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Presentation on Punk

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by IamMe, May 20, 2013.

  1. IamMe

    IamMe Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Dec 29, 2012
     United Kingdom
    tomorrow (21st may) im giving a presentation on Punk and society in college (im doing a music course so im linking it in with music) thought id let the community know plus im nervous as hell because i hate talking in public. on my last slide im talking about the future of punk, one point im making is that punk rock has a thriving community on the internet and allows people from all around the world gather there ideas and beliefs in one place and then discuss them with other people, its also a good place to organize events and other such things. HAHAHA most of the people im doing the presentation to are metal heads so there not going to give a shit what im talking about, there going to be sore board, but hopfully i can wake them up by playing MC5 and thhe Sex Pistols. \m/

  2. Rebellious twit

    Rebellious twit Experienced Member Active Member




    Jul 21, 2012

    THEBLACKNOVA Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Aug 11, 2011
    you should drop the name "satan" throughout the presentation and "iron maiden" HAHA

    and some jokes too keep those metal kids awake \m/
  4. IamMe

    IamMe Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Dec 29, 2012
     United Kingdom
    woohoo i done it and i personally thought i done pretty well. found out that punk has actually influenced metal both musically and politically. a lot of metal fans/musicians believe in a lot of the same ideologies as punks. and were both influenced by the new york dolls, if you dont know these guys have a look on you tube. they dont look like punks but the music they play could be considerd punk. I got a performance in june then i offically finish college, FREEDOM (sort of). im playing an acoustick version of big A little a, the gigs in Swansea wales so if any ones in the area during june you should come and watch, it aint a punk gig but thers a wide veriaty of music being played plus its only £3.00 entry.
  5. Rosetta Stoned2

    Rosetta Stoned2 Active Member Forum Member




    Aug 16, 2011
    I was going to suggest maybe you should have played a time line of punk, starting from early punk bands going up into newer punk bands.
    But I realized I'm a day late. Oh well. Hope it went well.
  6. IamMe

    IamMe Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Dec 29, 2012
     United Kingdom
    ye i did have a short time line with clips of diffrent bands from each era i played MC5 kick out the jams, the sex pistols god save the queen and soberbeah by pulley. i also played a clip of pussy riots protest song "mother of god chase putin away" i personally think the music is crap but the meaning is good and real. FREE PUSSy RIOT!!!