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Check this out! Exploited Thread

Discussion in 'Anarchism and radical activism' started by Extinction, Dec 3, 2009.

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  1. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Experienced member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    Hey i just learnt something really funny

    Two former members of Combat 84 were also part of the exploited

    John Deptford in 1986
    Jim Gray in 1996

    Combat 84 is a shitty RAC band (Rock against communism - a neo-nazi movement started against Rock Against Racism by Skrewdriver) who sing about making a strong state with strongers laws against criminals, they believe in death penality, they are clearly anti-communist and nationalist and their singer is a racist bastard.... They also sing about nuclear weapons, they support the british nuclear deterrent and they sing against the campaigns for nuclear disarmement... They even support the Vietnam War because it was a war against communism..
    After Combat 84 splitted up, their main singer joigned Chelsea Headhunters, a football hooligan club clearly neo-nazi (they support Combat 18 - the armed and most violent section of blood & honour who want to make a war against immigration and kill black people) and they have links with multiple racist organisations, including the National Front
  2. punkmar77

    punkmar77 Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member




    Nov 13, 2009
     United States
    Hmmmmmm imagine that....
  3. KAAOS-82

    KAAOS-82 Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member Forum Member




    Jul 13, 2010
    I think its weird they had records out on the Rock O' Rama label in Germany, heaps of anti-fascist bands have been released on this label such as Bastards and Riistetyt from Finland...
  4. KAAOS-82

    KAAOS-82 Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member Forum Member




    Jul 13, 2010
  5. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Experienced member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    lol this label also published many Skrewdriver albums, including "Blood and Honour" album and Ian Stuart solo project... and there's also many many many other RAC bands.... Public Enemy, Brutal Attack, Snix, Brutal Combat, Lionheart, Bound For Glory, Condemned 84, White American Youth, etc etc etc...

    Actually, the majority of bands from this label are really nasty.

    The only way i could explain the presence of bands like Riistetyt, Appendix, The Skeptix, Bastards, and others is that it was in the first years of the label : BEFORE the label started to release a shitload of RAC and neo-nazi white power bands. After they released this bullshit i didn't find one single non-ambiguous band that was published on Rock'o'rama
  6. KAAOS-82

    KAAOS-82 Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member Forum Member




    Jul 13, 2010
    it is rather odd... after 1984 seems they had white power bands. Theirs so many good bands on their label before that though: Insane, Terveet kadet, Vaurio etc. Speaking of Vaurio:

    "In 1984 Vaurio recorded their only LP, originally titled "Huuto Yöstä", which was licenced to and released by German Rock-O-Rama label in 1985, with the title translated (without our consent) into English as "A Shout from the Night". The record is nevertheless sung completely in Finnish. At that time Rock-O-Rama was not yet the right wing crap label it was later known as. Finnish 1980's hardcore punk was, as you would expect, very much anti-right wing - it just so happened that several Finnish hc bands (including such frontline names as Terveet Kadet and Riistetyt) released through Rock-O-Rama, for reasons probably known only by Propaganda Records which licenced Finnish titles to them. We hope we'll see a reissue of the LP one day."

    Read more: http://www.myspace.com/vaurio#ixzz0w0Jk1rDn
  7. gobbledigook

    gobbledigook Member Forum Member




    Aug 3, 2010
    ungorvernable is right, after 1984 the lable took a really dangerous turn towards right business, and is still using its old "left"-creed to push their shit - the german wikipage is much more detailed...


    http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rock-O-Rama - german version
  8. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Experienced member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    Anyway why the fuck would you care ? You already listen to music by white power neo-nazi, what the fuck does it change if this label is right wing or not.... oh yeah i understand, if you like their music you're not going to fight against it, but if you don't like the music you critize it ?

    you're a big anti-fascist!
  9. KAAOS-82

    KAAOS-82 Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member Forum Member




    Jul 13, 2010
    I have a Rock a Rama Bastards record. does that make me a nazi now does it?
    So you liking conflict means you like Brad Pitt does it?
  10. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Experienced member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    You're putting words in my mouth again. Anybody with a brain can read my previous posts on this topic and understand that i said the first years of the label had nothing to do with far right wing. I'm even the one who made you realize that the label has turned neo nazi because you were too stupid to see it by yourself.

    But now that you realised the label has turned right wing, you seem to be shocked like a virgin.... Why the fuck would you care if a label turns right wing ? I'm sure you would see no problem in buying a record released AFTER they turned right wing since you already support bands where the singer is a known neo-nazi activist. You already support and help to fund neo-nazis so why not a neo-nazi label ?

    BTW, conflict doesn't fund brad pitt, and anyway it's probably only some bullshit rumors you heard over the internet, just like when you say a member from Anarchoi is a meth seller. You don't have anything better to do to find stupid reasons and rumors to trash people, and if you don't find any you will just make up facts (like when you pretend i never went to a protest and i spend my whle days on my computer). Pathetic.
  11. KAAOS-82

    KAAOS-82 Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member Forum Member




    Jul 13, 2010
    Well if you must know I was more concerned with getting the records as I like the bands, I wouldn't have thought to look through the rap sheet of every record label just to find out a member was dodgy or not. I've got better things to do, like listen to the records <3

    Actually... Burzum, that is Varg was not a white supremacist before he was in prison but during his prison sentence. I happen to enjoy his first two releases immensely, the rest not so much. And seeing as an original press of his records could only be bought second hand anyway I hardly see how buying records second hand contributes to whatever label he featured on (and I doubt it was a politically motivated label anyway)

    Your taking this to heart a bit to much, for Colin and his relationship to Brad Pitt:
  12. punkmar77

    punkmar77 Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member




    Nov 13, 2009
     United States
    Resize the image to fit or don't post
  13. KAAOS-82

    KAAOS-82 Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member Forum Member




    Jul 13, 2010
  14. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Experienced member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    That's exactly what the so-called "apolitical" skinheads all over europe and here in canada always say to justify listening to ambiguous bands.

    If you pretend yourself to be an anti-fascist then inform yourself about what the fuck you are supporting before buying an album. Thats exactly how people end up listening to shitty fencewalker bands... if you knew the french oi! scene you'd understand, france is full of so-called "apolitical" skinheads who are hidden nationalists supporting neo nazi friends and they are all on fake apolitical labels like Bords De Seine, Rebelles Européens, etc... That's why you must watch out for those labels or else you will end up with nasty bands in your music collection, and you will end up funding nasty labels

    I don't give a fuck... Skrewdriver first albums were not neo-nazi but this is not a reason to encourage it. Same thing for many many bands.

    the problem with that Vaarg nazi isn't only his label, but the fact that by supporting or buying his albums (even if you dont buy it or buy it second hand you are still encouraging him, especially when you promote and defend him publicly on a forum) but the fact that you are giving him money, and with his money he will release nazi propaganda books and other white power bullshit. Should be very easy to understand if you pretend yourself to be an anti-fascist.
  15. KAAOS-82

    KAAOS-82 Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member Forum Member




    Jul 13, 2010
    I used to be dogmatic like you once.
  16. Protspecd

    Protspecd Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Mar 3, 2010
    You've changed man. You used to be cool. You used to all about the music remember? Now it is all about money! What happened to you man? It is her isn't it? She changed you from what you were.

    *this is were you respond: Shut up man keep her out of this!. They were the old days anyways, people always change, this time for the better. I have a family to support now! What the fuck have you done with your life?

    I have kept my pride and dignity, that's what. Go back to your adoring fans and your fancy cars, I have real music to create.

    *This is the part where you stand in the rain, speechless.

    *I walk off

    *You look down as if you are ashamed

    End of scene.

    Sorry I couldn't help myself.

    Edit: Don't worry though, I haven't finsihed with the cliques yet. You realise your mistake and like come to my studio which is a lot shittier than yours etc and you ask to be back in the band. I am at first untrusting, I say that I dont know if you can play in the band again. You go that you wanna make real music like the old days. I finally give in and say you can come back. After like a massive group smile we begin playing music. Then credits etc...
  17. KAAOS-82

    KAAOS-82 Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member Forum Member




    Jul 13, 2010
    It brought a tear to my eye protspecd :ecouteurs:

    On another note are you going to GBH? They are charging $45, I'm kinda hoping we get on the bill so I dont have to pay, and if we (the band) get a cut of the money I will be reimbursing the punters. 45 bux for a show is extortionate.
  18. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Experienced member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    Hypocrite bastard, you call me a dogmatic and YOU are the elitist dumbass who trash Bakunin for stupid reason, YOU are the elitist bastard who find reason to trash every single anarchist band you don't appreciate (like anarchoi or conflict), etc....

    it's not called dogmatic it's called radically anti-fascist, but you don't even know the definition of that word because you're a poser and NOT an anti-fascist

    wow you are so punk rock

    WOWWWW HEY MAN CONFLICT DUDE MET BRAD PITT I AM GOING TO THROW AWAY MY RECORD COLLECTION OMG SELLOUTS POSER FAKE ANARCHIST !!!!! THEY MET BRAD PITT WHAT A SCANDAL !!!!! And on the other side you can meet nazis and be friends with them, you can even be a nazi yourself but ohhh yeah right that's NOT a reason to stop listening to a band. Taking a picture with brad pitt is more scandalous than being a nazi. KAAOS-82, YOU ARE A FUCKING JOKE. You call me a dogmatic for disliking neo-nazis music but you are dogmatic at the point of trashing a band because the singer has met brad pitt. YOU ARE RIDICULOUS.
  19. Shuei

    Shuei Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Jan 19, 2010
    Hehe, i just got confused for a second - Public Enemy white pride? they are all black! (the rap group)
    But then i saw there were another group called public enemy

    Oh well, i'm off-topic

    The picture with Brad Pitt - Come on! He's the inglorious bastard! What's the fuzz about? Yeah, he's a capitalists movie star, but supporting him doesn't support fascism, and it's not like the guy has stated a lot of racists shit like Mel Gibson. Apart from that, meeting him and taking a picture with him... Come on, i might have done that too if i met a guy as well-known as Brad Pitt, i don't see how it's a big deal that Colin Jerwood has met him.

    I mean, also, if it comes to supporting capitalism, just having a facebook profile is supporting too.

    - If Brad Pitt has been involved in any kinds of fascism i would like to know of course, and it would change matters -
  20. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Experienced member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    Yeah, happenned to me previously :p

    100% agreed
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