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Hey Im Nate - I was in a band and stuff

Discussion in 'New members introductions' started by Natepalm Death, Feb 14, 2023.

  1. Natepalm Death

    Natepalm Death Member New Member




    Feb 14, 2023
    Michigan, United States  United States
    Hi there

    Im Nate. I was a part of this forum a LONG time ago, glad to see it's still around!

    I'm probably a little older than most, I'm 38. I was in a punk band from 2003-2005 called Uprising from Detroit. Our biggest claim to "fame" was our split 7 inch with Contravene. I still cant believe that actually happened. Contravene was, hands down, our favorite band collectively. So it was awesome to be able to play with them and later do a record with them.

    We played with some really cool bands too like Kakistocracy, Schifosi, Witch Hunt, Deadfall, Bread & Water, Born/Dead, Thin The Herd, Phalanx, and a bunch more I cant think of. Locally we would play with Feast or Famine, Random Axe of Terror & I Accuse. We never really found a very big audience. In Detroit the big thing was d-beat and Disclose, and since Uprising took more influence from Mankind?, Anti-Product and Aus-Rotten in our early years and From Ashes Rise, Tragedy, Remains of The Day, etc in our later years - we were more of an outlier in the Detroit scene. We, unfortunately, never got to tour.

    I was also the host for a punk rock radio show called Adrenaline Radio. We got to interview some really rad people like Ian MacKaye, Ben Axiom, Toby Morse, Pat Thetic and Jason Navarro. I actually still work in radio at a public radio station in Detroit.

    After the band broke up I started making podcasts for video games and built a nice little career in radio and podcasting. I stopped collecting records as I was moving around post college, but when I finally settled back in Detroit, I broke the records out and my love of punk, hardcore, crust, etc was born-anew!

    A few months ago I found a box of Uprising stuff at my parents house including several boxes of the "As Long As There's A Profit To Be Made, There's No Telling Where The Killing Will End" EP and the stem tracks from our final 4 song session that was never actually released. So, I started a bandcamp (Uprising) and made the EPs available, and have been working on doing a real mix of our last 4 songs, which I'll eventually post on Bandcamp when I'm happy with them.

    Anyway, that's a little about me. Thanks for reading what I'm sure is an all too long and self indulgent post.

  2. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Active Member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    Hey, welcome back to the forum!

    I have listened to this split sooo many times! I'm a huge fan of Contravene, one of my favorite band of all times!

    Feel free to share the links on the forum! :)
    Natepalm Death likes this.

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