word, providing the essential meaning related to governance or authority.
    3. Suffix: "-y"
      • Meaning: The suffix "-y" can be used to create nouns from adjectives or other nouns, often denoting a state, condition, or quality.
      • Function: In the case of "anarchy," it forms a noun that signifies a state or condition of lacking a governing or ruling authority.
    Putting these components together:

    • "Anarchy" is a term formed by combining the prefix "an-" (meaning "without") and the root "arch-" (meaning "rule" or "authority"). The suffix "-y" is added to create a noun. Therefore, "anarchy" can be understood to mean a state or condition of being without a governing authority, law, or order.
    The concept of "anarchy" typically refers to a political and social state in which there is no central government or ruling authority, often associated with disorder or lack of governance. However, it's essential to note that the term can have broader interpretations and be used in different contexts, such as in philosophy or discussions about societal structure and governance.

    anarchy has over 20 different combinations for a possible meanings its interesting. i am kiind of an ancap but i prefer holistic anarchist. i like freedom. communism is a form of control capatlism is about freedom. i like socialism tho not so much syndasism or communism. i dont like the idea of a power structure telling me i am not alloud to own my stuff. i dont like banks for the same reason...
  12. Starfighter

    Starfighter d(^_^)b Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Active Member




    Feb 16, 2011
    Male , 38 years old
    Malmö, Sweden  Sweden
    I'm with you in the sense that the communism we've read about in school books (accurate or not) is bad, and my personal explanation as to why it was bad is that it was different forms of authoritarian communism that inevitable led to corruption and abuse of power. Anti-authoritarian socialism (anarcho-communism, pretty much) is a form of communism that isn't a form of control. Also, I don't think being against private property (I'm specifically thinking of the famous quote "property is theft") is being against owning stuff, it's about being against owning things that should be commonly shared.

    Anarcho-capitalism is a term I've thoughtlessly brushed off with a chuckle in the past, but perhaps the time has come for me to think about this some more. I want to make clear that going forward I won't make any potentially self-identified ancaps answer questions I might have, if they come up it's all meant as a discussion to expand my knowledge. It's hard to explain a society wide system as only one person (I remember people going "oh, you're an anarchist, how are hospitals going to work?" when I was 15 and obviously I had a really hard time coming up with an answer on the spot since I was 15 and didn't work at a hospital).

    My initial thesis is that anarcho-capitalism is only borrowing the word anarchy from a semantic point of view, not with the connotation of anarchism as a thought. Much like the nazis (national socialists) in no way are socialists but still have the word in the title. Is it, really, more than that?
    Spike one of many likes this.
  13. Spike one of many

    Spike one of many Experienced Member Uploader Active Member Forum Member




    Aug 14, 2012
    Western Cape, South Africa  South Africa
    I'm with you on that. Sometimes, even today, its hard for me to answer some questions pertaining to specifics as I haven't studied this subject in depth and I don't mind admitting it. There are certainly far more qualified and learned people on this site to have these debates with. Doesn't mean I don't know anything about it but not enough to hold an educated debate. Anyway, I think you were spot on about anarcho-capitalism. It's basically capitalism on steroids, with no checks & balances.
  14. Spike one of many

    Spike one of many Experienced Member Uploader Active Member Forum Member




    Aug 14, 2012
    Western Cape, South Africa  South Africa
    Damn, I was busy writing this post and then the power cut out for 2 hours (we've got this thing called power sharing. Sounds wonderful but believe me it sucks!)
    Ok so, firstly sorry I got a bit... beligerent with you yesterday, I thought you were trolling but I see that's not the case. Yeah, as Starfighter said, I don't think that refers to personal belongings, or household items like furniture, tv etc. I think it just means you can't own property like land or buildings (factories, farms etc. or houses).
    As for capitalism... I heard somewhere (on tv) that the original idea of capitalism was much fairer than it is now. Same as communism, on paper it doesn't sound so bad but the problem is in the real world it just doesn't work (well, some will disagree of course). You might feel cozy in your job or career or whatever but the effects of capitalism are unacceptable. I don't think I need to paint you a picture cos I'm sure aware of the damage it does and anyway I've mentioned some of it earlier. And yes, it creates poverty and homelessness. The poor are not all poor because they're lazy or homeless due to mental health. Homelessness can happen to anybody and poverty is on the up and up. It's just like they say, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
  15. Zyklon B

    Zyklon B Experienced Member Active Member




    Dec 30, 2009
    I've always understood anarcho-capitalism just as capitalism without the state. So the violence machine and control of the proletariat would be solely privately funded.
  16. Meia HardKore

    Meia HardKore Member New Member




    Dec 7, 2023
    Brazil  Brazil
    I have a fairly advanced reading of anarchism, Bakunin's classics and some texts by other lesser-known anarchists. From what I've understood so far, anarchism is actually a libertarian response (in the sense of freedom and socialism) to the original socialism of the French revolution and, later, to the authoritarian socialism of Karl Marx. Therefore, anarchism (like all socialisms) understands that property is theft, and the thieves are factory owners, tenants, political leaders, etc. Therefore, anarcho-capitalism shouldn't even be considered an anarchist ideology. And as for capitalism, it was actually founded from the beginning with the idea of exploiting the working class, even though it comes from Enlightenment ideas, the first capitalist thinkers were already talking about surplus value.
  17. Kara

    Kara Experienced Member Active Member




    May 17, 2024
    Izmir, Turkey  Turkey
    Multilayered Militarist Capitalist Complex needs poverty to exists. Without poverty the proletariat can not be exploited. There needs to be feeling of futility and hopelessness in order to be exploited.

    "Anarcho"-Capitalism is just Capitalism trying to get itself to it's peak. The Corporations and the Capitalists needs government to exist properly as governments duty is to sign a security/notary agreements between peers. It all started with "security" and "trust". Capitalism can not simply function without a State. If there is no state and you put corporations in the place it will end up becoming a fascist state or some theocratic structure.

    Also anarchism is chaos and i love it for this reason. Anarchism is "chaos" against Systems "order". I may not be an anarchist but i fully support anarchy and non-hierarchical anti-authoritarian movements (communization, situationism etc).

    Anarchy is chaos and that's what it needs to be to function
  18. Starfighter

    Starfighter d(^_^)b Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Active Member




    Feb 16, 2011
    Male , 38 years old
    Malmö, Sweden  Sweden
    Hm... Well yes, sure, in the sense of "disrupting the systemic order" I guess you could call anarchism chaos... In that certain case. But the word chaos refers to something in a state of confusion, where things happen by chance, and anarchism as a philosophy isn't random. :)
  19. Kara

    Kara Experienced Member Active Member




    May 17, 2024
    Izmir, Turkey  Turkey
    Chaos isn't fully randomness in my opinion. I take chaos as the original meaning just like how we take anarchy.

    Chaos in itself has fragmented order. Just like the decentralized structures of communes/collectives/groups in the anarchy. It's disorganized when you look from far away just like the universe. But the order itself is within the small group itself.

    Anarchy as a philosophy is one of the most dynamic philosophical topics in my honest opinion. Anarchism, post-structuralism, dadaism etc.

    Also chaos being random and state of confusion is european-christian meta-narrative in this topic.

    edit:fixed formatting
  20. Starfighter

    Starfighter d(^_^)b Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Active Member




    Feb 16, 2011
    Male , 38 years old
    Malmö, Sweden  Sweden
    Ooooh... Yeah, I think that's where I misunderstood! I read it as the modern version of the word instead of as in greek cosmology. And in that case you may very well be 100% correct, I'm not knowledgeable enough on that topic to have an opinion. :)

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