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Returning to the Community, Needing Support, Advice, Anything

Discussion in 'New members introductions' started by anticivpunk, Aug 30, 2015.

  1. anticivpunk

    anticivpunk Member Forum Member




    Aug 30, 2015
    Life can be quite stressful. E-mails can get hacked during periods of escalated social and/or political activity, and during times of trying personal relationships, e-mail accounts can be deactivated, facebook friends can be blocked, ectetera. Good news is that I have a daughter born on August 15th. 2015. The bad news is that her mother is a crazy x-heroine addict (no offense to recovering drug and alcohol users, I have used everything except Acid, Peyote and Heroine. In New York I almost did Heroine, but instead tried to get the guy off of it).

    So here I am, I had to create yet another anarcho-punk.net account. In the past I went by such names as anarchoskin69, buddhapunk36, ectetera, ectetera. I have a name that matches what is tattooed on my knuckles now, which is ANTI-CIV as in an anti-civilizationist anarchist. I have a peace sign on my left hand and an anarchist symbol tattooed on my right hand. I have a few tattoo memorials for my dead father and living mother on my left arm, along with an anarchist black star on my left arm. A tattoo of a dagger going into my bleeding wrist on my right arm. I also have Oi! tattooed on my right shoulder. I have an Against All Authority tattoo above my left knee and the old Anti-Flag symbol tattooed above my right knee. Then there's the Buddhist "Endless Knot" symbol tattooed on my left leg with a green Anarchy tattoo on my right ankle. Lastly, I have a Sailor Jerry swallow tattooed on the left side of my neck.

    I create petitions and sign them, but I've also punched cops in the face at large black bloc protests. I've fought neo-nazis in the streets to defend protestors and won. I joined the military and was discharged after 5 1/2 months for depression, but I wrote, sang and played anti-war songs as a teenager. I was in the Air Force Security Forces and at times I tried to create a revolt amongst the troops. A guy in the barracks broke his ankle which wouldn't heal and was getting discharged for depression, so I found my way out. Got sick of hearing about getting that "red mist" and how it was the best feeling in the world. Felt like I had been trained to kill the wrong people, despite me hating the Islamic State, I think there is a lot of support that needs to be given to the anarchists in Rojava in the Middle East. I also think there needs to be a resistance to the Neo-Nazis in Ukraine from the rebel forces there which are allied with the Russians, before that turns into a bad situation. I am an expert shot with a 9MM and M16-A2.

    So my fiancee and I have separated. I have no access to capital and my mother is making me stay in a tent outside until I've been on medication for at least three weeks. I start my first therapy session on September 3rd, and I imagine I get my medication then as well since my fiancee kept my scripts. Her father was in the Navy and is a Patriot extremist. Her younger brother is a neo-confederate extremist. You could call me an anarchist extremist, I suppose.

    Really needing support from an anarchist community, especially an anarcho-punk community. I contacted the people in Rojava who said if I could find money to get a flight to their airport, I could serve amongst their armed forces, which are anarchist. I've yet to contact the rebels in the Ukraine.

    So I'm throwing ideas around now. I had a son with a metalhead in San Antonio, Texas who was half vietnamese and half hispanic. I am no longer in contact with her, but I'm rather sure she's raising our son with her mother, beyond that I do not know. I'm not sure about my daughter, even though she is being raised in the same county that I live in here in Indiana.

    I just need some guidance, advice, emotional support, ectetera. Any human feedback from a community I can trust would be beneficial to me right now. Do I become a father by trying to find work in the area or serve overseas amongst the anarchist in Rojava or the rebel forces in Ukraine against the United States? The United States sees both Rojava and the rebel forces of Ukraine as enemy forces, though.

  2. RememberGlencoe

    RememberGlencoe Experienced Member Experienced member




    May 12, 2014
    hey, welcome! still around?
    sorry, this forum is fucking dead so nobody checks it regularly
  3. anticivpunk

    anticivpunk Member Forum Member




    Aug 30, 2015
    I imagine the lack of communication could be directly related to Crass starting the legal action where most of the albums were withdrawn or made dead links. Fucking Crass, I'll never fucking forgive those sell-out pieces of shit.
  4. RememberGlencoe

    RememberGlencoe Experienced Member Experienced member




    May 12, 2014
    Sounds likely, we're still here for you though.
    How are your kids doing?
  5. anticivpunk

    anticivpunk Member Forum Member




    Aug 30, 2015
    I haven't heard anything about my son in Texas for a long time and doubt I will anytime soon, if ever. Regarding my daughter, I'm experiencing limited contact presently, but let's just say I'm crossing my T's and dotting my i's as I prepare for the very likely court custody battle ahead.
  6. RememberGlencoe

    RememberGlencoe Experienced Member Experienced member




    May 12, 2014
    Good luck to you in the custody legal battle, my friend :)
    let us know if there's any way that we can assist you, punks got punks
  7. nodogs_nomasters

    nodogs_nomasters Experienced Member Experienced member




    Jul 15, 2014
     United States
    Hey! Sorry it's so dead around here. Did you, perchance, go by the screen name "anarchoskinhooligan" (or something like that) a few years ago? If so, I think we had a correspondence for a while when I was in high school. Either way, you've got support from my end, whatever you choose to do. Feel free to PM me or whatever.
  8. anticivpunk

    anticivpunk Member Forum Member




    Aug 30, 2015
    Yeah I thought it was anarchoskin69. Tonight I have some protestor friends I met on the East Coast during 2012 who are picking me up in Northern Indiana, headed out to Cali. I figure if my mom doesn't want the mother of my daughter and I to be a family, and her family don't all like me, that I need to pick up and move on. I just hope my daughter will understand. Not that I'm never coming back, but I think the road is the only place where I can feel like home again, for now.
  9. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Experienced member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    Not really, the albums are back online on another server since a while. Probably most of us are busy with our real lives and stuff. The website is still very active with a lot of users downloading stuff. Looks like people prefer to talk on facebook now. Our other french forums also went down in activity since 2 years

    Good luck and welcome back !
  10. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Experienced member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    Just thought this could be useful:
  11. anticivpunk

    anticivpunk Member Forum Member




    Aug 30, 2015
    Ended up hooking back up with the missus and seeing my daughter again.