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Slc punk 2

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Rebellious twit, Mar 31, 2013.

  1. Rebellious twit

    Rebellious twit Experienced Member Active Member




    Jul 21, 2012
    Alright if you guys havent heard they are making a new sequel to SLC Punk!

    Trailer of the first one:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DILdeHgWF-U

    Anyways the first one wasn't that bad it had a good message and stuff the movie is nothing like the trailer it isn't a comedy film its more of a drama, anyways it was a good movie i think that should just be a stand alone film it ended like it should be it had no open spaces to a sequel but appearently the coperations of the film industry needs more money, in 2014 they said it would be ready now why a bloody sequel? do they want to just cash in and take a big dump on the punk scene and milk some more money out of a great movie and make a poorly made one.

    I would like to hear you point of view on this new sequel

  2. Bananaman

    Bananaman Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Aug 9, 2009
    The first one was awful predictable story baout the american way. The sequal is probably going to be even worse.
  3. Rebellious twit

    Rebellious twit Experienced Member Active Member




    Jul 21, 2012
    Meh, i fear to see that the sequel is nothing but a greedy slap to the face of the fans of the first one which is why i won't bother seeing it.
  4. mrNILEpat

    mrNILEpat Experienced Member Active Member




    Nov 27, 2012
    Okay, I thought slc punk was a kinda funny movie just for fun to watch and stuff. But I hate how it portrays anarchism. It basicly just says how its all violence and chaos. Then they go steal a car and claim that's what's true anarchy is. I really didn't like that part. Other than that I think it was a funny movie. And ya I think the sequel is called "punks dead" but some friends have said its not gonna be real. I guess we'll see in the end .
  5. Rebellious twit

    Rebellious twit Experienced Member Active Member




    Jul 21, 2012
    Yeah i agree that was kinda stupid, but it had a good message about non conformity, remember this movie was made as a parody of the punk scene executed perfectly and how Steve-o and bob are the only"Punks left, but in the end the biggest posers of them all"
    anyways it seems legit.
  6. Rosetta Stoned2

    Rosetta Stoned2 Active Member Forum Member




    Aug 16, 2011
    You guys are so up tight. Sure some of the messages are misleading, and you guys are smart enough to see that past that, but come on the first one was a pretty good, funny, feel good movie. It had it's laughs, some pretty cool scenes, what's not to love?
    Now most sequels do suck, but as most of us say we hate sequels, we'll probably go out and watch it.
    Now with the whole corporations blah blah blah. Sure the movie companies are making this just to make a few bucks and I would feel pretty bad about actually paying to see this movie, so why not just watch it pirated, I know I will. You guys are so angry and up tight on here, just take a chill pill for once. :/
  7. nclpw

    nclpw Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    May 25, 2012
    Its commercial mainstream bullshit, thats whats not to love. And it paints a really unrealistic picture of the scene and the politics/ is a total misrepresentation of the subculture.
    I`ve never really seen a movie about the "scene" that I`ve liked. Besides, no matter how funny it is they always show a dark side to it, I don`t get why they romanticize drugs so much nowadays. I thought punk would have grown out of that heroin phase by now.
  8. Bananaman

    Bananaman Experienced Member Active Member Forum Member




    Aug 9, 2009
    SLC is 101% preducatable Hollywood film, in the end main character grows up and goes on to become a lawyer. In proces fulfiling his sacred duty making his parents and the rest of society happy, ie the film is basically bullshit.

    One of the major flaws of most hollywood stuff is that it is basuically vanila entertainment that doesn't dare do anything truely anti-establishment or dare question the sacred family concept.

    On the other hand there are plently of non Hollywood films that do question the classic family and present stories that question it on more than one level...

    A punk themed movie that really questioned the modern society would be great...

    Or on the other hand if somebody is willing to help me write a good punk themed movie I would totally be up for it. I've git a few good ideas, but any input would be great.