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Swedish Project Hopeless - Av Hela Mitt Hjärta (2009)

Discussion in 'International anarcho-punk downloads' started by Starfighter, Jul 17, 2022.

  1. Starfighter

    Starfighter d(^_^)b Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Active Member




    Feb 16, 2011
    Male , 38 years old
    Malmö, Sweden  Sweden
    MP3 | CBR 320 kbps | 23,1 MB

    01 En Enda Dag.mp3
    02 Name Them, Frame Them.mp3
    03 Crucified Freedom.mp3
    04 Av Hela Mitt Hjärta.mp3


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    aint ashamed likes this.


    Av Hela Mitt Hjärta
    Release Date : 2009

    First press 1000x.

    Project Hopeless Biography

    crust/d-beat band from Sweden

    Band members: Oskar Petersson, Tom (126), Oskar (26), Steve Hyland (2)

    We’ve been around since the beginning of 2001, there’s been two and a half 7:”es and two LP's released since then, a couple of tours and now we’re more or less waiting for the result of a new beginning.

    Since the latest LP and the UK tour 2004 we’ve gotten Steve Hyland in the band to do spokenwords and vocals; unfortunately we haven’t been able to get all the new stuff together so far, (which is in progress speaking).
    Now, in the spring of 2006 we’re working on a new LP that will give us a decent look on what we’re doing today, and a hell of a kick for the inspiration of our creativity. Along with this we’ve unfortunately had to decide to find our selves a new drummer because of difficulties in the past. This was a really hard decision to make since we’ve been together all the time during this journey of d-beat hardcore madness, but as we’ve seemed to be drifting away from each other it all made it impossible to continue as it all was. Stefan joined the band 2006 and had to call it a quit two years later because of time and inspiration issues, Linus took his place with full force and we hope to keep the strugle from here. Steve has on the other hand been forced to be taking a break because of health issues and the distance from Leeds and Sweden still a strong part of the band and have some new energy to give as we speak. We have a lot of new plans though!!
    The story continues...

    We, Tom, Oskar an Linus are PROJECT HOPELESS. An A//E political hardcore raw punk. We have been around since the beginning of 2001 and have so far released two full 7"s, one split 7" and two LPs. Our debut LP was released in 2005 entitled "Kalla Jävla Samhlle" and the follow-up, "Välkommen till vår Sopfyllda Fabrik", was recorded in 2006 in Malmo and Bradford at the 1in12 Club and released in 2007 through a collaboration of friends labels including our own.
    A new 7" are o it's way as we speak!!

    We believe in fighting and opposing fascism and sexism within our daily lives, including in the punk scene, and believe that these issues are all too often given lip-service but very often action is not followed up by the words (or patches) people wear. We believe that we have to challenge and question those who exhibit racist/sexist behaviour. We are not perfect in any way, and these issues become really hard to address when it is our friends who say or do things that we believe to be wrong. How we learn as individuals, as friends, as groups, to try and alter and learn from our own and others behaviour is a battle that we think is often shied away from. It is a lot easier to keep quiet and say nothing. Divisions occur. Friendships are broken. Sides are taken. But where within the mess that is created is the learning, the responsibility, the awareness to consider our, and others actions and the willingness to try and change? We cannot expect to change the world if we do not make the effort to change our own thoughts, ideas and beliefs that have been instilled in us throughout our childhood and schooling. Not to mention societies larger value system influenced by various media with agendas to sell. As long as we accept or distance ourselves from people who demonstrate racist/sexist behaviour then we are not any nearer to realising a society based upon equality.

    Within the 'civilised' system that we live it is a struggle to live a life without "masters", without a government controlling our future with statistics. We try to fight for a life in unity where we all work together and not against each other. A life where we don't have any "masters" attempting to subjugate us. This may sound cliched but lets be realistic and demand the impossible!!! Thinking and creating new ways to live our lives! Not just for now but in a sustainable way. Not just whilst we are young and energetic but for when we are older or sick. Where we, the people, can feel free and have a say. A society where we no longer have to think about the word "oppression".

    We believe that if you are not trying to say what you have in your mind then you are missing one of the best opportunities that we still have here in this world. Yes, we are being increasingly controlled and monitored every day, our freedoms and civil liberties slowly becoming eroded but we can still exist and resist to create an alternative, to mange some kind of change. Even if this change is not as big a change as you want it to be, YOUR voice, YOUR actions are still relevant to the never ending resistance that those who govern us try to impose through law, the State and the increasing power of multi-national companies that are bit-by-bit branding and cleansing our world of individuality, of human beings uniqueness, in their desire to forever increase PROFIT! These companies that have so much power in dominating the economic climate of our towns and cities are smothering us. Money talks.

    Sometimes it seems that our individual actions are pointless, that what we try to achieve in our own individual lives or within our social ones, that our squats, social centres, places to meet, organise, share, have a good time in, are extinguished bit by bit as the corporate world spreads farther and farther afield to clone and monopolise the masses. Our voice exists as a protest against the selfish, individualised and plastic world that we see that is poisoning and destroying nature as well as the humans that are PART of nature. If we cannot try to change the wrongs that we have been trained to know to be right then we are never ever going to be able to achieve any larger changes either. So don't keep quiet. Agitate. Organise. Create. Do-It-Yourself.

    To say that the earth is dying is nothing new. To be able to give a future for our children and theirs we have to be more concerned about the earth. Still we have to try to live our lives so that we can enjoy ourselves. To be able to live our lives as though everyday was our last but to also to realise our impact on the environment as if you would live forever. This would be the ultimate but to be realistic, this is not always a possibility. We all need lighter moments in these sad times. Where the threat of everything comes over us all the time. Up the fucking punk life! Have fun! And don't just think about yourself. Be a loving person. As long as it is possible.

    Love, Peace and Equality.
    // Project Hopeless

    Disclaimer: this biography was gathered automatically through an external music database and could be inaccurate. We don't control the information found here.

    Label - Not Enough Records

    Swedish D.I.Y. hardcore punk label. Active since 2002.
  2. Starfighter

    Starfighter d(^_^)b Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Active Member




    Feb 16, 2011
    Male , 38 years old
    Malmö, Sweden  Sweden
    1 En Enda Dag / One Single Day

    A common difficulty to opt out of
    An international struggle that's only gotten one single day
    The seriousness of claiming not knowing or having opinions
    To sweep problems under the rug and pretend it's nothing

    One single day

    Equality is a fact but still just a word
    A word for an expression, what does it equalize?
    Your conscience or your own fucking shoes
    Now's the time for you to start rowing

    One single day

    In the international society of men
    There's enough room for change
    Is this the women's fight
    What are we doing, we only destroy
    We've been given the responsibility of change
    But is it the women that should row when you want more?

    4 Av Hela Mitt Hjärta / Wholeheartedly

    When the cops chases kids to even out the statistics
    We see the development in shattered windows
    Racists in uniform who likes to fight a lot
    Now it's our turn! It's us, it's them!
    Controlled by humiliation, the government is dead

    What the hell do you think you'll get
    When you stain the hopes gray
    The state repression becomes the evolution of violence
    Rougher tactics and more cops
    Are you decreasing the risks of society?

    Up with the finger, give it to the pigs
    I wholeheartedly hate the cops

    The process is processed and more and more is constructed
    Prejudice based profiles of things that should be erased
    The will of the power is represented by the cop's grip around my neck
    Zero tolerance? No fucking where!

    The cops have only just begun, our response is to hit back
    Thugs and terrorists, we're the shortcomings of society
    Nothing's changed
    No people should fear it's government
    The government should fear it's people

    Up with the finger, give it to the pigs
    I wholeheartedly hate the cops
  3. Starfighter

    Starfighter d(^_^)b Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Active Member




    Feb 16, 2011
    Male , 38 years old
    Malmö, Sweden  Sweden
    Fun fact: This band had to postpone a lot of plans (recordings, shows etc) in the middle of their existence due to the bassist/second vocalist got jailtime for beating up a cop in Copenhagen.
  4. Spike one of many

    Spike one of many Experienced Member Uploader Active Member Forum Member




    Aug 14, 2012
    Western Cape, South Africa  South Africa
    This would actually be really awesome if only the second vocalist would be singing/ shouting... do you know what I mean...? :)
  5. Starfighter

    Starfighter d(^_^)b Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Active Member




    Feb 16, 2011
    Male , 38 years old
    Malmö, Sweden  Sweden
    I do! I don't think Tom wants to, though. I've known these guys since I was 14 years old so I've been following their musical progress for many years and I guess Oskar's voice (main singer) is a bit of an acquired taste. :) He's been constantly evolving as well, take a listen at his earlier singing here, compare it to this upload and then have a listen at his latest performance here. I'm pretty excited for the upcoming LP Dödsreveljen ("The death reveille"), I've yet to hear a single teaser track.
  6. aint ashamed

    aint ashamed Experienced Member Active Member




    Aug 22, 2010
     United States
    " Maybe You've Got The Dogs And The Guns,
    But Someday You Won't See Us Run " Mick Farren [R.I.P.]
    aint ashamed
  7. Spike one of many

    Spike one of many Experienced Member Uploader Active Member Forum Member




    Aug 14, 2012
    Western Cape, South Africa  South Africa
    Yes!! I really do like Oskar's vocals on Attitydproblem! Yeah, I guess it is an acquired taste :) Some vocals are just better suited to some styles than others, or maybe it's just my personal preference. But then again it's punk, so practically anything goes. I wasn't trying to be nasty or anything, I just spotted the potential of this album (again: peronal preference). This dual vocal thing seems to really be trending right now and well, sometimes it works really well and sometimes not so well. Sometimes I forget that it's not just us three having casual conversations here but that we're actually on a public forum, lol.
    Oskar, if you ever read this, please don't be offended.
  8. Starfighter

    Starfighter d(^_^)b Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Active Member




    Feb 16, 2011
    Male , 38 years old
    Malmö, Sweden  Sweden
    I don't think he's on here but I promise he wouldn't have been offended if he read it. Taste is individual, of course! :)
    Spike one of many likes this.
  9. AzizRIOT

    AzizRIOT Member New Member




    Sep 26, 2011
    Hell yeah, thanks for the upload! Can't wait to blast this shit in my car. Much appreciated, mate!

10 members have read this thread this month

  1. aint ashamed
  2. ogooru
  3. ungovernable
  4. Rune
  5. Starfighter
  6. Spike one of many
  7. Bloodgrinder
  8. meier42
  9. Sands74
  10. Simon h
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