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Phobia - Material Of Utopia [APN]

Discussion in 'Anarcho-Punk music albums downloads' started by Anarcho-Punk.net, Jul 10, 2013.

  1. Anarcho-Punk.net

    Anarcho-Punk.net Experienced Member Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Active Member




    Aug 7, 2009
    .  Canada
    Phobia - Material Of Utopia.zip
    13 files (38.07 MB)
    Phobia - 01 Puppet Master.mp3
    Phobia - 02 Wave A Head.mp3
    Phobia - 03 B 13 F.mp3
    Phobia - 04 Dirty-People.mp3
    Phobia - 05 Q No Guide Wo Katta Boku.mp3
    Phobia - 06 ~If~.mp3
    Phobia - 07 Shiroi Shirikon.mp3
    Phobia - 08 ''Gabyou
    Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2017


    Material Of Utopia
    Release Date : 2001

    5000 copies.

    Phobia Biography

    Band members: 源 依織
    Band ex-members: , Kisui, Eika, KeiT (3), 楓 (3), ルイ (2), Mahiro (3)There is more than one artist with this name:

    1) The most well-known Phobia is an anarcho GRINDCORE band formed in Orange County, California (USA) in 1990. They mix hardcore punk with an early grind sound. Phobia has shared the stage with a diverse mix of bands over the years such as Chaos UK, Grave, Napalm Death, Detestation, Neurosis, Deicide, Final Conflict, Corrupted, Assück, Spazz, Exhumed, Immolation, Disassociate, Darkest Hour, and Mayhem. They released their albums on such labels as Willowtip, Relapse, Deep six & Necropolis/deathvomit.

    2) Phobia is also a name for Japanese Visual indies band, formed by Kaede (bass), KeiT (drums), Eika (guitar) and Kisui (vocals). Lively and vivid, these boys worked the visual scene aggressively from late 1997 until mid 2002. They have their own unusual style - it's a combination of funky and psychotic. Upbeat at all times, sometimes with an edge of cheer, other times hysteria. The correct tag for this band is Phobia.

    3) Phobia was a Postpunk/Goth band from Germany. Bandmembers were: Oliver Mann (vocals), Jörg Egger (bass), Dirk Hauer (drums), Frank Stelnke (guitar). They only released a cassette called "A Piece Of Fear" in 1991.

    4) Phobia is a drum'n'bass DJ & Producer hailing from Newcastle, UK. Releasing on Renegade Hardware, Universal Project & Renegade Recordings.

    5) Phobia is a name used by DJ Crack. DJ Crack is a German hardcore producer who worked for the label Manifold Records.

    6) Phobia was a death metal band from Haugesund, Norway. Formed in 1990 and split up the year after. They only released two demos: "Feverish Convulsions" and "The Last Settlement of Ragnarok". The band consisted of Grutle Kjellson (vocals, bass), Ivar Bjørnson (guitar) and Hein Frode Hansen (drums). After the break-up of the band Ivar and Grutle went on to form the viking metal / black metal band Enslaved, and Hein Frode started the goth metal band Theatre Of Tragedy.

    7) Phobia is a young Norwegian rock band who ode, and do some covers by the folk rock band Gåte.

    8)Phobia is also a hardcore punk band from Bolton, UK which started out in early 1984 and reformed in 2007

    9)Phobia also denotes a producer (DJ) of Psytrance, with at least one release ("Turbulence", on the compilation album Massive Passive) on Tactic Records.

    10)Phobia is a Death/Thrash Metal (early)/Brutal Death Metal (later) band from Purwakarta, West Java, Indonesia.

    11)Phobia is a Black Metal band from Dublin, Ireland.

    12)Phobia is a Death Metal band from Novofedorovka / Saky, Krym, Ukraine.

    13)Phobia is a Thrash Metal/Crossover band from Grenoble, Rhône-Alpes, France.

    14)Phobia is a Thrash Metal band from Auckland, New Zealand.

    15)Phobia is a Death Metal band from Poland.

    Disclaimer: this biography was gathered automatically through an external music database and could be inaccurate. We don't control the information found here.

    Label - Donuts Records West

    Donut's Records West was an independent record company created in 1998, it is currently unknown if it continues to release records.

    This record company was in charge of promoting bands of visual kei indies. that just started in this genre



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    Total Fucking Destruction

    Kill the Client
