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GMO (genetically modified organism) solution to world hunger or end of natural food as we know it

Discussion in 'General political debates' started by IamMe, Feb 1, 2013.

  1. IamMe

    IamMe Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Dec 29, 2012
     United Kingdom
    someone sugested that i start this topic so i did, has any one got any good opinions on this topic or a deeper undertanding than me. back in the 90's there was a big deal over GMO crops and a bunch of hippy anarchists gatherd in fields where they were growing GMO crops and started ripping them up from the ground, these crops have had pesticieds added to thier DNA so that pests would die as soon as they began to eat the crop and the farmer's woudent need to spray chemicals on his crop they also minipulate the DNA so that the fruit's skin is tougher and wouldent brake/bruse easier, but there are people and scintists included who think that these added DNA cells get transferd to our DNA which results in our bodys turing into living pesticide factory's scary shit. but latley people have forgot about it and these fruit and veg are being sold in our supermarkets and GMO based animal feed are being fed to the livestock that people consume its pretty hard to avoid unless you eat organic but that shits reserved for the super rich. the govement say that its safe and is the only way to stop world hunger but i think that there doing it for profit and profit only.i dont agree with genetic minipulation and think it should be left to evolution, this problem is not just confined to farmers who choose this method of growing, these plants end up being cross polinated with normal or organic crops which result in the seeds being GMO seeds, there is a fear that these fucking crops will end up being the only crops on planet earth and i think this is a scary thought, as i know little about this subject i would like to hear some information of someone who has good knowledge in this area. i think we ANARCHISTS need to take action and perhaps burn these crops to the ground because i cant think of another way to stop this problem except from direct action.

  2. Brother Matthew

    Brother Matthew Member New Member




    Feb 1, 2013
    Yes very important topic. Truley one of the most devostating operations effecting all living orginisms natural existance. They use silver iodiode,targeted drought, induced coastal flooding to destroy the crops of private farmers. All of this just to be able to come in and buy the farmland for pennies on the dollar or sell them their patented gmo seed and if the farmer does not want to sell the land or buy their yearly seed they are left with a baron farmland. Now the eugenics programs on human genes is still at work as well. they can take your blood,manipulate it then patent thier results. One of my concerns about that is the potential of them tweaking a couple laws and patent your bloodline period. My major concern is that they are working to make 4 types of humans mentioned by the mad men themselves.1.super yuppy: inteligent, attractive, non lethal, Etc... 2.cold warriors: extemely durable,able to carry out missions with no moral conflict , killswitch implanted, disposable. 3 complients: zero resistance, no personal goals, will fill any void they are appionted to. 4 Fazeouts: genome has not been manipulated, they are enslaved and butchered untill thier genome dies out of humanity perminetly. Now to stop all of this it will take far more than just anarchists. many scientist and workers involved are often unaware of the goals of thier employers. they are of told they are saving the world and then sign agreements to be silent. We must awaken these key people along with the rest of the population with a balance of truth and love. Yelling at those with head in the sand only makes the burrow further. We must comfort them while giving them the burdon of the truth although all will not acept it.
  3. Spike one of many

    Spike one of many Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member Forum Member




    Aug 14, 2012
    Banana Republic  South Africa
    Its almost impossible to avoid consuming GMO-contaminated food. In the US and some other countries food products are not required to have a GM label. But even in countries where GM labelling is mandatory you can still never be sure that what you're buying is truly GM free. That's because all GM food labelling uses predetermined thresholds, as it is not possible to ensure zero GM in a product once GMOs are present in the production system.
    These thresholds vary from 0.9% in the EU to up to 5% for the US, Canada and some other countries.
    So even if you buy "organic" products in the US, they can still contain up to 5% GMOs.
    What's more, some of those "natural" food production companies are actually owned by GMO producing co's so their labels are intentionally misleading.

    Unless we had access to a fleet of bombers and enough napalm to do the job properly, trying to burn down those crop fields by hand would be futile, and a bunch of hippies trying to uproot acres and acres of crops is even more so.

    @ Brother Matthew
    That's a fucking scary scenario with the genetically modified humans. I've heard of the super yuppie thing (the master race) and the super soldiers would be likely to follow. Once the fazeouts are all gone and I'm sure we won't go quietly, it's very likely that they'd start creating the complient slave race. That is some scary shit indeed. Trying to awaken these scientists might slow down this process a bit but like you said we won't get to all of them so in the end it would be inevitable. Someone just has to discover how to create complient super scientists and we're all done for :lmao:
  4. Kobac

    Kobac Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member Forum Member




    Nov 7, 2009
    While these food producers and proponents of genetic engineering emphasize the usefulness of such products, a good part of the scientific public is opposed to this and warns of unforeseeable consequences "playing of God."

    http://truth-out.org/news/item/11014-mo ... initiative

    during 1970 Monsato company introduced GM food with excuse of solving the hunger problem in third world countries(and they could easily if they wanted to),now 40 years later people are starving more than ever..it s all about money again,nothing else
  5. IamMe

    IamMe Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Dec 29, 2012
     United Kingdom
    thanks guys for the replys this is a complicated subject and i am trying my best to understand :S it makes me sad that a bunch of fucked up control freak's want to fuck the planet and us up as much as there trying, what the hell do they want they have all the money in the world, all the control but they still want more the fat greedy CUNTS!!! what could they posibly want, do they have a pact with the devil or some other supernaturel force or a deal with Ailians to enslave us( i dout these options but what else could it be). that super human thing sounds like a sci-fi horor film but it could probably be done they have attemted super soldiers already with brainwashing.

    my personal solution on avoiding GMO's and the system is moving to a commune in the middle of a rural area where they produce there own food but after hearing your replies i dont think theres a way of avoiding this shit but it has to be the best way, yes? i think the only way to stop these bastards is a comit to our planet, it would wipe out us (humans and other species of animal's) but the energy of life would still go on, evolution would cary on and the planet would be free again from our controling grasp.

    if only there was a way of waking the mass population up, but if you talk to most people about this stuff they think your a paranoid loony that has lost his mind or that your a preecher that wont shut up, but if every one turned against the goverment we could over run them easyily, there is power in the poor but we just dont know how to awaken that power, the mass population have been made dosile and dumb so they cant be botherd to think for there self and would rather work all week to get pissed on the weekend and then doing it agian and agian untill there dead. AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH this subject gets me going but we NEED to fight back, be a preeching fucker aslong as your preeching the truth. sorry about the spelling.
  6. Spike one of many

    Spike one of many Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member Forum Member




    Aug 14, 2012
    Banana Republic  South Africa
    It really does seem like they have some kind of pact with the devil, hey? Or maybe wotshisname is right: there ARE lizard people, here to enslave the human race, haha. I really don't know what makes those people tick!

    Yeah, but be careful with growing your own food, that it doesn't get contaminated with monsanto's seeds or you'll have to plant GMO crops! :lmao:

    Oh, the earth will fight back, but we're the one's who'll end up paying the price!
  7. IamMe

    IamMe Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Dec 29, 2012
     United Kingdom
    your right there spike we will pay the price. ye lizard people with crazy eyes hahaha what a bunch of parinoid kids, ye i would like to know what makes them tick to, cant be money or power cos they already have that.

    hopfully in rural wales organic crops wont become contaminated, but i can only hope
  8. miss.defarge

    miss.defarge Member Forum Member




    Jan 7, 2013
    Well, those are certainly some serious concerns that you guys have about genetically modified and genetically engineered organisms. I know a bit about this, but I have to admit that I’ve never heard some of these before. I’m curious where you’re getting your information from? What’s your source?

    Kobac, I read your source and I totally agree that GE food should be labeled, and that, as spike pointed out, the standard for labeling should be clear.

    Oh, please don’t! It breaks my heart when test crops are destroyed.

    I mean, are you anti-knowledge?

    The whole reason that test crops are there is to gather data about the benefits and risks of genetically modified plants. Plus, many field experiments aren’t genetically engineered crops at all – they could be conservation work on indigenous plants, field tests of traditional crops, etc. These scientific field tests are usually very well controlled and represent a lot of time and work on the part of many scientists. When they’re destroyed, all of the data are lost and it makes it very difficult for anyone (scientists, policy makers, citizens like yourselves) to make decisions about what the potential risks of GE plants are, and whether the benefits outweigh them.

    Surely you would agree that an unformed (or ill-informed) decision is a terrible thing?
  9. Spike one of many

    Spike one of many Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member Forum Member




    Aug 14, 2012
    Banana Republic  South Africa
    These are my two sources:
    http://www.academicjournals.org/ajb/PDF/pdf2006/16Jan/Viljoen et al.pdf

    The problem with independent scientific testing of GM seeds/crops is this:

  10. Bakica

    Bakica Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Feb 21, 2010
    Well, even if you tried it's very hard to stop producing GM food now. There are millions of people who live on agriculture both poor | private farmers and big coorporations. Poor farmers are somehow forced to use GM food since it's the only way to grow big, nice looking and 'tasty' plants in no time. That way they can compete with bigger companies. I think that for the most of 'our' problems we can blame capitalism. If you look at the reason why GM food was created ( to feed the 3rd world countries ) you will see that capitalism is behind it. I definitely agree with you and think that GM food should be stopped no matter what, since I'm just disgusted with non-natural food ( i'm veg. ). And don't do stupid things.
  11. IamMe

    IamMe Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Dec 29, 2012
     United Kingdom
    some good replies and information thanks guys, ye just really pissed of when i first wrote this post and i undertand that thers no point in burning crops. i agree capatalism is to blame and theres not much we can do only make an indivitual effort to avoid purchasing or growing gmo products. hopfully our grandchildren will get the chance to taste naturaly grown plants.
  12. AlphaEagle

    AlphaEagle Member Forum Member




    Mar 18, 2013
    Just as a side note: not all anarchists are against capitalism. Anarchists typically do share the idea that there should be no government "as such", and oppose the idea of the monopoly of violence. In this light, you can't really suggest an organized destruction.

    OT: GMO is not "against nature". Evolutionary speaking, we are the result of genetic reprogramming, and "organic mergers". The main issue with GMO at the moment is the unavailability of useful independent research results. As someone mentioned earlier, all research data on the commercial GMO is protected and private. Obviously, such information should not be, and people should be allowed to review and experiment for themselves. Also, long term research is needed.

    The commercial exploitation is to be expected, as most of the world is of the capitalist persuasion (and yes, I consider modern socialism in all western countries capitalist in nature).

    so my conclusion: GMO could be great, but capitalism (especially IP protection and copyright/patent laws) prevents useful and safe exploitation.This current exploitation also displays destructive tendencies, supported by the (at least American) justice system. There are several cases where farmers where convicted of theft or patent infringement, because produce has "wandered" into their fields from test and production sites.

    THEBLACKNOVA Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Aug 11, 2011
    A note to your side note...

    All anarchists reject capitalism... :D

    theres this little book you should check out if you disagree, it compiles a lot of anarchist ideas into a neat little book: THE ANARCHIST FAQ...

    On the web: http://infoshop.org/page/AnAnarchistFAQ
    As a downloudable PDF: http://theanarchistlibrary.org/topics/an-anarchist-faq

    theres tons of responses on the many questions "anarcho-capitalists" bring up blah blah blah it you lean that way, just saying...

    enjoy reading it, there will be a quiz latter on :ecouteurs:


  14. AlphaEagle

    AlphaEagle Member Forum Member




    Mar 18, 2013
    A book is also someone's opinion, and not necessarily proof of anything. In this case, an essay written by several socialists with anarchist tendensies, trying to proof that anarchism doesn't belong in the hands of capitalists. All under the assumption that possession is "evil" and oppressive in nature. And tbh, I don't need someone's opinion that tries to proof that there might or might not be inherent flaws in some ideology. Anarcho-Capitalists exists, and are anarchists as they are against a formal or organized government/form of rule. Which is the fundamental element of anarchy.
  15. Bakica

    Bakica Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Feb 21, 2010
    I don't want to be rude but i don't think this site needs anarcho-capitalist supporters ( i'm not saying you are, but anar.-capit. is highly criticized on APN), so please be kind and don't bring up this topic here.
  16. AlphaEagle

    AlphaEagle Member Forum Member




    Mar 18, 2013
    1. Ignoring the world doesn't make it go away. I've also read the forum intro stuff, and I think they state that it's all about allowing the flowers of anarchism to bloom. You seem to want to snip all but the red roses.
    2. I did not bring the subject up. I merely noted that anarchism is not synonymous with anti-capitalism. THEBLACKNOVA made this about anarcho-capitalists.
    3. Whether I am, or am not, an anarcho-capitalist or anarcho-capitalist supporter is truly unknown, even to me. I also deem that assessment without value.
  17. JesusCrust

    JesusCrust Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Apr 17, 2010
    Anarchism =/= capitalism.

    Capitalism = hierarchy

    Anarchism = No hierarchy, not just no state.


    That is all.

    THEBLACKNOVA Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Aug 11, 2011
    where in the world out side the internet or in some right leaning think tank is anarchist/anarchism and capitalist/capitalism considered to even be on the same side???

    on the streets of Greece? Oakland? Santiago? Zapatista territory?

    just wondering if you know???

    If you are not an "anarcho-capitalist" welcome to APN AlphaEagle
  19. AlphaEagle

    AlphaEagle Member Forum Member




    Mar 18, 2013
    I apologize. I typically employ an undogmatic/bias-free vocabulary, without acknowledging that this is both uncommon and confusing for others (as in: not me). Capitalism in a "marxist context" (which is I believe the most common definition) is indeed hierarchical and oppressive in nature.

    For those wondering, this means that to me, Capitalism is (nothing more then) the -ism of capital. Capital being the (process of) accumulation of money, and relating to monetization. Monetization being the process of defining everything against a currency, and allowing this currency to have intrinsic, independent value. Therein cutting free from a barter system. Thus allowing for more individual direction.

    Again, my apologies. Let's get this thread back on the topic of GMO.

    I consider GMO not to be inherently or fundamentally "bad". This from the reasoning that there is no true "natural state of being", not for plant nor animal (incl. humans). So "acts against nature" are as much a reality as "acts against god." It can however be destructive to human kind, directly by being physically harmful or indirectly by destroying our biotope. Nihilistically speaking, this is not a bad thing either, but then again, nothing really is. This should probabily not become a discussion about existentialism, so I will leave it there and go to bed. I tend to become more wordy as I become more tired.

    THEBLACKNOVA Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Aug 11, 2011
    Theres a short text by Ted Kaczynski called "Hit where it hurts" that might be a good read... :ecouteurs:

    the text "Hit where it hurts" - straight from the anarchist library: http://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/ ... e-it-hurts

    the text is also included in a book called "Technological Slavery: The Collected Writings of Theodore J. Kaczynski" -straight from The Zine Library http://www.zinelibrary.info/technologic ... -unabomber

    Interesting text, it was written and released from behind prison, and it sugests attacking 5 types of industries. It made me laugh when i read this disclaimer in the text: "They must attack the vital organs of the system. Of course, when I use the word “attack,” I am not referring to physical attack but only to legal forms of protest and resistance."

    The text "Hit where it hurts" appears if full in the link to the Anarchist Library and in the book "Technological Slavery: The Collected Writings of Theodore J. Kaczynski" parts of the text "Hit where it hurts" are not included, and it says this: "The rest if "Hit Where it Hurts" is omitted, because it is considered unsuitable for inclusion in this book"... ha it made me laugh, cuz the government thought it was ok to let the text leave the prison but the publisher did not think it was ok to publish it haha just saying :ecouteurs: