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Make Bologna the Process

Discussion dans 'General political debates' créé par statuliber, 9 Mars 2010.

  1. statuliber

    statuliber Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    13 Septembre 2009
    Thursday (11.3.2010) is a big party for the old grey man in power. They celebrate the tenth birthsday of the Bologna Process, which ruined the freedom and autonomy of students in whole Europe and economised education

    To make it short, we won't let them have their party! We are gonna block the streets of Vienna were the whole thing is supposed to take place!
    I know most people here are far away and can't get to Vienna, but I hope we've got you solidarity ;)

  2. punkmar77

    punkmar77 Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member

    5 737



    13 Novembre 2009
     United States
    I don't know what its about, but if its about the further perpetuation of class division through the educational system then go get the motherfuckers!

  3. Bananaman

    Bananaman Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    9 Août 2009
    Having missed the bologna process more or less completely I often wonder how good or bad it really is... From my own point of view most students are really apathy filled kids that could never work out a way to stand for their thing. Some organized protests but not much good came out of it, as they always settled for a slightly lover criteria or a little reduction of scholarship fees. Which latter on they were all but denied, but in the end just gave up. Not to sound elitist or anything but here in Serbia people studying Biology, Chemistry, Math, Physics, Veterinary and such never complained...
  4. Anxiety69

    Anxiety69 Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member Forum Member

    2 341



    18 Octobre 2009
    Homme , 46 years old
    Long Beach CA  United States
    for us ignorant types, what is this bologna process?
  5. statuliber

    statuliber Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    13 Septembre 2009
    Well basically it is their way of "modernizing" the educational system, of course it is a neoliberal pro-economy way of doing so! I have made my personal experience studying a semester of informatics, it's an elite-building system load of crap...

    More informaton is available at:
  6. Bananaman

    Bananaman Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    9 Août 2009
    It's sort of a process of streamlining education in europe, in way making standards that will hold true to all european countries so their higher education could be interchangeable. But it is also a process of standardization that makes education easy for anybody willing to dish out $$$, as it's more about making people that will be work efficient in three years rather than making them scientists or giving them a really good education. It's also about putting the costs of education away from the state.

    In a way it's like making European education more American, as if I'm not horribly wrong in US most of the good schools aren't state financed and charge scholarships and it is highly unusual that somebody who makes an effort fails a year and doesn't get his degree in 4 or 5 years.

    On the other hand some European countries had educational systems where it took average students 6 to 9 years for a degree in a program that was supposed to last four years. If you got your degree on time which means four to five years that meant that you a) have no life and a really good work ethic or somebody forcing you or b) that you really are more intelligent than an average person and have a talent for studying and a good work ethic.

    Officially the Bologna process is enabling the average person to put in a 40 hours work week and get his degree in 3 to 5 years. In reality this often not the case as (in case of my university) professors think it takes far less homework to get things done than students do...

    But, it's not all bad as it's makes it far easier for post grad students to move on which in turn makes positions of some professors far less secure, and trust me that is a good thing. My education has been almost 100% Bologna free, in a way I regret it as I would have liked to have my degree sooner. And think that having to memorize hundreds of chemical formulas at time is useless, although making stuff that was used to gas people in WW1 could come in handy some day (if only I could remember how exactly it was made...). I have also seen things done to animals that I wish I've never seen, but that is another problem...
  7. dwtcos

    dwtcos Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    22 Octobre 2009
    I thought this was going to be a thread on making bologna, which, of course would have evolved into yet another animal rights debate.
  8. Wonder138

    Wonder138 Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    2 Décembre 2009
    lol i know right
  9. Anom

    Anom Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    21 Décembre 2009
    Being an boulogna-process-school-dropout, i give you my full support!