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Japanese Gauze - Prank ep

Discussion in 'International anarcho-punk downloads' started by swede, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. swede

    swede Member New Member




    Jan 19, 2010


    Release Date : 1997

    This is the second pressing of this release and it was entirely on black vinyl. These songs were recorded in Oakland, California in 1996 on their tour of the United States. Translations for Japanese track titles: A1: Yama Fukaku Yuki I Mada Tokezu B1: Shinin Ni Kuchinashi B2: Ninpinin B3: Ha O Kuishibare

    Gauze Biography

    A hardcore punk band from Japan.

    The band formed in the fall of 1981 and disbanded on November 26th of 2022.

    Band members: Hiko (2), Fugu (2), Momorin, Shin (9)
    Band ex-members: , Hiro (14), Zazie (2), Ichiro Kato (3)

    Gauze is a hardcore–punk band from Japan. Since their formation in 1981, Gauze has been a major influence in both the Japanese hardcore scene, and the underground hardcore scene around the world. The band's line-up consists of:
    Fugu - Vocals
    Momorin - Guitar
    Shin - Bass
    Hiko - Drums


    Gauze were formed in the Fall of 1981. Many in the “the international DIY scene” recognize Gauze as “the best contemporary hardcore band in the world”.

    The original plan according to Shin the bass player was to play as fast as possible. They attempted to give the impression of playing fast without actually playing fast. The first Gauze recordings are the tracks from the City Rocker compilation LP with features other New Wave bands and Gauze doing 10 songs. They covered Discharge’s “No TV Sketch”, but the song title is “Anti-Machine”. They released 1984's Fuckheads LP on ADK records.

    Equalizing Distort was released in 1986[citation needed]. They released the Genkai Wa Doko Da (“What’s the Limit?”) LP in 1989, and in 1991 they played a 10th Anniversary gig, where they played three sets covering the 3 periods they had gone through in the last 10 years. They played 51 songs over these 3 sets. In 1996, they began a US tour, though it lasted just three shows - a fourth was scheduled, but was cancelld. They played at Gilman St. in Berkeley, at the Bomb Shelter in Minneapolis and in Chicago at the Fireside Bowl. They also recorded songs for a 7” that came out on Prank a little after this, while they were in SF.

    Their 12” Kao O Aratte Denaoshite Koi was released in 1997 (translated as “Go wash your face and come back” - a Japanese expression used after someone is physically beaten by someone else).


    FUCKHEADS LP 12" (1984)
    Equalizing Distort LP 12" (1986)
    限界は何処だ (Genkai Wa Doko Da) LP 12" (1989)
    Low Charge 7" EP (1996) on Prank Records
    面を洗って出直して来い (Kao O Aratte Denaoshite Koi) (1997)
    貧乏ゆすりのリズムに乗って (Binbou Yusuri No Rizumu Ni Notte) LP 12" (2007)

    Disclaimer: this biography was gathered automatically through an external music database and could be inaccurate. We don't control the information found here.

    Label - Prank

    Hardcore punk label formed in 1995 by former WEGL 91.1 FM radio DJ, Maximum Rock & Roll columnist and reviewer, former 924 Gilman Street booker and long time L=Mordam Records employee a1407428.

    Modeling the label after classic 1980's punk labels like L=Pusmort and l36706, the label focuses not only on its local San Francisco Bay Area punk scene, but also bands from the owner's native Southeast and additional points around the globe.

    In 1995 Prank hosted the first Japanese Hardcore band to tour in the US, a brief mini-tour by A=Assfort which paved the way for multiple tours of Japanese hardcore bands in the US, including one the following year by Japanese punk legends A=Gauze. The next year the band began its association with southerners A=His Hero Is Gone and A=Damad whose dark, low end distorted records for the label helped define "The Prank Sound" associated with the label.

    In 1997 and 1998 Prank hosted two "Prank Fest" festivals in Atlanta, Georgia, showcasing the strong Southeast punk Scene and bands associated with the label. This festival was revised and relocated in 2004 to Austin, Texas.


    Death Side


    The Comes


  2. jazzpunk

    jazzpunk New Member New Member




    Mar 13, 2010