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How is your scene doing? Mine's deader than shit. (NJ)

Discussion in 'Music, punk scene & subcultures' started by DEADCOP_ONaROPE, Nov 25, 2010.

  1. punkmar77

    punkmar77 Experienced Member Uploader Active Member




    Nov 13, 2009
     United States
    Who are you asking?....hit me up when you come I'm sure something can be worked out somewhere....
  2. Age of Collapse

    Age of Collapse Member Forum Member




    Mar 19, 2011
    San Diego does currently have a pretty good scene, but finding places to play is a little tougher, especially on short notice. As far as "Venues" go we've only got 2 all ages and several bars. House shows happen occasionally, but it's pretty rough as you can now be fined $1000 for putting on shows at your house. My house got fined $2200 for putting on a house show, and it scared me away from doing so again. So, SD definitely has it's problems just like any other scene.
  3. Rev5

    Rev5 Member New Member




    Sep 28, 2011
    It sucks, doesn't it? Plus a lot of the punks here are fucking assholes. I met a few good people here and there, but we're all just so paranoid of someone who we didn't grow up with, as though they're going to start being a dick, too. I used to know some really cool people here, but they're all long and gone, up to San Fran, away from the bullshit here. Honestly, what the fuck is up with these gangsters showing up to punk shows? A few of my friends went to a backyard gig awhile ago when some punk and his girlfriend started shit, which ended with someone getting stabbed (I heard later they died) and people dodging bullets from the gang that was there. Before that, the last backyard gig I was at, some other gangsters thought the pit was an good place to randomly punch people in the face, my friend disagreed, and well, it was us two against a mob of asshole gangsters while everyone else just watched. You can't have any shows here without the cops coming in half-way through the night.
  4. minmax1

    minmax1 Member New Member




    Dec 24, 2011
    I'm still in high school. There is not a single punk in my fucking school; no one likes the music no one dresses punk. A few people have a punkish mentality. But fuck man, I live in the NY suburbs, so what do you expect?

    GORESLICE New Member New Member




    Jan 14, 2012
    I'm in Central Jersey too. I'd say New Brunswick is probably the best bet. It's close to NYC at least...I'm trying to find a better scene and people to play with too. Not sure if I should leave the state first or not.
  6. iflewoverthecuckoosnest

    iflewoverthecuckoosnest Active Member Forum Member




    Jul 20, 2010
    What scene? :lmao: No, seriously, I know of one, count 'em, one supposed punk band around these parts, and I don't even think they play live venues, I only know they exist because certain friends of mine know the band members. As for counterculture of any kind? There's a few people, such as myself, scattered around the edges of the area, but we don't amount to much of anything. Furthermore, as far as I can tell, it's always been this way. Mine's not exactly dead because it probably never existed.
  7. Ivanovich

    Ivanovich Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Jan 31, 2010
    You think you got it bad, eh? As far as I know there is one anarcho band in the entire country.
  8. iflewoverthecuckoosnest

    iflewoverthecuckoosnest Active Member Forum Member




    Jul 20, 2010
    Goddamn, Ivanovich, that sucks.
  9. alexisshithead

    alexisshithead Member New Member




    Jul 12, 2012
    The Boyle Heights/ East Los punk scene is amazing.
    Amazing bands everyone is so friendly. The people have been supporting it for so long everyone knows each other and there's hardly ever a weekend when someone doesn't plan a gig haha. Everyone here is just still so passionate about the music it's amazing & because of this you hardly ever have to deal with those snotty 'fashion punks'.
  10. JawnLobotomy

    JawnLobotomy Active Member Forum Member




    Jun 25, 2012
    The GVRD (Vancouver area) scene used to have a lot of great cheap, large venues that in recent past - 10 years - have been closing their doors. There is a greater black metal scene here than anything right now, and accessible, friendly pop-driven hipster radio rock seems to be permeating the last vestiges (917 Main - formerly the Cobalt) that used to house more than just meaningless sound from bands your friendly neighbourhood hipster insists you've never heard of.

    That being said, there are still some great hidden gems for venues and house shows here. I find though that a lot of people are very clique-y, and if you're not 'in' then you're just disregarded. That goes with all the different 'scenes' out there, and not exclusive to anarchists and punks.

    The cost of living in Vancouver city is an inflated sack waiting to burst at any moment, and once it does, there should be many more places for new friends to meet and bonds to be formed.
  11. bigdnoincentive

    bigdnoincentive New Member New Member




    Jul 9, 2012
    yeah fuck central NJ i hate it here. So hard to get a good show..
  12. refreshinghj

    refreshinghj Member Forum Member




    Jul 23, 2012
    Phillys not too bad. :/
  13. ZAchAtTacK

    ZAchAtTacK Member Forum Member




    Jul 21, 2012
    I forgot I was even a member here before haha...So I quote myself to give an update on the scene.

    It still sucks, but is slowly getting better. Most of the local bands are gone, but we still have Dirtbag, Subvert and a few others. We have had a surge in halfway decent shows lately that The So Cal Skankers have been throwing. The Cinco de Mayo show at Angel's with Naked Aggression was off the hook! And we had Battalion Of Saints again a couple of weeks ago. We're getting DRI in August also. Angel's Roadhouse had a problem with Skinheads at certain shows, but I haven't been seeing any except out in Phelan when I visit...but that's usually just wannabe bro nazis. There has been a lot of Spanish language ska bands popping up in the HD, but to my understanding that's all over So-Cal. The kids in the scene are very tightly knit nowadays. You still have your crews and shit, but everyone actually gets along now. I remember 2005 through 2008ish (when the scene was big) when the Crust Punk and Street Punk crowd fucking despised each other, but that's changed a lot I've noticed. I guess that's the consequence of having a smaller scene...Who else are you gonna kick it with? Everyone gets drunk together and there isn't a whole lot of in fighting anymore...Occasionally, yes. We do have some assholes out here still.

    The only place actual venue doing shows is Angel's at the moment. There are still a decent number of backyard gigs. Another memorable show that didn't happen was Leftover Crack at VVEC last year. There was almost a riot because the cops came to shut down the whole show when the band drove right past (and also due to the number of fights outside). Come to think of it, it was kinda fun being on stage shouting "Leftover Crack or our money back" and "Fuck the police" as the cops came in. We knew Leftover Crack wasn't going to show, but at the very least, Subvert should have been allowed to play. That place is shut down to my knowledge, which is an absolute waste because of the potential it has.

    The scene is getting better. Slowly haha. Punks are a dying breed out here. I have noticed a few kids that magically appear, but only at the larger shows...it would be nice if they were out supporting the local bands at backyard and garage gigs. I have also seen a larger number of squatter punks coming through lately.

    I'm going to be relocating to South Carolina, specifically Myrtle Beach for about a year. I know they have a House Of Blues and get bigger bands like NOFX, Rancid and Social Distortion on occasion, but is there an anarcho, crust, thrash or punk out there? My friend who I'm moving in with isn't a punk so he doesn't know, but he has warned me about Nazis as you get further inland. Any local bands? Any good venues?
  14. cheyannepiacenza

    cheyannepiacenza Experienced Member Active Member




    Jan 1, 2011

    fuuuu uuuuck the metahor, there's good shows and i have friends who play there frequently but i will never play there again. every time i've gone it's bro punx being way too macho, comparing dick sizes in the pit, making it uncomfortable for womyn, and when me and another band member addressed the crowd about this, everyone but steinfriends left. it's sweet that they had mortal kombat on at the car last time i was there, but fer realz fuck that.
  15. cheyannepiacenza

    cheyannepiacenza Experienced Member Active Member




    Jan 1, 2011
    something could definately be worked out, there's a few more houses that have been opened up in sd that would potentially be down
  16. Sick Boy 77

    Sick Boy 77 Experienced Member Uploader Active Member




    Mar 29, 2010
    The scene here is Charlotte, NC is still going strong. We have shows regularly and there is a new band popping up every other month or so. Nothing to complain about here.
  17. SirAnok

    SirAnok New Member New Member




    Jul 22, 2012
    my neighbor is actually from NJ and he told me he used to see all these awesome punk bands there.. but here in atlanta its starting to build back up which is fucking awesome. do what you can to bring bands there.. i got reagan youth to make a stop here and i met Paul, do whatever you can to bring the scene back.
  18. danzigmcfly

    danzigmcfly Active Member Forum Member




    Sep 29, 2010
    Yeah i just moved from charleston s.c. and if i wanted to see a show i would have to go there to do so i live about 40 mins from ashville now and see one monthly at least we even have a ska punk band in the little town i live in
  19. punkmar77

    punkmar77 Experienced Member Uploader Active Member




    Nov 13, 2009
     United States
    I was there remember? Anyway that post is pretty old and it was before I really started to dislike the place...which is all a moot point because as of now the Metaphor has one show left and is closing for good...
  20. Sick Boy 77

    Sick Boy 77 Experienced Member Uploader Active Member




    Mar 29, 2010
    Yeah dude. I love it here. A fight rarely breaks out between the punks and when it does it's almost always because someone is from out of town and just has to start shit.