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Marilyn Manson

Discussion in 'Music, punk scene & subcultures' started by Probe, May 4, 2010.

  1. Caliban

    Caliban Member Forum Member




    Apr 30, 2010
    he's a mainstream effeminate GG allin. He flaunts his wealth and hates his fans all while not giving a shit.
  2. russaddams

    russaddams Member Forum Member




    Mar 3, 2010
    There was a point where I would say that Manson had intelligent things to say (somewhere around the Bowling For Columbine interview others have mentioned on here). As for now he's mostly a bloated whiney asshole, that doesn't have anything to say because he's already played all his (and I use this lightly) "aces." It's best for all of the world that he's too busy drowning his sorrow in bottles of his own manufactured absinthe, and making his redundant finger-paintings.
  3. Shuei

    Shuei Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Jan 19, 2010
    There's nothing wrong with the absinth, it taste's just fine :p Not the best i've tried, but fine
  4. t-bag

    t-bag Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Oct 24, 2009
    I Loved Manson in My Angsty "i hate everything" teen days lol. Still enjoy their music on occasion ,more so for memories sake then anything else though.
  5. Ferago

    Ferago Active Member Forum Member




    Feb 15, 2010
    Just a shock rocker trying to make a buck. I've never really cared about him too much either way. He's interesting in interviews though.
  6. jasondisgusting

    jasondisgusting New Member New Member




    May 28, 2010
    I remember when i was 15 and his music really pissed off my parents, so of course, I copied the first three albums, then I heard GG Allin for the first time and I thought "He makes Marilyn Manson look like a sunday school teacher". I still listen to his first three albums mostly for nostalgia, but I've pretty much outgrown that part of my life. I know some punks who listen to marilyn manson and one of them is from 77, so you can listen to whatever you want and still be a punk.
  7. Shuei

    Shuei Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Jan 19, 2010
    I still listen to some manson too. I think all of us listen to commercial bands.
    I don't find mansons music that interesting anymore, but he has these 3-4 songs that i find good and that i still listen to. Apart from that, i like how he used to shock hollywood a little, they needed it, even though he has become quite boring for a shock rocker today.
  8. ZmobieBoy

    ZmobieBoy Active Member Forum Member




    Oct 15, 2010
    Sitting in Sociology class
    Teachers shows us "Bowling For Columbine"
    She tells us how she's so goth and loves Marilyn Manson
    Girl in class also claims to be an goth and talks about how she's discriminated against for looking like a douche
    I get mad and go post this story on anarcho-punk.net while wearing my Bauhaus shirt because I'm delusional and think I'm better than them for being tru deffrawk

  9. Shuei

    Shuei Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Jan 19, 2010
    Hehe, welcome to the club :p Even when i wore a Joy Division shirt with a high deathhawk, Christ vs. Warhol patch, military boots, eyeliner and ripped fishnets as accessories to school, i was still asked if i wanted to help one from the other class in her assignment, by getting interviewed on "emo" :p
    Goth is even more misunderstood in mainstream today than punk is - and watching the popularity of Avril Lavigne and such... That says a lot!
  10. nylonpirate

    nylonpirate New Member New Member




    Oct 17, 2010
    this was about 3 months ago, but i was reading an article in a prominent Los Angeles counter culture paper (name escapes me possibly LA weekly, forgive me. At work I read between 20-55 papers daily) I'n it a Local music reviewer who had been out of the scene for while was being intervied. He told a story of being invited to Manson's house for Christmas. Shortly after arriving it became a parent the only reason he was invited was because he had a coke hookup. The entire time the only music allowed played was manson's own. He came to the conclusion that manson was one of the most ignorant egotistical individuals he had ever meet. In his words "if this man worked at a gas station, the place would cease to exist".

    Not surprisingly, anyone who has a ghostwiter make up sexual abuse in a autobiography, to give himself more "musical credibility" is a waste of oxygen
  11. Bentheanarchist

    Bentheanarchist Experienced Member Uploader Active Member




    Dec 10, 2010
    Fuck Marilyn Manson hes a fake
  12. Bentheanarchist

    Bentheanarchist Experienced Member Uploader Active Member




    Dec 10, 2010
    He is just a mainstream sellout, who isnt even a goth. He is just a poser like some kids in my grade who want to blend in with a scene, and act badass to hide the fact that their life sucks.
  13. SOADcore

    SOADcore Experienced Member Active Member




    Mar 29, 2011
    Manson is a fucking smart dude. I like his art style and message but music... eh, some of his stuff is good.

    But that might be because I'm in high school now and listen to a lot of "emo" or "goth" stuff. (Escape the Fate, Asking Alexandria, The Word Alive, etc.)
  14. ChaosUK

    ChaosUK Active Member Forum Member




    Apr 9, 2011
    Just another freak In the Freak Kingdom
    Just another whore in the Mainstream
  15. Bentheanarchist

    Bentheanarchist Experienced Member Uploader Active Member




    Dec 10, 2010
    Manson is an idiot, who expects you to buy his music so he can buy shit, and make more money by seducing women
  16. SOADcore

    SOADcore Experienced Member Active Member




    Mar 29, 2011
    99% of musicians who sell music sell it for personal gain. Its not that uncommon.
  17. Burn1ng

    Burn1ng Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Apr 24, 2011
    This fucking piece of shit murderer was the indirect cause of Jennifer Syme's death. The most laughable thing about it is that one of Manson's buddies, David Lynch, dedicated Mullholland Drive to her.


    Way to show Jennifer's mother the finger Mr. Lynch, you're quite the fucking gentleman.

    (I still like how he directs movies and gets my respect for being a very good filmmaker, however it doesn't go beyond that for me anymore).
  18. The Freakboi

    The Freakboi Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    May 8, 2011
    So a grown woman gets shitfaced and decides to drive and suddenly that's Marilyn Manson's fault? Tell me, how would her mother have any idea that Manson "instructed" her to drive? You don't think this might be to do with Syme's mother not being able to cope with her daughter dying as a result of drugs? I think alot of people would want someone to blame in that situation. How horrible must it be, as a parent, to accept that your child's death was their own fault?
  19. Burn1ng

    Burn1ng Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Apr 24, 2011
    It was well known by everyone on the Hollywood scene that Syme had lost her daughter just around a year ago, now if you are the anarchist and conscious punk you claim to be answer me this.

    Would you give illegal substances to somebody who was obviously still heavily depressed after losing A CHILD? If your answer is yes, then perhaps you shouldn't be here...

    Just so you know, Jennifer was Keanu Reeves' girlfriend for some time, after their daughter (Ava Archer Reeves) was stillborn in december 1999, they broke up but remained good friends.

    She obviously didn't have to take those substances, but in the condition she was she should've been kept away from them. Wasn't it likely that if offered something that would make the pain go away for even just a little she would just accept? wouldn't you? After all she was just a human being.

    Way I see it, it's not her fault having poor (justified) judgment, it was Manson's fault for offering her stuff he knew she couldn't handle in the first place.
  20. JackNegativity

    JackNegativity Experienced Member Uploader Active Member Forum Member




    Nov 9, 2010

    Why shouldn't he be here? Are you the moral authority here? Give me one good argument as to how telling somebody they can't do something (in this case taking drugs, depressed or not) with their own body is even remotely anarchist. Think about what you're saying and how it sounds.