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So....this in my intro.

Discussion in 'New members introductions' started by jigsaw-youth, Feb 4, 2010.

  1. jigsaw-youth

    jigsaw-youth Member Forum Member




    Jan 12, 2010
    Heyyyyyyy, Im Emma. I'm from Melbourne, Australia. Im really into feminism, photography (the old school way aka film and chemicals and a darkroom), activism, d.i.y, zines, op-shops, street art, beer, goon and rolling my own ciggies. Im not a vegan or even a vego, Im not in a band and I never hung out at Flinders Station steps like all the other Melbourne hardcore/old skool punk kids did. I mainly listen to riot grrrl/fem punk/shreiky chick bands like Bikini Kill, Bratmobile, Huggy Bear, Blatz, Heavens to Betsy, Pussycat Trash, Skinned Teen, Kleenex/Liliput, Lunachicks, X-Ray Spex, The Distillers, The Gits, Tsunami Bomb, Raooul, Hole, Phantom Pregnancies, Partyline, L7, and I listen to alot of other bands like The Cramps, Beat Happening, Dead Kennedys, Operation Ivy, Misfits, Sonic Youth, Mudhoney, Nirvana, Madness, Billy Bragg, Lydia Lunch, The Birthday Party, Joy Division, etc. I love pretty much anything else thats from the 90's, lo-fi, post-punk, grunge, home recorded, political, feminist, anti religion or just made for the love of music, not greed/fame.

    My music taste and opinion/outlook on the world doesn't appeal to many, and I really don't give a fuck.

  2. jessfive

    jessfive Experienced Member Active Member




    Jan 27, 2010
    Check out Harum Scarum and Contravene. Both female fronted and awesome! Welcome.
  3. Probe

    Probe Experienced Member Uploader Active Member Forum Member




    Jan 30, 2010
    hey! im in Melbourne aus too and like u i find the finders steps kinda fucked up :D ...(are the kids that hang out their even punk? they wear slipkot shirts mostly :D)
    haha anyway welcome aboard!!
  4. dan00a

    dan00a Experienced Member Active Member




    Jan 7, 2010
  5. jigsaw-youth

    jigsaw-youth Member Forum Member




    Jan 12, 2010
    I'll check out those bands indeed! Thanks :)

    Whoooo another melb person. Yeah even the thought of sitting there while waiting for a friend makes me feel slightly ill, I can't bring myself to do it.
    All the kids that hung out there were a bunch of fuckwits, thats all. But I think I may be friends with a few of them...hmm not sure haha.
  6. Probe

    Probe Experienced Member Uploader Active Member Forum Member




    Jan 30, 2010
    in case you didnt know there alot of stuff in here about melbourne and aus and stuff... ...i think
    also i think there gonna make an anarchist newspaper in melb not sure about that though :D
  7. jigsaw-youth

    jigsaw-youth Member Forum Member




    Jan 12, 2010
    Ooooh that would be maddd! Have you ever been to Barricade Books? ts an anarchist bookshop/zine store in northcote or something?
    Ie wanted to check it out out for ages, but I dont go to that side of melb very often.
    Hmmm I'll have to keep looking around to see what other melb things I come across, hopefully some decent bands or something :D
  8. Spider

    Spider Experienced Member Active Member




    Sep 3, 2009
    flinders is a funny one. Started with the melb punks, then the goths took over, then the "emo" kids " (The ones who listen to My Chem and probably don't even know who Sunny Day Real Estate are) and now the cops hang around there and periodically clear the steps of alternative looking folks. I've never been one to hang there but i almost feel compelled to now just to hit the cops with some confusing rhetoric.
  9. punkmar77

    punkmar77 Experienced Member Uploader Active Member




    Nov 13, 2009
     United States
    Your taste is great! except for Op Ivy, Misfits, and Joy Division I love every single band you mention so don't trip potato chip :beer:
  10. dwtcos

    dwtcos Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Oct 22, 2009
    AHHH!! A fellow SY fan on an anarcho-punk board! Woohoo :D
  11. Anxiety69

    Anxiety69 Experienced Member Uploader Active Member Forum Member




    Oct 18, 2009
    Male , 46 years old
    Long Beach CA  United States
    punkmar77, how can you not like joy division?
  12. Probe

    Probe Experienced Member Uploader Active Member Forum Member




    Jan 30, 2010
    haha i dont know the history of those steps but thats kinda interesting :D
    and yea i have heard of that book shop there was a post in here about it getting attacked by skinheads....i was gonna visite there if i can
  13. punkmar77

    punkmar77 Experienced Member Uploader Active Member




    Nov 13, 2009
     United States
    "punkmar77, how can you not like joy division?"

    I dont really hate 'em like I do the Misfits but I'm just neither here nor there about 'em, now Mudhoney on the other hand.....maybe it's just the Irish side of me that finds some English stuff unpalatable :D
  14. jigsaw-youth

    jigsaw-youth Member Forum Member




    Jan 12, 2010
    Whoaaaaa I've missed out on a bit here haha.

    Thanks punkmar77! I never was that big on Joy Division, but then I watched Control. Fkn good movie and you cant help but like them afterwards. Im a alot more into female punk than male, and misfits and stuff like that arent even close to being a fav band, its just a form of (male) punk i listen to, occasionally haha. So you like mudhoney, or not....? Irish ey? Niiiiiiiice.

    dwtcos: YESSSSSSSSSSSS! Sonic Youth, one of my all time favs, and I got to see them live like 2 years ago. Fkn amazingggggg!

    Probe: Oh really, it got attacked? Thats so fucked. I really wanna visit it soon! Let me know if you are actually contemplating going and I'll come!! :D