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Pizzeria Anarchia threatenend by eviction!? Pizza stays!

Discussion in 'Anarchism and radical activism' started by pizzapirat, Jan 28, 2014.

  1. pizzapirat

    pizzapirat Member Forum Member




    Jan 28, 2014

    PizzeriA Anarchia räumungsbedroht! Januar 28, 2014 17:34

    Pizza resists! Shit got real!

    It’s on! Pizzeria Anarchia, a squat in vienna, is in concrete danger of eviction. Our appeal was denied, from the 5th of february an eviction is possible. The court fullfilled its role and decided in favor of private property. We will not accept this verdict and we will make the eviction impossible! For this we need any kind of support.
    Some ideas on how you can help us:
    - Join the weekly and public supporters meeting (every sunday, starting at 5 pm)
    - organize solidarity events
    - we need material of any kind
    - develop your own ideas and share themi
    - Look out for Infos: our blog (pizza.noblogs.org); twitter hashtag #pizzariot

    We already scheduled a demonstration on the 5th of february, starting at 4 pm at the pizzeria. We also hope that many people will come earlier to help us protect the house. On the 7th of february there is a solidarity party at Venster99, more details soon.

    if you have questions you can contact us here:
    Pizza Phone +43 681 81 85 72 81
    E-mail pizzeria (at) riseup (punkt) net
    Blog pizza.noblogs.org
    Mühlfeldgasse 12, 1020 Wien – Mazzes. (Austrija)

    Occupy houses! Live wild and dangerous! We all are going to stay!

    PizzA bleibt! Jetzt erst recht!
    Es ist soweit! Die Pizzeria Anarchia, ein Squat in Wien ist akut räumungsbedroht! Unsere Berufung wurde abgewiesen, ab dem 5. Februar 2014 müssen wir uns auf eine Räumung einstellen. Das Gericht hat seine Aufgabe erfüllt und hat im Sinne des Eigentumsrechtes entschieden. Wir werden dieses Urteil nicht akzeptieren und wir werden eine Räumung verhindern. Dafür brauchen wir jegliche Unterstützung.
    Unsere Ideen wie ihr uns helfen könnt:
    Kommt zu den öffentlichen Unterstützer_innentreffen
    (Jeden Sonntag um 17 Uhr in der Pizzeria Anarchia)
    Informiert Freund_innen nicht nur in Wien
    Verbreitet Flyer und Plakate
    Soli – Aktionen
    Material aller Art
    Bringt eigene Ideen mit …

    Zwei Termine stehen bereits fest: Am 5. Februar findet eine Demonstration von der Pizzeria Anarchia statt, Start 16h. Wir freuen uns den ganzen Tag über support. Am Freitag, 7. Februar, findet im Venster99 eine Soliparty statt, Details folgen.

    Checkt regelmßig unseren Blog, bei Fragen kontaktiert uns unter:
    Pizza Phone +43 681 81 85 72 81
    E-mail pizzeria (at) riseup (punkt) net

    Besetzt Häuser! Lebt wild und gefärlich! Wir bleiben alle!

    from their blog: (pizza.noblogs.org/whoarewe)


  2. pizzapirat

    pizzapirat Member Forum Member




    Jan 28, 2014
    ... sorry if that post turned out too spacious...

  3. pizzapirat

    pizzapirat Member Forum Member




    Jan 28, 2014
    that's how colourful the eviction turned out:

    https://www.youtube.com/embed/a9NcZLURA ... szNiz.dpuf (video taken by a neighbor; 00:13 police can't skate !)

    in numbers: 11 folx arrested (facing charges, tba); 1700 cops rented for appr 1 Milliarde €uro (appr 1.3 mia $), incl ram tank and water cannon
  4. RememberGlencoe

    RememberGlencoe Experienced Member Experienced member




    May 12, 2014
    Shit, I saw that showdown on youtube.
    Here's hoping they don't try to pin the bill on y'all.
  5. pizzapirat

    pizzapirat Member Forum Member




    Jan 28, 2014
    ahaha, they tried to pin the bill on the "project developers" (Castela ag), but didn't work out, cos evictions are a public service free of charge in austria, means "the tax-payer" payed for that field-trip (500 p's in 2 shifts fencing off a whole barrio! first time ever in these parts)

    what they try to pin on the 11 folx inside the house is assault (like throwing things out of the window), and there was talk about a "deadfall trap" in a corridor, dunno if and how they will find someone responsible for that one (if it ever existed)

    the fellows outside (the ones being carried away in the vid) are facing misdemeanor (similar to "platzverbot": "no-go zone"), 3 of them just refused to tell their names and were out in appr 12 hrs, btw
  6. Draintheblood

    Draintheblood Member New Member




    Mar 5, 2015
    You guys put up a fucking fight. That's all that matters. I don't see shit like this in my part of the world... good to know it still goes on in some places.
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