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Discussion in 'General political debates' started by antitude420, May 23, 2010.

  1. antitude420

    antitude420 Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    May 16, 2010
    I searched the forum and I wasn't able to find a topic about this issue.

    In some parts of Europe and South America, bullfighting is seen as an ancient tradition, when it just consists of animal mistreatment and torture.
    Fans of this "tradition" seem to hide behind that same argument, "it's an ancient tradition, respect it" and they want to keep this horrific thing going on.

    Bullfighting, for those of you who aren't familiar with it, is called a "blood sport" in which one or more bulls are killed in an arena, for the sole purpose of entertaining the people watching it (in Portugal it's illegal to kill the bull in the arena but they injure it to the point that he isn't able to get up and then take him to the slaughterhouse).
    There's a toreador (the bullfighter) and his job is to subdue the bull, while riding a horse, and impale the bull with small spears with little flags and adornments on top.

    Video links:

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hretmzL8vZs (a bunch of clips displaying the bullfight, kinda soft, though)

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=od9NadMllSc (anti-bullfighting video)

    I'm radically against this so-called "sport", it should be discontinued. It's absurd and it results in suffering for both the bull, the horse (who sometimes gets injured and is also mental torture as horses are naturally affraid of bulls) and sometimes for the bullfighter (though I feel little compassion for him).

    What do you think should be done concerning this issue?

    EDIT: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lykReqCG ... r_embedded - recent video of an accident on a bullfight in Spain, the bull impaled the bullfighter shoving his horn through his throat in a way that it came out through his mouth. he's not dead nor does he is in a life threathning position but I sure hope he learned his lesson and will never put a foot inside an arena again! (the video may be a bit shocking for some)

  2. deadsmart

    deadsmart Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Nov 19, 2009
    I am against this as well.

    Its another instance where animals are harmed for no reason at all . "Tradition" and "Entertainment" aren't reasons ! Especially when they're that barbaric.

    I bet if they decided to bring back the roman "tradition" of gladiators, people would oppose it because its people being gored and not animals.

    As for what should be done, I think they should definately stop it, but HOW? I've never talked to anyone invovled in bullfighting so I'm not sure how you'd get through to people about how wrong it is.
  3. antitude420

    antitude420 Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    May 16, 2010
    I never knew a bullfighter or a "forcado" or anyone directly involved in bullfighting but my mom loves it and she uses that same idiotic argument I stated in my previous post, she says that "it's an art. it's a tradition, it's part of our culture and should be respected!" and when I try to tell her that "culture doesn't serve as an excuse for everything. in ancient rome, it was part of their culture to make gladiators fight until one of them died, still, they don't continue to do it, do they?!", to which she just responds "I don't have arguments with fundamentalists" and goes away.

    The argument she uses, is the same everyone who's pro-bullfighting uses, and I found it idiotic. I don't know how can someone support animal torture and justify it with "it's just a cultural thing". It pisses me off :@
  4. Anom

    Anom Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Dec 21, 2009
    We don't have bullfighting up here but i'm definately against it and think it needs to be stopped but don't know how. What we do have here are zoos that are far from animal friendly (and some that have actually done a lot of good too) and circuses using animals. What we've done that i've been involved in about that is spreading information. It's not enough but it's something. More needs to be done though, way more.
    With the meat industry at least most people can understand it's horrible but then they close their eyes and refuse to think of what they eat. With animalabuse as entertainment most people seems to be unable to see the horrors. They see a picture of a cute baby polarbear and they take their kids to look at it and are blind to how unnatural it is for the bears to live in cages. The cages might be big in some cases but they are there.
    Would want to have a solution for things like this but for now i don't know how to stop this crazyness.
  5. antitude420

    antitude420 Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    May 16, 2010
    Yeah, zoo's and circus mostly promote the usage and suffering of animals for the sole purpose of entertaining humans, it's horrible.
    I don't know, I guess we're missing some ALF action on this issue, maybe because bulls and zoo/circus animals are hard to keep.

    Also (back on the bullfighting issue), I never heard about ALF here in Portugal, I don't know about Spain, France and the other countries where bullfighting is part of their tradition (mostly latin countries), but we sure need a lot more radical action on this issue.

    Here, we mostly hand-out some flyers and do some rallys against bullfighting but it isn't enough because the arenas still exceed capacity on "barbarian night", it sucks. And that's why I think we should be more radical concerning some of this issues.

    The anarcho-movement along with the animal rights issue also needs more followers here in Portugal, we could use some outside help, btw ;)
  6. Anom

    Anom Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Dec 21, 2009
    If i ever find my way to Portugal i'm all for some bullfighter-fighting! ;)
  7. OB Soul

    OB Soul Active Member Forum Member




    May 23, 2010
    I'm totally with you on this, it's completely disgusting. Henry Rollins actually does a spoken word bit on the subject and gets it pretty right on i think.

    this issue is very similar to the circus/sea world issue, where a lot of it is that disconnect mainstream society has with the feelings and pain of animals involved in these entertainment venues. this of course boils down to not holding an animal's right to happiness as high as a human's. I think besides protesting and ads like the one posted that getting more of the animal rights/veggie vegan folks aware of this issue is critical, especially those outside of europe/south america. i know here in the states we don't really have bullfighting, but we do have water parks, rodeos and circuses and i think it's important that we not leave bullfighting out of discussions and actions just because it doesn't happen in our country.

    ***edit**** i realize that i've just reiterated several other posts. slow typer, what can i say?
  8. antitude420

    antitude420 Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    May 16, 2010
    Be sure to let me know and bring some friends!
    Just to let the our government know that despite being a small-country and an even smaller anarchist community, we're not alone in this fight against capitalists and their corrupt mentality concerning everything, including entertainment and animal rights. Imo, public entertaininment and animals should never go hand-in-hand. But, what can I say? Money, nationalism and entertainment, isn't that what capitalism is all about?
  9. Anom

    Anom Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Dec 21, 2009
    Of cause i'll let you know :D
    Animals should have nothing to do with entertaining humans (or rather non-human animals should have nothing to do with entertaining human animals) but yes, that's capitalism right there showing it's ugly face. I'd say the problem also include pets being treated as property. The word 'pet' is quite disgusting, doesn't at all speak of the animal as a living feeling beeing. I prefer to have 'animal friends' :)
  10. OB Soul

    OB Soul Active Member Forum Member




    May 23, 2010
    totally with you there. i honestly think that not only should there be universal health care for people but animals too, including animal companions. no one should be able to profit from sick or dying creatures, and vet bills are absurd.
  11. Anom

    Anom Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Dec 21, 2009
    That would be very good. I've had to go to vets several times for a variety of reasons with different animals and well sometimes, helping them is just so expensive it's impossible. Even to put a sick animal to rest so to speak is expensive but i've done that when they have been old or very very sick and there is nothing else i can do.
  12. antitude420

    antitude420 Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    May 16, 2010
    Yea, I agree that the word 'pet' is a derrogative term and that health care should be extendable to non-human beings (also with Anom on the usage of the word 'animal').

    Even though I have an 'animal friend', I feel quite sorry for it (it's a rabbit). My little sister insisted she wanted a rabbit so my mom got her one, I love it, but I hate seeing it walking around in a "small" cage, confined to just drinking, eating and shitting and sometimes just trying to run around and jump but not being able too...Kinda brakes my heart. We let her out everyday but it's just on our balcony, not that big of a space.

    I'm all for having 'animal friends' but only if you have the conditions to have it and if you agree to take it out everyday or just let it out from time to time, just for it to be able to connect with others of it's kind.
  13. Anom

    Anom Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Dec 21, 2009
    Very much agreeing on this.
    At least the bunny has someone who cares to take her out and make life as good as possible for her, wich is really all you can do for anyone - your best.
  14. Anxiety69

    Anxiety69 Experienced Member Uploader Active Member Forum Member




    Oct 18, 2009
    Male , 46 years old
    Long Beach CA  United States

    check out the anti-bullfighting song ONCE PROUD, NOW DEAD by Hagar The Womb, available for download from here!
  15. OB Soul

    OB Soul Active Member Forum Member




    May 23, 2010
    Yes to all of the above. I'm actually in the midst of vet issues with one of my rats who has a tumor and the family dog who also has a mass, and how the hell we're gonna pay for it. I love both my rats to pieces and the dog too and its sickens me that i have to even consider whether to treat them or not. i think the bonds humans and other animals is actually really beautiful, and mabye one day bulls will just chill out in the wild under cork trees instead of being slaughtered with swords for entertainment.
  16. antitude420

    antitude420 Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    May 16, 2010
    One can only hope. But until it happens we have to fight for it, the same way we fight for anarchy!

    And that's why I created this thread, because we need to come up with solutions for this kind of widely accepted display of animal brutality, it disgusts me.
    Why do people even think that saying it's a tradition would justify it or minimize the cruelty towards this innocent beings? It's unnaceptable and people should understand that no being should be harmed for the sole purpose of entertaining other beings...It's cruel, stupid and unnecessary!

    I really wish ALF would do something about this, I'd be more than grateful to help!
  17. Anxiety69

    Anxiety69 Experienced Member Uploader Active Member Forum Member




    Oct 18, 2009
    Male , 46 years old
    Long Beach CA  United States
    yeah but Alf likes to eat cats...
  18. antitude420

    antitude420 Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    May 16, 2010
  19. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Active Member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    yeah it's sick... even if they don't kill the bull..

    near my town there is a shit called the Western Festival and they do bullfighting all day long during the festival.... fuck them
  20. antitude420

    antitude420 Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    May 16, 2010
    Gather your town and boycott that shit \m/