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Blubber Island (anarchist fiction) - 2012 (US)

Discussion in 'Other downloads' started by shizyninja, Aug 30, 2012.

  1. shizyninja

    shizyninja Experienced Member Active Member




    Aug 27, 2012
    Blubber Island is an anarchist fiction written in the style of Gutter Surrealism.

    Using a story that centers around a mysterious dream device with the potential to destroy or re-create the world, Blubber Island juxtaposes bizarre scenarios with metaphysical and philosophical ideals. The inept authority figures, such as the creator of the dream device, are painted in a negative light while the young, homeless teenagers and punk rockers become noble presences in the book.

    For a full book description and download follow this link. This is posted by the author. Feel free to contact me.

