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Tutorial: Add a new band or album to our list of bands and our newsletter

Discussion in 'Band promotion & new album releases' started by ungovernable, Mar 10, 2024.

  1. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Experienced member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    This tutorial aims to answer a question that often comes up: how to add a band or an album to the list of bands and be included in the Pirate Punk newsletter?

    How our website works

    Anarcho-Punk.net is made up of a large database of punk bands which feeds several functions of the site:
    The list of bands is built from member-generated content. As soon as at least 2 albums from a band are uploaded to the forum, the band is added to the list.

    The monthly newsletter sends out the latest album releases from the bands on this list. These emails are automatically generated, as is the bands list. The tech team cannot modify the newsletter, nor add bands or albums manually.

    How do I add a new band or album on Anarcho-Punk.net?

    The easiest way to add a new band is to list it on Discogs.com and add 2 albums to the forum.

    Our site functions as a content aggregator with bots that import external content from public databases like Discogs, MusicBrainz, and Last.fm. If the band or album is listed on one of these sites, it will eventually be added on Anarcho-Punk.net, and the latest album releases will be added to the newsletter.

    There is no way to add a band manually other than going through Discogs.

    How to add an album to the newsletter?

    The newsletter is automatically generated from new albums of bands listed on the site. To ensure an album is included, follow these steps
    1. Add the album to Discogs with the image and date
    2. At least 2 albums must have been shared on the forum
    3. Make sure the band is referenced in our bands list
    4. Check that the album is displayed on the Latest Albums Releases page (allow a delay of a few days after adding it to Discogs)
    5. The album will then be included in the next monthly newsletter

    Contribute to Discogs

    Discogs is a user-built discography site. Everyone can contribute and update information as needed, so we can collectively catalog music and other audio releases. In order to start contributing:
    1. You need a user account, if you don't have one, you can sign up here (accounts are free).
    2. The Add Release Form allows you to add releases. This is the main focus of the Database, and is the only way to add new artists and labels.
    Please read the Quick Start Guide for an introduction to submitting, and please check the full guidelines for details. You should ask in the Database Forum if you need help.

    Contributing to Discogs

7 members have read this thread this month

  1. ungovernable
  2. Rune
  3. aint ashamed
  4. Spike one of many
  5. Charger Bullet
  6. sebas
  7. TreyofToday