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Dust punx picnic

Discussie in 'North America & Pacific Region' gestart door dan00a, 10 jun 2011.

  1. dan00a

    dan00a Experienced Member Experienced member




    7 jan 2010
    I will be there. You'll know at least myself a select few of my crusty friends. If you can get to Norman, Oklahoma on June 22nd there's a punx picnic going on, and it's gonna be great. No alcohol, no cigarettes, straightedge (because it's a public park if you want to do whatever you want wherever else, if you're caught in the park, I'll remove you myself because the noise permit is under my best friend's name and I don't want him to serve time because lolpolice). Norman, Oklahoma June 22nd. Right off of I-35 south. Head towards like austin/dallas on I-35 and Norman is an exit. From there, find out how to get to Main Street and from there you head to lions park. It'll be easy to find, we'll have fliers wheatpasted wherever we can.