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Powerage - Protest to Survive EP +1 EP - 1985 (South Africa)

Discussion in 'Anarcho-Punk music albums downloads' started by Spike one of many, Mar 1, 2017.

  1. Spike one of many

    Spike one of many Experienced Member Uploader Active Member Forum Member




    Aug 14, 2012
    Western Cape, South Africa  South Africa


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    Track List:

    1. Stop Apartheid
    2. Death Dance
    3. Adapt Or Die
    4. Freedom


    Track List:

    1. Freedom Of Speech
    2. The Last Dove
    3. Deceit
    4. Animal Attack
    5. Smash the AWB


    Man, this has been nagging at me for a while now... I've been feeling guilty for not putting these guys up here on A-PN sooner. They surely deserve to be here.
    On a personal note, these guys have given us so much support back in the day, be it with promoting our band, opening their homes to us, or just being the warm-hearted friends that they were.
    And most of all they've been truly dedicated to promoting the SA punk scene, both within the country and beyond its borders, and to promoting and distributing international punk/HC in South Africa.

    The following info was taken from this site: south-african-punk-downloads.blogspot.co.za/2011/04/powerage-80s-punk-dbn.html

    "Powerage was one of the first punk bands to come out of South Africa, with songs against apartheid, the a.w.b., and everything that they saw wrong in the world. Through the time Powerage was together the line up changed several times. This is definitely one of the bravest punk bands to have come out of the 80s" - Last FM

    "Power Age formed in Durban, South Africa in June 1981. The first line-up was Spike-vocals, Brett-guitar, Brian-guitar, Dave-bass, Mark Pills-drums. The first gig was on 3rd October 1981 supporting the Gay Marines. It was their first encounter with the police as well, as Spike got taken in, because some policemen didn't like his pink mohawk. In June '82 Spike arranged a benefit show and 6 punk bands played. The show was a great success. Straight after this show Brian and Dave left. Midge joined on bass and it proved better with one guitar, so it was kept to a four piece. In November '82 Mark left to go live in England. Rubin Rose (previously from South Africa’s first punk band Wild Youth and later Warspike) replaced him immediately and the band really started moving. .. .. In April '83 they put out their first 7" vinyl release ‘World War 3 / Vengeance of Youth’. At the same time Midge left the band due to musical differences. The band was stagnant for 2 months until Paddy joined on bass. He was a good friend of the band but had never played before, so it was like starting again. In '84 the 2 songs off the first 7" were released on the UK compilation LP ‘Beating the Meat’. At this time in Durban (and the whole of South Africa) the scene was virtually dead - Power Age were the only punk band. In June '84 they played the ‘Punk '84’ show with new bands Wild Justice and State Control. It was a fantastic success and the owner of the venue let them run it for punk shows. Things went well and a good number of bands sprung up and the scene started moving. In June '85 they put out a C-60 tape ‘Who Are You?’ - one side studio, the other live and also succeeded in getting a track ‘System’ onto a French compilation EP entitled ‘Single Ticket to Paradise’. November '85 saw the release of the now legendary 4-track EP ‘Stop Apartheid’ in France by Neg-FX Records. In May '86 the band put out another C-60 tape release ‘Ripe for Terror’. At the same time they did a benefit show for a friend in jail. The venue owner somehow heard that it was a benefit for the ANC, and called the police. The police came, smashed up the gig and it was over. Luckily no one was arrested. .. .. Then the saddest moment came... Rubin quit the band in June '86. He had warned he might have to leave due to mounting pressure from his bosses. Peter then joined on drums, but couldn't play, so the band were stagnant again for 3 months. In February '87 they put out the 2 song 7" tribute to Rubin ‘World Today / Waiting for the War’ (recorded in '84) on their new label Power Noize Records. At the same time Peter left to play with Screaming Foetus and their good friend Choppy replaced him. In April '87 Power Age released a 5-track EP entitled ‘The Last Dove’. June '87 saw the release of the EP ‘Backlash’, a split EP with New Zealand-band Compos Mentis released on Out Of Order Records as well as one track ‘Eat Wheat Not Meat’ on a USA compilation LP entitled ‘The ALF Is Watching And You Can't Escape’. .. .. Having played only 77 shows in their 7 year existence Power Age played their last show on the 29th of July '88 . This show was recorded and made available as the ‘Live in Durban’ LP... .. ..

    Members Those who served 1981 - 1987: .. .. Spike - vocals .. Brett - guitar .. Brian - guitar .. Dave - bass .. Midge - bass .. Paddy - bass .. Mark - drums .. Rubin - drums .. Peter - drums .. Choppy - drums .. .... ...." -Myspace


    Protest To Survive
    Release Date : 1985

    The "STOP APARTHEID" EP Recorded in Durban (S.A.) Lyrics inside folded cover + infosheet The are copies with yellow cover

    Powerage Biography

    Power Age formed in Durban, South Africa in June 1981.
    The first line-up was Spike-vocals, Brett-guitar, Brian-guitar, Dave-bass, Mark Pills-drums.

    The first gig was on 3rd October 1981 supporting the Gay Marines. It was their first encounter with the police as well, as Spike got taken in, because some policemen didn't like his pink mohawk.
    In June '82 Spike arranged a benefit show and 6 punk bands played. The show was a great success. Straight after this show Brian and Dave left. Midge joined on bass and it proved better with one guitar, so it was kept to a four piece. In November '82 Mark left to go live in England. Rubin Rose (previously from South Africa’s first punk band Wild Youth and later Warspike) replaced him immediately and the band really started moving.
    In April '83 they put out their first 7" vinyl release ‘World War 3 / Vengeance of Youth’. At the same time Midge left the band due to musical differences. The band was stagnant for 2 months until Paddy joined on bass. He was a good friend of the band but had never played before, so it was like starting again. In '84 the 2 songs off the first 7" were released on the UK compilation LP ‘Beating the Meat’. At this time in Durban (and the whole of South Africa) the scene was virtually dead - Power Age were the only punk band.
    In June '84 they played the ‘Punk '84’ show with new bands Wild Justice and State Control. It was a fantastic success and the owner of the venue let them run it for punk shows. Things went well and a good number of bands sprung up and the scene started moving. In June '85 they put out a C-60 tape ‘Who Are You?’ - one side studio, the other live and also succeeded in getting a track ‘System’ onto a French compilation EP entitled ‘Single Ticket to Paradise’. November '85 saw the release of the now legendary 4-track EP ‘Stop Apartheid’ in France by Neg-FX Records. In May '86 the band put out another C-60 tape release ‘Ripe for Terror’. At the same time they did a benefit show for a friend in jail. The venue owner somehow heard that it was a benefit for the ANC, and called the police. The police came, smashed up the gig and it was over. Luckily no one was arrested.
    Then the saddest moment came... Rubin quit the band in June '86. He had warned he might have to leave due to mounting pressure from his bosses. Peter then joined on drums, but couldn't play, so the band were stagnant again for 3 months. In February '87 they put out the 2 song 7" tribute to Rubin ‘World Today / Waiting for the War’ (recorded in '84) on their new label Power Noize Records. At the same time Peter left to play with Screaming Foetus and their good friend Choppy replaced him. In April '87 Power Age released a 5-track EP entitled ‘The Last Dove’. June '87 saw the release of the EP ‘Backlash’, a split EP with New Zealand-band Compos Mentis released on Out Of Order Records as well as one track ‘Eat Wheat Not Meat’ on a USA compilation LP entitled ‘The ALF Is Watching And You Can't Escape’.

    Having played only 77 shows in their 7 year existence Power Age played their last show on the 29th of July '88 . This show was recorded and made available as the ‘Live in Durban’ LP.

    Band members: Paddy (10), Spike (67), Brett (24), Rubin Rose

    1. Hardcore/d-beat band from Düsseldorf, Germany.

    2. Powerage was one of the first punk bands to come out of South Africa, with songs against apartheid, the a.w.b., and everything that they saw wrong in the world. Through the time Powerage was together the line up changed several times. This is defenitely one of the bravest punk bands to have come out of the 80s

    3. Powerage is also the name of a Scandinavian band.

    4. Power Age was also the name of an underground J-Pop group, active from 2005 to 2009.

    5. AOR/hard rock band from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania founded in 1986. Now performing as "Powerage(d)" since 2012.

    Disclaimer: this biography was gathered automatically through an external music database and could be inaccurate. We don't control the information found here.

    Label - Neg Fx

    French hardcore punk label from Grenoble belonging to Gérard Miltzine of Bunker Records


    Screaming Foetus

    Riot Squad SA

    Surf Or Die

    Upright Citizens

  2. psychymilo

    psychymilo New Member New Member




    May 29, 2016
     United Kingdom
  3. The Hat

    The Hat Experienced Member Active Member




    May 29, 2019
    Illinois, United States  United States
    I always liked these guys 1000x better than Riot Squad S.A., although they were also great.

    The Old Timers also have some great music, but many will be put off by the fact they are "Christian Punk". (Don't blame you. Religion is a load of bollocks, but at least it's not Skrewdriver)
  4. Spike one of many

    Spike one of many Experienced Member Uploader Active Member Forum Member




    Aug 14, 2012
    Western Cape, South Africa  South Africa
    Riot Squad S.A. were christian punk you say? That's news to me. I'm can't say whether any of the band members were christian or not, maybe you know something I don't but I was friends with Skinner's (Riot Squad SA's vocalist) younger brother Mark, who went to the same school as me and who was also into punk. So, while I wasn't 'technically' friends with Skinner, I did know him (borrowed loads of his records and fanzines on a regular basis) and not once did I come across anything christian at his place - quite the opposite actually, considering he had one of the biggest anarcho-punk record collections I had ever come across at the time (as you'll be aware of, alot of which is rather critical of organised religion). I have a hard time believing they were a 'christian band'. Do you have any sources to back up your claim?

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